Ralph Departeth From Whitwall With the Fellowship of Clement Chapman

  Therewithal they went together to Blaise's house, and when Blaise sawthem, he said: "Well, Ralph, so thou must needs work at a little moreidling before thou fallest to in earnest. Forsooth I deem that whenthou comest back thou wilt find that we have cut thee out a goodlypiece of work for thy sewing. For the good town is gathering a gallanthost of men; and we shall look to thee to do well in the hardhand-play, whenso that befalleth. But now come and look at my housewithin, how fair it is, and thou wilt see that thou wilt have somewhatto fight for, whereas I am."

  Therewith he led them up a stair into the great chamber, which was allnewly dight and hung with rich arras of the Story of Hercules; andthere was a goodly cupboard of silver vessel, and some gold, and thecupboard was of five shelves as was but meet for a king's son. SoRalph praised all, but was wishful to depart, for his heart was sore,and he blamed himself in a manner that he must needs lie to his brother.

  But Blaise brought them to the upper chamber, and showed them thegoodly beds with their cloths, and hangings, and all was as fair asmight be. Then Blaise bade bring wine and made them drink; and he gaveRalph a purse of gold, and an anlace very fair of fashion, and broughthim to the door thereafter; and Ralph cast his arms about him, andkissed him and strained him to his breast. But Blaise was somewhatmoved thereat, and said to him: "Why lad, thou art sorry to departfrom me for a little while, and what would it be, were it for long?But ever wert thou a kind and tender-hearted youngling, and we twainare alone in an alien land. Forsooth, I wot that thou hast, as itwere, embraced the Upmeads kindred, father, mother and all; and good isthat! So now God and the Saints keep thee, and bear in mind thehosting of the good town, and the raising of the banner, that shall beno great while. Fare thee well, lad!"

  So they parted, and Ralph went back to the hostel, and gathered hisstuff together, and laid it on a sumpter horse, and armed him, and sowent into Petergate to join himself to that company. There he foundthe chapmen, five of them in all, and their lads, and a score ofmen-at-arms, with whom was Clement, not clad like a merchant, butweaponed, and bearing a coat of proof and a bright sallet on his head.

  They greeted each the other, and Ralph said: "Yea, master Clement, andbe we riding to battle?" "Maybe," quoth Clement; "the way is long, andour goods worth the lifting, and there are some rough places that wemust needs pass through. But if ye like not the journey, abide here inthis town the onset of Walter the Black."

  Therewith he laughed, and Ralph understanding the jape, laughed also;and said: "Well, master Clement, but tell me who be these that weshall meet." "Yea, and I will tell thee the whole tale of them," saidClement, "but abide till we are without the gates; I am busy man e'ennow, for all is ready for the road, save what I must do. So now bidthy Upmeads squire farewell, and then to horse with thee!"

  So Ralph cast his arms about Richard, and kissed him and said: "This isalso a farewell to the House where I was born and bred." And as hespake the thought of the House and the garden, and the pleasant fieldsof Upmeads came into his heart so bitter-sweet, that it mingled withhis sorrow, and well-nigh made him weep. But as for Richard heforebore words, for he was sad at heart for the sundering.

  Then he gat to horse, and the whole company of them bestirred them, andthey rode out a-gates. And master Clement it was that ordered them,riding up and down along the array.

  But Ralph fell to speech with the chapmen and men-at-arms; and both ofthese were very courteous with him; for they rejoiced in his company,and especially the chapmen, who were somewhat timorous of the perils ofthe road.