“Boil, boil, bubble, trouble, rise above the kingdom double, let the evil grow and fester, make my power flow and pester!” screamed Detis above the storm as she added handfuls of gray, green and black chemicals to a rusted caldron. Smoke filled the room and flowed upward through an opening to the darkened sky. With each bolt of lightning and rumbling thunder, Detis smiled. Her power in the land was multiplying.

  Veectors was the only planet in the Solar System that unlawfully dabbled in the use of toxic chemicals to change the weather. By using this system, they could create rain or sunshine wherever and whenever it was needed. The Veectoreze found it very convenient to control crop growth, and handy to maintain sunshine above their cities, unless of course, the air needed cleaning. Weather changing, as it was called was forbidden in the kingdom and had been for the last thirty-three years. When the change in atmospheric conditions on Veectors began to affect the weather on neighboring planets, the Solar Council met and agreed to outlaw the practice. Although the Veectoreze signed the agreement with great flair, they had no intention of abiding by it, and today the practice was more secretive, but as widespread as ever.

  Detis had been trained in chemistry and although she had not made potions since joining the royal family, she hadn’t forgotten one thing. She was pleased with the way the storm was brewing. “I haven’t lost my touch after all,” she said to herself. “The inhabitants will be fearful of a storm so quickly following the coronation. It’ll be taken as a bad omen, that a child was crowned Queen! And when that child disappears, well….” Detis laughed wickedly.

  Hete sat quivering in the corner hoping Detis wouldn’t see him as she laughed and cackled at her work. He was terrified at the crash of thunder, which instantly followed the scary lightening, and was even more afraid of watching the transformation of Detis into an ugly hag. The whole castle shook with each clap of thunder and the blackness was becoming so thick it seemed like fog.

  Watching the fire to try to block out the bloodcurdling sounds, Hete became quickly mesmerized by the odd glowing colors. With each handful of chemicals Detis added, sparkles were emitted above the flames, bursting like miniature fireworks in orange, red, blue, green and purple. Forgetting the moment, Hete hummed a little tune and clapped his hands quietly. As he lifted his hands up, they made a shadow on the wall in front of him. He remembered the fun his sister and he had in front of the fire, making shadow puppets on the wall of the family hollow. Laughing he began to entertain himself with his hand puppet that danced to his song.

  Another bolt of lightning, thunder and then the looming shadow of Detis overpowering his puppet brought him back to the present.

  “Hete, my pet, the time has come; I feel it in my bones. Tonight is the night of all nights. The Veectoreze are ready and you have mustered up the Kievils, haven’t you?”

  Hete stared at her large frightening shadow, but words would not come. Another bolt of lightning flashed at the window. Hete began to breathe heavily and then saw Detis gliding silently towards him. Beads of sweat erupted on his face and he began to shake uncontrollably, remembering he had forgotten to organize the Kievils.

  “We are ready for tonight, aren’t we Hete?” yelled Detis loudly. As Detis leaned forward Hete shrank against the floor, but managed to nod his head. That seemed to appease her and she backed off. “Good, now get up you worm and pull yourself together. We have work to do. Now, do you have four Kievils to do my bidding tonight?”

  “Yes, yes My Queen” said Hete rising and brushing himself off. Thinking as quickly as he could, Hete tried to figure out how he was going to contact his Uncle Tete and cousins without Detis becoming aware. He’d have to make some excuse to leave, but was very frightened of the storm, and being with Detis helped him feel a little less afraid of the weather. How was he going to leave the warm castle and go into the forest to his uncle’s den tonight, of all nights?

  Kievils weren’t concerned about rain, but lightning and thunder terrified them and darkness as far as they were concerned, wasn’t a time for travel. Detis continued to rattle on about her plan, and Hete looked at the floor totally discouraged. He wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bed and go to sleep after a snack of cake or candy.

  “The space pod will arrive from Veectors just after midnight, are you sure you can fly it? I’m counting on you Hete.”

  “Yes, My Queen.”

  “Good. Now the Veectoreze refuse to openly be part of this until you bring Saturna to Veectors and…”

  “My Queen, you won’t hurt Saturna will you?” asked Hete hesitantly, looking up and then back down at the floor.

  “Now Hete, we’ve been through this before. We are simply transferring the seat of government from Zard to Veectors. And where Saturna is, is where the government is. Don’t you think it’s time another planet in the Solar System had a turn?”

  Hete simply nodded, he didn’t think she answered his question.

  “They like Kievils in Veectors and you my friend will be a celebrity for bringing Saturna to them. They’ll probably shower you with gifts and along with the gold you will get from me…well you’ll be rich.”

  Detis smiled and tried to look friendly. “Hete you are with me aren’t you? I’m your only friend; we are working together on this one. Look at me!” Staring directly into Hete’s eyes, Detis said sternly, “You do as you’re told and listen only to me, I won’t have any foul-ups this time! Now go and get changed into the black uniform I bought you.”

  Glad for the excuse to leave, Hete quickly headed towards the secret tunnel which led to the outside wall of the castle.