
  It felt as if they waited for hours for the Magic to work. Thomas just simply sat beside James with his head in his hands, completely silent. The others were trying their best not to cry; Samira had buried her face in Violina’s chest, who was trying to comfort her by telling her everything was going to be all right.

  They just waited for something to happen.

  And then it did.

  The pattern on James’ clothes as well as the topazes on the Golden Wing lit up bright blue; they started spouting sparkles shortly after, drawing everyone’s attention. The sparkles were with enough to fill the entire Ritual Chamber; as they came down, they healed every wound they touched. 

  And they did the same with James.

  James shot upright, coughing loudly; only to find his friends staring at him in unbelief for a second.

  But the eyes that caught his most were Samira’s.

  “J... James?” Samira whispered, before letting out a laugh.

  “JAMES!” she shouted, flinging her arms around James’ neck.

  And for the first time in a very long time, Samira cried. Tears of joy.

  “I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispered, sobbing loudly.

  “It’s okay, Samira,” James whispered back. “I’m here now.”

  They just sat there for minutes, surrounded by nothing but the sparkles of Magic and utter silence, which would only be interrupted by silent sobs. All they wanted was to hold each other.

  Even their friends, who were overflowing with joy, had the respect to let the two siblings reunite.

  But as soon as they let go of each other, James was whisked away by them, cheering, laughing, and crying.

  They’d done it. They saved the world.

  After they’d calmed down again, Akilah and Madeleine approached the six friends – of course, Violina was still there.

  “Well done, Guardians,” Madeleine smiled. “You did it.”

  “Thank you for freeing our world,” Akilah said. “We are forever in your debt.”

  “It’s nothing,” James joked. “Really.”

  “If I may be so bold...” Samira said. “Who want to go home and tell our parents we’re not dead!?”

  “We do!” Bella and the boys cheered simultaneously. They could finally go home; everything was over, and their lives would soon be normal once again.

  And, the best of all was that they wouldn’t miss a minute of their Christmas break – it was only halfway through November, after all.

  “Of course you want to go home,” Madeleine said. “Why wouldn’t you?”

  She then turned to Akilah. “And, to be honest... so do I.”

  Akilah nodded at here. “Your friends were already waiting for you to join them.”

  A white light engulfed Madeleine shortly, causing her to turn see-through. The light engulfed Akilah shortly as well, making her whole once again.

  “James, Guardians... Once again, thank you so much for what you’ve gone for this world,” Madeleine said, as she joined her friends, who were in the same, see-through state as she was. Gabriel. Sabrina. Timothy. Rikki. They were all there. The original Guardians, Keepers of Light. There was no more need for them to be around.

  “Goodbye, guys,” Rikki said. 

  “See you again sometime,” Gabriel added.

  “Let’s hope not, okay?” James joked. His friends nodded agreeing, and waved at the spirits who’d become their friends, as they said the rhyme which seemed to set them free.

  “The Darkness is gone, the Light has returned

  Back is the peace for which we yearned

  Lunaria has been freed, 

  and so are the Keepers they no longer need”

  The Bond of Light, together with Violina and Akilah, watched as they disappeared; finally free to rest in peace.

  “And now you guys,” Violina said. “It’s been an honour to fight by your side.”

  “Same to you,” Antonio grinned. Violina giggled.

  “I believe you are ready to leave,” Akilah smiled. “However, before you leave, there is one last thing I need to say. Hide that book. Don’t ever read it again; it’s an object generated by strong Magic. It’s known to change according to the timeline, rewriting itself after each Generation has died. Which means this book will last forever, and it’s dangerous to anyone who reads it, as I don’t know what effect the Magic will have on them.”

  “Can’t we just destroy it, then?” Antonio said. “That takes out all risks of anyone reading it ever again.”

  “If you destroy the book, it will spread the Magic contained inside all over Earth,” Akilah warned him. “You don’t want to know what’ll happen then.”

  Antonio nodded. “No destroying. Got it.”

  “Just hide it somewhere where no one will ever find it,” Violina said. “And never speak of it again. Problem solved.”

  “Understood?” Akilah said. The Guardians nodded.

  “Very well,” Akilah said. “James; that wound in your stomach might take some time to heal, but don’t worry about it. It might scar though.” She paused and smiled. “The Magic I used to revive you will keep your soul connected to us and this world, so don’t worry if you catch a glimpse of us every once in a while when you’re sleeping.”

  James nodded. “That’s all right,” he said. “At least that way I can know everything is still fine here.”

  “Farewell, Guardians,” Akilah said. “And sleep well.”

Melanie Houtman's Novels