Those Two Are Learned Lore by the Sage of Swevenham

  Now the Sage led them through the wood till they came to a grassy lawnamidst of which was a table of stone, which it seemed to Ralph must belike to that whereon the witch-wife had offered up the goat to herdevils as the Lady of Abundance had told him; and he changedcountenance as the thought came into his mind. But the Sage looked onhim and shook his head and spake softly: "In these wastes and wilds aremany such-like places, where of old time the ancient folks did worshipto the Gods of the Earth as they imagined them: and whereas the lorein this book cometh of such folk, this is no ill place for the readingthereof. But if ye fear the book and its writers, who are dead longago, there is yet time to go back and seek the Well without my helping;and I say not but that ye may find it even thus. But if ye fear not,then sit ye down on the grass, and I will lay the book on this mostancient table, and read in it, and do ye hearken heedfully."

  So they sat down side by side, and Ralph would have taken Ursula's handto caress it, but she drew it away from him; howbeit she found it hardto keep her eyes from off him. The Elder looked on them soberly, butnowise in anger, and presently began reading in the book. What he readshall be seen hereafter in the process of this tale; for the more partthereof had but to do with the way to the Well at the World's End, allthings concerning which were told out fully, both great and small.Long was this a-reading, and when the Sage had done, he bade now one,now the other answer him questions as to what he had read; and if theyanswered amiss he read that part again, and yet again, as children aretaught in the school. Until at last when he asked any question Ralphor the maiden answered it rightly at once; and by this time the sun wasabout to set. So he bade them home to his house that they might eatand sleep there.

  "But to-morrow," said he, "I shall give you your last lesson from thisbook, and thereafter ye shall go your ways to the Rock of the FightingMan, and I look not for it that ye shall come to any harm on the way;but whereas I seem to-day to have seen the foes of Utterbol seekingyou, I will lead you forth a little."

  So they went home to the house, and he made them the most cheer that hemight, and spake to them in friendly and pleasant mood, so that theywere merry.

  When it was morning they went again to the ancient altar, and againthey learned lore from the Elder, till they were waxen wise in thematters of the Well at the World's End, and long they sat and hearkenedhim till it was evening again, and once more they slept in the house ofthe Sage of Swevenham.