_April 1, 1862_.--The last ten days have brought changes in the house. MaxR. left with the company to be mustered in, leaving with us his weepingAnnie. Hardly were her spirits somewhat composed when her brother arrivedfrom Natchez to take her home. This morning he, Annie, and Reeney, theblack handmaiden, posted off. Out of seven of us only H., myself, and AuntJudy are left. The absence of Reeney will not be the one least noted. Shewas as precious an imp as any Topsy ever was. Her tricks were endless andher innocence of them amazing. When sent out to bring in eggs she wouldtake them from nests where hens were hatching, and embryo chickens wouldbe served up at breakfast, while Reeney stood by grinning to see themopened; but when accused she was imperturbable. "Laws, Mis' L., I nebberdone bin nigh dem hens. Mis' Annie, you can go count dem dere eggs." Thatwhen counted they were found minus the number she had brought had noeffect on her stolid denial. H. has plenty to do finishing the garden allby himself, but the time rather drags for me.

  _April 13, 1862_.--This morning I was sewing up a rent in H.'sgarden-coat, when Aunt Judy rushed in.

  "Laws! Mis' L., here's Mr. Max and Mis' Annie done come back!" A buggy wascoming up with Max, Annie, and Reeney.

  "Well, is the war over?" I asked.

  "Oh, I got sick!" replied our returned soldier, getting slowly out of thebuggy.

  He was very thin and pale, and explained that he took a severe cold almostat once, had a mild attack of pneumonia, and the surgeon got him hisdischarge as unfit for service. He succeeded in reaching Annie, and a fewdays of good care made him strong enough to travel back home.

  "I suppose, H., you've heard that Island No. 10 is gone?"

  Yes, we heard that much, but Max had the particulars, and an exciting talkfollowed. At night H. said to me, "G., New Orleans will be the next to go,you'll see, and I want to get there first; this stagnation here will killme."

  _April 28, 1862_.--This evening has been very lovely, but full of a saddisappointment. H. invited me to drive. As we turned homeward he said:

  "Well, my arrangements are completed. You can begin to pack your trunksto-morrow, and I shall have a talk with Max."

  Mr. R. and Annie were sitting on the gallery as I ran up the steps.

  "Heard the news?" they cried.

  "No! What news?"

  "New Orleans is taken! All the boats have been run up the river to savethem. No more mails."

  How little they knew what plans of ours this dashed away. But ourdisappointment is truly an infinitesimal drop in the great waves oftriumph and despair surging to-night in thousands of hearts.

  _April 30_.--The last two weeks have glided quietly away without incidentexcept the arrival of new neighbors--Dr. Y., his wife, two children, andservants. That a professional man prospering in Vicksburg should come nowto settle in this retired place looks queer. Max said:

  "H., that man has come here to hide from the conscript officers. He hasbrought no end of provisions, and is here for the war. He has chosen well,for this county is so cleaned of men it won't pay to send the conscriptofficers here."

  Our stores are diminishing and cannot be replenished from without;ingenuity and labor must evoke them. We have a fine garden in growth,plenty of chickens, and hives of bees to furnish honey in lieu of sugar.A good deal of salt meat has been stored in the smoke-house, and, withfish in the lake, we expect to keep the wolf from the door. The season forgame is about over, but an occasional squirrel or duck comes to thelarder, though the question of ammunition has to be considered. What wehave may be all we can have, if the war last five years longer; and theysay they are prepared to hold out till the crack of doom. Food, however,is not the only want. I never realized before the varied needs ofcivilization. Every day something is "out." Last week but two bars of soapremained, so we began to save bones and ashes. Annie said: "Now, if weonly had some china-berry trees here we shouldn't need any other grease.They are making splendid soap at Vicksburg with china-balls. They just putthe berries into the lye and it eats them right up and makes a fine soap."I did long for some china-berries to make this experiment. H. had laid inwhat seemed a good supply of kerosene, but it is nearly gone, and we aredown to two candles kept for an emergency. Annie brought a receipt fromNatchez for making candles of rosin and wax, and with great forethoughtbrought also the wick and rosin. So yesterday we tried making candles. "Wehad no molds, but Annie said the latest style in Natchez was to make awaxen rope by dipping, then wrap it round a corn-cob. But H. cut smoothblocks of wood about four inches square, into which he set a polishedcylinder about four inches high. The waxen ropes were coiled round thecylinder like a serpent, with the head raised about two inches; as thelight burned down to the cylinder, more of the rope was unwound. To-daythe vinegar was found to be all gone and we have started to make some. Fortyros we succeed pretty well."