I nodded and quietly stayed behind, watching my team go inside and upstairs to their rooms. I glanced around again, then focused my True Sight on the gorges. Still dark and seemingly empty.

  “Typical,” I groaned, turning to go inside, when movement at the top of the mountain caught my eye. The edge of the inn level gave me a decent view of the upper echelons of Azure Heights, particularly the Five Lords’ terrace.

  Music and laughter poured down from the ongoing Spring Ball, and there were plenty of Maras outside standing on the edge and sipping blood from their crystal flutes. But two, in particular, were quietly watching me. My True Sight showed them clearly—Caspian and Amalia, Emilian’s daughter and Lord Kifo’s not-so-betrothed-but-not-sure-what-she-meant-to-him-either.

  Caspian’s expression was cold. He was glaring at me for the umpteenth time, in stark contrast to our little moment earlier, during our dance. Again, he looked like he would’ve loved nothing more than to watch me fall over the edge and break my neck.

  You’re impossible to understand…

  Amalia, on the other hand, seemed relaxed, wearing a curious smirk as she gazed at me from above. Her pale blond hair covered her shoulder, and her ballgown glimmered beneath the warm light of nearby streetlamps.

  “Do you think she can hear us?” Amalia said, her eyes glued to me. Her voice was soft, and there wasn’t a single hint of maliciousness in it, making it difficult for me to interpret the meaning of her question. I didn’t want to let her know just yet that I could, in fact, hear them from down here. I wanted to hear what the brooding prince of darkness had to say first.

  “She does have a habit of eavesdropping and snooping,” Caspian replied, still scowling at me. “I wouldn’t be surprised. She has all the makings of an undesirable with zero knowledge of social status.”

  My blood boiled, but I didn’t take my eyes off them either. Caspian knew I could hear him, and he was being deliberately despicable. I would’ve liked to know why, mainly because it made my stomach churn, and I didn’t like experiencing such emotions in the presence of a guy who’d earlier made my knees feel weak.

  “That’s a bit harsh, Caspian.” Amalia chuckled. I realized then that she was the wealthy socialite type who didn’t stand for anything, but was nice to everyone by design. I would’ve already smacked him if I were in her place.

  “Nope, she’s been repeatedly advised to go away and leave these issues to us. She nearly got herself killed in the Valley of Screams. And yet she persists, even puts on a fancy dress and thinks she can blend in with the rest of us.”

  My hands instinctively went for my blades, which I’d strapped to my thighs with leather belts. My fingers gently lifted the soft back of my silk skirt, grasping the handles, while I kept a straight face and listened.

  “Well, you didn’t seem to mind, seeing as you danced with her.” Amalia gave him a nudge and an amused sideways glance. Caspian kept his focus on me.

  “I was just being nice.”

  Okay, that’s it!

  I pulled my twin swords out with a metallic screech that startled Amalia. She gasped and caught Caspian’s arm, her fingers digging into the fine silk of his jacket. He smirked, satisfied by my reaction. He’d wanted to make me angry… He’d succeeded.

  “I know you’re probably expecting me to scoff and walk away, seemingly offended by your willful ignorance and pathetic display of elitism, Lord Kifo,” I said, stressing each word. They both listened from afar. “But I’m not one to walk away from a secret. I’m the kind who pokes at it until it reveals itself to me.”

  I crossed the blades in front of me, moving them slowly so the moons’ reflection hit Caspian right in the eyes, making him squint with discomfort.

  “And if I find out you have something to do with people getting hurt around here, these blades will come looking for you. They don’t know social status, nor do they care,” I added, then lowered my swords.

  Amalia looked genuinely shocked. Even from down here, and despite her natural pallor, I could’ve sworn she was flustered. I couldn’t be too mad at her, as she probably didn’t know much about our previous exchanges, and she surely knew next to nothing about me. But Caspian was a whole different issue. He knew exactly what he was doing. She walked away from the edge, while Caspian didn’t let me out of his sight. The only reaction I got from him was a scoff.

  I knew then that he got my message, loud and clear.

  I whirled and headed inside, blades in my hands. Several Imen waiters took a few cautious steps back as I headed upstairs and into my room. I locked the door behind me and dropped the swords on the floor with a double clang. My whole body was shaking, a mixture of rage and distress rumbling through me like a runaway train.

  My breathing was ragged and my chest heavy as I tried to pull myself together.

  How could he be so two-faced, so… divergent?

  One minute he’s glaring and warning me to stay away, the next he’s dazzling me with his self-confidence and seductive touch, only to tear it all down by being an absolute jerk, basically asking for a good old-fashioned beating.

  And I was the one trying to keep up, without getting my ego bruised.

  Not that I’d done a bad job of defending it up to this point. I glanced down at my blades, then removed the sheaths from my thighs, slid my babies back inside, and put them by the bed. One look at them and Caspian had probably understood that I was not to be played with, that he did not have a free pass to intimidate or insult me.

  The nerve of him…


  (Daughter of Grace & Lawrence)

  I’d just made it to my room, fresh out of the heels and wiggling my toes with relief, when I got a glimpse of myself in the floor mirror. I stared at my ballgown and hairdo for a while, wishing I’d worn them in better, more relaxing circumstances. The dress itself was a sartorial masterpiece, and I loved every inch of it.

  A knock on the door broke me out of my reverie.

  I opened it and found Blaze standing in the hallway, the top of his shirt unbuttoned and revealing a portion of his tan, muscled chest as he leaned against the wooden railing behind him. Voices emerged from downstairs, along with the sound of glasses clinking and a single, sad violin.

  An awkward silence fell between us as our gazes locked like we were seeing each other for the first time. The Spring Ball had been intense, and Blaze had spent most of the evening with Rewa, after which had come the briefing in the infirmary. We hadn’t really had a chance to catch up.

  “Blaze, what’s up?” I finally asked, unable to stand there much longer while I got lost inside the midnight blue of his eyes.

  He cleared his throat, then took a step forward, enough to reach the doorway. I felt my temperature rise as he got closer.

  “You were definitely right,” he said. “Rewa likes me. She was quite clear about it, actually.”

  He wasn’t telling me anything new, but hearing the fact from his lips didn’t exactly make me feel better. Yet, I’d also seen the glances he’d given me throughout the evening, as he’d danced with Rewa. As if he really didn’t want to… be there with her?

  I wasn’t sure how to respond other than by shrugging. “Okay… And?”

  “Well, it’s a bit awkward for me now, because I do like her as a person… I mean, she’s pleasant enough… But I don’t know what to do with her, how to behave. I don’t want to lead her on…”

  “Why are you talking to me about this?” I couldn’t help but blurt out. I frowned, still not sure what he wanted from me. I’d already made it clear that Rewa liked him; he was simply confirming what I’d already pointed out. It felt redundant, and it annoyed me, mainly because we were inches apart and all he could talk about was how he wasn’t into Rewa, while all I could think about was what his arms would feel like around my body.

  Damn it, Caia, focus!

  Blaze looked a little disheartened by my reaction, as if he’d expected some form of support from me. But I was too busy feeling the sour taste
of jealousy to actually focus on his predicament with the Exiled Mara.

  That’s it… I think I’m jealous. Not good, not good, not good!

  “I came to you because you’re the one who pointed it out in the first place,” he replied. “You’re the one who urged me to be her escort for the Spring Ball.”

  And I still regret pushing you in front of the bus like that, because I somehow ended up under the wheels with you…

  “I did it for the sake of the mission,” I said, holding my chin up, trying hard not to inhale his intense fragrance. But I could still get a whiff of cedarwood, coriander, and musk—just three of the notes used to craft his cologne, which had presumably been provided by his tailor along with the suit. “I think you’re a big boy and can handle this yourself. I don’t understand how I could possibly help…”

  A couple of seconds went by, his gaze persistently set on my face, before his shoulders dropped.

  “I figured you might have a more… diplomatic way of letting someone down easily.” He sighed, his shoulder leaning against the doorframe. “I’m not exactly experienced with the ladies.”

  His innocent smirk made me giggle.

  “Are you serious? With all the hot females drooling over you back in The Shade and on Calliope?” I replied, then stilled as I realized what a magnanimous veiled compliment I’d given him.

  I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but he totally did. His eyes twinkled, and that innocent look on his face shifted into a seductive, self-assured smile that sent heatwaves through my flesh.

  “You think?” he asked, slowly leaning forward and making me hold my breath for a second. Or two, or three… I lost count. “They can drool all they want. I’ve been under my celibacy oath since the age of sixteen. So I tend to stay away from such social encounters… which is why I’m basically a doofus when it comes to girls. I… I can’t, Caia. I’m not good at that.”

  Funny, because you sure are good at giving me heart palpitations…

  I shook my head slowly, trying to put myself in his shoes for a moment. Blaze was preposterously handsome, his rough features mellowed by his soft, dark blue eyes. He was big and strong and his broad shoulders could hold an entire planet, like an ancient Greek god. And yet, despite this charm of his that seemed so natural, Blaze didn’t go on dates. He barely talked to girls. As a matter of fact, as I thought back, I realized that I was literally one of the few girls I’d seen him so much as talk to.

  “I get where you’re coming from,” I managed, unable to move away from him.

  He had a powerful magnetic effect, but he didn’t seem aware of it. That just made him even more attractive, and added to my frustration.

  Focus on the mission.

  “Here’s the thing,” I continued, and he listened with genuine interest. “You said it yourself. You’ve taken your celibacy oath. But we need Rewa to be friendly and open with you, so we can get more information out of her. Especially given what we’ve uncovered tonight, thanks to Avril and Heron! What if… you tell her about the celibacy oath, and just leave her under the impression that you do like her… but the oath! Are you following me?”

  He processed the information, pressing his lips into a thin line.

  “So, blame my inability to be with her on the oath…”

  “Which is true, so you don’t even have to lie to her.” I gave him an understanding grin and wink.

  “But make it sound like I truly resent this oath because now I’ve met her and oh, my, what do I do now, right?”

  “Exactly,” I said. “She’s not going to be very happy, but she’ll still be interested in you, because you’re not turning her down, per se!”

  “I’m merely a victim of my circumstances.” He feigned dramatic emotional torment.

  “You poor soul.” I entertained his theatrical display of victimhood.

  We both laughed, and Blaze took a small step forward, probably without even realizing. His face was barely an inch from mine, and we both stilled, staring at each other. He seemed to look right into my soul, and I suddenly felt naked and defenseless, vulnerable, and curious as to what his lips would taste like.

  As if hearing my thoughts, said lips slowly parted, while I tried to deal with the deafening sound of my heartbeat echoing in my ears.

  Blaze, unfortunately for me, was a master of self-control. He gave me a warm smile and a curt nod, then moved back, and I felt the chill of the night brushing over me in the absence of his hot body so close to mine.

  “Thank you, Caia,” he said, his voice low. There was a slight tremor in there, a little hint that maybe he’d been as affected by our physical closeness as me, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “It’s okay.” I shrugged.

  “See you tomorrow…”

  He headed off to his room, and I was left there, standing in the doorway, hints of his fragrance still tickling my nose. I was trying to make sense of what had just happened. We’d gotten so close. Another inch and our lips would’ve met.

  That celibacy oath of his was really confusing, because I was starting to think that the attraction was mutual, that we were both drawn to each other but neither knew how to play this game. He had three more years to spend on his own before he could look for a mate.

  What would he do, if he liked me?

  What could he do? He wouldn’t be the type to lead me on, for sure. I’d just watched him struggle as he tried to find the right words to let Rewa down easily—and she was an Exiled Mara, a complete stranger, and, quite frankly, possibly connected to whatever dark secret the Five Lords were hiding.

  I clearly had a thing for him. I’d realized that on our way back from the Spring Ball—fully acknowledged it, that is. But how could I talk to him about it? How would I bring it up?

  It wasn’t the right time. We had a mission. We needed to get to the bottom of whatever was going on here and then go home to Calliope.

  With my mind refocused on our prime objective, I took a deep breath and closed the door, then locked it, slipped out of my dress, and hid behind the soft bedcovers.

  Whatever I was feeling for Blaze, it would have to wait.


  I had been fast asleep. Whatever I’d been dreaming scattered so fast, I only caught glimpses of hazelnut-brown hair before my eyes popped open. I’d heard something. A noise that didn’t belong in my subconscious. Footsteps.

  The ceiling above me was pristine white. I was still in the infirmary, in my bed. I glanced over to Minah and froze at the sight of two large, dark figures standing by her bedside. I couldn’t make out what they were, but they were tall, towering over her.

  My defensive instincts kicked in, and I moved to get them away from the Iman girl, but a pair of bright, golden eyes popped into my field of vision and everything went black. Reality dissipated, and I was instantly embraced by soft dreams, Kyana’s voice soothing my soul.

  “Come closer,” she said, her voice soft and seductive.

  I did just that, and I found myself in our first bed in a small cabin on the outskirts of Luceria. I’d been stationed there by Almus, Draven’s father and then Master Druid of Persea.

  This was one of my most beautiful memories, the morning after the first night I’d spent with Kyana. I’d caught her sneaking fire orchids out of Luceria—purely by accident. The flowers were rare and expensive at the time. I knew, judging by her modest clothing, that she couldn’t afford fire orchids herself. I’d confronted her about it, and she’d flung blue flames at me. I’d realized then that I was dealing with a Lamia. She was stunning and bold. My heart went berserk. My senses betrayed me.

  We ended up drinking sweet plum cider in a nearby inn, before it was leveled by Azazel’s Destroyers. I let her go with her fire orchids, and I went to my cabin. I found her standing there, leaning against the wooden doorframe.

  She was mine, and I was hers.

  “Come closer,” she said once more. I wrapped my arms around her narrow waist and let my hands explore the daring curves of her hips, my fi
ngers digging into her soft flesh. She was sweet and addictive. I kissed her deeply, tasting the fruity notes of her lips, then pulled my head back and stilled. This wasn’t Kyana anymore.

  I was holding Scarlett, her warm brown hair cascading over the pillows, her body bare beneath mine. I could see the sky in her eyes, and my every muscle resonated with desire. I cupped her cheek with one hand, while the other was busy tracing invisible lines down her thigh. She smiled, and I burned for her.

  I kissed her, losing myself in her, allowing myself to consume her in my dream.

  That was all I could do when it came to Scarlett, at least until my guilt over mourning Kyana came back to haunt me. I could dream.


  (Daughter of Hazel & Tejus)

  I woke up in a foul mood after last night’s encounter with Caspian. It was enough to animate me out of bed. I washed some of the nerves away with a hot bath, then geared up and met the rest of my team downstairs.

  The Iman bartender was kind enough to serve us blood shots.

  “On the house.” He winked at me, then poured me a cup of hot coffee, which I gulped down before Hansa motioned for us to go. It burned so good, given the chilled state I’d grown accustomed to as a vampire.

  I gave the guy a thankful nod, then headed down to the infirmary, close behind Hansa and the team. I wasn’t the only one with a grumpy face on, either. There was enough tension between Hansa and Jax to chop with an axe. I didn’t have enough time to study the others’ expressions much, as we soon reached the infirmary level.

  Hansa opened the door and froze, while the rest of us huddled behind her.

  “Patrik!” she shouted, and rushed inside.

  I followed, then stilled at the sight of a very pale and very dead Minah, and Patrik, who was passed out in his bed. I heard gasps behind me as Caia, Scarlett, Fiona, and Avril came in, followed by Jax, Heron, and Blaze.