“Then what do you want from me?”

  To have things the way they were. To have you take my hand and look into my eyes. But she didn’t say any of this outloud. Travis was still angry, and she didn’t know how to handle his anger. Hannah and Franklin had never been angry with her, and even when her father scolded her, he did so in a kind voice. Travis’ biting tone and angry eyes were more than she could take.

  “Can’t answer me?” Travis went on, more furious than before.

  Rebecca’s hand came up in supplication. “What do you want from me, Travis?”

  “I’ll show you,” he bit out, and before she could guess what he might do, he pulled her into his arms. The kiss he gave her was not nice. His lips crushed Rebecca’s tender mouth; his arms locked her against him with bruising strength. Rebecca couldn’t cry out, and she couldn’t breathe. It was awful. She felt more frightened than she’d ever been in her life, and just as black spots began to dance before her eyes, he loosened his hold. Travis’ anger had deserted him.

  The hands that now put her away from him were not angry hands. They were gentle, but it didn’t register with the small, frightened woman who stood trembling and feeling very cold.

  Travis looked down at his handiwork. Rebecca’s hair was a snarled mess, her mouth was already swelling, and huge tears filled her eyes. He wanted to be sick to his stomach. How could he have treated her that way? He wanted to tell her he was sorry, but the words wouldn’t come.

  He reached to brush the hair from her cheek, but stopped when she flinched. His hand dropped to his side.

  “Put a cold cloth on your mouth, Rebecca. Or better yet, some snow. It’ll help the swelling.”

  Rebecca’s hand went to her lips as he said this, and it hurt her to touch them. Travis stared at her with regretful eyes before turning to go on his way. He would work the day out, but come dinner he’d tell Andrew that he had to resign. His boss had trusted him, and he’d betrayed that trust.

  Travis’ plans were honorable, but no one, least of all Travis, could have predicted what the next few hours would bring.

  The doctor came from the sick room on Sunday afternoon. Andrew had suffered another spell the night before. He was flat on his back and desperate. Travis and Rebecca stood in the hall, not talking or touching. The doctor had also come Saturday when Travis had ridden into town for him, but now he came out to tell Travis that Andrew was asking for him.

  “And Rebecca?” Travis asked, not looking at the woman beside him.

  “He wants to see her afterward.”

  Travis looked down at Rebecca. She seemed to have put the kiss out of her mind. She looked up at him and said in a soft voice, “Go ahead, Travis. I’ll wait here.”

  Travis nodded and went in. “You don’t have to do this,” he heard Lavena quietly saying to the ranch owner as he opened the door, but the older woman’s mouth shut with a snap as soon as she saw him. She moved from the room. After he shut the door, Travis approached the huge bed. Andrew’s eyes were open, his face ashen.

  “How are you, sir?” Travis whispered.

  “Foolish,” came the equally soft reply. “I thought I could bargain with God.”

  Travis stood still. What could he say to this?

  “I want you to marry Reba.”

  Travis blinked stupidly at the man.

  “You heard me,” Andrew said softly, his eyes on Travis’ face. “I want you to marry Reba. I thought I would be around forever. I’ve been so happy with her here, but my heart is failing me. I have to know she’s going to be taken care of. Men like Lucky …” He had to pause for breath. “She’s too innocent. She doesn’t understand that they only want one thing.”

  “Mr. Wagner,” Travis cut in gently, “you don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “You don’t care for her?”

  “I do care,” he assured him honestly. “More than I can say, but we haven’t been close lately. She would never agree.”

  “But if she did, would you marry her, Travis? Would you take care of my girl? Would you make her your wife?”

  “She’ll never—”

  “Would you?” Andrew cut him off, and Travis’ heart slammed with alarm to see the man’s face flush.

  “Yes,” he told him swiftly, feeling breathless himself and wondering if he really meant it. “But I can tell you she’ll never agree.”

  Andrew’s sigh was huge. It was as if he hadn’t heard a word. “She’ll agree,” he said very softly. “She’s a good girl, and she knows I’m taking care of her. I still plan to beat this, but just in case I don’t, she’ll have you. You understand ranching—even more than Grady did. You’ll run things, and she’ll be safe from Hannah.”

  He saw the question in Travis’ eyes but said only, “Reba will tell you about Hannah someday. You’ll have lots of time to get to know each other.” With that, Andrew appeared to go to sleep. Travis stood for a moment in indecision, but as he was softly crossing the carpet, his employer said, “Send Reba in, Travis. I need to see her now.”

  Travis did as he was told and looked down at Rebecca as she went into the room. The eyes she turned to him were wide with appeal, and Travis realized that she had forgiven him his reprehensible behavior the morning before.

  As soon as the door closed on Rebecca, Travis moved to his room. Once inside, he shut the door and leaned against it. Reba. Reba as his wife. It was almost more than he could take in. Before Denver he wouldn’t have even argued with Andrew; he’d have dragged Rebecca to the alter in the blink of an eye. But they had become distant. He knew some of it was his fault. She had wanted to talk to him, but he would have none of it.

  And the marriage would save Andrew—Travis was certain of it. His heart could rest and find peace that his daughter was well taken care of. Travis pushed away from the door and moved to one of the windows.

  Who are you kidding, Buchanan?You’re not marrying that girl to save her father. You’re marrying that girl because you can’t live without her. In that instant Travis heard himself. He was talking like it was a done deal, because in his mind it was. He turned from the window and stepped back out into the hall. The doctor stood there alone. Travis found his heart talking to the owner of the Double Star Ranch.

  You’ve got to make her see, sir. I’ll take care of her, rest assured of that. Make her see that I’m worthy of another chance because I’ll cherish her forever.

  Rebecca sat very still and watched her father’s chest as it rhythmically lifted the sheet. She couldn’t have moved if she wanted to. How in the world had he talked her into such a thing? What girl doesn’t dream of being courted, told she’s loved, and then asked that wonderful question? Rebecca had been no different, but her father said this way was best. Indeed, he looked as if he were going to expire on the spot when she didn’t agree fast enough.

  And now she was to be married. It was the very reason she was sitting in her father’s bedroom long after he’d fallen asleep. If she left the room she might run into Travis, and right now she’d rather die. Her father had bought a husband for her. Rebecca felt sick and must have made a sound. She looked over to see her father’s eyes on her.

  “What is it, Reba? What has you upset?”

  “How can you ask me that?” Tears filled her eyes. “My father buys me a husband and wonders why I’m upset.”

  Andrew’s head moved on the pillow. “It’s you he wants, Reba. Trust me. He never even mentioned the ranch.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  “Because I’ve known a lot of men, and Travis Buchanan is a cut above the rest. He’s not without his faults, Reba, but he’s special. Get to know him. I can see great things for the two of you, and I plan to be here to watch. But just in case, married to him I know you’ll be all right.”

  Slipping back into her dream world, Rebecca was comforted—but only momentarily. The bubble had burst when Travis started for her in the entryway and Lucky spoke from the living room. Then there had been his awful coldness and punishing kiss
. Now her father said they would make a life together. The side of Rebecca that wanted to walk through life in a dream wanted desperately to believe him, but the other half of her was terrified. Her father was about to make it worse.

  “I’ve talked with Lavena. She’s setting it all up. You’ll be married this week.”

  “This week?” Rebecca whispered, telling herself not to faint.

  “Look at me, Rebecca.” He sounded almost stern. “I have to see the job done. I have to rest in peace.”

  Rebecca’s hands came to her face. How in the world would she make it?

  “Trust me, Rebecca. I promise to do right by you.”

  She tried to nod, but her head hurt so badly. She didn’t hear the door, but suddenly Lavena was there. She helped the young woman to her feet and down the hall. Rebecca didn’t remember much about being helped into bed, but the night passed swiftly, as did the first half of the week. Before she knew it it was Wednesday, and the preacher was coming from town at 5:00.

  Travis smoothed down the hair at the back of his neck and wished he had taken time to get it cut. He slipped into his only dress jacket and adjusted the string tie at his throat. The only pants he had were jeans, but they were clean and well pressed—Lavena had seen to that. With palms that were slightly damp, he went to the door of his bedroom. Lavena was down the hall, outside of Andrew’s room. She actually smiled when she saw him. Travis tried to return the gesture, but his face felt stiff.

  “They’re waiting for you,” she told him when he stopped before her.

  Travis nodded, and she opened the door. He stepped into Andrew Wagner’s bedroom and barely noticed as the preacher’s head tipped back to look at him. He had eyes for only one person, and her face was so pale that Travis wanted to sweep her into his arms and promise her anything to calm the fear he saw in her eyes. He forced himself to look at his employer, who was propped up with pillows in a chair by the bed.

  “Well,” Andrew spoke with deep contentment, “let’s begin.”

  “Fine, fine,” Pastor Craig jumped in. “It’s Travis, is it?”


  “Fine, fine. You stand here next to Rebecca. Fine, fine. That way Mr. Wagner won’t miss a thing. That’s right, fine, fine.”

  Travis tuned the man out as he began to position Lavena. He looked down at Rebecca, but she was staring straight ahead.

  “It’s all right, Rebecca,” he said for her ears alone, and watched as she looked at him. He bent slightly to give them privacy, and ran a single finger down her soft cheek. His heart knew peace when her eyes softened as they looked into his. A moment later he straightened.

  “Now then.” The pastor was ready to start. “Do you, Travis Buchanan, take Rebecca Wagner to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And do you, Rebecca Wagner, take Travis Buchanan to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do.”

  He beamed at them for just an instant. “Before God and this small gathering, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Travis hadn’t even been ordered to take Rebecca’s hand, but he watched her stiffen beside him. However, she need not have worried. The kiss he brushed across her lips was so light she might have imagined it. And Lavena was approaching now to give her a hug. Had it really happened? Had she really married Travis while wearing a dress she’d had for two years? If the smile on her father’s face was any indication, she had done just that.

  “Come downstairs now,” Lavena was saying. “I’ve made some supper.”

  “I can’t stay,” Rebecca heard the pastor say. “The little woman is expecting me, but it all went fine, fine. I hope to see you all in church. We take an offering every week.”

  With that he was gone, and Travis was relieved. The man had shaken his hand and muttered some religious drivel that Travis immediately put out of his mind. Travis was only too glad to see the back of him. He turned to see Rebecca bending over her father. He was touching her face, and whatever he said made her smile. Travis’ heart lifted at the sight of it.

  “Go down now, you two. Have something to eat.”

  “Why don’t we bring our plates up here?” Travis offered.

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” Rebecca agreed. “We’ll come back up and bring you something.”

  But Andrew would not hear of it. He said he was too tired from the ceremony, and they could not persuade him. Lavena halted the discussion when she appeared with a special tray for him.

  Travis and Rebecca walked silently down the stairs to the dining room. Lavena had prepared a feast. They sat across the table from each other and began serving themselves. Rebecca didn’t know how she was going to eat a bite, but she filled her plate. Travis watched her.

  “I wouldn’t have said you would be that hungry.”

  Rebecca’s startled eyes flew to his, but there was nothing challenging in his manner. Her shoulders slumped a little.

  “I’m not hungry at all, but I didn’t want you to know that.”

  Travis nodded, appreciating her honesty. “It’s going to take a little getting used to.”


  They looked at each other for just a moment. There didn’t seem to be anything else to say. Travis had not taken much food himself, but even so, he was not able to finish. They didn’t retire to the living room for coffee but shared it at the table while trying to do justice to the cake Lavena had baked. Neither one could manage it. The magnitude of what they’d done was pressing in upon them.

  It wasn’t long before Rebecca bid Travis good night and went upstairs. Travis watched her go, his mind running down a thousand different paths. He realized his head was pounding. Finally, moving to the kitchen, he thanked Lavena for her work and then headed to the stairs as well.


  Rebecca stared at her father in horror. She hadn’t even made it past his bedroom to go to her own room. His door had been wide open, and although back in bed, he had been waiting for her.

  “You can’t mean it,” she barely managed.

  “I do mean it. I never meant for you to have a marriage of convenience.”

  Rebecca couldn’t breathe. Hadn’t he already asked enough? Hadn’t she already married a near stranger so his heart would stay calm? And now he expected this. Rebecca took a deep breath and tried to collect herself. She tried to explain.

  “I think that given time, Travis and I might—”

  “No, Rebecca.” Andrew’s voice was soft, but she heard the determination. “Tonight. It can’t wait.”

  “Papa,” she began, but stopped when his face began to flush. For an instant her eyes slid shut as she tried to gain strength to do this. Do what? she asked herself. Fight my father or go down the hall to my husband’s room? When she opened her eyes, Andrew was looking at her, and she knew there would be no reprieve. Seeing his heaving chest, she swiftly made her decision, wishing for the first time that she’d remained in Philadelphia.

  Rebecca turned to the door but stopped. She looked back at him for an instant longer and then shut the portal firmly. Not until she stood in the hallway did she realize how violently she was trembling. She looked down the hall to Travis’ door; hers was to the right, and his room was exactly opposite the long hallway on the left.

  Maybe he would send her away. Yes, she reasoned to herself. He won’t want this either. Feeling somewhat calmer, Rebecca moved to his door.

  Travis heard the footsteps just before the soft knock. He had hung his coat up, pulled his shirt free of his waistband, and removed his tie, but that was as far as he’d progressed. Wondering what Lavena could want, he opened the door. He stared down for a long moment at his wife, his expressionless face masking the rage of emotions within. When Rebecca didn’t speak or move, but stood looking at him with uncertain eyes, he stepped back, opening the door wide. To his amazement she slowly entered, and Travis, without thinking, shut the door.

  Rebecca heard the click of the latch and turned to look
at him, her eyes now showing her fear. Travis found himself mentally asking Andrew Wagner what in the world he’d said to this girl. However, he also saw this for the opportunity it was. How many men had a chance to redeem themselves this swiftly? At least part of Rebecca’s mind must see him as a monster. Tonight he could show her otherwise.

  “Does your mouth still hurt?” His voice was deep and gentle, but Rebecca, who had gone into something of a trance, started.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted and shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Shall we find out?” he asked, and quickly saw that she looked ready to bolt.

  With movements slow and measured, his eyes never leaving hers, Travis took the four steps that put him in front of Rebecca. She watched him in near terror as his head lowered, but her fear turned to confusion when he pressed a kiss only to her brow.

  “You look beautiful in that dress,” he whispered, his breath falling on her temple.

  “Thank you,” she whispered automatically.

  “Is it new?”

  “No, there wasn’t time.”

  “I’m glad you wore it.”

  Her eyes slid shut when his mouth brushed down her cheek. The next place he kissed was her chin, and Rebecca’s fear was fast beginning to fade. By the time he did kiss her mouth she wanted him to. Her mouth was still a bit tender, but his touch was so light that she knew nothing but pleasure. She didn’t remember his taking her hand or leading her to the bedside, but he was seated on the edge now, and she stood in front of him, lessening the differences in their heights. The arms that held her were warm and strong, but she was not crushed.

  I’m a wife now, she naively thought some time later. I hadn’t really understood what that would mean, but I’m a wife now. Travis’ wife.

  However, when Travis suddenly moved away from her and turned the lantern high, Rebecca, still feeling shy around him, tugged the covers over her shoulders.

  “You’re mine now, Reba, and I’m yours,” he said as he raised up on one elbow above her and stared down into her eyes. “There’s no one else for me, and there’s no one else for you.”