They Come Out of the Thirsty Desert

  Past the Valley of the Dry Tree they saw but few dead men lying about,and soon they saw never another: and, though the land was still utterlybarren, and all cast up into ridges as before, yet the salt slime grewless and less, and before nightfall of that day they had done with it:and the next day those stony waves were lower; and the next again thewaste was but a swelling plain, and here and there they came on patchesof dwarf willow, and other harsh and scanty herbage, whereof the horsesmight have a bait, which they sore needed, for now was their fodderdone: but both men and horses were sore athirst; for, as carefully asthey had hoarded their water, there was now but little left, which theydurst not drink till they were driven perforce, lest they should yetdie of drought.

  They journeyed long that day, and whereas the moon was up at night-tidethey lay not down till she was set; and their resting place was by somelow bushes, whereabout was rough grass mingled with willow-herb,whereby Ralph judged that they drew nigh to water, so or ever theyslept, they and the horses all but emptied the water-skins. They heardsome sort of beasts roaring in the night, but they were too weary towatch, and might not make a fire.

  When Ralph awoke in the morning he cried out that he could see thewoodland; and Ursula arose at his cry and looked where he pointed, andsure enough there were trees on a rising ground some two miles ahead,and beyond them, not very far by seeming, they beheld the tops of greatdark mountains. On either hand moreover, nigh on their right hand, faroff on their left, ran a reef of rocks, so that their way seemed to beas between two walls. And these said reefs were nowise like those thatthey had seen of late, but black and, as to their matter, like to thegreat mountains by the rock of the Fighting Man: but as the reefs raneastward they seemed to grow higher.

  Now they mounted their horses at once and rode on; and the beasts wereas eager as they were, and belike smelt the water. So when they hadridden but three miles, they saw a fair little river before themwinding about exceedingly, but flowing eastward on the whole. So theyspurred on with light hearts and presently were on the banks of thesaid river, and its waters were crystal-clear, though its sands wereblack: and the pink-blossomed willow-herb was growing abundantly on thesandy shores. Close to the water was a black rock, as big as a man,whereon was graven the sign of the way, so they knew that there was noevil in the water, wherefore they drank their fill and watered theirhorses abundantly, and on the further bank was there abundance of goodgrass. So when they had drunk their fill, for the pleasure of the coolwater they waded the ford barefoot, and it was scarce above Ursula'sknee. Then they had great joy to lie on the soft grass and eat theirmeat, while the horses tore eagerly at the herbage close to them. Sowhen they had eaten, they rested awhile, but before they went furtherthey despoiled them, one after other, and bathed in a pool of the riverto wash the foul wilderness off them. Then again they rested and letthe horses yet bite the grass, and departed not from that pleasantplace till it was two hours after noon. As they were lying there Ralphsaid he could hear a great roar like the sound of many waters, but veryfar off: but to Ursula it seemed naught but the wind waxing in theboughs of the woodland anigh them.