1842 state bank of Victoria started

  The word cooeee is an Australian word that is sometimes used in the bush. Mainly used for calling out for a lost person. The echo the word makes is easily heard.

  Mullum-Mullum is the name of an aborigine tribe. They resided inland not far from Melbourne.

  Bunarong tribe is another aborigine tribe which lived near the coast.

  She’ll be right is an Australian saying meaning, don’t worry your problem will work out.

  Shiela is slang for a woman.

  Hotels/pubs closed early at night and only men were allowed.

  Bendigo is a town about a two hour drive from Melbourne. The Victorian gold rush started near the town.

  Gonna is Australian slang for going to do something.

  Colour is spelt this way in Australia.

  Prised means to force something open.

  Center is the middle of a circle and centre is a shopping complex.

  In the 1970’s Australia had changed the unit of measure from feet and inches to the metric system. In the 1800’s imperial measurement: feet and inches were used. Pounds shillings and pence was the currency.

  Legendary blue diamond is set in Bendigo before the gold rush. The Australian bush around Bendigo and Ballarat was Bushranger country.

  Aborigines are well known for being great trackers. Rumor has it they can track a person over a road.

  Outhouse is an outside toilet and was usually located away from the house in a small four foot square building with a roof.

  A long drop is a toilet that has a long vertical hole.

  Walk-a-bout is when an aborigine decided to go off on his own to see what there was to see.

  Billy is a tin can and is placed over the open fire to boil water.

  Honor is to respect someone and the word honor is a judge.

  Old timer is an old man

  Favourable is spelt this way in Australia.

  Cooee is when someone is within ear shot or can be heard by another.

  Swagger is a person who shears sheep.

  Yellow bellied black is a poisonous snake found in Queensland

  Tiger snake is one of the most poisonous snakes on the planet.

  A Pepper bush tree is a tree that has the shape of an umbrella. Flies stay away due to the smell. In the 1800’s people sat under the pepper bush tree to get away from the flies.

  Other novels I have written in the way of romance are: Kiss on the bridge. The perfect gift: A vampire romance is the blood red rose and the tainted rose will follow shortly.

  Crime novels: Fire Games/ publish America. Heart of a spider and I know your secret.

  Children: A Troglian knows and Luke’s cubby house. Malcolm’s cubby house is completely different/ publish America.