Besides, you claim yourself ‘Man of God’ and you expect that the Lord of lords should come and beg you to repent! Grace upon grace! God is tender and good. He is merciful indeed and I know He can do that for you.”

  “See that you are exhibiting disgust at what I am! Am I not a junk? I deserve the punishment of God and I know. But the pastor said yesterday that God loves me and has a better plan for my life. And since then, I am split in two parts; I have never learnt to suffer, and I’m afraid of losing everything.”

  “Let’s stop here,” I asked. “You are misusing your time and you are abusing mine. God has told you He has a better plan for your life… What you should do is: trust God and repent! Who knows tomorrow?”

  “Ah – Ah!” Georges answered.

  “Which means?”

  “Nobody knows tomorrow; that’s what I mean.”

  “What about the spirits’ visitation last night?” I asked.

  “They didn’t come,” Georges replied. “In fact, this is the first time in two years that they desist to come. Since I woke up, I suspect that miracles will not occur when I pray at church.”

  “Perhaps will the spirits not come again? However, you should apologize to Aisha and tell her of your repentance,” I advised.

  “Impossible!” He answered. “You do not know Aisha. She holds it against me and curses me every day. No. I cannot ask her for forgiveness. In addition, she is proud.”

  “Where did you meet? If you have declared your love to each other and have been able to live together for so long; that supposes you have things in common! The success of your repentance relies on her pardon also. May it please you or not. Spiritual life has rules.”

  “Never!” Georges replied. “I have a friend who lives in Faladie. I will join him there for the night.”

  “Sorry for you! ‘He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of the Kingdom of God.’ What you have started, you must finish,” I insisted.

  “Never!” he said. “Walls hide certain things nobody can voice in public,” Georges replied.

  “One more reason! Go meet her and resolve your disagreements together,” I insisted again.

  “It's too much for me in one day. You are demanding me too much my brother. Unless you help me, there’s no way. Aisha! Ooooh! Noooo! No. No. O God! I beg your pity!”

  Georges was completely disturbed. His attitude inferred stiffness in his relationship with Aisha.

  “Listen; the more your secrets are weighty, the more the Bible wishes you settle them in secret,” I said.

  “No brother,” Georges answered. “Perhaps if you help me; that is tough as a demand. Aisha? No please! I can’t do without you,” he pleaded.

  Georges since a moment had lowered the tone of his voice. He asked that I put up the volume on TV before he could continue. He resumed:

  “I owe Aisha huge sums of money, and I don’t know how I pay it.”

  “Didn’t you say your wife supplies for you? I asked.

  “Yes! But it is not always enough. Six months ago, she cut off her funding. During about two months, the economies of Aisha prostitution fed us,” Georges said.

  “What kind of man are you? My God! You had that courage?” I felt discouragement in giving further advice. Before I got a fresh inspiration, he started again:

  “Listen first. After you have listened, flog me if you judge it appropriate. I approve of deserving the whip. Actually, when the spirits visit me, the first thing I do is make love with Aisha and guest what? The spirits satisfy themselves through my body till the morning. They usually operate from 2.30 A.M. till 4.30 A.M. Can you imagine my shame?” Georges asked.

  “So higher is the cost of your miracles!” I deplored.

  I was dumbfounded at such revelation. My ears felt dizziness for a while as he proceeded:

  “That's not all; as she was exhausted all day, she demanded to be paid huge sums for each sex done after the spirits’ visitation. Now it has been almost a year. The spirits promised to help me find the money and they have done nothing. As the turn of events indicates, I am alone to pay. You understand why Aisha won’t applaud my repentance. Neighbor; tell me if Jesus Christ can truly forgive a waste of my kind. I am not a man of God, but a false prophet,” Georges concluded.

  I was astounded. Georges' confession knocked out my reason. I looked at him. He stared at me, hoping a convenient retort come out of my lips. The size of his revelations surpassed by far all that I could imagine. After a protracted silence, I advised:

  “Georges, listen to me. Forgiveness is forgiveness. If God has forgiven you and is now asking you to beg the pardon from those you have wounded; trust Him. He is going to help you convince the girl.”

  “That’s not all my brother! You know that in my church I am known as a man of God. Tell me with what courage I will go ask forgiveness before the assembly of Christians? Will I be able? My pastor has said many times that my visions come from God and the church is been filled five months only after my arrival. From the next month on, the parish is planning for two services each Sunday. Therefore, see that the pastor will disapprove me!” Georges said, once again discouraged.

  “Stop trying to manage all things at the same time. Why do you want to settle everything in a single day? Sooner or later, the truth comes to light. Manage for tonight and leave that one to God. A lie can’t find haven inside the Church of the Living God. May God set you free today!” I proclaimed. “At last you will have a free conscience! Aisha is a few steps from you. Finish with her this evening.”

  “Please, accompany me and speak to Aisha. She won’t believe that I have repented unless you come and be my witness,” Georges insisted.

  I agreed to go. Because much divergence was predictable from both sides, I suggested we pray before meeting with Aisha. Moreover, some details had to be cleared up.

  “Do you want to abandon witchcraft and magic arts?” I asked.

  “Yes I do,” Georges answered.

  “Do you agree to end up your cohabitation with Aisha?”

  “Yes of course,” he replied.

  “Do you understand that you shall find a decent work to take care of you?”

  At this question, the man bristled.

  “No, I want to marry my US lover and be faithful to her,” he replied. “I promise to be a good Christian and believe me; I won’t hurt anyone. Tomorrow I will go confess to the church if you want. But about leaving my wife? No way!”

  “Marrying the American girl doesn’t prevent you of working. I think you need healing in your mindset. As you are to become a dependable husband, agree also to work hard and take charge of your wife. The reverse is rarely observed and is barely accepted – if for some reason you can’t work, for example. This exception doesn’t apply to you since your health is perfect.”

  “What’s the matter with you Bro?” Georges asked. “Adriana supports me with pleasure and money is not lacking her. Here I don’t see what sin is.”

  “Are you legally married? Have you seen her parents? Did you pay her dowry?”

  “Let us drop it all here,” Georges suggested. “This is what I said from the beginning. Christianity is too good for me. I hope you won’t hold it against our amity.”

  “Didn’t God ask you yesterday to amend your life?” I asked.

  “I have been trying since!” he replied. “From yesterday evening till this very moment, I have been trying. People like us cannot change. God is perhaps talking to the wrong person. I am lazy and I love luxury and effortless life. It's stronger than I,” Georges apologized.

  Georges got up; visibly embarrassed. He did not know where to go. Trying to cope with his hesitations, I advised:

  “God calling or warning often comes when evil is at door. Be prudent; think about what the preacher told you yesterday. Think of the evil you have done by cheating the multitude. If God were to punish you, would you survive?”

  “Good evening brother,” Georges said. “I admire free people like you. I also admire
this pastor who was preaching yesterday. There is always this beautiful grace in the life of true Christians, I testify. But as for me, my life disgusts me utterly.”

  “So repent!” I exhorted.

  “See you later,” he replied. “Good evening and thanks for your patience.”

  About thirty minutes after our separation, quarrel noises were heard from Georges domicile.

  “You aren’t going anywhere, miserable thing!” Aisha warned. “Cross that door and I'll redress you. I'm not that rubbish woman you throw in the trash when you have finished abusing. Wicked gangster!” she shouted.

  Georges was murmuring rather quietly and it was hard to capture his words.

  “You're unable to repent,” Aisha declared. “Go swindle others with your repentance stories. You should better tell me how you pay my rights. Who lie to you that God accepts fiends in His Kingdom? Look at the one going to Heaven. Stupid thing,” Aisha said.

  “I have really changed and as a proof, the spirits won’t come again,” he voiced slowly.

  “That’s your problem!” Aisha retorted. “Nobody forced you to pact with them. If you have stopped using them, that's your business. But as for me, you pay me what you owe me or I'll report you to the police. Idiot! Useless! Beggar!”

  “You know nothing but insulting. You also must repent,” Georges suggested.

  “Swindler, gangster and killer; hypocrite, diffident and traitor; are you the one asking for respect? Heeeeeeey! Heey! Come and see the man who deserves respect,” Aisha cried out. “Without the help of demons you cannot