Page 97 of Fools Errand

Page 97

A servant. A servant, I am a loyal, welltrained manservant. I am newly come from the country, but well recommended, so I am a mannered servant, accustomed to discipline. Accustomed to humiliation. Or was I? Whenl had followed Lord Golden into Buckkeep, Verity's blade in its plain scabbard had hung at my side. Surely, some would have marked that. My complexion and the scars on my hands marked me as a man who lived more outofdoors than in. If I was to play this role, then it must be believable, It must be a role I could endure, as well as one I could act convincingly.

At Lord Golden's door, I knocked, paused discreetly toallow my master to expect me, then entered. The Fool wasat the casement looking out. I carefully closed the door behind me, latched it, and then set down the tray on thetable. As I began to lay out the meal,, I spoke to his back. "

am Tom Badgerlock, your servant. I was recommended toyou as a fellow who was educated above his station by anindulgent master, but kept more for his blade than his manners. You chose me because you wanted a manservant capable of being your bodyguard as well as your valet. You haveheard that I am moody and occasionally quicktempered, but you are willing to try me to see if I will serve your purpose. I am . . . fortytwo years old. The scars I bear I tookdefending my last master from an attack by three no, six highwaymen. I killed them all. I am not a man to be provoked lightly. When my last master died, he left me asmall bequest that enabled me to live simply. But now myson has come of age, and I wished to apprentice him inBuckkeep Town. You persuaded me to return to service as away to defray my expenses. "

Lord Golden had turned from the window. His aristocratic hands clasped one another as he listened to my soliloquy. When I had finished, he nodded. “I like it, Tom Badgerlock. Such a coup for Lord Golden, to have a manservant who is just a tiny bit dangerous to keep about. Such an air shall I put on over having hired such a man! You will do, Tom. You will do well. ”

He advanced to the table, and I drew his chair out for jsÊ

him. He seated himself, and looked over the setting and dishes I had prepared for him. “Excellent. This is exactly to my liking. Tom, keep this up, and I shall have to raise your wages. ” He lifted his gaze to meet mine. “Sit down and eat with me,” the Fool suggested.

I shook my head. “Best I practice my manners, sir. Tea?”

For an instant the Fool looked horrified. Then Lord Golden lifted a napkin and patted at his lips. “Please. ”

I poured for him.

“This son of yours, Tom. I have not met him. He's in Buckkeep Town, is he ?”

“I told him to follow me here, sir. ” I suddenly realized I had told Hap little more than that. He would arrive with a weary old pony pulling a rickety cart with an aging wolf in it. I had not gone to Jinna's niece, to ask her to expect him. What if she took affront at my assumption that my boy could come there? Like a wave breaking over me, my other life caught up with me. I'd made no provisions for him. He knew no one else in Buckkeep Town, save Starling, and I did not even know if she was currently in residence here. Besides, with relations strained between us, Hap was unlikely to turn to her for aid.

I suddenly knew I had to seek out the hedgewitch and be sure my boy would be accepted there. I'd leave a message for Hap with her. And I had to approach Chade immediately about making provisions for him. Given what I knew now, it seemed a cold bargain and my heart shrank within me at the thought of it. I could always borrow the money from the Fool. I winced at the thought. Just what are my wages? I prompted myself to ask. But the words could not find their way to my tongue. .

Lord Golden pushed back from his table. “You are quiet, Tom Badgerlock. When your son does arrive, I expect you to present him to me. For now, I think I shall let you have this first morning to yourself. Tidy up here, get to know the castle and the grounds. ” He looked me over critically. "Fetch me paper, quill, and ink. I will write you a

letter of credit to Scrandon the tailor. I expect you will find his shop easily enough. You knew it of old. You need to be measured for more clothing, some for everyday, and some for when I want you to show well. If you are bodyguard as well as valet, then I think it fitting that you stand behind my chair at formal dinners and accompany me when I ride, And go also to. Croy's. He has a weapons stall down near the smithy's lane. Look through his used swords and find yourself a serviceable blade. "

I nodded to each of his orders. I went to a small desk in the corner to set out pen and ink for my master. Behind me, the Fool spoke quietly. “Both Hod's work and Verity's blade are likely to be too well remembered here at Buckkeep Castle. I'd advise you to keep that blade in Chade's old tower room. ”