Page 7 of Honor Student

Page 7

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next day I woke up feeling much better than I had the day before. I made my way to the kitchen, getting a large glass of water and some aspirin. My body was a little sore but I did not want to think about why. I gulped them down and walked back the hallway looking for my aunt.

  “Judy?” I called as I tugged my shirt down over my panties to cover myself. I knocked on her door, but there was no response. I rolled my eyes and headed back to the kitchen to find something to eat. A grabbed a carton of eggs from the shelf and decided to make myself an omelet. As the butter melted in the pan, I walked back to my room to retrieve my cell phone. The screen said I had three missed calls. I had forgotten to switch the ringer back on last night after leaving the club. I scrolled through the numbers. Two of the calls were from Becka and one was unknown. I smiled but decided to return the calls after I ate.

  Halfway through cooking my eggs, my phone rang again and someone banged loudly at the front door. I ignored the call and made my way to the living room, straightening my clothes that I had slept in from the night before.

  The banging grew louder and I whipped open the door.

  “William?” I said as Mr. Honor stood on the other side.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes searching mine.

  “I’m fine. ” I said as I walked back into the kitchen to check on my food, leaving the door open for him to follow. “What’s wrong?” He looked like he had not slept at all.

  “Why didn’t you answer my call?” he asked, his worry replaced by anger.

  “I was going to as soon as I ate something. ” I shot back, holding up the spatula. “Why are you here? If my Aunt was home she would call the police!” I pulled out and extra plate and divided the omelet in half, tugging self-consciously at my shirt. I could feel his eyes on me.

  “I parked down the street. Has anyone come by here? Anyone who seemed strange?” he asked vaguely.

  “Only you” I joked and held out a plate. He rolled his eyes and took the food, following me to the table.

  “Why? Is someone looking for me?” I asked and his expression turned hard.

  He ran his fingers through his dark hair and let out a long sigh.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. ” He said, his eyes locking onto mine. My cheeks burnt red and I glanced down at the table, trying to hide my embarrassment. “Look at me. ” He said sternly and I slowly glanced up at him through my eyelashes. He stoked my pink cheek with the back of his hand, sending a rush of pleasure through my body. I bit my lip waiting for him to speak. Without warning, his lips found mine, hungrily. His hand wrapped in my hair, tugging gently.

  “We can’t,” I breathed as his lips trailed down my neck. He spun me around and pushed me face down over the table.

  “You better show me your room before I fuck you right here. ” His words whispered low and deep in my ear as he pulled at my panties. I could not respond. My mind was spinning and all I wanted was to feel his touch. He slipped his finger inside me, pushing me harder against the table.

  “Okay. ” I muttered between panting breaths.

  “Good girl” His breath tickled my ear with each word. I walked back the hallway in a daze, wanting to feel his hands on me again. I was overwhelmed by his forcefulness and the effect he had on me. When we had been together before he struggled to resist our connection but now he had given in to his most primal urges and he was no longer concerned with the consequences. I glanced over my shoulder at him as we reached my doorway.

  Without warning, he lifted me in his arms and carried me inside, kicking the door closed behind him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, relishing every moment he let me touch him. He lay me down on my bed and began to unbutton his shirt. I bit my lip as I watched him undress. He tossed his shirt aside, pulling off his undershirt in one quick motion. His eyes danced over my legs as he undid his belt, and I squirmed underneath his stare. He pulled his belt from his pants and his jeans hung low on his hips, undone.

  “You have no idea the things I want to do to you. ” His words came out slowly as he slid the brown leather belt between his hands. I sat up on the edge of the bed and reached my hand out, rubbing it over his stomach, tracing the muscled that dipped down below his pants. He grinned wickedly down at me as his hands grabbed mine. He pushed me hard back onto the bed, his body coming down on top of mine with enough force to knock the wind out of me. I struggled below him but his weight held me captive beneath him.

  “I like it when you fight. ” His voice was full of wanting and it sent jolts of pleasure down through my body. I sucked in a deep breath and bucked my hips against him. His grip tightened around my wrists, forcing my hands above my head. He grinded his hips into mine and I could not take not being able to touch him. He slipped the belt around my wrists and tightened it. “That’s better. ” He said as his hands trailed down my sides, gripping me at the hips and pulled my down lower on the bed. He flipped me over onto my stomach. My legs hung over the edge. I could hear him shrug off his pants and then his fingers slid along my hips, looping in my panties and pulling the down to my knees that now rested on the floor. His hand came down hard and without warning across my backside, causing me to whimper as I gripped my blanket tightly in my hands. He struck again, harder this time and before I could recover, he forced himself harshly inside of me. I gasped as he leaned over, putting his hand over my mouth to muffle my moans. His body slammed in to mine over and over again. I tensed myself beneath him but he did not slow. He breathed heavily in my ear, and the sound of him enjoying himself made me feel powerful even though I was utterly helpless beneath him. I slipped my tongue passed my lips and ran it along his fingers. His breath caught in his throat and he bit down lightly on my earlobe. His hand relaxed and I slid his finger into my mouth, sucking on it. His thrusting mimicked the movements of my mouth. His free hand wrapped in my hair and he pushed my mouth further. I could feel my walls tightening around him.

  “Emma!” My aunt’s voice echoed back the hallway. William’s hand tightened back over my mouth, keeping me quiet and still beneath him. He slid deeper inside of me, slowly.

  “Shh…” He whispered into my ear. “We will finish this later. You really need to get your own place. ” His weight lifted off me and his hands quickly undid his belt. I lay motionless on my knees, struggling to catch my breath. After he pulled his pants on, he bent over, tugging my panties up my legs as his lips trailed up the back of my thigh. “Go see what she wants before she comes back here. ” I reluctantly pushed myself up, turning around to take in the view of him shirtless. “We will finish this later. ” He smirked and kissed me gently on the cheek. I nodded and left my room, closing the door quietly behind me.

  My aunt was sitting at the table and had begun eating the omelet I had made for William. I sat down across from her and began eating my now cold eggs.

  “Thanks for the breakfast! Do not go getting any ideas that this makes up for your little stunt the other day. I’m still mad as hell at you. ” I rolled my eyes and nodded as I pushed my food around my plate. I was beginning to wonder if I had gotten in over my head with Mr. Honor.

  “What’s wrong?” Judy asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Nothing I just…I was thinking about hanging out with some friends today. ” I lied. She glared at me for a moment before responding.

  “You should get out more. Maybe get a job, help around here a little. It wouldn’t kill you. ” She got up and dumped her plate in the sink, not bothering to rinse it. She wandered into the living room and sat down, turning on the television. “It’s hard work, raising a kid that isn’t yours. ” She yelled over the sound of her show. I got up and rinsed my plate in the sink.

  “I’ll look for a job today. ” I called back and walked back the hallway. I took a deep breath before opening my bedroom door. When I was certain my aunt was still in her chair, I pushe
d it open slowly. The room was empty. I made my way to the window and glanced out but nothing was out of place. I grabbed a pair of old jeans and slid them on as I thought about how close we had come to being caught. William’s life would be ruined by a scandal like this. I grabbed my purse and decided I needed some fresh air.

  “I’m going. ” I said and my aunt’s eyes never left the television. I made my way into the garage. I sat in silence for a moment, deciding if it was even a good idea to call Mr. Honor. I decided to send him a text.

  This is a bad idea.

  I hit send and backed out of the driveway. Before I reached the road, my phone lit up.

  It is too late for that. Are you alone?

  I bit my lip as I thought about how to answer.

  I am in my car.

  I turned right and headed into the parking lot of the grocery store across the highway. My phone lit up again as I put my car in park.

  Where are you?

  The grocery store near my house

  I will be right there.

  I took a deep breath and cranked up the radio. My heart raced as I thought about him, his eyes on mine, his lips. He was not anything as if I thought he would be. He was rough, uncaring and forceful but I could not get enough of him. I was scared I would not be able to stay away from him. He could lose his job. Even though I was an adult, it was still against the rules for us to be together.

  Chapter Fifteen

  William arrived only a few minutes later and I realized he must have been waiting somewhere close by. He got out of his car, staring at me for a long moment. I knew I could not turn back. I felt the fire burning between us and I wanted nothing more than to be with him again.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he slowly walked closer.

  “I’m fine. ” He cupped my face in his hands, kissing me softly on the forehead. Electricity shot between us as he touched me.

  “I’ll get you your things. Wait in my car. ” His jaw clenched as he spoke. I nodded and walked over to his car.

  I turned on the radio as I waited, flipping through the stations to find something upbeat. I settled on an old rock station. I ran my fingers over a dark red rosary that hung from the gearshift. I tried to picture Mr. Honor in a church but it just did not fit. I picked up a small folded paper from the change compartment, glancing out the windshield to make sure he was not coming, before unfolding it.

  I know what you are doing. I will make you pay.

  I gasped aloud. The door to my car slammed and I glanced up to see Mr. Honor walking towards me, my purse in hand. I quickly folded the note and placed it back where I had found it.

  “Find everything?” I asked as he slid the bag in to the back seat.

  He nodded and tucked my hair behind my ear. I swallowed hard wishing he would touch me again. His jaw clenched as he put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

  We rode in silence as we made our way across town. In the daylight, Kippling took on a completely new life. The streets where packed with tourists and retirees who wanted to soak up some warm Florida sun. I stared out the window at the happy families as my stomach panged with jealousy. William placed his hand back on my leg. I was not sure if he meant to comfort me or if he was just claiming me as his territory. I did not care either way. It was nice to be around someone who did not look at me as if I was a puppy that had just been kicked, even though that is exactly how I felt most of the time. The note I had found in the change compartment played over and over in my head. What had Mr. Honor done? Who was after him? I wanted to ask him, but I could not form the words. Too much was happening. I was very self-destructive by nature and I did not want to ruin things for William while my world was continually falling apart.

  We pulled into the factory a few minutes later. The building was dark and cool compared to the morning sun outside. I got out of the car as William grabbed my purse. I walked ahead of him up the dark staircase, his hand on my back. The time I had spent with him here only last night, felt like a lifetime ago. William sat my bag on the kitchen island; he disappeared in to his room for a moment, returning with clothes in hand.