Page 18 of Caged

  “Hilarious, babe. It seems I don’t have many off-hours.”

  Molly turned in her seat. “Do you do that on purpose?”


  “Pack your free time with MMA or martial arts stuff so you don’t have to figure out a hobby?”

  “I ain’t exactly the hobby type.”

  “Because you turned your hobby into your job?”

  It took him a few moments to answer. “Yeah, I guess. Now I’m getting paid to fight.”

  Ask me my hobbies, Deacon. This is what people in a relationship do.

  “What kind of books do you read?”

  “Promise not to laugh?”


  She laughed. “I read romance.”

  His lips twitched. “I knew that.”

  “How?” Had he noticed the books in her living room?

  “Tim told me. Pissed me off that he knew your favorite books. But I saw you finger yourself while reading a dirty one, so I win.” He gave her a full-out bad boy grin.

  Her cheeks heated. “I read more than just erotic romance. I like historical, paranormal, and suspense.”

  “What makes a book erotic?”

  “More sex scenes. Erotic novels also have some kink, which is, ah . . . fun to read about.”

  He snagged his water bottle from the cup holder. “What kind of kink?”

  “Spanking. Multiple partners. Bondage.” Molly sent him a sideways glance. “I’ve wanted to ask Amery about the rope stuff she and Ronin do, but I always chicken out.”

  Deacon choked on his drink. “Jesus, Molly. Warn a guy first.”

  “So what do you know about that?”

  “It’s not my place to say. So if you wanna know more, ask Amery.”

  “Fine.” She swiped her finger across the screen and the text reappeared.

  She’d finished maybe a page when Deacon spoke again.

  “Why do you like erotic books?”

  “The level of intensity between the hero and heroine always seems . . . higher. They express themselves to each other through sex.”

  “What else?”

  Pushy much? “Never mind.”

  “Oh, no, darlin’. You don’t get to admit you like them kinda books and then act pissy because I wanna know why you like them.”

  “Because they make me hot, okay? The only place I’ll ever get to experience that kinkier stuff is through the pages of a book.” Embarrassed by that admission, she directed her attention out the window.

  Deacon’s hand landed on the back of her head. “Look at me.”

  She shook her head.


  “No. Keep your damn eyes on the road, Deacon.”

  He slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder. After putting the car in park, he curled his hand below her jaw and turned her head, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  He’d shoved his sunglasses on top of his head, and those icy eyes were scary as hell.

  “Understand this. I’m not making fun of you for what you’re reading.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No.” He gave her a look she couldn’t decipher.

  “Then what?”

  “Read it to me.”

  When her jaw fell open in shock, he took advantage and kissed her. A sweet, coaxing kiss, with teasing flicks of his tongue and the hot and sexy glide of his wet lips across hers.

  Against her mouth, he murmured, “I wanna hear what gets you hot.”

  That caused her belly to swoop. “You’re serious. You want me to read to you.”

  “Yeah, babe, I do.” Another soft brush of his lips across hers. “And not just the dirty parts. But you could mark the kinky spots and we could try them out later.”

  Molly laughed.

  He settled himself in his seat again and put the car in motion.

  Since Molly was halfway through her current book, she picked an erotic contemporary she hadn’t started yet. “You ready?”

  “Yeah. What’s the title?”

  “Teacher’s Pet by Cherry Starr.” She flipped her e-reader around. “The cool thing? Hardwick Designs did the exclusive book cover.”

  Deacon squinted at it. “Whoa. Is that chick wearing a . . . collar?”

  “Yes. It was fun watching Amery direct this couple as she maneuvered them around.”

  “Now I really wanna hear you read this.”

  Molly jumped right in. She didn’t attempt to lower her voice to portray the male character or force an accent for the foreign characters. This was one of the first times she appreciated the slow buildup to the first sex scene.

  Every once in a while she’d glance over at Deacon at a funny part and it gave her a feeling of relief to see his lips curled into a smile.

  When she reached the scene where the heroine sees the hero naked for the first time, she started to skim it to gauge the level of heat.

  Deacon’s hand squeezed her knee. “No fair reading ahead.”

  “I’m not. I just . . .” Don’t know how I’ll get through this, and it’s not even a full-blown sex scene.

  “You’re blushing, which means it’s gotta be good. Read,” he commanded.

  Molly sipped her water and cleared her throat.

  I shouldn’t have walked into his bedroom without knocking. I know that now. But in my own defense, I was thinking of ten other things. I had my hand on the door handle and stepped into the room before the words knock-knock occurred to me.

  Colin had his broad back to me. His muscles stretched and rippled with every movement of his arm. I saw droplets of water glistening across his shoulders and, oh, how I thirsted.

  I clenched my hands into fists and let my eyes wander down his spine. The golden hue of his skin ended abruptly at his waistline, making his pale buttocks stand out even more. I bit back a moan at seeing the firm, round globes. I’d had my hands in the pockets of his jeans, so I’d felt the masculine curve and hardness once before. My fingers clenched and released, as if they had a mind of their own—a mind to grab a handful of that tight white ass and hold on.

  I gave his legs a cursory glance, then let my gaze travel back up his body, savoring every inch. But my visual appreciation didn’t get any farther than his lower half because I realized his right arm was still moving in front of his body, his well-defined triceps straining and bunching with the movement.

  Then Colin’s head fell back. Those dark curls covered the nape of his neck as he expelled a loud, “Fuck.”

  I gasped because I figured out what he was doing.

  He confirmed my suspicions when he spun to face me and I saw his fist wrapped around his cock. “Caitlin? Why the bloody hell are you in my room?”

  “I don’t know.” My feet carried me forward even when I knew I should’ve stayed put. “I’m sorry I barged in and interrupted—”

  “Me jerkin’ the gherkin?” he said in that deep, menacing tone.

  “It’s not a gherkin, from where I’m standing,” I replied without thinking.

  Then his entire countenance changed. “Like what ya see, do you, lass?”

  I couldn’t respond. The lust I’d felt had somehow seized my vocal cords and I could only nod.

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Can ya get your eyes off my junk?”

  I continued to move forward.

  Colin breathed heavily, although he’d stopped sliding his hand up and down his rigid shaft.

  Once I was close enough to fill my lungs with his scent and feel the heat from his naked body, I stopped. My hands definitely had a mind of their own and landed on Colin’s thickly furred chest.

  With his free hand, he tipped my head back and got nose to nose with me. “Do ya mean to make me mad with wanting you?”

  “I’m not the one who said no, Colin.”

  “Because I’m trying to protect you!”

  “From what? From you?” My eyes couldn’t stay in one place long. I drank in every feature of his face. The stormy gray eyes were brimming with lust. His lips had lost the pinch
ed look and were parted from his rapid breaths. Color rode high on his cheekbones. His dark hair, nearly black, was slicked back and wet from his shower.

  “Aye, from me, dammit.” Then his mouth crashed down on mine and he finished the kiss he’d backed away from earlier. A growing hunger consumed him, as it did me when he gave in to it.

  Colin kissed me with the finesse of a man who understood kissing was an art, a journey of itself, not just a prelude to full-body contact and sliding part A into slot B.

  That kiss destroyed me piece by piece even as it built me up brick by brick. I became stronger the longer his mouth remained on mine. I knew this was right between us. Damn the age difference. Damn the supposed impropriety between teacher and student. Damn everything but this passion that was the only truth between us.

  Colin’s lips—soft and warm and damp—glided across my cheek to my ear. He tried to hide his labored breathing from me, and for that reason it burrowed into the very heart of me.

  “Do you know how bloody hard it was to push you away, Caitlin?” He nuzzled the hollow beneath my ear. “When I really wanted to push you onto the bed and do every dirty thing I’ve been fantasizing about for weeks?”

  “I’m not busy right now,” I breathed.

  A small chuckle broke free and vibrated against my skin. “So why do I feel dirtier that you caught me rubbing one out than I did when thinking about your hand on my cock?”

  “You think too much,” I murmured back. “You can have the reality instead of a fantasy.” I arched as he placed sucking kisses from beneath my earlobe down the column of my neck. “You know you want to push me to my knees. So do it.”

  I waited, expecting he’d say no and act as if he knew what I needed rather than what I wanted. So I braced myself for his rejection.

  I should’ve braced myself for his strong grip on my shoulders as he forced me to kneel.

  Molly’s cheeks were warm. Her eyes burned hot. Her voice had turned scratchy, and she paused to take a drink. Then she felt Deacon’s eyes on her. “What?”

  “Keep goin’. That’s fucking hot.”

  She swigged her water again before she read on.

  A sense of power rolled through me as my lips met the wet tip of his cock. I barely had time to ready myself before his big hands cradled my head and he guided his cock into my mouth, which was already wet with anticipation.

  The musky taste of him was as potent as the man himself. I flattened my palms on his upper thighs and squeezed the muscles as I pulled him deeper into my mouth. I’d make this blow job the best he’d ever had or choke trying. His girth stretched my lips, and the weight of his thick shaft rested heavily on my tongue. My throat felt overly stuffed and my gag reflex kicked in, but I pushed past that and began to work him.

  Colin spewed a bunch of curses and Gaelic words, but I had drifted into that state where seeing to his pleasure increased mine.

  I slid my hands around to grip his ass. To encourage him to plunge into my mouth without holding back. Needing him to see me differently—not as his graduate assistant, but as his sexual equal. Wanting him to understand that as his lover, I’d deny him nothing. Silently promising him that fulfilling his kinkiest, dirtiest desires, anytime, anyplace was my ultimate fantasy.

  And I sensed when that shift occurred. His hands were rougher, as were the sounds working out from deep inside him. I knew he wouldn’t hold back. There’d be no warning when he started to come in my mouth. He’d take his pleasure in the manner I’d offered—with no restrictions.

  That’s when I drifted into the sexual high I’d experienced only once before.

  Colin rammed into my mouth and stopped.

  I started to swallow immediately after that first spurt slid down the back of my throat. The muscles contracted around the head of his cock, and he groaned and twitched until I’d milked every drop.

  He threw his hand against the wall to keep himself upright, his lungs heaving and his body damp with sweat.

  There was the dirty, sexy man I wanted—not the staid professor.

  That was as good a place to end as any.

  Deacon didn’t say a word. With his sunglasses on, she couldn’t read his eyes.

  She refused to look at his crotch to see if the scene had affected him.

  Without taking his eyes off the road, Deacon asked, “Did that scene get you hot?”

  “A little. Did it do anything for you?”

  “I’m hard as a fucking barbell.”

  Then Molly did sneak a peek at his groin. She clearly saw the outline of his cock off to the left side of his camo shorts.

  “When you read stuff like that, do you put yourself in the story?”

  “Like I was Caitlin, on my knees, gobbling up Colin’s cock?”

  Deacon groaned. “Gobbling? Jesus, babe.”

  She laughed—a trifle nervously. “Do you think it was easy for me to read that to you?”

  “Answer the question.”

  Molly tried to find the right phrasing. “It wasn’t me in the story. It’s more like I’m a voyeur—which is a kink you’re very familiar with.”

  He snorted.

  “Your turn. While you were listening, did you—”

  “Imagine it was your hands touching me, your lips on mine, my cock plunging into your mouth? You’re goddamn right it was you and me.”


  “Because it was like that for us in the beginning. I wanted you like fucking crazy but had convinced myself I couldn’t have you and I had to stay away from you.”

  Molly set her hand on his forearm and followed the dips and grooves of his muscles with the tips of her fingers. She feathered her thumb over the crease in his elbow and continued her exploration of his upper arm, stopping to map the deep cuts of his biceps and trace the ripped edges of his triceps. “You have me now, Deacon. So what are you gonna do with me?”

  He turned and looked at her over the tops of his sunglasses. Twin blue flames of pure desire shone in his eyes. “Show you that real passion”—he pointed to her e-reader—“is way better than what’s written on the pages of a book.”

  Holy crap.

  “Any fantasy you got? I’ll make a reality.”

  Holy, holy crap.

  “You down with that, babe?”

  Internally, she’d busted into the Yay me! happy dance. Outwardly, she blushed from the roots of her hair to her toenails. Rather than sit there in shock like a goof, she unbuckled her seat belt and leaned closer. She kissed a path up his jawline to his ear, loving the rough feel of his stubble on her lips. “Very down with that. In fact, I could be very down with a lot of things right now.”

  “Buckle up,” Deacon warned. “The first time your mouth is gobbling down my cock won’t be in a moving car.”

  Not even his use of gobbling softened the sting.