Page 21 of Bound by Duty

  Chapter 20

  The gym was dark and Micah was already sitting in Cole’s office when we arrived. All three of us were on full tilt and Charlie was just as agitated by the magical overload. He paced back and forth in the hallway, emitting a short growl every few steps, his ears pricked. Cole motioned to Micah and we went out into the training area. It felt good to be in an open space again after all that time in the car. I looked haggard in old ripped jeans and a sweatshirt with my hair in a knot on top of my head. Cole and I had both been so worked up, we hadn’t even talked about what we would or wouldn’t discuss with Micah. I let him take the lead in the conversation.

  None of us sat down as we came to the center of the room and stared at each other. The only sounds were Charlie’s nails clicking on the cement on the outer edge of the training room as he continued to pace.

  “Micah, I’m sorry we weren’t here and you couldn’t find us.” Cole’s apology caught both Micah and me by surprise.

  Micah’s eyes widened just a fraction before he nodded. “I know. And I shouldn’t have blamed you. But, what are we going to do? We clearly cannot allow Amelia to go meet them alone. You know she’s who they want.” He ran a hand back through his hair and I could see his pained expression. We were all worried about what Bethany was going through.

  I harrumphed a little, “Well, normally I’d be offended by that, but I don’t particularly want to go out there alone. I just don’t see a way around it.”

  Both men turned and started yelling at me at the same time. It took a supreme amount of control not to lay them both out on the mats and leave them pinned there. I was sure I could do it, especially right now. So, instead, I put some power behind my voice and yelled, “JUST STOP IT!”

  They both shut up and took a step back. Before they could come at me again, I started talking.

  “Let’s get real, guys. These people want me. Not you. Me. And they have Bethany. I can defend myself. She can’t. I can defend both of us. This isn’t a choice and you both know it. On top of that, you both care about her, just like I do.” I sent Cole a look that said “You know you do so just shut it” and he looked back at me a little sheepishly.

  “Micah, you and I can open our connection so that I can keep you both updated on what’s happening. Even where they take me, if they do. You’ll come for me, right? If it comes down to it, you’ll find me?” Those last words came out far more quietly and with less strength than I had hoped.

  The fear was sneaking in again, but I wouldn’t have it. This was for Bethany. I stood up straight and sent a ripple of electricity running through me once again. As I had calmed down, I pushed the darkness back into its corner, making promises that she would get her chance. When I lifted my eyes to Cole’s, and then to Micah’s, I saw what I needed to see. Cold determination.

  We decided we would meet back at my apartment to finalize the plan. Micah said he had some potential reinforcements he might tap into, so he went his way and Cole and I went ours. Once we were in the confines of the car, I turned to him.

  “What if I can’t stop her, Cole? When I lose it, she takes over, and I can’t always stop her.” I had taken to referring to my power source as her own being, at least to Uncle Derreck and Cole, who understood what she actually was. “If they’ve hurt B, I won’t be able to stop her. I won’t want to.”

  Cole turned to me and placed his hand over mine, reassurance and strength filling the void my fear had left when I forced it out. “You can’t, Amelia. You can’t let them know who you are — what you are. They can think you’re an Elder, that’s fine. But we don’t even understand what being a Keeper means for you. If they figure that out, you’ll never get out and you have to. It’s not a choice, Amelia.”

  Looking into my brother’s eyes, I saw no fear, only confidence. He was faking it, I could feel his warring emotions, but I appreciated the attempt. “Okay, Cole. You’re right. I can do this.”

  Internally, I stared down the pulsing orb of dark light inside me and told her the same thing. She’s more important. You have to do this. We have to do this. The quiet hum of satisfaction was all I felt. At least we were on the same page this time.



  When we got to the apartment, I asked Cole to wait outside for a little bit. “I’ll make it very obvious if there’s a problem,” I told him with a smile. “I just need some time in there alone to get my head right.”

  He argued for a brief minute and then just shooed me out of the car, muttering something about his boneheaded little sister that would drive him to drink. Melinda and her crew knew I’d be there tonight, so it was a long-shot that anyone would be waiting to ambush me. As I walked into the entryway of the building, my thoughts were focused on Bethany. If that wench had done anything more than singe Bethany’s hair, I was going to kill her myself. I’d never killed anything bigger than a spider, but for Bethany, I would.

  My mind wasn’t focused and she reacted first, letting out a relieved sigh that filled my lungs and expanded through every inch of me. He was the last person I had expected to see. It took a moment to register Aidan sitting on the steps, just as he had been the night of the first attack. This time though, he didn’t look strong and determined. He looked as tired and beat-down as I felt.

  At my gasp, he looked up and his eyes brightened. “You’re here. Thank God, Amelia, I’ve been waiting for hours.”

  He stood up and closed the distance between us in a heartbeat. Before I could do anything, he had me in his arms, pressing his lips to my hair, forehead, cheek, and eventually, my mouth. I should have stopped him, but instead I tucked my head under his chin and gave myself that one last embrace. I put every ounce of the love I had for Aidan into that hug and when he pulled away slightly, I pushed the same emotion into a last kiss. Tears I hadn’t allowed since I found out about Bethany welled in my eyes and I stepped back away from him.

  Aidan looked at me confused. “What’s happening, Amelia? I know I don’t completely understand what’s happening, but I’m not scared of you. In fact—”

  “Aidan, just stop,” I interrupted, shaking my head. “I’m sorry, but we can’t do this. I can’t do this. You have to go. You just have to go and never see me again.” I tried to push past him and up to my door when I felt his hand on my arm and his rage in the air.

  “What?” It was one word but it came out with deadly force. “That’s it? After all of this, that’s all I get? After that kiss? You’re just going to walk away and think I’m going to let you?”

  It took every shred of my willpower to look up into his steeled gray eyes and lie through my teeth. “I wanted to kiss you goodbye. This was fun, Aidan, but it’s not anymore, and I’m over it. It was good while it lasted, but you don’t mean as much as I thought you did. This is just a complication I don’t need right now.”

  He winced away from me and the pain he exuded stabbed me directly in the heart. I have no idea how I managed to maintain his stare until he finally dropped my arm like it was bag of overflowing trash and back away from me, shaking his head slowly back and forth. As Aidan continued to back away from me, still not speaking, I quietly said, “Goodbye, Aidan,” and turned away.

  As I shut the door to my apartment, I slid down the wall and wept noiseless tears. She was pounding on me from the inside as I ached, feeling beaten from the outside. It took all my remaining willpower to shove her down and stop the spillway from opening. The throbbing had already grown to a dull roar building in every artery and vein, but now wasn’t the time.

  I thought he would leave, but within seconds, Aidan was pounding on the door, screaming, “Amelia, open the door. Damn it, Amelia. I’m not leaving! I know you don’t mean it! I know there’s more to this. There has to be.”

  He pounded and pounded. It had to be five full minutes he pounded on the door, yelling my name. Then, it was silent. I kept swallowing down the cries I wanted to release. I had wrapped myself in a ball on the floor to keep from running to him. I thought he was
gone when I heard his soft words.

  “Amelia, this isn’t over. I won’t let it be. You changed everything. I love you.” I don’t know if he knew I could hear his hoarse whisper or not, but his words unraveled me. I dove for the door, but before I could wrench it open, I heard Cole. “What the hell are you doing here, Montgomery? Didn’t my sister break it off with you?”

  I could almost picture Cole’s puffed up stature as I listened through the door. Aidan’s anger rose again and I heard a loud thunk.

  “You listen to me, Bradbury. Amelia and I are not done. Not by a long shot. You’re part of whatever this is and you need to know that I’ll die before I let her go. She’s everything. This isn’t over.”

  I heard the entry door slam and then Cole was knocking. I unlocked the door and walked away as I opened it, not wanting him to see what the encounter had done to me. Typical Cole, he wouldn’t let it go.

  He strode right to me, turned me around, and crushed me to his chest. “Damn, Ame, you had to go and actually pick a good one, didn’t you?” he muttered into my hair.

  That set off a fresh wave of tears. I gave myself one more minute to let my heart howl in agony before I pulled back and started to wipe my eyes.

  “I can’t do this right now. He can’t matter right now. Right now is about Bethany. You have to keep me focused. You have to help me get her back.” I stood there, staring into my brother’s eyes as the transformation came over both of us.

  His jaw tensed, his eyes darkened, and his posture stiffened. My own magic rose to meet his, making my eyes change to luminescent violet and my sorrow get buried in the back corner of my mind. This wasn’t the time for me to wallow in my broken heart. Maybe what Derreck told me was already happening — I was already choosing duty over love. It wasn’t even a choice, it was just how it had to be.



  Micah showed up not long after Aidan left. Cole and I were talking quietly when he walked in. We had already decided that we were not sharing anything with him about my Keeper status. There were far too many unknowns at this point. Midnight was only an hour away and we went over our very simple plan, time and time again. I basically knew where I was going. I would slowly build my power levels as I hiked, making sure I could instantly protect Bethany and myself if it came to it.

  Micah and I would open communication lines right before I left. He would see everything, including how I got there so he and Cole could find us if need be. We still hadn’t heard from Uncle Derreck and his phone was going straight to voicemail. Hopefully, he would show up soon. We could use his expertise on this one.

  If all hell broke loose, they would get to us as fast as they could, which was pretty fast. My job was to protect Bethany, get us the hell out of there, and to try to keep my rogue power in check so that the AniMages didn’t understand more about me than they needed to. I realized as I reran the plan through my mind that I still hadn’t told them what I knew.

  I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling like a bit of traitor for holding out on them. “Um, you guys should probably know that I’m pretty sure they’re AniMages. The people who have Bethany. I mean, I know they are. I watched Melinda shift at the theater.” I squirmed a little in my seat, knowing just what was coming.

  Both Cole and Micah started yelling at the same time. It was a combination of “Why didn’t you tell us?” and “What the hell are you talking about?” and five or six other jumbled questions and swear words overlapping each other.

  I stood and spread my hands out, trying to shush them both. “I get it! I should have told you! Do you guys want to know what I know, or what?” They both shut up, glaring daggers at me. Micah looked down at his watch, making it clear I was wasting time.

  I sat back down. “You know, I don’t need either of your hostility. It’s been a hell of a few days and I’ve got a lot on my plate. Bottom line is, the blue power we saw coming at us on the beach that day was AniMage power. Did you know that, Micah?” My tone was accusing, but deep down I hoped he hadn’t.

  Much to my dismay, he averted his eyes. “Ha — gotcha! See? You knew. And you didn’t say anything either.” I pointed an angry finger at him, waiting for his defense.

  “No, Amelia, I didn’t say anything,” he said with a scowl. “But, it wasn’t because I knew then, I didn’t know until today. Just tonight after I left you and talked to my people, that’s when I knew. I wasn’t withholding information, like some people.” He narrowed his eyes, glaring as I rolled my own.

  “Whatever. Either way, I saw Melinda at the last second before we got away shift into a huge, dark red wolf. I don’t know if all of her people are AniMages, or what this rebel group is all about, but I wouldn’t be surprised. From what you’ve told me, Cole, they got the crappy end of Julia’s wrath.”

  I saw Micah tense at the same time that Cole eyes darkened. “They sure did, which makes them even more dangerous, Ame. Dammit, I should be going with you.” That set the boys off on another heated argument.

  I found myself reassuring them, when in all reality, I know it should have been the opposite. An eerie calm had come over me, my magic was a whisper in every cell. Not pumping through my veins as it had been lately, it made itself known in other ways. My stride was faster. My hugs to them before I left more fierce. My eyes shone like night lights. Even my hair floated a bit around me. This was how I had felt at the theater. Like I could do anything.

  I was going to get my best friend back.

Stormy Smith's Novels