Page 17 of Honor Student

Page 17

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “Please, let me in!I’m going to die!” She shrieked. I stepped back. That was awfully dramatic, even for a woman scorn.

  “Go away!” I yelled, trying not to sound scared. “I’m calling the police!” I tried to keep my voice steady. She pounded, rapidly and screamed on last time. After a moment the hallway was silent and I looked into the hole to see if she had left. Suddenly, an eye appeared staring back at me. It wasn’t Angela. I jumped back and put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. I was breathing so hard I thought I would pass out.

  “Are you going to come out or do I have to find my way in?” His voice was menacing and it sent a shiver down my spine. He moved the handle to the door and slammed his body against it a few times, but the lock held. I grabbed my phone and called for William.

  “H-he’s in the building. . I think h-he killed her. . don’t come in here!” I stuttered unable to keep from breaking down.

  “Emma, calm down. Breathe. No one is here. ” My heart lept into my throat. I slammed myself against the door and looked out. William stood, searching the area around the door, finding nothing out of place. Suddenly, the lit space behind him darkened.

  “William!” I screamed. William spun around and the man hit him hard across the cheek. “No!” I yelled, helpless against the door. William recovered and swung hard towards the man. His fist connected and sent him stumbling backwards, but he caught himself just before falling down the staircase. Something caught William’s attention out of view and it was the perfect opportunity for the attacker to strike again. He hit William hard in the stomach causing him to double over and make a gut wrenching moan. William used his elbow to hit him in the ribs. He grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face into his knee. The man swung wildly, blood soaking his face. He connected a few times but William wasn’t about to give up. He kicked out in front of him, his foot landing square on the man’s chest, sending him flying down the steps to the landing below.

  “She’s alive!” William yelled. I could hear him talking quietly off to the side by the steps up to the next floor. I bit my lip as I watched their shadows moving.

  After a few moments, a text vibrated my phone.

  Go to the third floor and wait for me. Don’t make a sound.

  I grabbed my things off the counter and stashed them in a cupboard down below. I rode the elevator upstairs. I sat quietly alone in the dark as blue and red lights flashed through the cracks between the windows and the blackout curtains. After awhile, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I was able to make my way around the floor with out running into anything. I came across some shelving in the very back of the room. I ran my hands over the items, examining them. There were whips and chains and a few items I had never seen before. I felt my cheeks burn as I came across a long smooth object that was silver. I twisted the bottom and it vibrated in my hands, causing me to jump. I sat in back on the shelf and continued to look around as my hand vibrated again. My heart nearly beat out of my chest.

  Come down, unless you want me to come up.

  I smiled. As tempting as it was, ater the night we had I wanted to relax. I hopped in the elevator. When the doors opened, I peaked around to make sure we were alone. William stood alone in the center of his living room. I ran to him, my feet unable to carry me quickly enough to his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he squeezed me tightly, lifting me from the ground. Tears if relief sprung to my eyes.

  “Shhh…” He whispered as he stroked the back of my hair. “It’s over. ” I pulled back from him and cupped his face in my hands. “It’s over. ” He repeated, looking into my eyes. I rested my forehead against his and closed my eyes.

  “I was so worried. ” I whispered, shaking my head. His grip tightened.

  “It was Angela’s husband. The cops took him away. They took it as nothing more than a husband who suspected his wife of cheating. We’re safe now. ” He kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger.

  “She knows” He shook his head. “She doesn’t know who was in here. As far as she knows it was a one night stand and you left before she woke up. ” I took a deep breath.

  “How is she?”

  “they took her to the hospital to do some scans, but she is going to be fine. ” His hand slid up and down my back to comfort me. I didn’t want to leave his arms. He picked me up and carried me to his bed.

  Chapter Thirty

  My knees were shaking as I stepped out in front of the crowd. I flipped my tassle to the other side as my eyes met Williams. He smiled proudly at me and I couldn’t help but grin back at him. My aunt sat just a few rows away and I smiled and nodded in her direction.

  As I stepped off the stage I couldn’t wait to leave. I wanted to run to the closest airport and get as far away from this place as possible. After all that had happened with Angela and her husband, we were due some time to wind down.

  I hugged my friends and stood around having idle chit chat while the man I secretly loved walked by. I couldn’t consentrate on the conversation as he moved behind me, his hand brushing against my bottom.

  “Are you feeling alright?” Claire asked. I glanced up at her, wide eyed. “Are you alright?” she repeated. I laughed nervously.

  “Yea, I guess I’m just in shock that we finally graduated!” My friend’s shrieked around me.

  I mingled with the crowd, making my way to my aunt.

  “I still can’t believe you are going to California with your friends!” Judy rubbed my arm and for a moment she looked sad. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure my friends were still out of earshot. The coast was clear.

  “Yea, We are going to have a great time!” I smiled. She grinned back and pulled me in for a hug. I hesistated before putting my arms around her. I wasn’t sure if she was happy I graduated or happy to be getting rid of me for a few weeks.

  I couldn’t get out of the parking lot fast enough. I drove a few blocks away and pulled into the Pizza Palace parking lot. After about ten minutes, William’s black car pulled in beside me. I beamed from ear to ear as I waited for him. He got out of his car and slipped into the passenger seat of my car. He wrapped his hand in my hair and kissed me hard.

  “God, I love you” He smiled, his forehead against mine. “Are you ready?” I nodded. I couldn’t wait to get away from this place. He smiled and kissed me quickly on the forehead before getting out of the car and retrieving my bags. I got out, locking my doors as I looked around. No one was in sight and I jumped into the passenger side of his car. He smiled, slipping his hand over mine and lacing our fingers together before heading to the airport.

  We arrived in the early afternoon at LAX. I held William’s hand as he pulled me to the baggage claim to collect our belongings. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against him. It was so freeing not having to hide from anyone. After the incident with Angela, he was much more kind. He grabbed our things and we made our way anonymously through the crowd. The only stares we got were from woman shooting William a flirty smile or two.

  As we stepped out into the sun a row of cars lined the street with men holding up signs for their passengers. William ran his hands through his hair and let out a sigh. I followed his eyes to a car sign that read ‘Honor’.

  “Come on” He smiled, pulling me by my hand behind him. The man wearing a black suit smiled and opened my door for me. I politely thanked him and slid inside. The car smelled of leather and made me think of the third floor in at William’s place. I couldn’t help but grin.

  “What?” He asked with a half smile.

  “Nothing. ” He squeezed my hand tighter as we made our way through the busy streets. I couldn’t take my eyes off the million dollar scenery. Huge gates lined the road where mansions set back in from the streets. Tourists stood out front snapping pictures. Everything here was larger than life. “Have you been here before?” I asked, not taking my eyes off the people outside.

/>   “A lot. ” He said with laughter in his voice. I shot him a quick smile as he pulled me into his side. I wrapped my arm around his waist and hugged him tightly. He was in an amazing mood and I was going to take full advantage. There was also something else there. He seemed nervous, which was adorable coming from a man who was so in control. Our car veered off the main road and made a few turns before pulling up to a gate. The driver reached out of his window and punched in a code on the keypad, causing the gate to slide open.

  “Where are we?” I sat up, trying to get a better look but William playfully held me against him. The car circled a huge fountain and came to a stop just outside of a large building. My door opened and I looked to William. “Go ahead. ” He kissed me on the forehead and released me. I stepped out into the balmy air, taking in the view of the spectacular house.

  “This is amazing. ” I said in awe as William joined my side. Huge pillars lined the white porch that was covered in beautiful flowers.

  “Come on” He smiled, taking my hand and pulling me to the door.

  “Our stuff” I motioned back to the car. He made a face at me.

  “It will be brought to us. ” He said with the wave of a hand. We stepped inside and I had to stop to look at my surrounding. The floor was a white marble with a massive chandelier that hung above. Ahead where two massive identical staircases. William smiled at me. “Overwhelming?” He asked and all I could do was nod. “I figured after the last few weeks we could really use a nice vacation. “Come on. I want to show you our room. ” He grinned and made his way to the right staircase. I followed behind him to a door at the top of the steps. He opened it to reveal a room the size of my home. The walls were covered in expensive dark wall papers and massive crown molding. In the center was a giant ornately carved four post bed. I stepped inside and ran my hand over the post.

  “So beautiful” I said as William wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

  “You are the most beautiful thing in this house. ” He kissed my cheek and I couldn’t help but blush. He was being so different. I could only assume that a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders after the arrest of Angela’s husband. He playfully pushed me back on the fluffy blankets that swallowed me whole. I laughed as he fell on top of me, his fingers tracing my jaw. His expression turned serious for a moment and I let out a nervous laugh. He glanced at the wall behind me.

  “What?” I asked, trying to look above my head. He smiled and kissed me quickly.

  “I was just trying to figure out how to tie you to the posts. I laughed as someone cleared their throat behind us. William and I both looked to the doorway.

  “Your belongings, Sir. ” William nodded at the man. “Are you wanting something for lunch?” He asked. William glanced down at me and back to the doorway.

  “No, thank you. We will be going out for lunch. Dinner still at eight?” The man nodded and exited the room. I cocked my head to the side but he just smiled. He slid off of me and held his hand out for mine. I slid my fingers in his and he pulled me effortlessly from the bed. “Hungry?” He asked, wrapping his arms around my back. I realized my stomachh was completely empty.

  “Very” I said, placing my hand on my stomach.

  We changed quickly and made our way to the garage. A small black convertible sat by the entrance.

  “You like?” William asked as he hit a button on his keys. The headlights blinked and the car beeped in response. I smiled and nodded as I slid down into the seat. We made our way across town to a small secluded restauraunt. We sat in the front window, watching the passerbys as they didn’t give us a second glance.

  “I could get used to this. ” I smiled. William’s brow furrowed. “I meant being able to be out in public with you. It’s nice. ” I smiled, putting my hand in his. His face relaxed, but I could tell something was on his mind.