Chapter 7


  They fit perfectly beside each other. Aurora’s head nestled into his shoulder as his arm wrapped around her, his finger lightly making circles on her soft body. He didn’t want to move. He wanted to stay where he lay – forever. Except the vibrating from his cell on the nightstand drove Erebus crazy. He sighed with relief when it stopped.

  His gaze travelled across Aurora’s slender arm that covered her chest. He shifted slightly and caught his breath when she moved her arm and showed her naked breasts. Unable to resist, he lightly traced his finger along each rib and then cupped her breast. They were firm and inviting. With his finger, he traced the rim of her nipple. He felt himself harden as her nipple responded to his caress, and, even as she slept, her hips pushed towards his. Mouth open, his breathing got heavier as he debated about rolling her onto her back and letting his mouth finish what his fingers had started.

  His train of lust paused when the irritating buzz of his phone distracted him again. Still lightly squeezing and playing with her nipple, he glanced up at the phone. It danced halfway across the nightstand. Reluctantly, he moved his hand, catching the cell just before it fell to the floor.

  Coty had sent several texts and now resorted to actually phoning. Erebus hit the end button to send the call straight to voice mail. About to toss the phone on the floor, he glanced at the last text message from Coty.

  ‘Bus, I know where U R. I’m outside your pad. Get out here NOW!

  Guilt washed over him. He looked down at Aurora’s luscious naked body. Lust and remorse coursed through his veins. He dropped his head back against the pillow and sighed. Coty wasn’t the problem; he simply wanted to help. Coty had every right to worry, and he’d have to let Janus know.

  Ignoring his own needs, he concentrated on what wasn’t warm and moist beside him. He rolled Aurora onto her back, hoping not to wake her. He gently laid her head on the pillow, freeing his arm. He brushed his lips against her forehead, her eyelashes, and lightly on her mouth.

  “Hmmmm…” She turned over to press her body against him once again.

  He groaned. She felt so good. “Sweetie, I have to go.” His phone started vibrating again, as if to confirm the fact.

  She struggled to open her eyes in the dim light of the moon sifting through the window. She yawned and stretched against him.

  “Don’t go.” Her breath was hot against his chest. Her hot tongue flicked against his chest. “I have to,” he whispered. But I really don’t want to.

  “Wha—” Aurora mumbled. She slowly pushed away and sat up. She looked at him and then wrapped the sheet around her chest.

  Erebus smiled slightly at her sudden shyness. She hadn’t been timid minutes ago. He raised an eyebrow as he watched her stand up and begin snatching her clothes off the floor.

  “What’re you doing?” He didn’t understand her actions. She seemed…angry.

  “Getting dressed. I’m not staying in your apartment if you have to leave.”

  “Oh.” He’d just assumed she’d sleep here until morning and then go about doing whatever she did. He bit his tongue and kept silent; the ice in her voice a clear warning.

  Stealthily, he stood up to put his clothes on. He watched her jerk her hair into a ponytail and march into the living room to grab her jacket. She waited for him, arms crossed and foot tapping, by the door.

  “I’ll walk you back to your place.” He wasn’t sure what else to say and felt awkward at the sudden change in the atmosphere.

  “It’s too far. I’ll catch a cab.” She refused to look at him.

  He couldn’t read the expression on her face. Without talking, they walked down the stairs and into the darkness outside.

  A voice erupted from the shadows. “It’s about bloody time!”

  Aurora jumped back against Erebus. Reflexively, he stepped in front of her, one arm protective as he blocked her. He could feel her pulse quicken.

  “Coty, you just scared the crap out of Aurora.” Erebus could hear the venom in his voice. Ignoring Coty’s open-mouthed stare, he put his arm around Aurora and pulled her tight against him and stepped toward the streetlights. Ironically, a cab appeared from around the corner. He flagged it down and held the door open for her.

  “I’ll call you.” He wanted to kiss her but wasn’t sure if he should. She still lingered on his lips, and he was tempted to taste her one more time. Instead, he stood behind the cab door and waited for her.

  “Whatever.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice. He hoped the trembling was from the cold and didn’t mean she was crying – that would destroy any resolve he had inside of him.

  “Bye.” He shut the door and silently watched the cab disappear up the road. He wondered if he should send her flowers. A dozen roses or maybe two?

  The shove against his back brought him out of his trance. He swung around and lashed out at Coty.

  “You idiot! Why’d you have to scare the shit out of her?”

  “Me? Dude, I had nothing to do with the look on that girl’s face. It was there before I even opened my mouth.” Coty leaned against the brick building, his arms crossed.

  Coty’s casual stance just pissed him off more. “Can’t you spend one night on your own?

  Why do you have to be SO annoying? I can’t have one night without you calling or bugging me! Your stupid texts messed everything up.” He detested that he sounded like a spoiled brat but still refused to look Coty in the eye.

  “Oh, no, you don’t. You were supposed to meet me at the Rum Jungle. When one o’clock rolled ‘round, I knew you were with her.” Coty’s head jerked in the direction the cab had driven off.

  “So what?”

  “So what?” Coty mocked. “You know exactly what. Janus told you. I’ve warned you. Your head’s so bloody messed up. What’s it going to take for you to realize we aren’t supposed to be with them? They’re supposed to be just toys for us, nothing more.”

  “Whatever.” Erebus started to head back into his building. Coty irritated him more tonight than he ever had. Erebus needed to clean up before finding a pay phone.

  “I don’t think you’re listening. You need to get it through your thick skull.”

  Erebus stomped back to Coty. “I’m thick skulled? Ain’t that the kettle calling the pot black?”

  “Huh?” The look on Coty’s face would’ve made Erebus laugh, had it been any other time. “Speak English, man. You’re the one being the idiot here.” He pointed an accusing finger. “You’re trying to pretend you’re one of them.”

  Erebus would have punched Coty if he knew it could actually hurt him. Damn Shadows for not being able to get hurt. Immortality sucked. He took a deep breath, not even trying to hide how pissed off he was. “I’m not trying to be human. I know what I am. I know the rules. I know my limitations. You’re mad at me because I stood you up for a girl.” He turned to walk away from his friend.

  Coty spun him around, and Erebus froze, surprised by the look of genuine concern in his friend’s face. “I’ve seen Shadows act stupid, selfish, and even overreact.” He jabbed a finger at Erebus. “But you…You’re a Shadow of doubt. The sad thing is you don’t even know it. You hide behind this mask of depression.”

  A wind picked up, scattering Erebus’ thoughts. He didn’t know if he was mad at Coty for his big mouth, or because he might be partly right.

  Coty took a step back and shook his head. “I don’t want you to get hurt, and I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Coty sighed. “’Bus, I think you need to move away. If you have to get out of here, I’ll come with you. She’s…just a girl.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re the only one who seems to think so.”

  Erebus stared past Coty, to the entrance of his apartment building. He pressed his lips tight together, his shoulders slumping. “What am I supposed to do?” he whispered.

  “Leave or leave her alone.”

  “I don’t want to. I tried to end it tonight, and, instead, we ended up i
n bed.”

  “Great! Sex with a Shadow. You’ll never get rid of her now. She’s in love with you, and now you slept with her?” Coty rolled his eyes. “You’ve bloody fallen.”


  “Yeah, and I’m not talking about tripping over something. I’m talking about falling for the girl.”

  Fallen in love? Impossible – for a Shadow at least. Then again, something was happening to him which he couldn’t explain; deep down, he knew the truth. Maybe Coty was smarter than he let on. “I…I don’t know about that.” Even the lie didn’t sound convincing to him.

  “Jeepers, man. You’re in further than you even realize. You have to get out of here. I’ll go with you.”

  “I’m not leaving. I’ve got a year’s lease on the apartment.”

  Coty’s laughter broke through the night. “That’s your excuse?” His hands went up by his head and he shook them. “You think Janus’ll buy that?”

  “Don’t tell him,” Erebus begged.

  Coty tilted his head, peering up at the night sky. His jaw muscles tightened as he ground his teeth. “Finish this. You had your bit of fun and now finish it. Before the end of the weekend.

  You promise me that, and I won’t tell Janus” He patted Erebus on the back. “Maybe you’re like me and you just need to get her out of your system. If you get my drift.”

  Erebus ignored Coty’s last comment. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Give me a bit of time, and I will. I’ll break up with her. I’ve never felt like this – ever.” No Shadow or human had probably ever opened his soul this way.

  “Fine. Just…be careful. Don’t get caught, and don’t tell her anything.” Coty’s gaze darted to the street, and he lowered his voice. “You know what’ll happen if she discovers what you are.”

  A flutter of something ran through him. He wondered ironically if it might be hope, or fear. “I’ll try. I promise.”

  “Try?” Coty must have seen more in Erebus’ face than he let on. “I guess that’ll have to be good enough for now. Take advantage of the sex. She’s got one hot body, in my opinion.”

  Erebus immediately visualized what had just gone on upstairs earlier. He grinned, he couldn’t help it. It disappeared when he remembered how upset Aurora seemed when she left. Maybe it was already over. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

  Coty cracked a smile. “Now show me your place. It isn’t a hole, is it? I want a key to bring chicks by.”