
  Aria popped the grape into her mouth. She chewed the sweet fruit eagerly as she picked at the tray of food. She was starving from not having eaten yesterday. She heaped more fruit onto her plate, then some breads and meat. There was so much, and it all looked so good that she didn’t know where to start. She tossed a handful of grapes into her mouth as she made her way to the window seat. She hadn’t read in over a week, she’d missed it and was eager to continue with the story, but she planned to wait for Braith to come back. She was worried that she would miss something, or would get something confused when she read on her own, even though he’d said she was making good progress, and was doing well on her own.

  Truth be told, she simply enjoyed curling up next to him and listening to the deep rumble of his voice as he read with her. She stared out the window, rolling the fruit around in her mouth as she thought over the implications of that admission. Had becoming a blood slave caused her to completely lose her mind?

  Was she actually beginning to have feelings for a monster? Did she have feelings for one of the creatures that she had hated and fought against her entire life? That was crazy, it was simply insane. It couldn’t be possible, it really couldn’t.

  But she truly believed that she was, and she didn’t understand any of it. She had thought that he’d turned against her. That he had purposely set Lauren on her as punishment, but he hadn’t. Not only had he not known that Lauren was abusing her, but once he’d found out about it, he’d been attentive and caring, not to mention fiercely protective and worried about her safety.

  And then he had kissed her.

  That kiss had almost been her undoing. She thought back to the kiss she’d shared with Max, it had been sweet and kind and it had left her feeling safe and warm. Braith’s kiss hadn’t left her feeling any of those things. It had left her completely bewildered, on fire, and longing for more. Longing for so much more. She ached for him to hold her, and kiss her, and touch her forever. Yet it wasn’t possible, none of it would ever be possible.

  She chewed on a piece of cheese as she watched the sunlight play over the gardens. Though she didn’t think he was, she knew there was still a possibility that he was playing with her. That he was toying with her emotions only to make her breakdown even more pleasurable in the end. But if that kiss was a sign of anything, she thought it was definitely a sign that he wouldn’t purposely be cruel or mean to her.

  She just didn’t know exactly what he was going to be to her. She was far from certain of anything these days. A few weeks ago she would have been terrified by this realization; she was surprised that she wasn’t terrified now. She felt that it was because of him, it was difficult to be frightened when he was watching over her.

  Aria frowned as she realized that she had never really been sheltered before. Her family loved her, and always tried to keep her safe, but she’d been on her own far more often than she’d been under their wing. Children within the rebellion couldn’t be coddled. Once they were old enough they had to start helping out. Every hand was essential in order to feed the many hungry mouths, and to help keep everyone safe.

  Hunger, it was a foreign concept to her at the moment, as she munched on some more cheese and fruit. However, it wasn’t a concept that was foreign to her family and friends right now. Guilt tugged at her, for a moment she couldn’t swallow the food as it stuck in her throat. She was daydreaming about something that could never happen, a life she could never have with her enemy, and her family and friends were still struggling, still fighting for their lives every moment of every grueling day.

  Aria managed to choke down the food, but she dropped her half full plate back on the tray. Her appetite had vanished. Though she’d been given this brief moment, this reprieve from the famine, death, and struggle that had constituted most moments of her life, she knew that it couldn’t last. It could never last. His world would never allow it to last. She was a foolish child for even thinking that it might, a foolish child for not realizing the futility of this whole situation.

  Aria touched the leather binding of the book, her fingers trailed leisurely over it as she admired the simple beauty of the thing. “Do you require me for anything else?”

  Aria lifted her head; she’d forgotten that Maggie was here. She’d been working on Aria’s dresses; some of them had to be let out as she’d put on weight. “Oh no, thank you though. Would you like something to eat?”

  Maggie’s mouth curved in a small smile as she shook her head. Though she hadn’t commented upon the bruises marring Aria’s skin, Aria had seen the distress and dismay in Maggie’s tender gaze. Aria had almost told her that the bruises weren’t from Braith, that he hadn’t done this to her, but the words stuck in her throat. It was probably best if people began to believe he was mistreating her, though Lauren’s dismissal might negate that fact. She imagined rumors and gossip were already flying around about Lauren, and she found that she didn’t care.

  “I have other things I must attend to.”

  “Oh.” Aria felt a twinge of guilt over taking the girl away from her work. “I didn’t mean to keep you.”

  “It’s fine,” Maggie assured her. “You are my number one priority. The prince has seen to that.”

  “I see.”

  “I’ll see you later.” Maggie was already at the door; her hand was upon the handle when she turned back to Aria. “The prince has never had a blood slave before, did you know that?”

  Curiosity trickled through her as she stared at Maggie in disbelief. She recalled her encounter with Braith’s sister. The woman had asked what he was doing with her. Aria had thought the question odd at the time, had questioned if she was the first, but she’d never given much credit to the notion. The revelation did little to ease the confusion inside of her though. In fact it made it even worse. “I didn’t know that.”

  Maggie nodded. “It’s true.”

  Aria didn’t know what to make of the words, or their implication. Why would he choose one now? And why would he choose her?

  Before Aria could ask any of these questions Maggie slipped out the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She sighed as she settled onto the window seat, torn and guilt ridden. It was an awful mess that she was in, that they both might be in right now. She didn’t know all the rules for a blood slave, but she imagined she wasn’t supposed to be treated so kindly. And she was fairly certain that she wasn’t supposed to stay alive for long.

  That realization turned her thoughts back to Max. He was out there somewhere, probably going through something horrific and possibly on the verge of losing his life already. Sweet, gentle Max, he deserved far better than what he might be enduring right now. Max had vowed to try and rescue her but they had both known that there was only a slim possibility for success. Was there any chance that she might be able to get to him?

  Her gaze traveled over the beautiful apartment with all of its magnificent things. She was lucky to be here, she was lucky that Braith had rescued her from that other vile creature, but no matter how lucky she was, how good she had it, and how angry it would make Braith, she knew that she had to break free of this place. She had to get to Max, and she had to get them both to safety before it was too late. Because no matter how safe and secure she felt now, it wouldn’t last. It couldn’t last.

  It was only a matter of time before this all crumpled around her, and she had to do something before that happened. She had to save her friend before they were both doomed. Her gaze slid back to the tray of food. If she was going to plan an escape, and free them both, then it was essential that she had as much energy and strength as she could get but the idea of leaving Braith was enough to make her stomach twist. She couldn’t afford to starve herself. She needed the food, but there was no way that she could force it down her throat right now. She was too frightened and lost to even attempt it. Tomorrow she would start taking better care of herself, for now she simply sat in silent misery as she tried to formulate a plan to get out of here.

bsp; Though the stake was still tucked firmly between her breasts, she knew she wouldn’t be able to bring herself to use it against the prince. She didn’t have that in her, not anymore. No matter how much he exasperated and pissed her off, she knew she wouldn’t be able to do that to him.

  The first thing she had to do was locate Max. It would do her little good if she was able to break free, yet unable to find her friend. If she got out of here, she would have to know where he was so that she could get to him safely. She knew it would be tricky, and she would have to move quickly, but she was fairly certain that she would be able to do it.

  She hoped.

  Her attention was drawn to the door as Braith returned; his loyal wolf close to his side. She knew immediately that something wasn’t right. His shoulders were too stiff and his jaw was clenched. Aria braced herself for whatever it was he had to say.

  “Caleb will be here shortly. You must go to my room and stay there until I call for you.”

  Aria swallowed heavily, she managed a brief nod. “Ok.”

  “Arianna.” She turned back at the low murmur of her name. His knuckles were white as he gripped the head of his cane. “I mean it. Do not come out of there.”

  Her temper bristled, she almost rebelled against his command but she kept her mouth shut. She didn’t particularly care to see his brother again anyway; there was something about the man that frightened her on a primal, instinctive level. She slipped silently from the room.