Redhead Keeps Tryst

  They rode not above a dozen miles that day, and pitched their tents andpavilions in the fair meadows by the wayside looking into the thick ofthe forest. There this betid to tell of, that when Ralph got off hishorse, and the horse-lads were gathered about the men-at-arms and highfolk, who should take Ralph's horse but Redhead, who made a sign to himby lifting his eyebrows as if he were asking him somewhat; and Ralphtook it as a question as to whether his purpose held to flee on themorrow night; so he nodded a yeasay, just so much as Redhead might noteit; and naught else befell betwixt them.

  When it was barely dawn after that night, Ralph awoke with the sound ofgreat stir in the camp, and shouting of men and lowing and bleating ofbeasts; so he looked out, and saw that the wains and the flocks andherds were being got on to the road, so that they might make good waybefore the company of the camp took the road. But he heeded it littleand went to sleep again.

  When it was fully morning he arose, and found that the men were nothastening their departure, but were resting by the wood-side anddisporting them about the meadow; so he wandered about amongst themen-at-arms and serving-men, and came across Redhead and hailed him;and there was no man very nigh to them; so Redhead looked about himwarily, and then spake swiftly and softly: "Fail not to-night! failnot! For yesterday again was I told by one who wotteth surely, whatabideth thee at Utterbol if thou go thither. I say if thou fail, thoushalt repent but once--all thy life long to wit."

  Ralph nodded his head, and said: "Fear not, I will not fail thee." Andtherewith they turned away from each other lest they should be noted.

  About two hours before noon they got to horse again, and, being no moreencumbered with the wains and the beasts, rode at a good pace. As onthe day before the road led them along the edge of the wildwood, andwhiles it even went close to the very thicket. Whiles again theymounted somewhat, and looked down on the thicket, leagues and leaguesthereof, which yet seemed but a little space because of the hugeness ofthe mountain wall which brooded over it; but oftenest the forest hidall but the near trees.

  Thus they rode some twenty miles, and made stay at sunset in a placethat seemed rather a clearing of the wood than a meadow; for they hadtrees on their left hand at a furlong's distance, as well as on theirright at a stone's throw.

  Ralph saw not Redhead as he got off his horse, and David according tohis wont went with him to his tent. But after they had suppedtogether, and David had made much of Ralph, and had drank many cups tohis health, he said to him: "The night is yet young, yea, but new-born;yet must I depart from thee, if I may, to meet a man who will sell me anoble horse good cheap; and I may well leave thee now, seeing that thouhast become a free man; so I bid thee goodnight."

  Therewith he departed, and was scarce gone out ere Redhead cometh in,and saith in his wonted rough loud voice: "Here, knight, here is thebridle thou badest me get mended; will the cobbling serve?" Then seeingno one there, he fell to speaking softer and said: "I heard the oldpimp call thee a free man e'en now: I fear me that thou art not so freeas he would have thee think. Anyhow, were I thou, I would be freer intwo hours space. Is it to be so?"

  "Yea, yea," said Ralph. Redhead nodded: "Good is that," said he; "Isay in two hours' time all will be quiet, and we are as near thethicket as may be; there is no moon, but the night is fair and thestars clear; so all that thou hast to do is to walk out of this tent,and turn at once to thy right hand: come out with me now quietly, and Iwill show thee."

  They went out together and Redhead said softly: "Lo thou that dodderedoak yonder; like a piece of a hay-rick it looks under the stars; ifthou seest it, come in again at once."

  Ralph turned and drew Redhead in, and said when they were in the tentagain: "Yea, I saw it: what then?"

  Said Redhead: "I shall be behind it abiding thee." "Must I go afoot?"said Ralph, "or how shall I get me a horse?" "I have a horse for thee,"said Redhead, "not thine own, but a better one yet, that hath not beenbacked to-day. Now give me a cup of wine, and let me go."

  Ralph filled for him and took a cup himself, and said: "I pledge thee,friend, and wish thee better luck; and I would have thee for my fellowin this quest."

  "Nay," said Redhead, "it may not be: I will not burden thy luck withmy ill-luck...and moreover I am seeking something which I may gain atUtterbol, and if I have it, I may do my best to say good-night to thatevil abode."

  "Yea," said Ralph, "and I wish thee well therein." Said Redhead,stammering somewhat; "It is even that woman of the Queen's whereof Itold thee. And now one last word, since I must not be over long in thytent, lest some one come upon us. But, fair sir, if thy mind misgivethee for this turning aside from Utterbol; though it is not to bedoubted that the damsel whom thou seekest hath been there, it is notall so sure that thou wouldst have found her there. For of late, whatwith my Lord and my Lady being both away, the place hath been scant offolk; and not only is the said damsel wise and wary, but there beothers who have seen her besides my Lord, and who so hath seen her islike to love her; and such is she, that whoso loveth her is like to doher will. So I bid thee in all case be earnest in thy quest; and thinkthat if thou die on the road thy damsel would have died for thee; andif thou drink of the Well and come back whole and safe, I know not whythou shouldest not go straight to Utterbol and have the damsel awaywith thee, whosoever gainsay it. For they (if there be any such) whohave drunk of the Well at the World's End are well looked to in thisland. Now one more word yet; when I come to Utterbol, if thy damsel bethere still, fear not but I will have speech of her, and tell of thee,and what thou wert looking to, and how thou deemedst of her."

  Therewith he turned and departed hastily.

  But Ralph left alone was sorely moved with hope and fear, and a longingthat grew in him to see the damsel. For though he was firmly set ondeparture, and on seeking the sage aforesaid, yet his heart was drawnthis way and that: and it came into his mind how the damsel would farewhen the evil Lord came home to Utterbol; and he could not choose butmake stories of her meeting of the tyrant, and her fear and grief andshame, and the despair of her heart. So the minutes went slow to him,till he should be in some new place and doing somewhat toward bringingabout the deliverance of her from thralldom, and the meeting of him andher.


  The Road To The Well At World's End.