Page 21 of Rush

“Me, too.” I grin at him.

  I serve the ice cream into the three bowls that he’s laid out for us, and we carry them through to the dining table. I’ve just sat down, ready to resume our card game, when my cell starts to ring on the table.

  I glance down at the number, not recognizing it. I hesitate for a moment, deciding whether or not to answer it, and then pick it up, connecting the call.




  “It’s Officer Knight. I just wanted to call and let you know that Leo Parsons was assaulted last night.”

  “He was?” I say, surprised. “I’d say I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m not.”

  “I didn’t think you would be.” Her tone is so even that I can’t tell where she’s going with this. “A couple of guys broke his nose and a couple of his ribs. Bruised him up pretty bad,” she adds. “There were no witnesses, and he couldn’t identify the perpetrators.”

  “Okay…but why are you telling me this?”

  “I just thought…all things considering, this might be something you’d want to know.”

  I finally hear the inflection in her voice, and I smile.

  “Well, I appreciate you calling to tell me.”

  “No problem. I’m just sorry there wasn’t anything more I could do regarding your case.”

  “That’s okay,” I tell her. “I understand.”

  “Well, that was all I called to say. You have a good night now.”

  “I will. You, too.”

  I hang up my cell, placing it back down on the table.

  “Who was that?” Ares asks.

  “The cop who dealt with my complaint. She called to tell me that Leo was assaulted last night. Broke his nose and a couple of ribs. Beat him up pretty bad.”

  Neither of them says a word.

  And, suddenly, the silence at the table is deafening.

  My eyes move from Ares to my dad and down to my dad’s cut-up hand.

  Then, they fly up to his eyes, and everything I need to know is written there.

  A lump appears in my throat.

  I don’t condone violence, but…he did that for me. He went there and kicked the shit out of the guy who had drugged me and hurt me because…my dad loves me.

  It might not be the ideal way to show your love to someone. But it’s my dad’s way.

  “Dad…did you…beat up Leo Parsons?”

  His eyes slide to Ares and then back to me. Then, he shrugs. “Yes. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat. After what he did to you, the little bastard is lucky that I didn’t kill him. And you know what I found in his pocket? A bag of those fucking pills that he probably planned on using on someone else.”

  I gape at him in disbelief, emotion swimming inside me. “You could’ve gotten in trouble, Dad.”

  “He needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “Hang on. She said it was a couple of guys.” My eyes swing to Ares. “Ares?”


  “Did you go with my dad and beat up Leo Parsons?”

  He glances at my dad before looking back at me. “You want the truth?”


  “Of course I did.”

  “But…we weren’t even together then.”

  “So?” He shrugs. “That fucker hurt you. So, I hurt him. Multiple times.”

  I stare at them both, filled with so much love for them that I could burst. They risked so much for me. My dad would’ve been fired without a doubt and quite likely prosecuted. Same for Ares. He would have probably lost his contract and been prosecuted.

  My lip starts to tremble.

  “I-I…thank you. Both. So much.” I know I’m thanking them for kicking Leo’s ass, but I don’t know what else to say.

  “Don’t thank me,” my dad says roughly. I can hear emotion thick in his voice. “I’m your dad. That’s what dads do.” He shoves his chair out. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  He strides out of the room, and I stare after him.

  “You do know that Coach is going in there to bawl his eyes out.” Ares chuckles softly.

  “My dad doesn’t cry.”

  Ares grabs me and pulls me from my chair and onto his lap, his big hand cupping the nape of my neck. “News flash: men cry, babe.”

  “Did you cry over me?” I ask teasingly.

  “A fucking river.” He stares at me, and I gulp at the seriousness in his eyes.

  I look at the door my dad just went through. “Do you think I should go check on him?”

  “No.” He laughs. “Give him a minute. Let him keep his man card.”

  “Okay. I just…I can’t believe you both did that. Kicked Leo’s ass like that…for me.”

  “Full disclosure?” he says, still staring into my eyes.


  “Believe it. Because there isn’t a single thing that I wouldn’t do for you, Ari. I fucking love you.”

  I press my lips to his, kissing him. “I love you, too.”

  Today is Zeus and Cam’s wedding day. We’re in Port Washington to celebrate with them. The wedding is being held in the back garden of their home.

  It’s a small and intimate wedding, close friends and family only.

  The garden is private and secluded. It’s also huge with woodlands at the back. There’s a tent set up over to the right, where the reception will take place. And the section where the wedding will actually take place is adorned with flowers, hanging lanterns, and fairy lights.

  It all looks beautiful.

  There are seats on either side of the makeshift aisle leading up to the altar where Zeus is standing in a traditional tuxedo, waiting for his bride. Ares and Lo are at his side, both in tuxes.

  Ares looks incredibly handsome. I rarely see him in a suit, but when I do, it makes my hormones go all kinds of crazy.

  I’m wearing an off-the-shoulder dusky-pink satin dress with an organza skirt with leaf and flower details on it, teamed with pale pink heeled sandals on my feet.

  I’m seated up front on the right, going with traditional etiquette, with the groom’s side being seated here. Cam’s friends and family are over on the left. There aren’t tons of people here. But that’s how they wanted it. Only the people who matter are here, and I’m proud to be one of those people. Kaden is sitting next to me, smart and handsome in a navy-blue suit. Next to him is Ares’s dad Brett. He’s a big guy. I can see where they all get their size. But they don’t look like him. I’ve seen pictures of their mom, Grace, and they all look like her. She was incredibly beautiful.

  I’ve gotten to know Brett a little better in the time Ares and I have been together. He’s a good man who made a lot of mistakes, but he doesn’t know how to make up for them. He reminds me a lot of my dad in that respect.

  And, in some ways, Brett reminds me of myself—in the difficulty he has with alcohol. I understand that about him, which is something Ares never will. Only someone who has to deal with the addiction on a daily basis will understand.

  I don’t understand how he could’ve chosen alcohol over his children. I know for sure that is one thing I would never do.

  Brett is still sober, and this is the longest stretch. I think he’s in it for the long haul, like me. And, even though he’s sober and trying, his relationship with Ares is still difficult. But I think it always will be. Because Ares can’t find it in him to forgive him for failing them when they all needed him, and I do understand that.

  Although I do forgive my dad for letting me down. My relationship with him is getting stronger each day. We’ve talked a lot. Mostly me about how I felt about his failings when I was younger. He’s listened. And he’s working on making up for it. Being a better father to me. There’s no magic fix, but we’re a hell of a lot closer than we once were.

  I guess, in a not-so-nice way, what happened with Leo, was the catalyst to finally make my dad start talking to me, opening up.

  Speaking of Leo, the police never did catch the people who beat his ass
that night.

  I heard he left New York and moved to San Francisco for a job there.

  He didn’t have much of a career left here. My dad froze him out of the press for the Giants, and my dad knows all of the other teams’ coaches. After a few words in people’s ears, Leo was blocked out of their press access, too.

  I can’t say I was sorry to see the lying, deceptive scumbag leave New York.

  And I’m still sober, if you were wondering. I got my one-year chip a while back. I’m hoping to be a sponsor one day. Luke continues to be my sponsor, and I see him on the regular and go to weekly AA meetings. I still need Luke’s support as my sponsor and friend. He and Ares get along really well, too, which is great.

  I still have moments from time to time where I think I need a drink, although not as often as they once used to be.

  And Ares is there for every single one.

  He’s my rock. My strength.

  I look at him and remember all the reasons I don’t want to drink. All the reasons I need to stay sober.

  I had my gallery showing, and it was a huge success. Ares insisted that we display our painting. So, I did. Of course, it wasn’t for sale, as it already had an owner. But it was right to see it there among my other paintings.

  Moira was thrilled to see it hanging with my other art.

  Everyone came that night to support me. Ares and my dad were there along with Missy, Lo, Zeus, Cam, and Kaden. Every member of the Giants team, including players and staff. Mary, my dad’s PA, came along with her husband, Ted.

  Dec was there. It was because of him I had a place in the gallery. And there were all the industry insiders that Moira had invited.

  I sold out of every painting that night.

  Ares and I celebrated afterward in bed.

  It was a really, really good night.

  I’ve had two more gallery showings since then. Both equally as successful. I’m more and more in demand, meaning I’ve had to reduce my time on the shop floor at the gallery to spend more time painting.

  Although I’m still painting out of my apartment. I could really do with a studio.

  Music starts to play—an acoustic version of Rihanna’s “Umbrella.” Everyone stands and turns to watch the bride come down the aisle.

  First down the aisle is Gigi; she’s holding Thea’s hand, who just recently started walking. They both look gorgeous. Just like their mom. They have on bridesmaid dresses in a striking shade of blue. The color reminds me of Ares’s eyes. The Kincaid eyes.

  Gigi and Thea both have those striking blue eyes, and then I realize that Cam must have matched the color of the dresses to their eyes.

  I can understand wanting to do that. I love Ares’s eyes. In a non-creepy way, of course.

  Missy follows behind them, wearing the same color dress as the girls.

  She catches my eyes and smiles at me. She graduated from Dartmouth and is in New York permanently. It’s good to have her home. We’ve gotten even closer over time. She’s like the sister I never had and always wanted.

  I hear a sharp intake of breath and glance at Kaden next to me.

  He’s staring at Missy. A look of unmistakable longing in his eyes.

  A look I’ve seen on him a few times when she’s around.

  He thinks no one notices, but I have.

  I’ve also noticed the looks that Missy gives to him when she thinks that no one else is watching.

  I’ve tried to subtly ask her if she’s interested in him, but she never gives anything away. She’s quiet on the matter, and that is not like Missy at all.

  And that tells me everything I need to know.

  I just wonder, if they like each other, why the hell are they not together?

  But then the same thing could have been said about Ares and me in the beginning. So, I’m no one to talk.

  Then, Cam appears with her mom at her side.

  Cam’s mom is actually her aunt, but she raised Cam since she was a small child. I love Aunt Elle. She’s a badass cop. Running a department at the station. Cool as hell. She even offered to look into the Leo thing for me, but I thanked her and told her not to worry. I was leaving it in the past where it belonged.

  But, honestly, I was more concerned that what my dad and Ares had done that night could come to light.

  Cam and Elle walk down the aisle. Cam’s dress is stunning. Simply elegant. It’s an A-line, V-neck, sleeveless ivory tulle dress sprinkled with diamantes, followed by a sweeping train. Her hair is flowing down her back, curled, strands of hair pinned up with diamante pins. She looks like a princess.

  Next to her, Elle is wearing a pale gray three-piece pantsuit with a lace jacket. And the proud look on her face is everything.

  I turn and look at Zeus as he watches his bride walk toward him.

  I’ve never seen a man look more in love than he does right now.

  Gigi is at his side, and Thea is in his arms.

  When Cam and Elle reach him, he takes Cam’s face in his hand and kisses her. Then, he leans over and kisses Elle’s cheek.

  Elle and Cam hug before Elle goes to take her seat.

  Zeus hands Thea off to Ares, who holds her in his arms, and my ovaries do a flip-flop. They do every time I see him with those girls.

  The ceremony went off without a hitch. It was perfect and beautiful. And I was crying by the time they were pronounced man and wife.

  After that, we all walked over to the lake across from the house and released Chinese lanterns. It was so romantic.

  Then, it was time for photos and onto the reception.

  It’s early evening now, and the speeches and toasts have been done, food has been consumed, and everyone is on the makeshift dance floor.

  Me and Ares included. We’re dancing with Gigi. He’s carrying her, perched on his hip, one arm around my waist, and I’m holding Gigi’s hand.

  And my ovaries are heading into serious overdrive.

  “When are you and Uncle Ares getting married, Aunt Ari?”

  Gigi has recently taken to calling me Aunt Ari, which I kind of love. Okay, I love it a lot.

  But her question makes me choke a bit.

  Ares chuckles as I make a strangled sound in my throat.

  “Um…uh…well, I’m not sure, Gigi. One day, maybe.”

  I see Ares’s eyebrows go up, and I worry that I’ve said the wrong thing. It’s not like we’ve discussed anything close to marriage before.

  “Can I be a bridesmaid when you get married to Uncle Ares?”

  “Uh…well…” I’m faltering. “If I get married to your uncle Ares, then you can definitely be a bridesmaid,” I tell her, gently tapping her nose with my index finger.

  She giggles, making me smile.

  “Gigi girl”—Missy comes dancing over, taking Gigi from Ares—“time to dance with me. Thea just ditched me to go dance with your uncle Lo. I mean, really? What’s that all about? And I’m left, looking like a loser out there, on my own on the dance floor.”

  “Nothing new there.” Ares chuckles low.

  Missy covertly flips him off, and he laughs again.

  “Of course I’ll dance with you, Aunt Missy!”

  Gigi leads Missy off into the middle of the dance floor, and they get their groove on. At the age of six, Gigi is by far a better dancer than Missy. She’s definitely got her mother’s talent for dancing. For Missy…talent isn’t exactly the word I’d use for her form of dancing.

  I laugh silently to myself.

  “So…what exactly did you mean by, if?” Ares’s deep voice brings my eyes back to his.


  He slides his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

  “You said, if you get married to me. I didn’t realize that was up for debate.”

  “I didn’t realize it was a forgone conclusion.”

  His brow rises. “Full disclosure?”

  My lips curve into a smile. “Always.”

  “It’s happening, babe. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or next week. But i
t will be happening. I’ll be getting down on one knee and asking you to be mine forever.”

  My breath hitches. “I’m already yours.”

  “Well, call me old-fashioned, but I want it to be official. I want my ring on your finger and my kids in your belly.”

  It’s my turn for my brow to rise. “We’re having kids?”

  “At least four,” he tells me.

  “Four?” I almost yell, my eyes going wide. I figured, when the day came that I had kids, I’d have two. One of each.

  “I said, at least four.”

  “Sweet Jesus. What are you working toward, your own football team?”

  “A life, Ari. I’m working toward a life with you.”

  My heart swoops and dives.

  “I want it all with you…marriage, kids, a home—the whole nine yards.”

  I stare up at him, smiling, running my fingers through his hair. “I want that, too. I’m not sure about the number of kids”—I grin—“but I definitely want my life to be with you.”

  “We’ll stick a pin in the number of kids to revisit later, but we’ll keep practicing making them.”

  “Now that, I can agree with.”

  I reach up onto my tiptoes and kiss him. His fingers grip the fabric of my dress at my back, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

  “Move in with me,” he says out of left field.

  I lean back, staring into his eyes, wondering what the hell has gotten into him tonight.

  “Where’s my Ares, and what have you done with him?”

  He chuckles low, and my stomach clenches in the most delicious way. “Just watching Zeus and Cam today…I’ve always known I love you and that I want you, but seeing them today…I want all of this for us, Ari.”

  My lips curve into the biggest smile.

  “We practically live together anyway. Let’s make it official. Move into my apartment. You can keep your place if that makes you feel more secure. Sublet it or whatever. It’s not like you’re going to need it though because I’m not letting you go anywhere ever again. I can turn one of the spare rooms into an art studio for you instead of you working out of that small corner of your living room. What do you say?”

  He’s staring down at me, his eyes so open and warm, filled with love for me, and there’s only one word I want to say.