Page 15 of Honor Student

Page 15

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  When I returned William was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. I snuggled up mext to him and rubbed his back with my hand. He sat up straight and grabbed my wrist in his hand, his eyes were cold. “Don’t” He hissed. I pulled my hand back and slid to the far end of the couch. ‘I’m sorry” He put his head down.

  “It’s okay. ” I whispered. “You have a lot on your mind. ” He shook his head at my response.

  “I know it’s not fair to you and I am trying, but it is hard for me to get close to people. ” He explained. I nidded, letting him know I understood.

  “I’m here, no matter how long it takes. I’m not going anywhere. ” He looked me in the eye and nodded. “So…what did your lawyer have to say?” I asked, trying to change the subject from us.

  “He doesn’t think I should pay her. He thinks I should give up my job. ” He looked at me sadly.

  “What do you want to do?” I asked, leaning in a little closer to him, trying to resist the urge to touch him.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to give her another fucking dime, but I don’t want to quit my job. She wins either way. ” He threw his hands in the air in defeat.

  We sat silently for a few minutes as he thought over his options. Finally, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. He stood up from the couch and made his way across the room.

  “I’ll get you the fucking money but if I ever see your face again, or if you come near Emma I will fucking kill you. ” I had never seen him so angry but on the surface he was calm. I pulled my knees to my chest and listened to him speak, wishing I could hear the other side of the conversation. He hung up the phone and disappeared into his bedroom, reamerging a few minutes later with his shoes on and a light jacket.

  “Where are we going?” I pushed off the couch and walked towards him.

  “You are staying here. ” I felt my heart sink. He walked towards me and cupped my face in his hands. “ I am going to go pay Abby and get her out of our lives. ” He kissed me on the forehead, pressing his lips hard and lingering for an extra second. “Have you thought anymore about where we are going after graduation?” He asked, catching me off guard. I thought after we had discovered who was threatening William, we wouldn’t need to leave. “What?” His eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

  “You still want to go?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I? Just pick some place warm. I want you naked as much as possible. ” He grinned wickedly and turned to leave. “Don’t answer the door for anyone. ” He warned and locked the door behind him. I sighed and looked around.

  I made my way back to the couch and clicked on the television as I thought of all the different places William and I could go. I realized that after graduation we and I wouldn’t have to hide, at least not after a while. I perked up at the thought of walking with him hand and hand down the street. I had fallen head over heels with him and I wanted to be able to tell the world. I also thought about the two mimllion dollar payment he was making so he could be with me. He could have ended what we had. There was no proof we had ever been together, but instead he was paying his ex so he could continue to see me. My thought broke off as a knock came at the door. I quickly turned off the television and tiptoed over to the kitchen area.

  “I know you’re in there. ” A woman called, irritated. I glanced through the peephole to see Angela, the school secretary on the other side.

  I grabbed my phone and dialed William.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as soon as he answered.

  “Angela is here!” I whispered, walking back into the bedroom to distance myself from the door.

  “Shit. She probably saw my car downstairs and thinks I am avoiding her. ”

  “Your car is downstairs? How did you…”

  “Stephen picked me up. He wanted to go with me for the exchange of money. Just stay inside and be quiet. She will leave soon. ”

  “Okay. What about my car?” I was biting my lip as she knocked again.

  “I moved it before I left. It is parked around the building. Emma, I’m sorry about all of this. ” I could hear the sadness in his voice.

  “No worries” I replied and hung up. I paced the bedroom until the house fell quiet. When I was certain she had left I went back to the kitchen and looked through the peephole. There was no sign of her. I sighed and went back to the couch to watch television.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Shhh…” William whispered as he carried me to his bed. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

  “What time is it?” I asked as I looped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest.

  “Just after three in the morning. ” He replied as he laid me down.

  “How did everything go?” I asked, pulling the covers over me as he got undressed.

  “She has the money. Everything is taken care of. ” He smiled as he crawled onto the bed behind me, his hand resting on my hip. I relaxed my back into him.

  I slept better than ever. The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee. I reached beside me for William, my hands coming up empty. I sat up and stretched before heading off to find him. He was on the phone and put his finger to his lips to motion for me to be quiet. I walked around him and got a cup from the cupboard and poured myself a cup of coffee. The sugar was on the counter in front of him. When I reached for it he slid it further away. I made a face at him and reached again. He pushed it again. I pulled my self onto the counter so my feet barely touched the floor and grabbed the sugar container. William pressed his body up against mine from behind.

  “I’ll call you back. ” He said into the phone and sat it down on the counter. I smiled as his hands glided over me, grabbing my hips and pulling me back into him forcefully. I reached in front of me and gripped the counter’s edge as he peeled my panties off and tossed them aside. He leaned over me so I could feel his breath on my ear. “Don’t let go” He whispered as he pushed himself between my thighs, slowly entering me. He pulled back, rocking his hips painfully slow. I bit my lip and gripped the counter tighter as he teased me. His fingertips dug into my skin as he gripped my hipbones. A small moan escaped my lips. “You like it when I fuck you nice and slow?” His words came out matching the speed of his movements.

  “Yes, sir” I breathed heavily, arching my back in approval. He slid inside me a little further. “Ahh…” I gasped. One of his hands slid up my spine and wrapped in my hair. He tugged back gently as he pushed all the way in. He quickened his pace and I could tell he was close to finishing. “You feel so good inside of me. ” I panted, knowing my words would send him over the edge. I could feel my walls pulsating around him. He moaned, pushing hard against me as we bothe came together. He continued to rock his hips into me as the aftershocks rippled through me. He let go of my hair and I let my face rest against the cold stone countertop as I caught my breath. William stepped back and smacked me hard across my bottom. I screamed and the sudden shot of pain. His fingers slipped between my thighs as he gently rubbed over my wetness. “Mmmmm” I licked my lips and closed my eyes, moving with him. He leaned over me, his teeth biting on my earlobe.

  “This” His fingers slipped inside of me and slid back out, “belongs to me. ” He rubbed in slow circles as I felt my excitement begin to build again.

  “Yes” I moaned, my fingers tightening on the counter’s edge.

  “Say it” One of his fingers dipped back inside of me.

  “It belongs to you. ” I breathed. He laughed a little.

  “Your pussy belongs to me. ” His words melted me like butter. “Say it. ” He slipped a second finger inside of me as he pushed me against the counter.

  “My pussy belongs to you. ” I repeated. I was willing to do anything for him not to stop. He worked my sweet spot with one hand as his fingers worked expertly inside of me. I cried out in pleasure as he pushed me over the edge again.

m pulled on my hips to help me off of the counter. My knees felt weak and I leaned back against the island to steady myself. He smiled at me and handed me my cup of coffee.

  “Sugar is on the counter. ” He smirked and walked to his room.

  I couldn’t help but grin the rest of the day. William was perched on the edge of his desk when I arrived. His eyes followed me but he quickly had to turn his attention to a student who had some questions. Every once and awhile he would glance my way and send my stomach flipping with butterflies. At one point he ran his fingers over his mouth and closed his eyes. I could tell his was still smelling my scent on him. I blushed, looking down at my book in front of me.

  I held my breath as someone knocked on the door. Williams eyes shot up to me before he walked over to see who it was. Angela stood outside of the room and I could tell by his body language that he was not happy. He ran his hands through his hair at least three times during their two minute conversation.

  He re-entered the classroom and picked up in his lecture right where he had left off. I wanted to know what they had discussed but I couldn’t stay after class. People would start to get suspicious and we didn’t need any more people knowing our secret. The day drug on and when it was over I knew I would have to go home for awhile. William and I had drove seperatly so I made my way to my car.

  “Emma!” Becka yelled from across the lot, waving. I smiled and waved back as she ran towards me.

  “Hey!” I said as she finally reached my car.

  “Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?” She frowned.

  “Oh…I’m sorry. My phone has been acting crazy lately. I think I need a new one. ” I lied.

  “No big deal. ” Becka replied. “Claire and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend. ” I bit my lip as I thought of the best way to turn her down without hurting her feelings.

  “I’ll ask my Aunt and let you know. ” I smiled.

  “Sure, call me. ” Becka said and turned to find her car. I slid into my seat as my phone buzzed with a new message. I pulled it out and couldn’t help but smile as ‘William the Conqueror’ scrolled across the screen.

  Where are you headed?

  I thought for a moment about driving straight back to William’s house, but I needed to make an appearance at home.



  I smiled at his words and scanned the parking lot for his car. He was parked several rows away from me.

  My Aunt is going to start asking questions if I don’t show up every once and awhile.

  He didn’t respond for a moment and I strained to see over the rows to his car. Angela stood by his door and they where engaging in a conversation. I put my car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot, making sure I drove by him. I didn’t glance their way as I made my way to the road and headed towards my house.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I was surprised to see my Aunt in the kitchen when I arrived. She said hello but didn’t even look my way. I walked back to my bedroom as my phone vibrated.

  Angela means nothing to me. You know that right?

  I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone on my bed.

  “I’m going to go lay out. ” I called down the hallway.

  “Whatever” My Aunt called back. It hurt how distant her and I had become. When I was younger she was my favorite person in the world next to my mother. After she moved away we barely spoke. She was the spitting image of my mom, but their personalities couldn’t be more different. I slipped out that back door and spread my towel on the grass. The sun was beating down and I yawned, spreading out onto my stomach.

  “You are going to burn that pretty little ass of yours. ”

  I jumped at the sound of William’s voice.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as I flipped over to look at him.

  “You didn’t respond. I got worried. ” He looked genuinly hurt. I rolled my eyes.