Page 16 of A Mother's Love

  Chapter 11

  A gentle breeze kissed my cheeks, the sun’s beams hailing from above. The birds chirping could be heard not far off, and though it was a common sound, for some reason, I felt as if I had not heard it in a very long time. Reaching my arms to an unfamiliar sky, I sat up. I was in a place of flowers, lying on a strange, weather torn mattress. “A field?” I whispered, combing my fingers through the flowers.

  Branches cracked behind me as the soft earth pulsed with the approaching beating of feet. Easing my head back down, my weary eyes opened just enough to see little feet race by from the glimmering darkness of brown and green behind me. Nearly tumbling from the sight of me, the boy stared in awe. His cheeks glowed red; he stiffened while I spoke to him.

  “Where am I?” I asked, but he said nothing. His dirty face and, well, just about everything else, simply stood there, paralyzed by me for some strange unknown reason. Sitting up slowly to talk to the boy, a sudden pain shot through my skull. Dazed by it, my hands slipped on the dew covered grass and I fell back onto the mattress.

  Without a word, the boy flew back over the little hill, his loud voice crying, “Father! Father!” as his little figure faded into distance.

  I decided to let my eyes rest, against all better judgment, for the pain did not seem to be subsiding.

Marian Unn's Novels