“It’s a shower.”

  Aria jumped in surprise, spinning at the sound of the purred words. The prince was leaning casually in the doorway of the bathroom, his arms folded over his broad chest. Though his customary glasses were in place, she could feel it as his eyes rapidly scanned her body. She took a small step back, her bare heel coming into contact with the cool bottom of the contraption that he had just labeled a shower. It was different than the massive tub in his room as it was a small stall with a distorted glass door making it impossible to see through it clearly.

  He strode unhurriedly toward her, his large body powerful and graceful as he moved with the eerie agility inherent to his kind. Aria tilted her head back as she gazed at him in silent awe. She hadn’t seen him since last night, but she realized now that she hadn’t imagined his size, his air of authority, or his rough masculine beauty. In fact, it seemed even stronger and more overbearing today than it had yesterday.

  He stopped before her, placing his hand against the wall beside her head as he reached around her with the other. Despite herself, a strange tingling took hold of her body. She instinctively leaned closer to him, inhaling his masculine scent of spices, earth, and something more, something deeper and more potent. Something feral and primitive, she realized. It should have scared her away but she found herself having to fight the strange urge to move closer, to touch him, to allow that scent to cover her completely. Her traitorous fingers twitched with the sudden urge to feel him.

  Aria jumped in surprise, moving away from the strange contraption as water suddenly sprayed out of the faucet, wetting the back of her bare legs. She turned, incredulity filled her, and her mouth dropped as she stared at the water shooting from the nozzle above her. The prince turned the two handles below it, gradually adjusting the flow and heat of the water.

  “Amazing,” she whispered.

  “I suppose it is.”

  She jolted when she felt his hand within her hair, stroking tenderly over it. She turned toward him, unable to speak as he wrapped it leisurely around his finger. She couldn’t move away from him, couldn’t reach up to tug her hair back. She could only stand in silent surprise as he coiled it halfway around his finger before lifting his gaze to her again.

  “You will enjoy it Arianna.”

  For a moment she had no idea if he meant that it was him she would enjoy, or if it was the shower. And at the moment she wasn’t sure either, as all she craved was to know what that mouth felt like. Ugh, she was truly losing her mind; captivity was doing strange things to her. Enemy, she reminded herself fiercely. He is the enemy, but he didn’t feel like her enemy right now.

  Then, his finger unraveled from her hair and he took a small step back. “I have sent for someone to assist you again.”

  She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. “That’s not necessary.”

  “You are my guest, and as such, you will be afforded the luxuries of a guest.”

  She quirked an eyebrow as she studied him. “I’m a guest now, am I?”

  “You are whatever I choose for you to be,” he growled back. Despite the fact that the heat of the water was rapidly warming the room, Aria felt a chill race down her spine. Every warm feeling she had been experiencing washed out of her as she was slapped in the face with the cold reality of her life. No matter how good he smelled she shouldn’t have forgotten that, not even for a minute. She was an idiot. “For however long I choose for you to be.”

  The thin gown they had placed out for her to sleep in last night was beginning to cling to her body from the steam that was rapidly filling the room. Her heel connected with the bottom of the shower again as he leaned closer to her. He was near enough that she could see the dark bristles of hair lining his firm jaw. Close enough that she could see the sharp tip of his canines as his lips skinned back in a tight lipped smile. Canines she knew could pierce her skin and drain her in the blink of an eye.

  “Being a guest isn’t really such a bad thing Arianna, now is it?” he murmured.

  She was finally able to breathe again as he took a small step back. He was playing with her like a cat with a mouse. She knew it, but to her utter disgrace she was ashamed to realize that she couldn’t help but feel some strange, horrific, form of attraction toward the deadly, vile creature.

  She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the tangled coil of emotions wrapping around her, but she found that she could only stare wordlessly up at him as he continued to lean over her, his hand resting just centimeters from her head. The thick muscles of his biceps flexed, and though she couldn’t see his eyes, she was certain his gaze was focused upon her mouth.

  The tentative clearing of a throat brought both of their gazes to Maggie. She was standing in the doorway, her large brown eyes questioning as she glanced rapidly between the two of them. In her arms she clutched a couple of towels, a few bottles of something that Aria didn’t recognize, and what appeared to be fresh clothes. Though she was glad that it was Maggie and not Lauren or Julia, she didn’t like the idea of someone seeing her naked, or helping her dress again.

  The prince stared silently at Maggie for a moment before stepping away. He strode forward, pausing briefly at Maggie’s side to gaze upon the things gathered within her arms. “No heels,” he commanded gruffly. “And no perfume or anything floral scented.”

  Maggie started, her gaze darted to the things within her arms before returning to the prince. Her forehead furrowed, her dark eyebrows tilted together. Aria watched in surprise as Maggie stared quizzically at the prince, her gaze rapidly searching his face as she shook her head. Aria didn’t understand the woman’s strange reaction to the prince’s words. Perhaps Aria was the only one that didn’t wear the awful monstrosities that passed as shoes around here. But even as she thought that, she knew she was wrong. Maggie was wearing simple, comfortable looking shoes, so why did the woman look so confused by his words?

  Maggie shook her head as if to clear it, her forehead relaxed. The prince was gone by the time Maggie picked the heels up from the pile and dropped them on the floor. She turned her attention to Aria, who was too tired and confused to offer any protest as she was once again scrubbed, cleaned, and dressed in another article of clothing that she never even would have considered wearing before. The silky green dress, that floated about her ankles as she moved, seemed completely impractical to her. Her feet remained blessedly bare.

  She walked silently behind Maggie as they slipped through the luxurious room she had spent last night in, then the small sitting room before it, and finally back into the main room. The prince was standing before one of the bay windows, looking down at the gardens. His hands were folded behind his back as he rocked leisurely on his heels. He didn’t look at them, but simply gestured toward the door. Maggie bowed her head, nodded to Aria, and slipped away.

  “I had some food brought up for you.”

  Aria had already noticed the heaping mounds of food piled upon the tray in the middle of the room. Her mouth watered as her stomach rumbled eagerly, and loudly. She’d never seen so many fantastic looking things in her life. She remained frozen for a moment, uncertain of what to do as she gazed upon the cheese, fruits, breads, and meats piled upon the tray. It was enough to feed the people within the caves for a day, as they had all learned how to eat scarcely, and survive on very little. In fact, Aria couldn’t remember a day when she hadn’t gone to sleep at least a little hungry.

  This might very well be her first.

  “Arianna?” She turned toward the prince, blinking rapidly as her stomach continued to rumble loudly. So loudly in fact, that she was embarrassingly certain he could hear it. He stared at her for a prolonged moment, his eyebrow quirked over the dark lenses of his glasses. “You are hungry Arianna, you must eat.”

  She nodded mutely, but she couldn’t bring herself to step up to that heaping tray, not when so many others would be going hungry today. Not when her family would be going hungry today. It didn’t seem right, it didn’t see
m fair. For the first time she allowed her thoughts to turn to her family. It had hurt too much to think about them before, and exhaustion had blessedly dragged her rapidly under last night before she’d had the chance to dwell on their loss.

  Her family would be worried sick about her, half crazed with their loss, and their torment over her new situation. Poor William was probably devastated. Her father and Daniel would continue to stoically move onward, burying their misery, which would only eat them alive inside, just as it always did. They would immerse themselves in plans, future attacks, and their resentment and hatred for the vampires would fester until it consumed them, as it had consumed so many others.

  Aria shuddered; she wrapped her arms around herself as she fought against the tears of despair that threatened to spill. She was staring at the prince, but she couldn’t see him through the waves of homesickness that swamped her. And then there was Max. Poor Maxwell, trapped somewhere within this town, with some creature that Aria highly doubted was being as kind to him as the prince was being to her.

  She didn’t like to think about what that monster was doing to strong, caring Max. Yet now that she had opened that can of worms, she couldn’t get it to close again. She wasn’t the most experienced person in the world, but she had lived on the far edges of society long enough to know the cruelty that could be committed by vampires, and by broken, corrupt people. Her family had always tried to keep her sheltered, but there were some things that they could never protect her from. Max would be experiencing many of those things over his time with that woman.

  The faint touch upon her arm caused her to jump slightly. Her hands fisted as she instinctively sought to fight off her offender, but she managed to catch herself before she launched a punch at him. She expected his kindness would vanish if such a thing happened and though she’d never expected to live long, she most certainly didn’t have a death wish. She blinked the prince into focus, struggling not to let him see just how lost and alone she felt right now.

  “I was not thinking last night Arianna; I am not used to having humans around for more than an hour or two. You have to eat, I know you are hungry.” Her traitorous stomach rumbled again in eager response to his words. She almost refused the food, but refusing something that might aid her in the end was simply foolish. His frown deepened; his concern became apparent. “Come.”

  He led her to one of the sofas and settled her upon it before turning to the tray. Aria watched in awe as he heaped a plate high with food. She was certain that he had never done this for anyone; she couldn’t understand why he was doing it for her, or why he had even rescued her from the ugly little vampire of yesterday. She speculated if he’d ever reveal his reason for claiming her, she doubted it though. He turned back to her and handed her the overflowing plate. There were foods on it that she didn’t even recognize.

  She stared at it for a moment before he handed her a napkin and a fork. She twisted the fork in her hand as she inspected it. She’d seen them before, had even used them a few times, but she wasn’t well versed in the art of using a utensil. She much preferred her fingers, but she had a feeling that the use of her fingers wouldn’t be overly accepted here.

  He placed a smaller tray over her lap, and then lightly placed the plate on top of it. Aria’s hands were trembling as she moved the fork awkwardly in her grasp. She stabbed at some of the fruit before successfully spearing it with the strange utensil. She itched to dive into the heaping plate of goodies, but forced herself to at least try to appear civilized in this grand place.

  The prince placed a glass of some orange colored liquid beside her. “What is that?” she inquired, heat coloring her face as she realized she had forgotten to swallow her food before she spoke.

  He didn’t acknowledge her breech in manners though, but instead sat on the sofa beside her. “Orange juice, I have heard that it is rather tasty. Humans seem to like it anyway. We grow the trees within the gardens and greenhouses.” Aria lifted it, sniffed suspiciously at it, and then cautiously took a sip. The liquid was cool, sweet, and refreshing. She downed the rest of the glass in one swallow. “You approve?”

  She smiled tremulously at him in thanks as he leaned over to refill her glass. She studied him questioningly; she was unable to understand why he was doing this for her, why he was being so kind to a rebel human. She didn’t dare ask him though; she didn’t think he would appreciate her mentioning it. Instead, she decided to simply enjoy the delicious meal she had been handed.

  She dug in with renewed gusto, somewhere along the way she even forgot that he was watching her as she repeatedly helped herself to more of the delicious concoctions upon the large tray. Her stomach was bloated, but delightfully full for the first time ever, when she finally pushed her plate aside, wiped her mouth on her napkin, and sighed contentedly.

  “Are you full now?” His voice was tinged with amusement; a half smile curled his upper lip as he watched her.

  Aria ducked her head; heat flooded her face as she realized exactly what she must have looked like in front of him, eating almost half of the copious amounts of food upon the tray. She’d just consumed more than she normally would have in three days. “Yes.”

  “Good. I must go out for a bit, but if there is anything you require Maggie has been instructed to get it for you. You have to only ring for her. There is also a guard stationed outside your door, do not consider escape.”

  Aria recoiled; she struggled to keep her face impassive, and her outrage hidden as she was starkly reminded of the fact that she was a prisoner in this place. That she would never be free again, unless she did something to try and change her awful circumstances. He had been kind to her so far, but how long could she truly expect that to last? Aria swallowed nervously, her hands folded rigidly in her lap. Though she tried to keep her terror hidden from him, she knew that he could sense it.

  “I will not be gone long.”

  Aria managed a small nod. It was all she could do to make that gesture; she didn’t trust herself to speak right now. The prince rose slowly, he straightened the dark shirt he wore and reached for the cane propped against the couch. She saw that the head of the cane was a silver wolf, seconds before his large hand closed around it. She didn’t know why he used the thing, he didn’t limp or struggle with moving, but perhaps he thought it made him appear more dignified, or it was a weapon of some sort.

  He was dressed more sharply than he had been yesterday, and sporting the ring that marked him as the prince of the house of Valdhai. That marked him as a member of the family that had been ruling the vampires, and the world, for the past hundred years. He hadn’t been wearing it yesterday. Whatever he had to do today it appeared that it was relatively important, and official.

  The wolf rose beside him, its green eyes were bright as it stared at Aria for a full minute before turning its attention back to its master. He whistled for the wolf, who padded eagerly over to him before they both slipped out the door.

  Aria remained sitting even after the sound of the lock slid closed with a note of finality that frightened her.

  It took her a moment to gather her thoughts, but once she did, she launched to her feet and moved rapidly through the apartment. He’d left her alone, left her to search through things, left her to try and uncover a weapon. Silly, silly vampire, Aria thought as she scoured through the rooms. But the more she searched, the more she realized that perhaps he hadn’t been so silly. There was nothing that she could use to defend herself with.

  She moved through the library, and then another small sitting room that was obviously his. Hesitating, she stopped at the edge of his bedroom. She knew it was his by the dark, wood framed bed with a deep red blanket, and a mound of pillows. The furniture was masculine, and though she didn’t know what a lot of it was, she discovered that it held his clothes. His scent hung heavily in the room and on the clothing. She inhaled deeply, savoring in his scent even as she looked for something to destroy him with.

  Yep, she’d officially lost it and sh
e didn’t think she’d get it back until she was free of this place.

  Turning away from the clothes her gaze lingered on the massive bed. A strange tingling sensation, one that she was unfamiliar with, began to work its way through her belly. It heated her from the inside out as she was suddenly swamped with the longing to see him again, to hear his voice, to breathe in his untamed scent face to face.

  Instead of continuing her search, she found herself retreating from the room, and the unfamiliar wave of heat that was spreading through her. She’d never fled from anything in her life, and now she was retreating from a smell and feelings? She hadn’t been too afraid to risk becoming a blood slave, but the sight of his room was enough to turn her into a total coward. It was complete insanity, and yet she couldn’t stop her feet from insistently moving away.

  Her head spun, she couldn’t get to her own room fast enough. She leaned against the door, breathing heavily as her body trembled. She was beginning to hate herself, and yet even that emotion wasn’t strong enough to outweigh the growing yearning curling through her belly. She didn’t know what she was yearning for but she knew it had to do with him, and she didn’t like it.

  Her fingers were shaking as she forced herself away from the door and back to the task that had sent her into his room in the first place. She had briefly searched the room she’d been given last night, but even so, she went through it again. She’d been exhausted; barely able to stay awake when she’d been brought in here. It was entirely possible she had missed something.

  Her attention focused on the antique looking nightstand beside the bed she’d slept on last night. It was far different from the hard floor of the caves and forest she was used to; even the pallets of straw she sometimes slept on had nothing on the softness of that bed. The bed, she decided as she studied the thick mattress and spongy pillows, was almost as good as the shower, but not quite. She tried not to think of her family and their conditions right now as she grabbed the wooden stand and tipped it over. Tried not to think of the hunger and discomfort they were going through as her gaze fell to the legs of the stand.

  She knelt before it, and sat back on her heels as she studied the spindly pieces of wood. It wouldn’t be the best stake, that much was obvious, but it was better than nothing, and nothing was all that the other rooms had to offer her. Leaning forward, she grabbed hold of one of the legs and snapped it free. The wood was ragged, thin; she would only get one chance to use it before it broke.

  She’d only get one chance before he snapped her neck in retaliation anyway.

  Although she knew the possibility of escaping was slim, she would have to make sure it was a damn good chance if she had any shot of surviving and making a break for it. It would be a major boost to the resistance if she somehow, miraculously, managed to destroy the prince. She ignored the twisting guilt in her stomach at the thought of destroying Braith. It had no place here.

  Rising to her feet, Aria hurried from the room. She grabbed the knife she had been given to cut her meat with, and four books from the library. She made sure to pull the books from different shelves and carefully rearranged the other ones to hide the holes. Retreating back to her room, she used the books to prop the stand back up and made sure that nothing of the books showed from every angle of the room.

  Retreating to the bathroom, she leaned over the toilet as she hastily began to sharpen the slender piece of wood with the knife. The toilet was another contraption she was beginning to appreciate, especially now. A sense of urgency began to fill her; she needed to get the knife back before he returned. She didn’t think he would notice the missing books, there were so many of them after all, but the knife would most certainly be missed. Shavings fell into the toilet as she carved the end of the wood into a deadly tip. It took several flushes before all the shavings completely disappeared. Raising it, she examined her handy work with an appreciative eye. It wasn’t much, she definitely would have preferred her bow and arrows, but if she was given the right opportunity it would work.

  She didn’t know what she would do if somehow, miraculously, she managed to take down the prince, but that was a problem she would face when it occurred. Until then, she was simply happy to have some sort of weapon. It strengthened her, emboldened her, and gave her a sense of security and confidence she had been lacking since entering the palace.

  She stood before the mirror, carefully positioning the stake in between her breasts. The cumbersome undergarments they had heaped on her actually came in handy as she adjusted the dress so that the thin stake was concealed.

  Her heart was racing, her eyes wild as she studied her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She had to regain control of herself, but she was terrified of being discovered, terrified of what he would do to her if he somehow found the stake. He’d kill her, she was certain of it, she was also certain that if she didn’t make some attempt to escape she’d die anyway. At least, if she were successful, she might be able to help the rebellion by taking down one of the more powerful vampires with her.

  She was unsettled by the realization that she was not as pleased by that notion as she felt she should be.