Now I returned in safety to Memphis and told all these tidings to thePrince, who listened to them eagerly. Once only was he greatly stirred;it was when I repeated to him the words of Userti, that never would shelook upon his face again unless it pleased him to turn it towards thethrone. On hearing this tears came into his eyes, and rising, he walkedup and down the chamber.

  "The fallen must not look for gentleness," he said, "and doubtless, Ana,you think it folly that I should grieve because I am thus deserted."

  "Nay, Prince, for I too have been abandoned by a wife and the pain isunforgotten."

  "It is not of the wife I think, Ana, since in truth her Highness is nowife to me. For whatever may be the ancient laws of Egypt, how could ithappen otherwise, at any rate in my case and hers? It is of the sister.For though my mother was not hers, she and I were brought up togetherand in our way loved each other, though always it was her pleasure tolord it over me, as it was mine to submit and pay her back in jests.That is why she is so angry because now of a sudden I have thrown offher rule to follow my own will whereby she has lost the throne."

  "It has always been the duty of the royal heiress of Egypt to marrythe Pharaoh of Egypt, Prince, and having wed one who would be Pharaohaccording to that duty, the blow cuts deep."

  "Then she had best thrust aside that foolish wife of his and wed him whois Pharaoh. But that she will never do; Amenmeses she has always hated,so much that she loathed to be in the same place with him. Nor indeedwould he wed her, who wishes to rule for himself, not through a womanwhose title to the crown is better than his own. Well, she has putme away and there's an end. Henceforth I must go lonely,unless--unless----Continue your story, friend. It is kind of her in hergreatness to promise to protect one so humble. I should remember that,although it is true that fallen heads sometimes rise again," he addedbitterly.

  "So at least Jabez thinks, Prince," and I told him how the Israeliteswere sure that he would be Pharaoh, whereat he laughed and said:

  "Perhaps, for they are good prophets. For my part I neither know orcare. Or maybe Jabez sees advantage in talking thus, for as you know heis a clever trader."

  "I do not think so," I answered and stopped.

  "Had Jabez more to say of any other matter, Ana? Of the lady Merapi, forinstance?"

  Now feeling it to be my duty, I told him every word that had passedbetween Jabez and myself, though somewhat shamefacedly.

  "This Hebrew takes much for granted, Ana, even as to whom the Moon ofIsrael would wish to shine upon. Why, friend, it might be you whom shedesires to touch with her light, or some youth in Goshen--not Laban--orno one."

  "Me, Prince, me!" I exclaimed.

  "Well, Ana, I am sure you would have it so. Be advised by me and ask hermind upon the matter. Look not so confused, man, for one who has beenmarried you are too modest. Come tell me of this Crowning."

  So glad enough to escape from the matter of Merapi, I spoke at lengthof all that had happened when Pharaoh Amenmeses took his seat upon thethrone. When I described how the rod of the Hebrew prophet had beenturned to a snake and how Ki and his company had done likewise, thePrince laughed and said that these were mere jugglers' tricks. But whenI told of the darkness that had seemed to gather in the hall and ofthe gloom that filled the hearts of all men and of the awesome dream ofBakenkhonsu, also of the words of Ki after he had clouded my mind andplayed his jest upon me, he listened with much earnestness and answered:

  "My mind is as Ki's in this matter. I too think that a terrible power isafoot in Egypt, one that has its home in the land of Goshen, and that Idid well to refuse the throne. But from what god these fortunes come Ido not know. Perhaps time will tell us. Meanwhile if there is aught inthe prophesies of these Hebrews, as interpreted by Jabez, at least youand I may sleep in peace, which is more than will chance to Pharaohon the throne that Userti covets. If so, this play will be worth thewatching. You have done your mission well, Ana. Go rest you while Ithink over all that you have said."