Page 21 of Claimed

  Jamie’s bubbly personality was contagious, and Hudson found herself relaxing as she chatted with the woman. They’d just grabbed some drinks when two men across the room signaled for Jamie to join them.

  “Oh, you have to meet Beck,” she gushed, tugging on Hudson’s arm. “You’ll love him.”

  “Beck” was short for Beckett. He and his friend were in their early twenties, and both had killer grins, multiple tattoos, and the kind of sexual confidence that would have made Hudson blush if she weren’t used to seeing it on Connor and Rylan.

  “Man, you’re gorgeous,” drawled Travis, Beckett’s friend. “Why aren’t we naked right now, honey?”

  “And why the hell are you only bringing her out now?” Beckett asked Jamie with a mock glare.

  “I’m new to the area,” Hudson admitted.

  Travis nodded. “Where you staying?”

  “With friends.” She kept her answer deliberately vague, and neither man pushed for details. She was discovering that most outlaws weren’t as nosy as the people in the city.

  Beckett eyed her curiously. “Are you sticking around or moving on?”

  “Sticking around.” Hopefully. The way Connor ran hot and cold on her, she really had no clue.

  “Good to hear.” His lips curved in a smile. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you, then.”

  The man was insanely appealing. He had dimples she couldn’t stop staring at, and the colorful ink covering both his arms was damn near hypnotic.

  Travis and Jamie drifted off and left her alone with Beckett, who, as it turned out, was the one who’d hooked Connor up with his motorcycle.

  “So you’re a mechanic?” she asked.

  “I like to tinker around with engines, but it’s more of a hobby than a job.” He shrugged. “Sometimes I’ll find a sweet ride and fix it up, try to trade it to someone who wants it – like Connor and his boys – but for the most part, I fix shit up for fun.”

  “I know nothing about cars,” she confessed. “I don’t even know how to drive stick.”

  He leaned closer, twined a strand of her hair around his finger and gave it a teasing tug. “I could teach you sometime. Trav and I live in Foxworth, which isn’t too far from here.”

  The name rang a bell. “Foxworth… that’s a town, right? Someone named Reese is in charge?”

  “She’s in charge, all right.” His dimples made a reappearance. “Reese is a total ballbuster, but she’s a ton of fun at the parties.”


  “Oh yeah. We have ’em every month. It’s a way to release tension, unwind, that sort of thing. Somehow they always end up turning into wall-to-wall fucking by the time the night is over.” Beckett’s voice lowered to a husky pitch. “You should stop by sometime. Reese doesn’t mind visitors. But I’m warning you, Foxworth can be addictive. You might never want to leave —” His expression changed abruptly, playful humor dissolving into wariness.

  Hudson was pretty sure what had caused it.


  She sensed him walking toward them, felt the air shift as electricity rippled up her spine. Then she turned, and there he was.

  “Beckett,” he said coolly.

  “Con. How’s the Harley working out for you?”

  “Good.” Connor rested a possessive hand on the back of Hudson’s neck. “Nell was looking for you.”

  Beckett’s gaze moved between the two of them before settling on Hudson. He offered a faint smile. “It was nice meeting you, beautiful. Maybe we’ll run into each other again one day.”

  Her answering smile faded when she saw the look on Connor’s face. Features hard as stone, eyes dark and turbulent.

  “Go with him if you want,” he said tersely, nodding at Beckett’s retreating figure. “I’m sure Nell would welcome the company. She loves pussy as much as she loves cock.”

  Hudson swallowed the anger rising in her throat, because something about Connor’s cloudy expression told her he was purposely trying to provoke her. She just wasn’t sure why.

  She studied his face, then spoke in a measured tone. “Do you want me to go with him?”

  Connor tensed at the question. Did he want her to fuck Beckett? Jesus. Of course he didn’t. He wanted to rip the guy’s throat out just for talking to Hudson.

  But he didn’t want her to know how much it had bothered him to see her flirting with another man. He didn’t like that it bothered him. Ever since she’d blatantly disobeyed him by bringing the wolf pup to camp, he’d been trying to keep his distance, but all he’d achieved in doing was punishing himself.

  He was going crazy from not touching her, damn it.

  “Do whatever you want, sweetheart,” he said, putting on a careless tone.

  She continued to scrutinize him, until every inch of his skin felt itchy and exposed. “I know I can do what I want. I’m asking you what you want.”

  His hands curled into fists.

  She kept pushing. “What do you want, Connor?”

  Just like that, the dam inside him splintered to pieces. “What do you think I want?”

  He crushed their mouths together, days’ worth of frustration pouring out in the form of a hard, punishing kiss. Damn this woman for sneaking past his defenses. Damn her for insinuating herself into his life, winning over his men, making it impossible to walk around camp without thinking about her.

  Rather than shy away from it, Hudson welcomed the aggressive kiss. Her tongue tangled with his, sending an electric shock up his spine. Christ, he’d never met a woman who could keep up with him, whose intensity matched his own.

  For all their willing enthusiasm, even the girls he’d taken right here in this house didn’t hold a candle to Hudson in the passion department. Hudson dove headfirst into everything she did, whether it was kissing or fucking or training a goddamn wolf. She didn’t do anything halfway. Ever.

  Her body was hot and supple as she rubbed against him like a needy feline. He backed her into the wall and shoved one thigh between hers, grinding his cock against her belly. The button of her pants scraped the bulge in his, creating friction that made him groan. He was aching for her. He was always aching for her.

  “This is what I want.” His voice was so hoarse, it scratched his throat, and his hand trembled with need as he shoved her jeans and panties down her legs. “I want to fuck you against this wall. I want to hear you scream my name when you come.”

  “Then do it.” She sounded far more composed than he did, but the hazy desperation swimming in her eyes belied her tone.

  He moved his hand to her pussy, testing her readiness. She was already so wet, slick against his palm as he rubbed it over her. When he pushed one finger inside, she threw her head back and moaned, and Connor knew everyone in the room could hear it. But he didn’t give a shit that they had an audience. He needed her too much, and he couldn’t have stopped this any more than he could’ve stopped a tornado spiraling toward him.

  He didn’t take off his pants, just eased them down low enough to free his cock. Then he teased the tip over her clit and watched her eyes glaze over and her cheeks flush.

  “Get inside me,” she choked out.

  She didn’t have to ask him twice. He pushed the head of his dick past her pussy lips and plunged inside with a fast thrust that made both of them groan.



  Sweet Jesus. Either he’d forgotten how good it was in the three days he hadn’t been with her, or – shit. No condom, he realized. Alarm bells rang in his head, ordering him to pull out, but she was so tight and so wet and it felt so good that he couldn’t do anything but slide in deeper.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he growled.

  She did, putting herself at his mercy, handing over control. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, and now he was the only thing holding her up, the only one with the power to move. One arm kept her tight to him, while his other hand braced the wall above her head as he began to fuck her. Quick, deep thrusts that had her s
houlders bumping the wall and her nails digging into his neck.

  He almost blacked out when her inner muscles rippled around him. “Oh yeah, there you go. Squeeze my cock, baby.”

  She bore down again, and his vision wavered as pleasure shuddered through him. He quickened the pace, his body slapping hers with each deep stroke of his cock. Her breathing grew heavy, but he knew she wasn’t there yet. Goddamn it, he wanted her to be. He wanted to feel her pussy milking him as she came, hear the throaty sounds she made when she let go.

  “I don’t come until you do,” he muttered into her ear, and then he changed the angle, leaning forward so that his next thrust caused his pelvis to make contact with her clit. He rotated his hips in a hard grind, and Hudson moaned loud enough to wake the dead.

  “Oh God.” Her fingernails dipped beneath his collar and raked bare skin, making him grunt in pain. “Keep doing that. Please don’t stop doing that.”

  Connor didn’t stop. He went faster, slamming into her at an angle until his cock was soaked from her excitement and all he could hear were her needy moans.

  “Come for me,” he rumbled.

  “Make me,” she gasped. “Help me.”

  “Is this what you need, baby?”

  Chuckling, he reached between them and pressed his thumb to her clit, timing the contact with his next thrust, and he was rewarded by her cry of release. Her pussy clamped around him as she came, her nails digging into the back of his neck and her teeth sinking into his shoulder. He loved seeing her lose control. Loved being the one who made her lose control.

  Her legs trembled around his hips as he fucked her through the orgasm, keeping his gaze glued to her face. So beautiful. Her eyes were unfocused, fuzzy with pleasure, and it cracked his chest wide open, the trust she so willingly handed him. She trusted him to make her feel good, trusted him not to let her fall. He’d never been with a woman who gave herself to him so completely. That trust… it was more powerful than any aphrodisiac. It was humbling and terrifying and so arousing that his balls tightened in warning.

  His senses returned in that final moment before release hit, and he pulled out abruptly, blinding pleasure exploding inside him. As a shudder overtook him, he yanked her shirt up and spilled onto her stomach, semen coating her pale flesh, making it glisten in the candlelight.

  His breathing was ragged as he met her eyes. She looked as stunned as he felt, as if she hadn’t expected the fierceness of their joining, either.

  “Connor.” Lennox’s amused voice traveled across the room.

  Connor turned, stiffening when he realized that every pair of eyes in the room was fixed intently on him and Hudson. Expressions ranged from fascination to arousal, but it was Lennox’s knowing smirk that grated the most. The man’s silvery gaze took in Hudson’s bare tits, Connor’s bare ass, his come shining on her stomach. Jesus. He couldn’t have marked her any more than if he’d tattooed his name on her skin.

  “I need to talk to you before you go,” Lennox prompted.

  Furious with himself, Connor grabbed a cocktail napkin from a nearby table and pressed it into Hudson’s hand. “Get cleaned up,” he ordered. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  He tucked his dick in his pants and zipped up, then stalked off, feeling Hudson’s astonished gaze follow him all the way out the door.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t expect that.”

  Hudson spun around, startled to see Tamara coming up beside her. She was still breathless and tingly from that crazy, frantic sex and confused as hell about Connor’s abrupt departure. The man had possessed her body like he owned it. He’d done it in a roomful of people and then walked away as if he hadn’t knocked her entire world off its axis.

  Avoiding Tamara’s incredulous gaze, she hastily wiped her stomach and pulled down her shirt, as if what had just happened was no big deal. “You didn’t expect what?”

  “Honey, that man may as well have stuck a flag in your pussy and called it Connorland.”

  Her gaze flew up. “What?”

  Tamara took a dainty sip of the drink in her hand. “Connor only fucks in the private rooms. If he did it out here where everyone could see, it was because he was sending a message. Telling everyone to keep their hands off you.” The woman looked deeply impressed. “How the hell did you manage that? You must have a magic pussy, baby.”

  Hudson didn’t answer. Her mind was too busy trying to make sense of what Tamara had said. Was that what Connor had done? Claimed her in front of everyone? Declared her as his? The notion was too mystifying to unpack at the moment, so she shrugged, pretending to be unaffected by it all.

  Then she changed the subject.

  “When did you get here?” she asked, studying the other woman.

  Tamara was in leather pants and a corset again, but she’d swept her long dark hair into a knot atop her head, giving her an oddly regal vibe. “I’ve been here all day. I was in the back with Lennox when Con came in. The three of us had a lovely chat about satellites.”

  “Yeah, Connor was interested in getting his hands on more phones. Did you agree to help him?”

  “Yes, and he’s definitely not happy about owing me.” Tamara grinned. “But Con understands that everything has a price.”

  “Speaking of prices…” Hudson smoothed a hand through her hair, which was tousled from Connor’s fingers running through it. “I was hoping you’d be able to get me something too.”

  “I see. What do you need?”

  “Birth control.”

  Those catlike eyes twinkled as Tamara glanced at the crumpled napkin Hudson was still clutching. “Yeah, I think you do need it. Condoms?”

  Hudson shook her head. “Shots.” She hesitated. “The female breeders in the city get birth control shots twice a year. Each one is good for six months.”

  The humor in Tamara’s eyes faded, replaced with deep suspicion. “How do you know about those?”

  She gulped. “Ah… someone told me about it. I can’t remember who.”


  “It’s true,” she insisted.

  That got her a husky laugh. “Again, bullshit.” The woman’s hard expression softened, but her next round of laughter was mocking as hell. “Give it up already, will you? I know you’re from the city.”

  Hudson froze. “What?”

  “Come on, honey. Do I look like an idiot to you? I knew it from the moment I met you. Citizens are ridiculously easy to spot.” Her next pause lasted long enough to rattle Hudson even more. “Besides… you have his eyes.”

  A chill flew up her spine and turned her veins to ice. “W-whose eyes?” she stammered.

  Tamara examined the room as if to make sure no one was paying attention to them, then turned back and murmured, “Dominik. You look exactly like him.”

  Hudson’s pulse took off in a breakneck gallop.

  “No,” she said weakly. “You’re wrong.”

  “Your features are softer, yes. Your hair’s a shade lighter. But you two are definitely related.” Tamara shrugged. “Last time you were here, I wondered why nobody else noticed the resemblance, but then I realized that not many people have ever actually seen Dominik. They know of him, and they’re scared of him, but how fucking silly is that? Being scared of a person you’ve never even met. It’s ludicrous.”

  Hudson could barely hear what the other woman was saying. Her head was spinning. Her muscles were paralyzed. Tamara knew who she was.

  Tamara knew.

  “You’ve gotta be his sister, huh?”

  She started to feel light-headed. What if Tamara told Connor? What if —

  “Relax, Hudson. If I were going to out you, don’t you think I’d have done it by now? I know you’re living with Con and the boys. I could have easily sent a message their way if I’d wanted to.”

  She finally found her voice, but it was unsteady, weakened by defeat. “Why haven’t you?”

  Tamara looked like she was fighting a smirk. “So you’re not denying it, then?”

?What’s the point? You’ve already decided you’re right. But listen, whatever you think you know —”

  “I don’t think I know. I know. Period.” The smirk broke free. “And your reaction confirmed it.” Tamara slammed her whiskey glass into Hudson’s shaky hand. “Drink. You look like you need it.”