Chapter Five

  Seated at the head table with other dignitaries Saturna listened and nodded politely. Representatives from every planet in Zard’s solar system were present. It was an unusual assortment of inhabitants who had come together to pay their respect and feel out the favors of the new Queen. Zard was the center of the Solar System and the most powerful planet with an enormous wealth of resources. Each planet had princes, princesses, dukes and duchesses somehow related to the royal family of Zard. But in the Solar System there was only one ruler whose power surpassed all. That power now belonged to Saturna. Eight invitations of marriage had already been received by Oron because every planet coveted a closer relationship with Zard.

  Before her father’s death, Saturna would have been considered too young for marriage. But as Queen in the inhabitant’s mind, Saturna must marry, take her husband as King, and then all would be right in the realm. It was a fantastic opportunity for another planet to capture influence and power by placing one of their eligible bachelors on the throne.

  The inhabitants excitedly schemed as they sat at their individual planetary tables observing the new Queen. Eight hundred and sixteen dignitaries dressed in the colors of their planet and speaking in a cacophony of local dialects were generally having a good time. Saturna was not.

  Bored, Saturna sat dreaming about the interplanetary competitions, which would occur in two days. She could hardly wait. The best fighters of the planets would be matched against the strongest Zardite warriors, and the winners would rise in rank or be selected to become a part of the Zardite army. To win was one of the highest honors in the Solar System, and because of this, the matches attracted thousands and thousands of ecstatic viewers.

  She glanced at the empty seat at her table and then at Detis who appeared to be thoroughly enjoying herself at the table of Veectors. Detis seemed completely at ease conversing rapidly in Veectoreze, and it suddenly dawned on Saturna that she had not known Detis spoke the language so well. Eavesdropping, Saturna heard Detis talking about the planet Veector’s atmosphere. She spoke with confidence and knowledge, overpowering the opinions of the other inhabitants beside her, making humorous remarks and talking so rapidly that Saturna, although fluent in this language, found it difficult to follow.

  Suddenly, Saturna heard Gondee calling her through her auri, "Queen Saturna, the inhabitants await your signal to begin the entertainment."

  Plates were being cleared away and pastries, fruits, cheeses, and drinks replaced the delicacies of the dinner. The noise in the room had softened to a lull and most of the inhabitants were looking toward the head table in anticipation.

  Saturna stood nervously and smiled. "Friends, we have seen the passing of a great King who worked his whole life to better our Solar System. I cannot replace him, but as his heir and now your Queen, I promise I shall dedicate my life to keeping peace in the kingdom. I will continue his work to improve the life of every inhabitant on every planet and moon, by consulting with your dignitaries and by visiting your planets to gain a greater understanding of your needs. We have had eighteen years of peace and prosperity in the Solar System and my pledge to each one of you is to have many, many more. Let the entertainment begin!"

  As Saturna sat down, stomping, clapping and arm waving occurred. She had been accepted for the moment. The roar finally calmed and the dancing troop appeared moving to a rhythmic drum beat. The inhabitants seemed pleased with the whole event and Saturna felt a touch more confident about her future as Queen.

  Glancing about the room, Saturna’s gaze would occasionally meet with one of the inhabitant’s looking for favor with the royal family. Saturna would politely smile, but found herself tensing as she guarded her inner feelings. In the past Saturna had been able to sense some of the true intentions of Turnti inhabitants, and she wasn’t sure if this was because she saw their auries, or if because she was one-half Turnti on her mother’s side. If Saturna could feel the Turnti inhabitant’s thoughts, then maybe they could also sense hers.

  As Queen it would do more harm than good if some of the inhabitants could penetrate her thoughts, especially thoughts she would rather not share. She had become used to the Urites sensing her auri and although to an outsider this would be alarming, Saturna knew the Urites were a non-threatening race and would never harm her or the kingdom.

  The tone of the music abruptly changed and as Saturna looked up, she suppressed a giggle watching the assortment of inhabitants socializing around her. It seemed very odd that they were so physically different from one another when their planets were relatively close. She supposed it had to do with the chemical composition of the planets themselves, perhaps the gases which surrounded them. Still the variety of complexions, assortment of facial features and placement of limbs was fascinating. Wishing she had a sibling to share this humor with, Saturna suddenly felt quite alone. Everyone seemed to be having so much fun, talking with relatives and friends. Saturna on the other hand was at a table of important Zardite dignitaries, most of whom she had never met before tonight.

  “I mustn’t feel sorry for myself. The running of the kingdom is my responsibility, and with that responsibility there comes a loss of certain freedoms. I only wish I can find a true friend who I can be myself with,” whispered Saturna, trying to look cheerful.

  The music unexpectedly stopped and the Eros diplomat leaped on top of his chair. He waved his arms rapidly back and forth, indicating he wanted to be heard. Saturna nodded and the chatter in the room silenced.

  “On behalf of our inhabitants, we of Eros have a most precious gift to bestow upon our new and most gracious Queen. We hope through this gift Zard will look with favor on our small, but industrious planet. We aspire to develop stronger diplomatic ties with Zard this year.” Smiling the diplomat sat.

  Banging and clapping at the Eros table began with all eyes on a small Eros child, who carefully approached Saturna with a tiny box. Placing the box on the table before the Queen, the child retreated as Saturna whispered “thank you” in Erosian. Mysteriously the box began to slowly open itself, producing a lovely Farilight inside. There were loud gasps from the crowd and many of the inhabitants stood to get a better look. The Farilight stepped cautiously out of the box and bowed before Saturna, then turned toward the murmur of the crowd. Seeing hundreds of eyes staring in disbelief at the teeny elf, the Farilight began to shake in fear, and before Saturna could intervene, the Farilight jumped back into its box, closing the lid.

  Saturna was amazed and surprised. She had seen pictures of Farilights and was fairly sure that was what the creature was. Yet she had thought Farilights were in legends only, she didn’t know they really existed. Was it a Farilight or some sort of toy? Coming to her senses she realized the inhabitants were waiting for a reply.

  “I thank you for your most rare and unique gift, Eros,” said Saturna, upon rising. “May this day mark the beginning of better relations with all the planets of our Solar System.”

  The roar of the inhabitants was great with most of the noise coming from the Eros table. Saturna watched the instant and intense huddling of the inhabitants from the tables of the other planets. She grinned and imagined she would very soon be receiving more unusual gifts.