Page 16 of Rush

  “That’s it,” he croons, teeth biting along my jaw and up to my mouth. He takes it in a deep kiss. “Take what I have to give you, baby.”

  One hand tangled in my hair, the other holding my ass, he fucks me hard and desperately, like it’s been a month, not a little over a day since he was last inside me.

  “No more fighting,” he groans.

  “Not unless we get to make up like this.”

  He chuckles low and deep, the sound rippling through me, like the water surrounding me.

  I can feel the muscles in my stomach beginning to tighten. My orgasm not far away.

  “I’m close,” I tell him. “Just keep doing that…right there.”

  His hand squeezes my ass, slightly tilting it, causing his cock to drag along my clit, and I go off like a rocket.

  “Fuck,” he grunts, eyes closed, his forehead pressed to mine. “You’re making me come, babe…”

  His cock jerks inside me as he starts coming.

  We’re both panting, our breaths mingling. My body humming from the orgasm.

  “So, that was a first,” he murmurs.


  “Sex in a pool.”

  “You’ve never done it in a pool before?”

  He pulls back, and narrowed eyes stare into mine. His jaw tight. “No. Have you?”

  “No. But you should see the look on your face right now.”

  “That was mean.” He pokes me in my side, making me squirm and laugh.

  “We should probably get out of here,” I say.

  “Yeah,” he agrees. “Don’t want to push our luck any more than we already have.”

  I pause, my brow rising. “I thought you said no one used the pool during the day.”

  A slow grin slides across his face.

  “You asshole!” I shove at his chest. “Someone could have caught us!”

  “But they didn’t. And, even if they had, it would’ve been worth it.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, agreeing with him. Because pool sex with him is hot as hell.

  He kisses me one last time and then pulls out of me. “Although I should probably let building maintenance know that the pool needs cleaning,” he says as he hoists himself out of the pool, sitting on the side.

  It takes me a second to realize what he means, and then I stare down, realizing that his cum will be leaking out of my body and into the water.

  “Shit,” I groan. “Just don’t tell them why it needs cleaning.”

  “Wasn’t gonna.” He gets to his feet. “I was just going to tell them that my girlfriend had an accident in the pool.” He grins and then saunters over to grab his towel.

  I can’t even bring myself to yell at him because he just called me his girlfriend.

  His girlfriend.

  That’s the first time since we started dating that he’s ever referred to me as that.

  And I now have the biggest, goofiest grin on my face ever.

  I hoist myself out of the pool. My top is dripping wet, so I pull it off over my head and squeeze the excess water out of it. I retrieve my wet skirt and shoes from the floor.

  Ares walks over with a towel and wraps it around my body, securing it with a tuck at my bust. Then, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Ready?” he asks.

  “Yep.” I take my boyfriend’s offered hand and let him lead me out of there, toward the elevator, and down to his apartment.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Ares says kindly.

  We’re standing outside the restaurant on Park Avenue where the taxi just dropped us off, where we’re having dinner with Ares’s family before Missy and Lo go back to their respective colleges. I’m wearing a capped-sleeve lemon dress that’s fitted at the waist and bust and flares out on the skirt, and I have white strappy sandals on that have skyscraper heels. I need to wear them if I’m having dinner with his bunch of supersize humans.

  Missy told me that Cam is tall, too. Five-nine and a former ballet dancer.

  I swear, I’m going to look like a Chihuahua among a bunch of Great Danes.

  “I can’t help it. I’m nervous.” I shift on my feet. “What if Zeus, Cam, and Lo don’t like me?”

  “Why wouldn’t they?”

  “Um, a million reasons. I have a criminal record. I’m a drunk.” I tick off the reasons on my fingers.

  “You’re not a drunk. You had a substance abuse issue, and now, you’re sober.”

  “Semantics. They’re going to think I’m not good enough for you.”

  “Babe, stop. I assure you, they’re going to be wondering what the hell a stunner like you is doing with me. Trust me. And I’m fully expecting for Lo to actually ask that question.”

  “You’re funny.”

  He takes my chin in his hand, tilting my head back, bringing my eyes up to his. “I’m serious. You’re amazing, babe. They’re going to love you.”

  Do you?

  I know it’s only been a short time that we’ve been together, but I’m pretty sure that I’m in love with this guy.

  Okay, I’m not pretty sure. I am sure.

  I’m totally gone for him.

  But I have no clue if he feels the same.

  And no way in hell am I telling him first. I’m just going to wait until he says it…if he ever does.

  God, I hope he does.

  “Where have you gone?” he asks, carefully eyeing me.

  “Nowhere.” I force a smile.

  “Babe…I know we already talked about this…that they serve alcohol here. But, if at any point it’s too much for you, let me know, and we can leave.”

  “I’ll be okay.”

  “I don’t doubt that. But, in the small instance it isn’t—”

  “You’ll be the first I tell.”

  He presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Let’s go inside.”

  He takes my hand and leads me inside the restaurant.

  “Do you have a reservation?” the host asks when we approach.

  “Yes. Under Kincaid,” Ares tells him.

  “The rest of your party is already here.” He smiles. “Follow me.”

  The host leads us to our table, and my stomach is swimming with nerves.

  I see them all seated around the table. Missy is already here, looking gorgeous, as always, in a powder-blue dress. On one side of her is a younger-looking Ares, who has to be Lo—seriously good-looking—and on her other side is a stunning brunette, who I’m guessing is Cam. Next to her is a slighter bigger version of Ares, which can only be Zeus—sweet Lord, he’s handsome but not as handsome as Ares, of course—and next to him is a huge blond guy, who has to be Kaden Scott. Also really good-looking.

  Kaden isn’t family, but he’s as good as to Zeus and Cam, and I know Missy is close to him, too.

  Kaden used to be a boxer until, believe it or not, a boxing match with Zeus Kincaid left Kaden unconscious and in a coma.

  Ares told me how messed up Zeus had been after it happened and how he stepped up and paid for Kaden’s medical bills and rehabilitation.

  They’ve been close ever since.

  “Finally! We’ve been dying of starvation here, waiting for you to show up,” Zeus says to Ares, a lightheartedness to his tone.

  “We’re not even late, dipshit.”

  Zeus chuckles out a deep, rumbling laugh.

  Ares puts his arm around my shoulders, giving me a gentle squeeze. “Ari, this is my older brother, Zeus, and his better half, Cam. That is Kaden Scott, and you know Missy, so I’ll skip her. And the idiot sitting next to her is my younger brother, Lo.”

  “Thanks, man,” Lo says, giving Ares the middle finger.

  “Hi, everyone.” I smile. “It’s great to meet you all.”

  Cam gets to her feet and comes around the table to us. “It’s so good to finally meet you, Ari. We’ve heard so much about you.” Then, she hugs me, kissing my cheek. “You’re right, Ares; she’s gorgeous,” she says to him, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.

  We all take our seats, Ares holdin
g mine out for me, like the gentleman he is.

  The waiter appears. “Can I get you a drink?”

  A glance at the table tells me everyone has already ordered. I notice there’s no alcohol on the table at all.

  Did they not order any for my sake?

  I know Ares doesn’t drink, which is because of his dad, who isn’t here tonight. He avoids all places where they serve alcohol, which I can totally understand.

  I know Missy and Lo had coffee with him earlier, as they were both coming from there to here.

  If they aren’t drinking for my sake, then I feel really touched that they would do that for me. But really embarrassed, too.

  I wish I were a different person for him. A better person. One who could come to a restaurant and order alcohol and not end up in rehab straight afterward.

  “A sparkling water for me,” I say quietly, feeling awkward.

  “And for you, sir?” the waiter asks Ares.

  “Diet Pepsi.”

  Ares takes my hand and squeezes it, as though he can sense my inner turmoil.

  I look at him and offer a smile. It’s forced, but I don’t want him to worry, and I definitely don’t want to spoil his evening.

  “So, I have a question for Ari,” Lo says, pulling my attention from Ares to him. “What exactly are you doing with my thick head of a brother? You do realize, you could do a million times better than him, right? Yeah, yeah, he might be a famous football player, but he’s batting way, way above his average with you. You’re like prime rib steak, and he’s burger—and not even a good burger. He’s like one of those shitty, skinny ones that are made mostly out of water.”

  Lo grins, and a small laugh escapes me.

  I glance at Ares, who raises a brow at me, as though to say, What did I tell you?

  Ares stares across the table at Lo, brow still raised. “And, just out of interest, baby brother, just exactly who fits the prime rib steak category that would be good enough for my girl?” Ares’s arm comes around the back of my chair.

  Lo leans back in his seat and puffs out his chest. “Well, me, of course.”

  He shrugs, and everyone at the table bursts out laughing.

  Me included.

  And, just like that, my somber thoughts are gone, replaced with happiness.

  “I had such a good time tonight,” I tell Ares as he unlocks his apartment door, letting us in. “Your family is amazing.”

  “Yeah, they’re pretty great,” he says, locking up behind us.

  Missy and Lo are both staying at Zeus and Cam’s tonight, so they can spend some time with the kids before they go back to college.

  “Although I think I’m going to have to watch my little brother around you,” Ares says, coming over as I take my shoes off.

  My feet press on the cool floor, and I almost moan with relief. High heels are a killer. “Don’t be silly,” I tell him. “Lo was just winding you up.”

  “Yeah, well, it worked.” He wraps his arms around me and presses a kiss to my forehead. “You’re mine.”

  “And you’re mine,” I say on a yawn.

  “Am I boring you?” He chuckles.

  “Never. Just too much food.”

  I stuffed myself. The food was amazing. Almost as good as the company.

  I swear, I’m in love with his family. They are awesome. Watching them interact, it was how I imagined it would’ve been for me if I’d had a brother or sister.

  “Bed?” he asks.

  I nod on another yawn.

  He toes his shoes off and then leads me through his apartment, turning off lights as he goes, heading to his bedroom.

  I brought an overnight bag here with me earlier, as we decided we’d stay at his place tonight. So, I grab my wash bag and toothbrush.

  We brush our teeth, side by side. Then, Ares disappears into the bedroom while I remove my makeup.

  When I’m finished, I flick off the bathroom light, and on tired feet, I pad into his bedroom. Ares is already in bed, sitting up, chest bare, and I know he’ll be naked beneath the covers, as he doesn’t wear a stitch in bed. He’s reading something on his phone; knowing him, it’s probably the latest sports news. The lamp next to his bed is illuminating the room for me.

  I remove my dress, laying it on the chair, and then take off my bra, leaving me in my panties. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk over to his dresser, grab one of his football jerseys, and put it on.

  I could wear my own pajamas. But I like to wear his shirts.

  And I know he likes to see me in them.

  I climb into bed next to him, snuggling close, feeling drowsy already.

  He puts his phone down and turns off the light. He scoots down, putting his arm around me, holding me close. Soft lips meet mine. “Night, babe.”

  “Night,” I murmur.

  Then, it’s lights out.

  I wake slowly, rousing to the feel of velvet lips pressing kisses to my inner thigh.

  A hot tongue runs up my center, making me gasp. My hands reach down, running through Ares’s silky hair. He moves up my body, pressing kisses as he goes, his hand pushing his jersey up my body. I lift my arms, and he pulls it off over my head.

  “I like you in my jersey,” he says, voice low in the dark.

  I smile. “I know.”

  “But I like you better out of it.”

  “I know that, too.”

  His lips meet mine in a gentle kiss. I can feel his erection, hot against my thigh.

  His hand comes up, covering my breast, thumb brushing over my nipple, making my hips jerk up.

  “I want you,” I whisper.

  His hips circle, cockhead rubbing over me. Then, he slowly pushes inside me.

  I’ll never get used to the feeling. The euphoric sensation of him filling me so completely.

  When he’s seated to the hilt, he stays there, unmoving, eyes staring down at me in the dark.

  I can feel the fast beat of his heart thrumming through his chest into mine.

  “Ari…” My name is like a whispered plea on his lips. “I…” A kiss. “I’m…crazy about you.”

  “Back at ya, babe,” I tell him, sifting my fingers through his hair.

  “And I…” A deep breath. “I think you should leave some things here, like a toothbrush.”


  Another kiss.

  “A toothbrush?” I murmur.

  “For when you stay over. And I’ll leave one at yours.”

  “Okay…but are we actually talking about toothbrushes while your dick is inside me?”

  He chuckles. “Sorry.”

  He shifts his hips, withdrawing to the tip, and then pushes back inside, hitting me right in that sweet spot.

  My legs come up around his hips, my eyes closing, while I revel in the feel of him inside me.

  “Maybe a drawer, too,” he says.

  I pop an eye open. “A drawer?”

  “For your stuff, to keep it in,” he explains.


  “And I’ll have one at yours.”

  “Okay…” I repeat, dragging out the word. Then, I squeeze his ass with my feet to urge him to start moving.

  “Maybe a key, too. For here. And I can have one to your place. Or is that too soon?”

  “It’s fine.” I push up onto my elbows, bringing my face close to his. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…you’re not usually this much of a conversationalist in bed, except for the odd command, like, ‘Suck it harder,’ or heated praise of, ‘Fuck that’s good, babe.’”

  I laugh, but he doesn’t.

  And that worries me. “Ares…is everything okay? Me and you are…”

  “Fine. Better than fine. I just realized something, is all.”


  “I love you. I’m in love with you. You were lying there, sleeping, and I was watching you—in a non-creepy way. And it just hit me. That I fucking love you.”

  My heart has stilled in my ches

  He loves me.

  “You love me?”

  “Apparently so.”

  Then, I smile big. “It’s a good thing that I love you, too, then, or this would be awkward as hell.”

  “You love me?”

  I press a kiss to his lips. “Yeah, I do. Madly, deeply, head over heels in love with you.”

  His hand goes to the back of my head, fingers threading into the strands of my hair. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.”

  “Fuck, that’s hot. You’re making me harder, babe.”

  “So, fuck me then and finish what you started.”

  “Finish?” He chuckles a low, dark, sexy sound. “Babe, that word isn’t even in my vocab when it comes to you.” Then, he kisses me hard with his mouth and makes love to me with his cock for the rest of the night.

  It’s amazing how life can change in the blink of an eye. One blink, and my hedonistic lifestyle—the one I was so sure that I loved—came crashing down around me, bringing me to a new reality. A clean, sober reality. But also a lonely, empty reality. Then, one person came along and changed everything so very completely again.

  One kiss changed everything.

  Now, my life is full and happy because of Ares.

  Nights that I used to spend with Netflix, feeling lonely, are now spent with him. Sometimes, Netflix joins us. Sometimes, we just chill.

  I’ve never been this happy. Ever.

  I adore him. Love him…

  And, best of all, he loves me.

  Baggage and all.

  Life with Ares is amazing. I’m loving every second of it.

  My relationship with my dad is also better than it was. I’m not going to say it’s fixed because it’s not. But it’s better.

  I’m still going to AA regularly. I still see Luke.

  But I haven’t had to call him since that one episode in the bar.

  The urge to drink will always be there.

  But, now, I have more in my life to lose, and it makes me work harder to never drink again.

  That is why I feel confident, going alone to this silent charity auction, which my dad asked me to attend on his behalf because the team is at an away game—meaning Ares is away. If I wasn’t here, I’d only be sitting at home, missing him. At least this keeps me busy and kills the hours until he’s home tomorrow.