Page 7 of The Sea Queen

  “’Ello, Master Hades, and ’ow are you this fine mornin’?”

  Blue eyes the shade of a clear spring sky smiled back at me.

  There was something about her movements, the expert precision to them, and the lithe sway of her body that caught my attention instantly.

  In her hands she carried a wooden tray brimming with food. Biscuits. Fruit. Cheeses. Nuts. I sniffed, instantly scenting the honeyed mead in the smoking stoneware pot.

  “I’m fine, Miss—” I paused, awaiting her name.

  Bobbing cutely, she said, “Janita. The name’s Janita. I’m about to hie meself off to the king’s palace for the day, but the goddess wished to see you fed well.”

  Leaning back on my hands, I watched as she set the tray down on the nightstand.

  “Did she? Give your mistress my thanks.”

  She nodded, nibbling on her luscious bottom lip and looking far more nervous now that she no longer carried a tray. Her eyes darted toward the door and then back to me at least three times.

  Clearly she knew she should leave but wasn’t quite ready to do it yet.

  “Something you wish, Janita?”

  She cleared her throat. “Well, it’s only that the mistress weren’t sure what types of food ye liked, ye see. And um...tomorrow she’d like to pleasure you.” She shook her head. “No, that’s not the right word. Please you, please you. Aye.”

  I thinned my lips, entertained mightily.

  “Does she? How kind.”

  She picked her thumbnail. “Well?”

  Snapping my fingers, I called the tray over to my side and began to nibble on the cheeses first. The golden squares had a nutty, sweet taste.

  “The cheese is very pleasing,” I murmured. “Though I’m not fond of nuts.” I pushed that plate aside.

  “Yes, yes.” She bobbed her head. “And the fruit?”

  I shrugged, picking at the bowl of figs. “I’m partial to pomegranates.”

  “Oh, right, of course.” She smacked her forehead. “I knew that. Erm, I mean, because of the stories and such.”

  “Bread is okay,” I pressed on, as though I’d not heard her. “And of course,” I lifted the steaming pot full of mead, “I like mead, but I’m most partial to ambrosia.”

  After I finished complaining about nearly every item on the tray, her eyes turned a frosty blue. “Is that all?”

  Smirking, I stood, towering over her invading her space. I was impressed that she didn’t back up. A lesser woman would have.

  “Tell your mistress that what I most prefer is naught but a simple repast of toast and coffee. That’ll do.”

  Turning on my heel, I dismissed her and busied myself with the food. It all looked good, actually. I wondered if Calypso had made it with her own hands.

  Suddenly I was bowled over by a wave and pinned to the bed with my cheek pressed to the mattress. The pressure relented after only a moment. Clearing my throat, I stood and dusted myself off.

  “You’ve quite the temper, maiden,” I spoke coolly.

  Lovely Janita seethed. “I’ll have you know, dil-do, the mistress worked all morning creating those for you. The least you could do was show a little courtesy.”

  I was quite certain she’d not meant to call me a dildo; however, with her, nothing was quite impossible, either.

  Pouring on the charm, an act I so rarely attempted, as I had grown bored with my kind, I once more invaded her sphere, this time making certain to brush a very hard part of my anatomy against her tail.

  She trembled and then shivered when my hands trailed languidly up her bare forearms.

  “Well then, my lovely little maiden, do me the honor of telling your mistress,” I lowered my head, so that our noses practically touched, “thank you.”

  She clutched at her lip with her sharp little teeth. And when her tongue poked out, it was all I could do not to lean in and snatch it up for my own.

  “O...okay,” she murmured docilely. But I wasn’t fooled. This angel had horns.

  Standing back, I released her. And fought a grin when she stumbled forward a minute inch. Her hands were aflutter around her head as she tucked strands of hair behind her ears.

  Curtseying, she made as though to go.

  “Oh, and Janita, one last thing,” I said as she was halfway out the door.

  Clutching at the frame with one clawed hand, she whispered, “Aye?”

  “Tell, Calypso, tonight is my night and this time it will be she and not I that screams.”

  She gulped and I thought for certain she would leave me then. But she did not. Squaring her shoulders, she said, “You know who I really am, don’t you?”

  Feeling foolishly relaxed, I walked over to her. Her eyes were so blue and wide. Shaped like a doe’s. In any form she came, I could not seem to pull my gaze away.

  Pulling a fistful of her hair into hand, I wrapped it around my wrist and gave it a gentle tug.

  “I think, my dear, I should know you in any form.”

  Then throwing caution to the wind, I kissed her cheek.

  We’d already had sex. I could have claimed her lips, made her open her mouth to me, forced her to give me her tongue, get her hot and ready for me so that she’d beg me to explore every inch of her.

  But for all that Thalassa was wild and unpredictable, there was an inherent innocence to her as well. I liked every aspect of her personality so far, but the innocence intrigued me most. There were so few things in the world that that could truly be said of.

  Her fingers brushed over her cheek like the whisper of butterfly wings.

  We, neither of us spoke, simply gazed into each other’s eyes. I was drawn to her. And I believed her to be drawn to me as well.

  I couldn’t understand it, but I liked it.

  She vanished seconds later. Simply disappeared. I stood like a fool in that empty doorway for what felt like hours afterward.

  This imprisonment wasn’t so bad when she was around. But without her, I felt every second of my incarceration.

  Chapter 7


  “Shilling for your thoughts,” Nimue said softly.

  “Hm?” I glanced up at her with a frown.

  She was dressed in a soft gown of spun glowworm silk dyed a rich, brocaded blue. Her dark hair was pinned high on her head, with a simple curl laid across her shoulder. And she held a spoonful of soup inches from her mouth, staring at me as though I’d suddenly sprouted a third eye.

  “What?” I made a show of rubbing my palms across my fin.

  As she set the spoon down in her half-empty bowl of clam chowder, a pretty frown marred her forehead.

  “You’ll give yourself wrinkles, mistress,” I chastised her, rubbing a thumb across it and smoothing out her skin, which was much too motherly an action for a servant to take.

  Good gods, I felt so out of it today.

  “I’m sorry,” I folded my hands in my lap. “I’m not quite sure what’s come over me today.”

  “Sex, I’d imagine.”

  Jutting my jaw, I nodded. “Yes, I did have it last night. But why would sex make me feel so discombobulated?”

  A servant—a maiden I recognized as Stygia—idled by, peeked in at the two of us, and swiftly turned on her fin, swimming in the other direction.

  My murderous glare probably had something to do with her reaction; then again, I’d not quite forgiven Stygia for nearly destroying my children’s happiness, not the way Nim and Sircco had.

  Those two had such soft, mushy hearts.

  “I suppose it is time to talk of the birds and the bees.”

  “Why? I wish to speak of sex, Consort.”

  Her sparkling laughter lifted my mood just slightly.

  “It is called a euphemism, Janita. A polite way of referencing romance, sex, and what not.”

  “It is stupid.”

  She shrugged. “Fine, let’s talk about sex in all its glorious detail. Was it debauched, naughty, did you flog that dolphin?”

  What in the worl
d was she talking about? I patted her hand, fearing my daughter-in-law was quite out of her mind. “There weren’t no dolphins in the room, mistress.”

  Flinching, looking as though she’d just bitten into a sour lemon, she waved a hand. “Never mind. What I want to know is, how did it go?”

  Surely they’d felt the raw currents of power Hades and I had created. Then again, I wasn’t supposed to be Calypso right now.

  “Fine. We had sex and I loved it. His cock felt lovely. Yes. Lovely.” I shook my head, but still a frown tugged at my lips.

  As if sensing I was still mulling over my thoughts, Nim said nothing. She resumed eating the chowder I’d made her.

  “I do not think our arrangement is going to work out,” I said it, looking up at her with a little bit of shock at my own words, but realizing they were also true.

  My heart was heavy, because it wouldn’t work. It couldn’t possibly.

  “The sex, you don’t wish to have sex with him again? But I thought you said you liked it?”

  “Oh, I loved it. I want more, in fact.” I blinked, adjusting my fishy bum on the seat. “The problem is he touches me too much.”

  “Mm. Janita, there is a fair bit of touching involved in the act.”

  “No,” I flicked a wrist, “I can handle that kind of touching. I mean, he kissed my cheek this afternoon and last night, after I’d floated his bottom—”

  “Mmhmm.” She bit her lip.

  “He called me by a name. And it’d sounded an awful lot like a pet name.”

  It’d felt too familiar, too...nice.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want what I’d witnessed between Nim and Sircco, but the intimacy of more was rather terrifying now that Hades had opened the door that way.

  I was a woman used to having my way, doing as I willed, when I willed it. Men were bothersome bores good for only one thing.

  And yet when he’d looked into my eyes today my soul had quivered.

  “That all sounds wonderful to me,” Nim said.

  “Not to me,” I shook my head. “I do not want more than sex. I will give him two weeks of sex and then I am sending him away for good.”

  “Hm.” Her eyes clouded and she pretended to busy herself with reaching for the bread basket, but there was hardly anything left but crumbs.

  “What, hm?” I crossed my arms, being far more demanding with her than Janita had a right to be, but I was truly concerned. I’d hardly slept last night.

  “Only that it’s impossible to control the heart, Janita. It wants what it wants. If you don’t wish to have him fall for you, then make it clear before things become messy and complicated. If you simply want sex, tell him so.”

  “I assumed I’d done that last night. I rode him, got off him, and walked away. Surely any man should have gotten the hint.”

  Her brows lifted high onto her forehead. I wasn’t sure why she seemed so shocked by my words.

  “What? Did I do wrong?”

  “Oh, no.” She waved her hands. “Not at all. What you did was probably the epitome of most men’s dreams. Sex with no strings. I’d imagine many a man would happily sell his soul for such an arrangement.”

  Nodding, I threw my hands up. “My point exactly. I find our arrangement to be more than satisfactory.”

  “But—” she held up a finger.


  “But not all men are built that way. Some actually do have hearts. I know it’s an aberration of nature, but there you have it.”

  “Are you saying my man has a heart?”

  Staring at me thoughtfully, she nodded slowly. “Janita, you are a beautiful, interesting, mysterious, and complicated woman. You will find that most men who come up against you will fall prey to your unwitting charm.”

  “This is true, I am all those things.” I nodded. My Nim was quite wise. “But I don’t want more, Consort. Especially not with him. We can’t work this out, and I’m in no rush to entangle myself permanently with a male. I rather enjoy me life.”

  “Sircco makes me happy. I adore him. But I am a free woman, Janita. That hasn’t changed. The best part about him is that he lets me be who I am, and I think that is a trademark all good couples share. Your mystery man may or may not be a permanent partner in life, but if he is, don’t fear where things might lead. You might find life to be twice as interesting with him in it as without him.”

  I’d had sex with Hades only once. Last night could well have been a fluke. I’d wanted a partner, and he’d filled a role. Tonight would be different. I’d shield any emotion from him.

  I’d give him whatever he asked, within reason of course, and explain to him gently that there would be nothing more from me than my body.

  He’d be happy.

  “Thank you, Consort. I know what I must do now.” Getting up, I made as though to leave, but she held me back with a hand to my elbow.

  “Be aware of one thing, my dear. The giving of our bodies, while pleasurable, comes with a cost.”

  I frowned. I’d never heard of such a thing. “Does he wish money for his body?”

  She laughed. “Not unless he’s in that profession.” But her laughter turned quickly serious and her visage thoughtful. “You are a virgin, or were, and the first time leaves a lasting impression, good, bad, or otherwise. We always remember our first. And sometimes our first can haunt us for eternity. If you do not wish to lose your heart to him, guard it well, and consider cutting ties sooner rather than later.”

  Releasing me, she nodded.

  I felt shaken to my very core. I’d never even considered that a possibility. I was a goddess, though; that was only mortal emotion she spoke of. I was above such trials, surely.

  Rubbing my arms, I made for home, but rather than rush to him as I had yesterday, I took my time, meandering through Seren until the light had vanished from the waters and they were a heavy navy blue and twinkling from the glow of silver fish.



  I was in a foul mood. She’d abandoned me to this room for hours. I’d tried at one point to head to the kitchens for some food but found I could not step foot outside the door.

  Calypso had enchanted the waters.

  She also had no staff. Why did a goddess have no staff?

  Gnashing my teeth, I sat on the edge of the bed, ready to confess my sins and go, when the waters swirled with pink.

  “Aphrodite,” I sighed the moment she materialized before me.

  Smiling broadly, she sat beside me on the bed, crossed her legs, and glanced around.

  “Nice digs.”

  I shrugged.

  “So.” She slapped her hands to her knees, causing her breasts to bounce perkily. “I came to give you the daily update.”

  “Yes?” I asked, bored already.

  I knew what was coming. It was only a matter of time before they discovered the truth for themselves.

  “Cerberus has been found.” She clapped her hands, giving me a broad smile. “I figured you’d like to know your feral monster is now safe and sound and back guarding Tartarus’s gates where he belongs.”

  I was pleased to hear my beast was back.

  “Thank you.”

  Tipping her head, she peered up at me like a barnyard owl. “You don’t sound all that happy, H-man, what gives?”

  “Nothing,” I couldn’t quite hide the grumbling tone. “Only that I’m stuck in this hellhole, I couldn’t even take a piss today, and I’ve eaten nothing since this morning.”

  Aphrodite chuckled. “Calypso takes being your warden seriously, obviously.”

  In truth, I wasn’t even that hungry or needing to use the restroom. But I was bored out of my skull.

  “So how’d the bow chicka wow wow go?” Her smile was broad.

  “Sensed that, did you?” I snorted.

  “You kidding, we all felt the aftershocks of that wave like a freaking earthquake. You kids are so much fun to watch.”

  I twirled on her. “You’d better not be spying on us, Dite,
or I’ll kick you into the Styx and never let you leave.”

  Sticking out her tongue, she tapped her chest. “Give me some credit, here, kay. I don’t need to spy. But like I said, you guys weren’t exactly inconspicuous either. Jeez. By the by,” she airily switched subjects, “Apollo wanted me to tell your girl he’s super pissed, and if she shows her face in the Above sometime before the next two weeks are out, he’ll scorch her ass. His words, not mine.”

  I felt my face contort, felt the bone sculpt out further, turning me from flesh to Death in an instant. “He lays a hand on her and he’ll live to regret it.”

  Looking taken aback by my obvious vehemence, she held up her hands. “Dude, take it down a notch. I’m just the messenger. And holy crap, you’ve got it bad. Little bit of tail and you’re lost on her. Good grief.”

  Running fingers through my hair, I flicked a hand through her image, banishing her with a touch.

  “No, I’m not,” I whispered to no one.

  A minute later, Calypso appeared.

  A woman of water and form, her movements so sensuous, so alluring that I knew my words for the lie they were. I was losing myself to her, and I hated myself for it.

  Chapter 8


  I’d heard him. Heard the conversation he’d had with Dite. And even as I breathed a sigh of relief, a knot formed in my stomach. How dare he not be lost on me!

  “You are not lost on me.” I laughed and flattened my palms on my hips, rocking on my heels in a pose I’d once seen a prostitute use in a whorehouse. I had one knee tipped just slightly forward, with my legs spread wide and my body on full view for him.

  I smirked when Hades shook his head like a man who’d just been blinded by the sun.

  “I’ll make you so lost on me, you foul man. Now get on your knees and beg.” I pointed to the ground.

  I wasn’t really sure why some women said that, but I’d heard it often enough to believe it held some merit.

  But Hades, as bespelled by me as he was, was no mere mortal. Crossing his impressive arms over his equally impressive chest, he snapped his fingers, and because I’d given him my oath last night to do as he bid, my own enchantments worked against me.