Page 2 of School Spirits

Page 2


  "Yes," I replied, hand reaching up to touch the little puncture marks just under my jaw. Thanks to Moms "tea," they were already starting to close, but they still hurt.

  "He should have been no issue at all for you, Isolde," she continued, her gaze still on her mug. "I would never have sent you in there alone if Id thought you couldnt handle it. "

  My hand dropped back to the table. "I could handle it. "

  Mom looked at the bite on my neck and raised her eyebrows. When she was younger, my mom had been beautiful. And even now there was something about the strong lines of her face that made people look twice at her. Her eyes were the same dark green as mine and Finleys, but there was a hardness that neither I nor my sister had.

  "I mean, I was handling it," I mumbled. "But he was one of those mind-reading ones, and he. . . he got inside my head-"

  "Then you should have shoved him right the heck out," Mom fired back, and I wondered what felt worse, the vampire bite or the guilt.

  With a sigh, Mom dropped her head and rubbed her eyes. "Im sorry, Iz. I know you did the best you could. "

  But your best wasnt good enough.

  Mom didnt have to say the words. I felt them hanging between us in the kitchen. There were a lot of words filling up the space between me and Mom these days. My sisters name was probably the biggest. Nearly a year ago, Finley disappeared on a case in New Orleans. It had been a totally routine job-just a coven of Dark Witches selling some particularly nasty spells to humans. Wed gone together, but at the last minute, Finley had told me to wait in the car while she dealt with the witches herself.

  I could still see her standing under the streetlight, red hair so bright it almost hurt to look at. "I got this one, Iz," shed told me before nodding at the book in my lap. "Finish your chapter. " A dimple had appeared in her cheek when she grinned. "I know youre dying to. "

  I had been. The heroine had just been kidnapped by pirates, so things were clearly about to get awesome. And it had seemed like such an easy job, and Finley had swaggered off toward the covens house with such confidence that I hadnt worried, not really. Not until Id sat in the car for over an hour and Finley still hadnt come out. Not until Id walked into the house and found it completely empty, the smell of smoke and sulfur heavy in the air, Finleys weapon belt on the floor in front of a sagging sofa.

  Mom and I looked for her for six months. Six months of tracking down leads and sleeping in motel rooms and researching other cases like Finleys, and it all led nowhere. My sister was just. . . gone.

  And then one day, Mom had just packed up our things and announced we were going home. "We have a job to do," shed said. "Brannicks hunt monsters. Its what we do, and what we need to get back to. Finley would want that. "

  That had been the last time Mom had said Finleys name.

  Now Mom sat across the table from me, and her coffee mug turned, turned, turned.

  "Maybe we should take it easy for a while," she said at last. "Let you go on a few more missions with me, get your legs back under you. "

  Finley had been doing solo missions since she was fourteen. I was almost sixteen now, and this had been the first time Mom had let me out in the field by myself. I really didnt want it to be the last time, too.

  I shoved my own mug. "Mom, I can do this. I just. . . Look, the vamp, he could read my mind, and I wasnt ready for that. But now I know! And I can be better on my guard next time. "

  Mom lifted her gaze from the table. "What did he see?"

  I knew what she meant. Picking at the Formica tabletop, I shrugged. "I thought about Finn for a sec. He. . . saw that, I guess. It just distracted me. "

  I didnt add the bit about how Pascal had mentioned the boy in the mirror. Bringing up Finn was going to bother Mom enough.

  Just like Id thought, her eyes suddenly seemed a million miles away. "Okay," she said gruffly, her chair shrieking on the linoleum as she shoved it back and stood. "Well, just. . . just go to bed. Well think about our next move tomorrow. "

  Deep parentheses bracketed Moms mouth, and her shoulders seemed more slumped than they had been just a few moments ago. As she passed my chair, for just a moment, Mom laid a hand on my head. "Im glad youre okay," she murmured. And then, with a ruffle of my hair, she was gone.

  Sighing, I picked up my cup and swirled the dregs of tea still left in it. Every bone in my body ached to go upstairs, take a shower, and crawl into my bunk.

  But there was something I had to do first.

  Our house wasnt much. A few bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, and a bathroom that hadnt been updated since the 1960s. Once upon a time, it had been the Brannick family compound. Back when there had been more Brannicks. Now it was just a house surrounded by thick woods. But there was one room that really set it apart from your normal home.

  We had a War Room.

  It sounded cooler than it actually was. It was really just an extra bedroom stuffed with a bunch of boxes, a large round table, and a mirror.

  It was the mirror I walked to now, yanking off the heavy canvas cover. Inside the glass, a warlock stared back at me.

  His name was Torin, and he looked a couple years older than me, maybe eighteen or so. But since hed gotten trapped in the mirror back in 1583, he was technically over four hundred years old.

  "Isolde!" he called happily, leaning back, his hands on the table. "To what do I owe this lovely visit?" It was always bizarre watching Torin. Trapped in the mirror, he appeared to be sitting at the table in the middle of the War Room. But the actual table was empty. Even though Id seen the phenomenon my whole life, I still caught myself glancing back and forth, as though Torin would magically appear on our side of the glass.

  The thought made my head hurt all over again. In his own time, Torin had been an extremely powerful dark warlock. No one knew what spell he was attempting when hed trapped himself inside the mirror, but one of my ancestors, Avis Brannick, had found him and taken responsibility for him.

  The fact that Torin made the occasional prophecy had probably had something to do with that. His ability to see the future had come in handy for a few Brannicks over the years; easier to fight a witch or a faerie when you know what its going to do.

  But I hadnt come to have my fortune told. Climbing up onto the table, I crossed my legs and propped my chin in my hand. "I got bitten by a vampire tonight. "

  Frowning, Torin leaned forward. "Oh," he said, once his eyes settled on the bite mark. "So you did. That. . . What is the word you use?"

  I couldnt help but smile a little as I rolled my eyes. "Sucks. "

  Torin nodded. "Even so. " He mimicked my pose, ruby pinkie ring flashing in the dim light. Shaggy blond hair fell over his forehead, and when he smiled at me, his teeth were just the slightest bit crooked. "Tell me the whole story. "

  So I did, the way I always had, ever since I was old enough to go with Mom and Finley on missions. There was something. . . I dont know, relaxing about telling the story to Torin. I knew he wasnt looking for all the flaws in my mission, all the places where I had zigged when I should have zagged.

  Unlike Mom, Torin didnt frown through the entire thing. Instead, he chuckled when I described Pascals lair, grimaced when I mentioned the body glitter, and raised his eyebrows when I talked about chasing the vamp up the stairs.

  "But youre all right. And you lived to fight another day. "

  Sighing, I pulled my braid over my shoulder, fiddling with the ends of my hair. "Yeah, but if Mom hadnt come in. . . She thinks I shouldnt be doing jobs on my own. Which, I mean, I should. This one got a little out of hand, but if shed just trust me a little more-"

  "If she had trusted you completely, she wouldnt have followed you, which means she wouldnt have burst in when she did," Torin said, lifting his shoulders. "And you, my lovely Isolde, would either be exsanguinated on what I can only guess was truly dreadful carpet, or the bride of the undead. " He narrowed his eyes. "Neither fate suits you. Or me, for that matter. "

words seemed to lodge somewhere in my chest, but I shook them off. Torin had been a part of my life for, well, all of my life. When Mom and Finley had gone out on missions, he had kept me company. And after Finley disappeared, he was the only one I could talk to about my sister. Which is why that niggling suspicion, the one Pascal had picked up on, bothered me so much.

  "Your mum is simply worried about you," Torin said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Shes lost one daughter. Im sure the idea of losing another is particularly hellish for her. "

  "I know," I said, the guilt returning with a vengeance. What if Id gotten myself killed tonight, all because I let one stupid vamp mess with my mind? Where would Mom have been then?

  I tugged the rubber band off the end of my braid and started unraveling the strands. A thin layer of vampire ash rose from them. Ugh. Apparently Id been closer to Pascal than Id thought.

  Wrinkling my nose with disgust, I hopped off the table. "Okay. Shower, bed. Thanks for the debriefing. "

  Torin made a little flourish with his hand, lace cuff falling back from his wrist. "Any time, Isolde. "

  I was nearly to the door before I turned back. "Torin, you. . . " I trailed off, not sure how to finish. Finally I took a deep breath and said, a little too fast, "You swear you dont know anything about Finn, right?"

  Id asked it before, the night Finley disappeared. Other than her belt, thered been no sign of my sister in that rickety house. But there had been a mirror. A big one with a thick wooden frame, carved cherubs grinning at me. And while it couldve been a trick of the light, I couldve sworn that the glass had glowed slightly.

  But Id been beyond freaked out that night, confused, upset. I couldnt be sure what Id seen, really.

  In his mirror, Torin came up close to the glass. "No, Isolde," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I do not know where your sister is. "

  "Right. " I ran a hand through my hair, blowing out a long breath. "Right. Okay. " Reaching out, I flicked off the switch.

  From out of the darkness, Torin added, "Besides, Finley was never of much interest to me. She isnt the Brannick who will set me free, after all, is she?"

  It was a wonder I could speak given how tight my throat had gone. "Thats never going to happen, Torin. I may be nicer to you than my mom or Finn, but youll be chatting with my grandkids from that mirror. "

  Torin only laughed. "Ive seen what Ive seen. The time will come when you will finally let me out of this cursed glass prison. But until then, go wash that vampire out of your hair and get a good rest. You and Aislinn will be taking quite the journey tomorrow. "

  "Where are we going?" I demanded. "What did you see?"

  But there was no answer.


  When I woke up the next morning, Mom was already dressed and waiting for me at the kitchen table. She frowned at my tank top and pajama pants and pointed back up the stairs. "Get dressed. Were leaving in five minutes. "

  "Leaving?" The clock said it was just a little past six. Apparently Torin had been right. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Where are we going?"