The Folkmote of the Shepherds

  In about an hour all the folk within the castle began to set toward theingle wherein lay Ralph and his fellows, and then all rose up, whilethe folk of the Shepherds took their places on the slopes of the earthwalls, but on the top hard by the fire, which was still burning, stoodup an old hoar man with a beard exceeding long; he had a sallet on hishead, and held a guisarme in his hand. All men held their peace whenthey saw him standing there; and straightway he proclaimed thehallowing of the Mote in such form of words as was due amongst thatfolk, and which were somewhat long to tell here. Then was silenceagain for a little, and then the old man spake: "Few words are bestto-day, neighbours; for wherefore are we met together?" There arose ahum of assent from the Shepherds as he spoke and men clashed theirweapons together; but none said any clear word. Then spake the oldman: "We be met together because we have trouble on hand, and becausethere is a helper to hand, of whom the words of the wise and tales ofold have told us; and because as he shall help us, so shall we helphim, since indeed our trouble is his also: now, neighbours, shall I saythe word for you which ye would say to this young man, who isnevertheless old in wisdom, and true-hearted and kind?"

  Then came the hum of yeasay again, the clashing of weapons, and the oldman spake again: "Ralph of Upmeads, there thou standest, wilt thouhelp us against the tyrants, as we shall help thee?"

  "Yea," said Ralph. Said the Elder: "Wilt thou be our Captain, if wedo according to thy bidding? For thou needest not fear our failingthee."

  "Yea verily," said Ralph.

  Said the Elder: "Ralph of Upmeads, wilt thou be our Captain as analien and a hireling, or as a brother?"

  "As a brother," quoth Ralph.

  "Come up here then, Captain of our folk, and take my hand in thine, andswear by our fathers and thine to be a true brother of us, and takethis ancient staff of war in thine hand. And, ye kindred of theShepherds, bear witness of his swearing. Yea and ye also, O neighboursof the Dry Tree!"

  So Ralph went up on the wall-top and took the Elder's hand, and tookfrom him the ancient guisarme, which was inlaid with gold letters ofold time; and he swore in a loud voice to be a true brother of theShepherd-folk, and raised the weapon aloft and shook it strongly, andall the Folk cried, "Hail our brother!" and the Champions shoutedgladly withal, and great joy there was in that ingle of the ancientwork.

  Then spake the Elder and said: "Ye champions of the Dry Tree, will yewend with us under the Captain our brother against his foemen and ours?"

  Then stood forth Stephen a-Hurst and said, "Master shepherd, for noughtelse are we come hither."

  Said the Elder: "Will ye come with us as friends or as hirelings? forin any case we would have you by our sides, and not in face of us; andthough we be shepherds, and unhoused, or ill-housed, yet have wewherewithal to wage you, as ye know well enough, who have whiles liftedour gear."

  Then Stephen laughed and said: "True it is that we have whiles drivenprey in your country, yea, and had some hard knocks therein; but allthat was in playing the game of war, and now since we are to fight sideby side, we will be paid by our foes and not by our friends; so neitherhair nor wool will we have of yours, whatever we may have of theBurgers; and it is like that we shall be good friends of yourshence-forward."

  Once more all they that were there shouted. But once more the Elderspoke and said: "Is any man now wishful to speak?" None answered tilla big and burly man rose up and said: "Nay, Tall Thomas, thou hast saidand done all that need was, and I deem that time presses; wherefore mymind is that we now break up this mote, and that after we have eaten amorsel we get ourselves into due array and take to the road. Now letany man speak against this if he will."

  None gainsaid him; nay, all seemed well-pleased. So the Elderproclaimed the breaking up of the mote, and they went from out thehallowed place and sat down in the dyke on the outside of the rampartand behind the country which stretched out all lovely and blue beforethem, for the day was bright and fair. There then certain womenbrought victual and drink to them, and served the strangers first.

  So when they had eaten and drunk, Ralph bade the Shepherds array themduly, and appointed them leaders of tens and hundreds with the help ofGiles, who was now clad in a hauberk and mail-coif and looked a properman-at-arms. Then they told over their company, and numbered of theDry Tree one hundred and fifty champions, outtaken Stephen and Roger;of the men of Garton were twenty and two, and of the Shepherds threehundred and seventy and seven stout carles, some eighty of whom hadbows, and the rest glaives and spears and other staff-weapons. Therewas not much armour of defence amongst them, but they were one and allstark carles and doughty.

  So when they were told over and made five hundred and fifty and four,they gat them into array for the road; and Ralph went afoot with noarmour but his sallet, and a light coat of fence which he had gottenhim in the Burg. He would have had Ursula ride on her palfrey with theSage, but she would not, and held it for mirth and pleasure that sheshould go afoot through the land, now she was so nigh come home to herlord's house; so she went forth by Ralph's side with her broidered gowntrussed through her girdle so that the trimness of her feet drew theeyes of all men to them. As for Richard, he took a half score of thechampions, and they rode on ahead to see that all was clear before themain host; which he might well do, as he knew the country so well.