Page 13 of Rush

  I feel the first push as the head of his cock enters me, spreading me.

  “You okay?” he checks, his voice sounding strained.

  “Keep going,” I rasp out.

  And he does. Pushing each thick inch inside me until I’m full of him.

  He’s everywhere. In me, on me. And it’s everything I could ever want.

  Big hands grip my hips as he pulls back out and slowly thrusts back in.

  “Harder,” I tell him.

  “I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “You won’t. I need you. Please.”

  His resolve must snap because he pulls out and slams back in. The feel of his cock and the delicious sound and feel of his skin slapping mine have me crying out in ecstasy.

  “More,” I beg.

  And he gives me what I want. He fucks me hard, and it’s primal. The sound of his raw, guttural grunts behind me drives me on.

  “So fucking sexy,” he rasps. “I could fuck you all night.”

  “Yes. Don’t stop.”

  My arms give out on me, my chest lowering to the bed. Ares pushes my ass down, so I’m lying flat on the bed, and he starts to pump in and out of me from behind. The angle is delicious, hitting me right where I need him to.

  Although he doesn’t stay there for long. He pulls out of me, and I’m being turned over and lifted. Up into his kneeling lap.

  “Ride me,” he orders.

  I lower myself down onto his cock. The position putting us face-to-face.

  God, he’s so beautiful.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. His come around my body, grabbing my ass, as I start to ride him.

  His eyes are so intense on mine; it’s hard to look at him, the emotions I’m feeling for this man swirling inside me like a building tornado.

  Needing to break the connection, I close my eyes and kiss him, riding him hard and fast in short, shallow movements. The edge of his dick dragging across my clit.

  “That’s it, baby. Ride me hard.” His hand slaps my ass cheek.

  Fuck, that’s hot.

  Wanting him to do it again, I ride him harder and faster.

  “You like my hands on your ass?” he growls.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  He slaps the other cheek, making me moan.

  “My dirty girl.” He bites my lower lip, sinking his teeth into it before licking away the sting.

  I move, wrapping my legs around his back, and he takes over, grabbing my ass, lifting me on and off his cock, fucking himself with me.

  “Rub your clit,” he tells me. “I want to see you touching yourself.”

  I lower my hand between us and run my fingers over my swollen clit.

  “Fuck yeah, baby, that’s it,” he rumbles. “Get yourself off.” He lowers his head, taking my nipple in his mouth, sucking.

  I’m overwhelmed with sensation. Full of him. With him. Wanting more. Having enough. My mind is a jumble of feelings and emotions.

  “Are you close?” he asks. “I won’t come without you.”

  “Yes,” I pant. “I’m nearly there.”

  I rub myself harder as he continues to fuck me.

  The orgasm hits me just as hard as the other two, making me scream his name.

  Then, I’m moving onto my back, and he’s fucking me hard with his cock and tongue. Owning me. Telling me that I’m his.

  “Ari,” he groans against my mouth. “I’m coming, baby.” His body tenses as the first wave hits him. Hips jerking against mine as he rides his orgasm out inside me.

  We’re both panting, trying to catch our breaths as we come down from the most intense sexual experience I have ever had.

  His lips find mine, softly kissing me. “You okay?”

  “Is that a trick question?” I reply, and he chuckles. “It was…wow, Ares…just…wow. Three orgasms. I didn’t even know that was possible. Seems sober sex is the best sex. Or maybe it’s just sex with you.”

  He brushes my hair back from my face, staring into my eyes. “I’d say both. I’m pretty fucking awesome in the sack.”

  I can’t even argue with him on that. So, I just pinch his ass instead, making him chuckle.

  “But, seriously,” he adds, “I’m really fucking glad that it was me you chose to be with the first time…since getting sober.”

  I lift my head and press my mouth to his. “Me, too.”

  We’re lying in bed after getting cleaned up. Both naked, wrapped up together. How the hell I’m ever going to sleep with him next to me, I’ll never know.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” I press a kiss to his chest.

  “I’m glad I’m here, too. And, just to warn you, it’s highly likely that I’ll wake up during the night, horny, and want to bang you again.”

  “Who needs sleep?” I shrug, and he laughs, giving my ass a squeeze.

  I lay my head on his chest, listening to the gentle thrum of his heart, running my fingers through the hairs on his chest.

  I can’t believe I’m here…that we’re here.

  Especially after the way we started. Hate at first sight—on his part anyway.

  “Can I ask you something?” I lift my head and rest my chin on my hand.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “When did you…change your mind about me? I mean, when did you start to see me in a different light?”

  “You mean, when did I realize that I was into you?”


  “In a way, I always knew. The first time I saw you, I swear, I thought I’d won the fucking lottery. Here was this half-naked chick, soaking wet and bent over, in the locker room—total fantasy moment right there, babe—and then you turned around and knocked me on my ass. You were so the opposite of what I usually went for, but I thought you were the hottest chick I’d ever seen.”

  “Sure you did.” I roll my eyes.

  He grasps my chin in his hand. “Believe it.” Then, he firmly kisses me before letting me go. “You’re hot, Ari. Even when I was being an asshole, I always thought that. I can’t tell you how many times I jerked off in the shower over you.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.” I laugh. Although the thought of him getting off to me in the shower is totally hot.

  “It’s true. Even when I was telling myself I hated you, I was still tugging one out over you. There were all kinds of hate-sex scenarios going on up here.” He taps a finger to his head.

  “We should totally try them out.”

  “Role-play hate sex? I’m down for that.” He grins.

  “So, when did things change for you? Your feelings…about me. I know how you feel about alcoholics…and I’m still one. I guess I just can’t figure out what changed.”

  His expression turns serious. “It was never about you. I was projecting my shit onto you. I hate that I did that.” He runs a hand over his face. “Full disclosure?”


  “My dad’s an alcoholic. Currently sober. It’s the longest he’s lasted. But, after his multiple rehab attempts, I’m not holding my breath.”

  “I figured that you’d been around a drinker. I’m sorry that it’s your dad. That’s…gotta be hard.”

  “Yeah.” He sighs. “He wasn’t always a drinker. Once upon a time, he was a decent dad. Yeah, he liked to have a drink, like the next person. Then, my mom got cancer. After she died, his drinking intensified. He just gave up. So, it was down to Zeus and me to keep things together. Zeus boxed and worked a factory job to earn money. I took care of Lo and Missy. And cleaned up after my dad. It was Zeus who put me through college.”

  “God, I’m so sorry, Ares.”

  I press my hand to his cheek. He takes hold of it and turns his face into my palm, pressing a kiss there.

  But he doesn’t let go of my hand; he holds it in his, resting it on his chest.

  “I hated him for a long time. I guess, in a way, part of me still does. I resent him. My relationship with him is…difficult. I don’t trust him. And I don’t forgive him for letting
us down when we needed him most.”

  “Which is why you don’t trust drunks.”

  His eyes come to mine. “I trust you.”

  My heart swells to the size of Texas.

  “You told me the truth when it mattered, Ari. I know how hard that was for you to come to me and tell me that you’d gone to that bar. My dad…he never would have done that. It was lie after lie with him. That’s why it’s so important to me that you’re always truthful with me.”

  “Even if it’s something you won’t want to hear, I’ll always tell you the truth.” I press a kiss to his knuckles.

  “But, yeah, so because of my shit with my dad…I took offense with you.”

  “I understand that.”

  “But that doesn’t make it right. I projected my bullshit with him onto you. It was wrong of me. And I guess…because I wanted you so badly, but I couldn’t have you…it made me angrier.”

  Knowing that he wanted me for all that time, it’s crazy.

  “Then, after the shit with your dipshit ex, I felt…protective over you. And the more time we spent together, the harder it was to lie to myself. And then, when I saw Luke here…and I thought maybe…” He shakes his head. “I’ve never felt anything like it, Ari. Jealousy, rage. And I don’t get jealous. I’m not that guy. Well, I didn’t think I was…until then. And that’s when I had to stop lying to myself and admit the truth. I was fucking gone for you.”

  My heart skips some seriously happy beats. “If I hadn’t come to see you that day, what do you think would’ve happened?”

  “Honestly? I don’t know. I’m a stubborn bastard. I would have brooded for days about it. Probably been an asshole to everyone. Missy would’ve given me shit about being an ass and called Zeus, and he would’ve come and gotten the truth out of me and talked sense into me. Then, I’d have come crawling to your door.”

  I chuckle. “Zeus sounds like a smart guy.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” He laughs. “But he’s a great fucking brother.”

  “You’re lucky to have them, as they are you. I always wanted siblings, but…” I trail off.

  He moves down the bed, rolling onto his side, putting us face-to-face. “Tell me to mind my own business…but where’s your mom? Coach keeps his personal life pretty private. I honestly didn’t know he had a daughter until the crash happened.”

  I laugh, and it’s not humorous. “I’m not surprised. My dad’s not one to talk about his family. Or, well…me.” I rub a hand over my face. “Full disclosure?”

  “Of course.”

  “My mom is dead. She, um…took her own life. I found her.”

  “Jesus, Ari.” He presses his hand to my cheek, thumb brushing along my cheekbone. “I’m sorry that happened…to you.”

  “She was sick for as long as I could remember…bipolar disorder. My dad couldn’t handle it, so he wasn’t around much. So, it was mostly me and her. When she was up, it was great. But, when she was down…it was hard.

  “I’d been studying for a test at a friend’s the night I found her. Dad was away at a game. She was hanging in their closet.”

  He sucks in a breath, and I close my eyes, hating that I can still see the image of her there.

  “That’s when you started drinking.”

  Nodding, I swallow. “I had my first drink before her funeral. It made things easier, you know.” I blink open my eyes, and the look in his nearly slays me. He cares about me. Really cares. “And, after she was gone, Dad was still never home, and I was alone…and sad…and alcohol helped. I didn’t realize that I actually had a problem until the accident. So, yeah…”

  I don’t realize I’m crying until I feel him brush a tear away with his thumb.

  “He let you down,” he says with understanding.

  I guess both our dads let us down, just went about it in different ways.

  I nod and bite my lip.

  “Your fight with your dad the other day…”

  “Was about you. He…doesn’t like me riding into work with you.”

  “Well, he’s definitely not going to like this then.”

  He raises a brow, and I manage a laugh.

  “Gotta say I’m a bit offended though. I get you’re his daughter, and no man wants to know their little girl is doing the deed with a guy. But I’ve always had a great relationship with your dad.”

  “It’s not me he’s worried about.”

  Ares’s brows pull together with confusion.

  I sigh. “He’s worried that I’ll tarnish your reputation.”

  His frown deepens. “He said that?”

  “Kind of.”

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “No, really…even though I hate it, he actually has a point. My reputation is in the toilet. Yours is…you’re a great guy, Ares. And you’re in the public eye. Being with someone like me will hurt that.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “I’m right, and you know it. If I were a random person, the news of what I did probably would never have come to light. But I’m your coach’s daughter, who was charged with a DUI and spent time in rehab. The press will go after us. It’ll hurt you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You should. It’s your career. I just think…it’s best if we keep this between us for now.”



  “I don’t like lying, and I don’t fucking like secrets.”

  “I know.” I take his face in my hands. “But it needs to be that way—for now.”

  “I’ll talk to your dad. PR can handle it. They’re great at swinging things to fit public image.”

  “My dad doesn’t want me riding in your truck, Ares. Trust me; he will not want this. And I want us to have a chance. Get to know each other properly before other people…start interfering in our relationship.”

  “I don’t like this, Ari.”

  He looks away from me. So, I climb onto him, straddling his body.

  “I don’t either. But I just think it’s the best for now.”

  He stares up at me. “I won’t lie. If someone asks if we’re together, I will tell them yes. And I sure as fuck will be telling my family that you’re mine.”

  “Okay,” I say, agreeing.

  “And, in a few weeks, Ari, we’re telling your dad.”

  “A few weeks,” I agree even though I don’t think it’s nearly enough time for me to figure out how to handle my dad. I haven’t even spoken to him since our fight, except for that text.

  Ignore and pretend shit isn’t happening—that’s how me and my dad coexist.

  “I just don’t want anyone to come between us,” I say quietly.

  He sits up, putting us chest-to-chest, one hand curling around the nape of my neck, holding me. “No one—and I mean, no fucking one, not even your dad—will come between us. I’m crazy about you, babe. That ain’t gonna change.”

  “I’m crazy about you, too,” I whisper.

  “Glad to hear it.” He kisses me deep and hard, his hand fisting into my hair.

  I feel his erection press into my belly.

  “Round two already?” I raise a brow.

  “Definitely…” A kiss. “Ari?”


  “You know that yoga you do?”


  “That means you’re pretty flexible, right?”

  “Uh-huh. Why?”

  A grin spreads across his gorgeous face. “Because we’re about to get adventurous as fuck. Hold on tight, babe.”

  I awake with Ares’s warm, hard body wrapped around mine, making me smile.

  My body is deliciously sore in the way it only can be from sex.

  Especially amazing sex. Some of the things Ares did to me last night…the positions…my cheeks blush at the memories.

  Ares really knows what he’s doing in bed. I maxed out at five orgasms by the time he was done with me.


  I hadn’t even known that was possible.

parently, with him, it is.

  It’s still dark out, so I check the time on my cell. Four sixteen.

  I carefully disentangle myself from Ares, making sure not to wake him. I grab a nightshirt from my drawer, pulling it on, and then make a quick trip to the bathroom. Then, I go into the kitchen and get myself a glass of water, leaning my hip against the counter while I take a sip.

  I have this permanent smile on my face and a warm glow in my chest, and it’s all because of that man sleeping in my bed.

  I wander through my living room and over to the window, looking outside. The street is quiet. Not a soul around.

  Then, I do something that I haven’t done in a while.

  I take a seat on the stool in front of my easel. I put my glass of water down on the table, and I pick up a brush.

  Clean and unused.

  I brush it over the blank canvas, tracing invisible lines, thinking about Ares.

  Him and me together.

  Without conscious thought, I reach for my black oil paint. I squeeze some out onto my palette and sweep my brush through it.

  And then I start painting.

  The room is bright with the morning sun. I can hear the birds outside. The rumble of cars traveling down the street. And I’m still painting.

  I’ve been at it for hours, and it’s starting to take shape already. It’s something new for me. It’s a still, but instead of a solitary person, it’s two people. It’s Ares and me, entwined, making love.

  I’ve never done anything like this before, but I don’t want to stop, for fear that I’ll never start again.

  I’m painting for the first time in seven months, and it feels good.

  I hear movement behind me, and I stop and turn.

  Ares is standing in the doorway, shoulder leaning against the frame, dressed in his boxers, hair ruffled.

  He looks gorgeous.

  “Morning.” I bite down on a smile.

  “You’re painting.”

  “I am.”

  He walks the distance between us, leans down, and presses a sweet kiss to my lips.

  “Apparently, having sex with you was what I needed to get started again.”

  He grins. “My cock is pretty inspirational.”

  I glance down at the bulge in his boxers. “Can’t disagree with that.”