Page 6 of Chronicle 2014


  I don’t like the end, don’t put your wellies away yet. It’s a bit weak, even if a little (very little) amusing. I’ll probably change it. Maybe something more dramatic - “With more snow on the way, who knows where this will all end” - no, too dramatic. Maybe “With more snow on the way, children are bound to get in lots more sledging time before they have to go back to school.”

  Yeah I like that one better, OK, I’ll change it to that.

  Monday, April 14th 2014

  Got into work this morning to find I had a review, first month’s performance. It went - OK. Not brilliant. The boss said I needed more experience (well duh, it’s my first reporting job), and some of my stories were a bit basic, but overall, he was happy to keep me employed. Which is a relief because otherwise we’d be really stuffed financially.

  He said I needed to spend some more time reading the styles of some of the big name reporters online and in print. I held my tongue and didn’t mention I’ve just spent four years at university doing just that, and promised I’d do it. I held my nose and bought a couple of tabloids on the way home. I really don’t aspire to be a reporter in one of them, but for a small paper to step up, it probably needs to head that way. More controversy, more nudity, and way way less facts. I threw the tabloids away pretty quickly, I don’t care if I end up fired, I’m not turning into that kind of reporter. Real stories, and if he doesn’t like it, well, I guess I’ll just find a better job.

  Before bed

  After repeating my rant where Taima could hear it, I fished the papers out of the recycler, and read them some more. I don’t want to talk about it.

  Wednesday, April 16th 2014

  Writing in the evening

  I’m not a great cook, but I made dinner to celebrate Taima’s interview, for when she got back from London. She thinks the interviewer was apparently a bit vague and disinterested, so it’s possible they’ve already chosen someone else. A bit rude if that’s the case, letting someone travel two hours to go to an interview they have no chance of getting, but who knows, maybe she read them wrong. Still, even if it didn’t go brilliantly, it’s interview experience, and maybe it went better than she thinks.

  Thursday, April 17th 2014

  The last of the snow has melted. Not surprising as it topped 25 degrees today. There are still way too many people that have been suckered in by the climate change sceptic lobby, but thankfully less and less as time goes on. I just hope it’s in time to fix what we’re breaking :-(

  Friday, April 18th 2014

  I probably shouldn’t have been in work today, it was a bank holiday after all, but I needed to get some work done, so, I trudged my way round the the office.

  I was glad that I had, as I’d received my Freedom of Information reply from the government in the post this morning. Combined with a phone call I had with Reaction Engines afterwards, is definitely good for a follow-up story.

  Dear Mr. Woodmaker

  In reply to your letter dated the 8th of April, regarding the funding of the Reaction Engines product ‘Sabre Engine’.

  We have taken a keen interest in this project, and have a funding structure in place worth £20 million. This is dependant on various milestones being reached, which has resulted in £3 million so far being provided to assist the Reaction Engines company achieve its goals.

  However we would draw your attention to the current economic climate, in which it is obviously the priority of the government to provide basic services for the public, instead of spending on projects that, while interesting, have only limited financial potential to provide a return on investment for the treasury.

  Yours sincerely,

  Tom Booker

  Second Permanent Secretary, HM Treasury.
Andrew Woodmaker's Novels