
  They stood like that for some time, a frozen tableau of forbidden romance, a strange contradiction in every possible way. Nicole wondered if he would kiss her there, in her office, in the dark. She glanced down at his lips that she had just touched for the first time, her fingers burning from the memory of the sensation. Then Bahir stepped away.

  “Get some rest, Nicole, and feel free to come in late tomorrow if you’d like. You’ve done an exceptional job today.”

  Nicole squared her shoulders, taking his cue. Somehow he could so easily navigate the divide between friendship and business. Nicole wasn’t sure if she loved that or hated it.

  “I’ll see you first thing in the morning, Bahir,” she said, striding out of her office.

  “Goodnight, Nicole,” he said to her departing back.

  A few more tears escaped from her eyes as she made the short walk back to her little apartment. Closing the door behind her, she plopped down on the sofa and cried her eyes out, tears leaking through her tight fingertips as she wept into her palms.

  Nicole didn’t really know why she was crying. Was she regretful about her decision? No. The truth was she wanted to marry Bahir, with all her heart.

  Perhaps they were tears of fear. Because deep down, a part of her knew that she would lose her heart to this man. She just hadn’t anticipated that she might lose her family’s trust, as well.


  The next morning Nicole’s eyes were slightly puffy, but she was none the worse for wear. Bahir had put on his professional hat once again, and the two of them went about business as usual, as though nothing had happened the night before. Nicole worked on her ability to shut off her emotions in the face of business, and somehow managed to succeed. The week passed uneventfully as the two of them waited for the deafening silence from the Embassy to clear, granting them passage back to the states and everything that was home to Nicole.

  When Friday arrived, Bahir stood in Nicole’s doorway again.

  “All packed?” he asked, his expression nervous. Of course, no one else would be able to tell that about him. Nicole knew his facial expressions well, because they determined just how heavy her workload would be. To any outside observer, Bahir was his usual calm and collected self, just discussing weekend plans with a subordinate. To Nicole, however, he looked every bit the nervous suitor that he was. It was a little comforting that he could feel nerves about something like this. Nicole certainly did.

  “Not yet. I haven’t really had the time, but I will be ready. When does our flight take off?”

  “Eight AM. We should get there around ten, then have a few hours to prepare and perform the ceremony, then we can be back in Dubai before the day is done. No need to pack more than a day’s worth of clothes, I’d imagine.”

  “All right,” she said. It felt entirely wrong to be discussing their wedding day with so much formality.

  “All right,” Bahir agreed, absentmindedly picking at his fingernails. It was the one tell he didn’t realize he had. Bahir only picked at his nails when he was really nervous. For some reason, Nicole felt a sense of pride about this. She had managed to make one of the most powerful men in the world nervous.

  Not too shabby.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” Nicole said dismissively. It was the first time she’d ever been dismissive of him, and not the other way around.

  Bahir didn’t seem to notice the power shift. Rather, he smiled and said, “Until then. Have a good night, Nicole.”

  “And you,” she said, watching his back as he turned from her office and left the building. The man who she would soon come to call her husband.

  “Nicole Al-Jabbar,” she whispered to her empty office. Pulling out a blank notepad, she wrote the name out on it. For some reason, it didn’t feel strange at all. Of course, there was no reason to change her name if she didn’t want to. After all, she would just have to go through all the trouble of changing it back when they got divorced in a few years anyway, right?

  Still, Nicole gazed in wonder at the ink on the paper. What would it be like to change her name, and share it with Bahir? What would it be like if they could have a future together as man and wife, truly? The way he had it planned out, they wouldn’t even get a wedding night. Clearly it was all business. She just had to keep slapping down that corner of her heart that kept hoping for more.

  That night, Nicole packed a small carry-on bag with her white dress from their previous excursion (the only one she had—at least it was white) and her toiletries. It took all of ten minutes to complete, and when she was done, she stared at the bag with wide eyes. In just a few hours’ time there would be no going back. They would be man and wife, and whatever happened would happen.

  Nicole wiped her tired eyes and slid beneath her fluffy comforter, hoping to catch a little sleep before they headed for the airport.

  Her head had barely touched the pillow before she was unconscious. She dreamed of falling and flying, her heart racing in elation and terror.


  Nicole woke up with a start as her alarm beeped violently, penetrating her brain and forcing her to face the day, and whatever came of it.

  Her phone dinged as a text from Bahir came through, indicating that he was waiting in the car out front whenever she was ready to come down.

  She slid into a pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt she’d found after digging through her closet before brushing her teeth and heading down to meet him.

  Bahir had opted to take the limo again, the driver holding open the door to Nicole as he patiently waited for her to get in, which she did, handing the man her bag to store in the trunk. When she slid into the car, Bahir was gazing at her with wide eyes.

  “Good morning,” she said, covering her mouth as she fought to suppress a yawn.

  Bahir took the cue and yawned himself, covering it with his own hand. Nicole noticed he was wearing a nice pair of slacks and polo shirt similar to the outfit he’d worn on their previous excursion.

  “What?” Nicole asked as he continued to stare at her.

  Bahir’s face reddened. Was he…blushing?

  “I’ve just never seen you in jeans before,” he said with a sheepish smile.

  “Sure you have. I must have worn jeans at some point during our time together,” she said, trying to ignore the giddy feeling she got at being able to make him blush. Was he saying he liked seeing her in jeans?

  “I most certainly would have remembered,” he said, and Nicole was struck with doubt.

  “Is this inappropriate? I figured I would dress comfortably, since we’re traveling and this isn’t really a work trip…sort of,” she stammered.

  Bahir shook his head. “Not at all. I just…you look nice,” he said, fumbling slightly over his words.

  They were like a couple of nervous newlyweds. While that wasn’t far off from the reality of the situation, Nicole tried to remind herself that this was a man she could speak with easily. She’d been doing so for ages! Or at least it seemed like ages. Six months really wasn’t all that long to know someone was it? At least, not before tying the knot.

  They stared out the window, occasionally sneaking glances at one another as the limo made its way down already busy city streets toward a small, private airport near the water. When they arrived, the driver held open the door, handing them back their travel bags and bowing as he headed back toward the driver’s seat of the car.

  The airport was a wide, open hangar with a small office for pilots and passengers to check in and wait for their planes to take off. Bahir opened the door for Nicole as they entered the little building, which housed all of three chairs and a desk with an attendant.

  The attendant looked up when they entered, recognized Bahir, and gave him a respectful bow. “Sheikh Al-Jabbar. It’s a pleasure to see you again, sir.”

  Bahir gave the man a winning smile, and Nicole resisted placing a hand on her heart to slow it down. Why had he not had this effect on her until now?

“It’s good to see you, too, Fadel. Is the plane ready?”

  Fadel nodded. “Just about, sir. The pilot is finishing his final testing of the equipment, but he should be in to escort you to the plane very soon. Please feel free to take a seat while you wait. Would you like some coffee?”

  Bahir looked to Nicole, who shook her head. Her stomach was churning with nervousness as it was; there was no need to add acid to the fire there.

  He glanced back to the man behind the desk. “I think we’ll pass for now, thank you Fadel.”

  “Very good, sir,” Fadel said, turning back to his computer screen as Bahir and Nicole each took a seat in the waiting area.

  They sat quietly for a few minutes before the plane’s pilot arrived in a white suit and hat.

  “Sheikh!” the man said, his tone jovial. “How long it has been since we’ve flown together!”

  Bahir stood, smiling at the man as he accepted his strong handshake. “Jamil! How many times do I have to tell you to call me Bahir?” he asked, and the pilot grinned back at him.

  “At least a hundred more, sir. It’s how I was raised, you see.”

  “I do,” Bahir agreed amiably.

  Nicole watched the exchange, bemused. It would seem Bahir wanted a personal level of contact with everyone he worked with. It was always so fascinating to watch him interact with others. He was so confident, so poised. So friendly—at least, when he wanted to be. When a business deal wasn’t going the way he wanted, he could turn cold and calculated. That side of him was the least favorite of hers.

  The pilot turned to Nicole with a bow. “Miss Calvert. It is a pleasure to meet you in person.”

  Nicole smiled at the older gentleman. She’d had pleasant dealings with him on the few occasions when Bahir had needed his private jet to go on an excursion. Usually she just stayed behind at the office, steering the ship in his absence. It was good to put a face to the voice.

  “And you. Thank you for your willingness to fly for us on such short notice.”

  “It’s no trouble at all. Anything for the Sheikh. Now if you are both ready, we can prepare to depart. The weather is perfectly clear, and the island should be beautiful today.”

  Bahir glanced down at Nicole, his eyes intense. “Ready?” he asked.

  He was giving her one last chance to back out. Once they were on that plane, there would be no turning back.

  Nicole gazed into his amber eyes, and nodded.

  She noticed his hand twitch, as though to take hold of hers, but he dropped it before he could. She wished he hadn’t. She could have used some support from her future husband at that moment. Anything to make it feel more like a wedding and less like a business deal.

  Bahir nodded to Jamil, who escorted them to the private plane, sitting proudly on the large tarmac. Jamil took their bags and stored them in a luggage compartment before ushering them inside.

  Nicole had never been inside Bahir’s plane before. She had known luxury since working for him, of course. They had gone to many glittering galas, events and hotels, but for some reason being in a jet with reclining leather seats and rich mahogany surfaces stocked with top-of-the-line liquor took her breath away. It was always interesting catching a glimpse into how the other half lived, but Bahir was on a whole other level. He was the cream of the other half, living on top of the world, looking down. She wondered how she would adapt to this kind of life, if their marriage really became something real.

  Better not to think about it, she told herself. Overthinking killed everything.