Sunday morning, Nick took the kids on one last ride each while their parents packed up to head home.

  “Thank you for coming to surprise Lindsay.” Nick said as they were preparing to leave.

  “We had a great time Nick.” replied Deena “You have given us more wonderful memories. The kids are so happy, we can never repay you for this.”

  “No need. We all enjoyed seeing them again.”

  “Yes, we did.” Lindsay replied

  Gabby came hustling out of the kitchen with some goodies wrapped up for the two families. “Just something to eat on the way home.”

  “Thank you, Gabby. It has been our great pleasure to meet you.”

  “Me too. Come back soon.”

  Nick and Dalton drove the two families to the air strip and said their goodbyes. Nick promised the kids he would see them soon and that he would call them.

  When Nick arrived back to the house, he went in search of Lindsay. He knocked on her bedroom door. “Come in” she said.

  “Hi sweetheart.”


  “Will you run away to the cabin with me?” Nick asked

  “Great idea. Time alone together!”

  They headed for the door and passed Gabby in the kitchen to tell her that they were running away to the cabin for a while. They decided to take the four wheeler instead of the horses because it was a faster get away.

  “Did you have a good weekend?” Lindsay asked on their way

  Nick looked at Lindsay a bit confused “Did I have a good weekend? I had a great weekend! Didn’t you?”

  “It was fabulous. I got a proposal of marriage didn’t I?”

  Nick laughed “Yes, you did!”

  They arrived at the cabin a few minutes later and went inside. Nick swept her up in his arms and carried her to the couch. He sat down and moved her to sit in his lap. He hugged her close for several minutes as he unwound from the hectic weekend.

  “Finally alone with you.” He whispered in her ear “I so love to spend time with you.”

  “Nick, I am so glad that you do!”

  They talked and relaxed at the cabin for a couple of hours. At the ranch he kissed her good night and went home.

  Chapter 18

  Early Monday morning Lindsay walked to Nick’s house and knocked on his door.

  “Hi babe! You are up early. Anything wrong?” Nick said as he opened the door for her to enter

  “No, I just missed you and wanted to see you.” Lindsay stepped up to Nick and wrapped her arms around his waist

  Nick wrapped his arms around her in return “I am very glad about that.”

  Lindsay stepped back from the hug and Nick leaned down to kiss her. He brought her in close again and deepened the kiss. “That is a great way to start the day.”

  Lindsay chuckled at him and agreed. “Soon we won’t have to walk to the other person’s house for that morning greeting.”

  “Soon that morning greeting may not just be a kiss either!”

  “MmmHmm….I am ready for that too.”

  “The wait is getting harder isn’t it?” Nick asked sitting down on the chair and pulling Lindsay onto his lap

  “Yes, I just want to be married to you. I don’t care about a wedding, I want our marriage.”

  “Then you need to find a dress quickly.”

  Lindsay hid her face against Nick as she spoke “I sort of already did.”


  “A couple of weeks ago when I went into Phoenix, I stopped by a bridal shop and tried several on until I found the one I loved. So it is being altered already. It will be ready later this week.”

  Nick laughed at her as he hugged her close. “You didn’t tell me that.”

  “Well, that would have been a little presumptuous wouldn’t it?”

  Nick laughed again and kissed her “Lindsay, I am glad you are my girl.”

  “Me too.” She whispered in his ear as she snuggled closer. “I love you.”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “I’m overwhelmed with happiness.” She whispered again

  Nick held her close for several minutes. “Are you ready to walk up to the house for breakfast, sweetheart?”

  Lindsay nodded and climbed off his lap. Nick wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked to the main house. “Good Morning, Mama” Nick called with a kiss to her cheek.

  “You are in a good mood.” She replied

  “Of course. It is a wonderful day!” he said with a wink to Lindsay who blushed

  They got their food and sat down at the table. Dalton and Sarah came a few minutes later. Sarah had a whole bunch of magazines, pictures and phone numbers with her.

  “What is all this?” Lindsay asked as Sarah handed them to her

  “Wedding items.” Sarah answered

  “You weren’t kidding were you Dalton?” Lindsay asked him

  “No. She has been planning for weeks. Getting magazines, etc. etc.”

  “And some of it was from my own plans. I hadn’t gotten around to throwing it out yet and then when you two announced you were going to “date”… I decided to keep it.” Sarah said

  Nick picked up one of the bridal magazines and began to thumb through it. “Good grief. These plans say it takes a year to plan a wedding. There ain’t no way I am waiting a year.”

  “Me either. I was hoping for weeks”

  Sarah calmed them both “the longest part is the dress. We need to get started on that right away. After you pick it out and your colors, then the rest works much better.”

  Nick laughed as Lindsay blushed again. “I think you better confess Lindsay.” He said

  “Confess what?” Sarah asked

  “Ialreadyhaveadress.” Lindsay mumbled

  “Excuse me? I didn’t catch that.” Sarah replied

  “I already picked out a dress. It will be ready later this week.” Lindsay said hanging her head. Nick reached for her hand as Sarah and Dalton started laughing.

  “Alright girlfriend. We are weeks ahead in planning. Do you have a picture?”


  “I want to see it.” Nick stated

  “No!” Lindsay and Sarah replied in unison

  “Why not?” he asked

  “Because I want you to be surprised on our wedding day.” Lindsay said at the same time Dalton told Nick to “give up trying to see the dress.”

  “Okay, fine.” Nick said rising from the table “I’ll see you all later. Bye love.” He said kissing Lindsay

  Dalton sat quietly and read his paperwork as Sarah and Lindsay went back to discussing wedding details. “Sarah, will you be my matron of honor?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you for helping me with this.”

  “Anytime. Now, what do you want for the colors of flowers?”

  Dalton spoke up from his spot at the table “When is this wedding going to be?”

  “As soon as possible.” Lindsay replied “How long do the flowers and stuff take?” she asked Sarah

  “Depends on the kinds, sweetie.” Sarah replied “We will get it work out as soon as we make some decisions.”

  Dalton rose from the table and kissed Sarah goodbye. “I am going to the barn to see David.”

  Gabby came in as Dalton was leaving. “What is all this stuff?” she asked Lindsay

  “Wedding details.” Sarah answered for her

  “Oh, this is so wonderful. My son is getting married to my sweet girl.”

  Lindsay and Sarah exchanged a look. “Mama, I need your help to plan this wedding.”

  “I’d be glad to.”

  Lindsay, Sarah and Gabby were still sitting at the table when Greg, CeCe and Colby arrived. Greg and Colby went to the barn and CeCe joined the ladies in the preparations.

  “Go get the picture of the dress.” Sarah urged Lindsay

  Lindsay returned a few moments later with the picture and handed it to Sarah
  “It’s beautiful Lindsay!” she exclaimed “Nick is going to love this dress.” She said handing it to CeCe

  “You already picked this out?”

  “Well, I picked it out a couple of weeks ago; it is being altered right now.”

  “Wow, you were confident.” CeCe commented

  “Not really. He unofficially proposed weeks ago.”

  “He did?” asked Sarah

  “Yes, when I was in the hospital.”

  “You didn’t tell me that.”

  “Well, it was unofficial.” Lindsay said and they all chuckled at her

  They worked on choosing colors and flowers for about another hour until Gabby needed their help with lunch.

  Lindsay walked down to the barn to find the men for lunch. She walked past David’s office and found him alone. “Hi David”

  “Hi yourself.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Yes. Sit down.”

  “It won’t take that long. You probably already know the question but will you walk me down the aisle and give me away?”

  “Yes, baby sister, it will be my pleasure.”

  “Thanks big brother. I love you and thank you for everything you have done for Nick.”

  “No thanks are needed. It is what is best for all of us.”

  “Where are they by the way, it is time for lunch?”

  “They are in the other barn. After lunch, we need you when we talk to Colby.”

  “Sure” she said leaving his office to walk to the other barn. As she approached she heard someone ask Nick if he wanted a bachelor party. Lindsay stopped and waited for his answer. “No way” he answered “Lindsay would kill me but also I don’t want to see anyone else but her.”

  Lindsay smiled as the tears formed in her eyes. She brushed them away and walked inside. “It is time for lunch” she said as she walked closer to them.

  Lindsay and the men walked back up to enjoy their lunch. The crowd was loud and there was lots of laughter. After lunch, Nick, David, Colby and Lindsay moved to Lindsay’s office to negotiate the contracts. Lindsay was surprised to learn that David wanted to breed her horse Brandy with Colby’s stud. “I think the result could be worthwhile to both pens.”

  Lindsay typed up the notes and the final contracts for all parties involved. She printed off the papers and everyone signed. Everyone but Lindsay went back to join the rest of the group. Sarah came into her office a few minutes later and they began to make the phone calls to the caterers, the minister and the florist. Lindsay’s choices were simple and elegant so the time frame of four weeks was set. Lindsay was thrilled that it could be so soon. “I hope Nick is ready to be a husband in four weeks?” commented Sarah

  “I guess I should ask him” Lindsay smirked

  “Today would not be soon enough for him, girlfriend. He told Dalton he would elope if he thought you could get away with it.”

  “I would too!”

  Sarah sobered “Lindsay, I am so happy for you. We both will get married in the same year. We will live near one another for the rest of our lives. I am so glad we met at college and became best friends. You are the sister I never had. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I am so glad Dalton found you and brought you back to us. I would not want to be doing this without you. My family would not be the same without you here.” Lindsay said moving to hug Sarah.

  Lindsay and Sarah walked out of the office and joined the rest of the party. Gabby needed their help with dinner so they moved to help. Dinner was just as loud and fun as lunch was. Greg, CeCe and Colby left a little after dinner. Sarah and Dalton went home after Sarah talked to Nick about the appointment she had set up with the lawyer for the next day.

  Lindsay led Nick to her room. “We have something’s to talk about.” She said on the way.

  “Like what?”

  “Did you talk to Dalton yet?”

  “Yes, he is going to be the best man. Did you ask Sarah and David?”

  “Both said yes. We need to decide if we are going to have other attendants.”

  “Like what?”

  “Ring bearer and flower girl?”

  “Scott and Katie?”

  “I am asking you.”

  “Let’s ask.”

  “Ok, we can call them in a minute. First, I have something to tell you about the time it is going to take to plan.”


  Lindsay paused for dramatic effect “How about four weeks?”


  Lindsay nodded and smiled “We just have to pick a date around that time and give the date to the florist and caterers. It is all planned otherwise.”

  Nick picked her up in a big bear hug. “That is perfect. Four weeks, I might just be able to wait that long.”

  “What about a honeymoon?” she asked when he sat her down.

  “I was thinking that on our wedding night we would go the Chambers Hotel. Then fly out to Hawaii for two weeks. I can’t really leave for much longer than that right now.”

  “Sounds fabulous!” Lindsay reached up and kissed him.

  “Let’s call Scott and Katie’s folks and ask them about the kids participating in the wedding.”

  They placed their phone calls and got an agreement that they could come for the wedding and participate. “I will call you with more details when we have a final date. It will be around four weeks though.” Lindsay said to the mom’s

  After they hung up with the Dowd’s and the Jones’, Lindsay asked Nick about his tuxedo. “Come to my house and I will show it to you.”

  They walked down to his house and he changed into the tux. She was waiting in the living room for him. She stood as he entered and walked around him a couple of times. “Not as good as the jeans but it will do nicely.” She teased

  Nick laughed and went to change back into his regular clothes. Lindsay went and sat on the couch. He returned a few moments later. “Let’s pick a final date.” He said pulling a calendar from his kitchen.

  They picked a date and time and then Nick sat down on the couch. Lindsay let him get settled then pushed him over and lay on top of him and gave him a deep long kiss. She poured all of her emotion into the kiss and he knew something was different.

  “What was that all about?” he asked as they ended the kiss

  “I overheard your conversation in the barn today about the bachelor party.”

  “Yeah and?”

  “I am just so happy you don’t want one first of all and that you only want me.” She said starting to cry

  “Sweetheart, I do want you to be the last woman I ever see unclothed. I have seen other guys ogle women when they are with their wives and it is degrading to them. You are so beautiful; I don’t need to look at any other women.”

  “That is so nice to hear.” She said lowering her head to his again for another long kiss. They were both breathless as they broke apart.

  “Lindsay, will you go to the lawyer’s office with me tomorrow?”

  “Sure if you want me too.”

  “I do. You are going to have a say in this too.”

  “No way.” She answered sitting up. “This is your business. They gave it to you.”

  “And you will be my wife, that makes it our business. I will need your help to run things from the business side while I work with the horses.”

  “I was planning on that, just like I do with the breeding program basically.”


  “But it is your business.” She butted in

  “No, our business. You have a better head of business than me. I need you.”

  “I will help you. But..”

  “No buts. We will run this business together.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure. I trust you more than anyone in the world.”

  They talked about the business and names for a few more minutes and then decided they needed
to get some sleep. He walked her back to her room and she had a question on the way. “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Colby’s stud and my Brandy?”

  “Yes, if the scenarios work out, you will be part owner in a champion race horse. Brandy has good bloodlines.”

  “Wow. David caught me off guard with that.”

  “It could be really spectacular. A few years will tell us. We are going to introduce them in a couple of days.”

  Lindsay laughed at his description. He kissed her good night when they got to her door. “Sweet dreams. I love you.”

  “I love you.” She answered back

  Four weeks later

  “Is everything ready?” Lindsay asked Sarah “I have lost my ability to think. This was supposed to be a simple small easy to plan wedding.”

  Sarah laughed “The wedding was easy to plan.”

  “It was? Then why can’t I remember your name?”

  “The wedding was easy it was the other things you decided to do this month that threw you into a tizzy.”

  “Like what?”

  “Starting Nick’s business, meeting with architects to design the new facility and how you want your suite remodeled. A trip to San Francisco. Helping me with Gabby and Nathan’s new medical facility. Moving into Dalton’s old room so the construction could begin on yours. Shall I go on?”

  “No. I am worn out enough.”

  “Okay, then the plan for today is rest. Actually, I am whisking you away for a massage at the hotel and if we don’t leave now we will be late. The rehearsal and dinner are tonight. The Jones’ and the Dowd’s should land in about an hour. Nick’s brothers are here. Everything is on schedule.”

  “A massage? You think of everything. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “I know!” Sarah replied smugly “I love it. It was so much fun and lots less stressful than my own. Now let’s go. ”

  The limousine and driver had been hired for the whole weekend and he was taking the girls to the hotel. Lindsay and Sarah were greeted by the friendly staff and shown to the dressing rooms. They were both having a massage as a special treat.

  Lindsay felt much better after her massage. She could think again. “Thanks for thinking of that Sarah” Lindsay said as they were on their way back to the ranch. “I feel much better.”

  “I knew you would. I had one before my wedding and was the best thing I did for the whole thing. I think I would have been so stressed I wouldn’t have enjoyed the wedding.”