would have heard it and tried to get her help. I definitely wouldn’t have let Tom use her the way he did. He used us both.” She paused. “You used me, too. But you didn’t do it to advance yourself. I’m trying to tell you that I know you’re not like Tom. The things you’ve done in the past have been to protect other people, Connor. It was noble.”

  He could feel her heat and it was killing him, but he couldn’t lie to her. He never wanted to lie to her again. “I wasn’t, Lara.”

  She looked over him, her hands splaying over his chest. “You are a beautiful man, Connor Sparks. And you are a noble man, too. Some of the things you had to do were likely very unpleasant.”

  “Princess, I killed people.”

  “Bad people. You didn’t run around randomly shooting anyone, Connor. You took out threats to the country. I understand. We’re similar. I wanted to shoot the guy who chucked his foam coffee cup in the park the other day.”

  “That is not the same.”

  “It was. I wanted to shoot him. Well, maybe just force him to eat the foam and see how it tastes, but I digress. In our own way, we both want to make the world a better place. Tom didn’t.” Against him, she started to rock her hips, rubbing her slick flesh against his cock. “He just wanted to get ahead.”

  “It’s not too late. I could kill Tom for you. That would make the world a better place.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “You’re out of the killing business. And I might be out of the tabloid business. I think I can find a better way to make a difference. I liked the whole detective thing. I think we can have a family-owned firm. I can investigate on the computer and you do what you do best, go out and take down the bad guys.”

  She was wrong about him. What he’d done hadn’t been noble. He’d gone to the CIA so he’d have a better life than his shithole childhood. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t change. In fact, he could feel himself changing now. He’d looked for a home all his life, bought grand houses and told himself he’d made it. Home wasn’t a place. It was her. It was her and her fugly dog and her fairy princess ideas that were making him a better person. For so long he’d been the Agency’s operative. It was how he’d defined himself.

  Now he had a new definition. He was going to be Lara Sparks’s husband. And that was all he wanted in the world. If she wanted to use his skills to make the world better, he would be her operative, her protector, her everything.

  “I think that’s a great idea, princess. You know what’s a better one? Penetration.” He flexed his hips because he was almost there.

  She slid down his body. “Not yet.”

  She was really going to kill him. “You should know I intend to get you back. I’ll have you screaming for me.”

  Her mouth hovered over his straining cock. “I always scream for you. I thought I’d be more ladylike. Let’s see if I can get you to beg.”

  His eyes rolled back as she sucked the head of his cock between those gorgeous lips of hers. Her tongue whirled around, lapping up the fluid that collected on the slit of his cock. She apparently thought he had way more pride than he did when it came to her. “Please, Lara. Please fuck me, princess. I need you.”

  She licked his cock like she couldn’t get enough. All the while he could feel her against his thigh. She was wet and hot and so ready he was aching for her. “I need you, too. The problem is you taste really good.”

  Her words hummed along his skin, making him quake. “I don’t want to come in your mouth.”

  She cupped his balls with one hand while she gave his cock another lick. “Then don’t. Don’t come until I’m ready.”

  Definitely she was trying to kill him. This was punishment for all the times he’d taken her right to the edge and refused to allow her to go over. And he wouldn’t have taken back any of it. He liked her dirty and a little vengeful. “Do your worst. If you want to make this a game, I’ll make sure both of us win.”

  She sucked his cock between her lips, and heat engulfed him. He wanted to sink his hands in her hair and force her to take more. She was being thorough, suckling him an inch at a time before moving back up and starting the process all over again. She eased down between his legs, settling in. He groaned as she took him deeper, laving him with her tongue and giving him the barest hint of her teeth.

  He hissed at the sensation but didn’t really think about telling her to stop. That little pain flared through his system, and then she eased it with her lips and tongue. Lara would never hurt him. She didn’t have it in her. He was absolutely certain her newfound appreciation for violence in select situations would fade in a few days and he would get to listen to her lectures again.

  By then he would be out of these cuffs, and he knew just how to distract his girl and get into her pacifist panties.

  “Take more. Your mouth feels so fucking good.”

  She worked her way down his cock, her tongue teasing him until his whole body was taut with the need to spill into her soft, sweet mouth. He held back. He wasn’t going to lose this game. He wanted to be inside her when he came, wanted to mark her again and know that when she slept beside him, a piece of himself was still with her.

  “Ride me, princess. It’s been so long. I want you to fuck me hard. You’re the only woman I’ll ever make love to again. I want to give you everything I have.” He knew how to get to his girl. She liked it dirty and sweet. She liked to hear the truth, and his truth was that he needed her. He’d been incomplete until the day he’d met her. “I love you, Lara. Take me. I made you mine. Make me yours.”

  He was already hers and he rather thought he’d been hers all of his life. He’d simply been waiting to meet her.

  She got to her knees, her breasts bouncing lightly as she straddled him again. This time there was purpose to her every movement. She took his cock in hand.

  “If you want, the condoms are in the bedside table.” He was going to trust her. She’d given her word that she would marry him. If she needed time, he would give it to her.

  She slowly started to lower herself down. “I think I’ll take everything you have to give me. You’re not getting any younger.”

  He flexed up. Even without use of his hands, he could still take a little control. “I’m young enough to handle you, princess.”

  She gasped as his cock invaded. “Yes, you are.”

  He loved how her eyes went slightly glassy, as though making love with him was a drug. He was already addicted to her. She seated herself, her pussy clenching all around him. So good. She felt so fucking good and there was nothing for him to do but enjoy her. He couldn’t really take control so he was forced to focus on what she was doing to him, to really see her.

  His future wife leaned back slightly as her hips rolled. Connor took her in. She looked wild, her hair rolling in waves, breasts peeking out from behind the dark tresses. Her torso flowed to a shapely waist and feminine hips. His eyes focused on the juncture of her thighs where that gorgeous pussy was currently sucking at his cock, taking him in and squeezing him tight.

  She took control, setting the pace. In and out. Taking every inch of him until he couldn’t think about anything except how perfectly they fit together. She bounced on top of him, pushing him further and further. He could feel her clenching all around him.

  She leaned forward, using his chest as leverage as she fucked him hard. “I love you.”

  He wondered how long it would be before he didn’t catch his breath every time she said it. “I love you, princess. I’m not waiting. We’re going to Vegas.”

  She nodded as she pressed down against him. “We should beat Gabe and Everly to the altar.”

  He grinned. “I can see you’re going to be very competitive. Game nights should be a blast.” He bucked up, needing her so badly he couldn’t wait. “I’m going to come. Now.”

  She ground down on him, her mouth opening on a cry as her pussy clenched all around him and he went over the edge. The orgasm exploded like a supernova and he released inside her, every pulse a pure plea
sure until he had nothing left to give.

  Gasping, panting, heart rate slowing, Lara fell on top of him, nestling close. “I liked being in charge.”

  Her hands eased over his body, soothing him.

  “Don’t get used to it.” Bliss pulsed through his system and he could have sworn their bodies were in perfect tune. “You’re going to get me out of these cuffs and then I’m going to take my turn.”

  She gave him a little scowl. “You already had your turn.”

  “The turns never stop, princess.” They wouldn’t as long as he was alive.

  “Bossy.” But she was already moving off him, grabbing the keys and releasing his hands.

  The minute he was free, he pulled her close, flipping her over so he was on top. He pressed his lips to hers. “You like me bossy.”

  “As long as you’re mine,” she agreed, her arms wrapping around him.

  “Always.” He would never be anything else. He kissed his soon-to-be wife and proceeded to show her how good always could be.

  The Oval Office

  One week later

  Dax Spencer stepped into the outer office with a sense of satisfaction. Connor hadn’t answered his phone. Connor always answered his phone. If Dax needed something, Connor was there in a heartbeat. It had been that way since they were kids. But Dax knew it wasn’t good for him to be Connor’s first priority. This morning when he’d called, he’d gotten a text back explaining the honeymoon was starting early and asking if it was important.

  It hadn’t been. Dax had wished his friend well. Connor had found his real purpose and it wasn’t the Agency. Dax could breathe easier knowing Connor wasn’t off at the ends of the earth putting himself in danger.

  It was time to think about heading back to work. It was time to say good-bye to his friends and hello to his ship. Maybe when he was cruising the Persian Gulf he wouldn’t think about her every minute of every day. Maybe he wouldn’t beat himself up over how completely he’d fucked up his life.

  “Hello, it’s Captain Spencer for the president,” he said with a wink to the older of the two secretaries who ran Zack’s appointments with the ruthlessness of a warrior protecting her city from the barbarian horde.

  “You don’t have an appointment.” Mrs. O’Neal frowned his way. “And he’s busy right now with his press secretary.”

  Dax glanced down at her desk. There was the latest edition of a tabloid sitting there with a huge picture of the president and a gorgeous brunette on his arm. He recognized her as an actress of some repute. She was stunning and just about as plastic as a woman could be without being considered a cyborg. She was so far from Zack’s type.

  What the hell was going on?

  “He won’t be with her for long,” the younger receptionist said with a huff.

  Mrs. O’Neal shushed her, but it was obvious neither woman approved of the president’s actions.

  The door opened and Elizabeth stalked out, her eyes red.

  “Elizabeth, do not step foot off these grounds without a guard. Am I understood?” Zack stepped to the doorway, his eyes on Elizabeth and his tone cold enough to freeze the reflecting pool on the Mall.

  Elizabeth didn’t look back, merely took a deep breath. “I understand, Mr. President. I understand that you’re not the man I thought you were.”

  “Then we’re on the same page. I expect you at the two o’clock meeting. Don’t be late.” He looked up at Dax. “Come on back. Mrs. O’Neal, if you would tell Roman we’re ready for him.”

  Dax managed to wait until the door closed. “What the hell was that?”

  Zack was always gentle around Elizabeth. He never raised his voice to her. Dax had expected the two of them had simply been waiting for Zack to leave office before they started dating publicly.

  “It’s nothing,” Zack said, moving to one of the two couches before the fireplace. He gestured to Dax to take the other.

  “She looked really upset. And since when do you date overly Botoxed actresses?” He sat, wanting the world to shift back to something he recognized. Zack wasn’t a playboy. He’d had a few girlfriends and they were always serious. He was monogamous, and the women were smart and discreet.

  Zack’s jaw turned into a stubborn line. “It’s none of your business.”

  “Don’t pull the president crap on me, Zack. It might work on Elizabeth, but I remember why we call you Scooter. I’m the one who carried you to the nearest ER to make sure your dick still worked so don’t tell me it’s none of my fucking business.”

  Zack stared at him for a moment and then his mouth split into a grin and he laughed. It was good to hear his friend laugh.

  After a moment, Zack shook his head and sat back. “Sometimes I think my father was right to have one child and only one child. He told me when I was a kid that he wanted to put all his effort and energy into making me successful. Brothers, he told me, are just distractions. He should have mentioned that they’re also pains in my ass.”

  “You’re the dipshit who let Mad rope you into this weird family. Now tell me why Elizabeth was crying.”

  The smile fled in an instant. “I can’t risk her.”

  Shit. “You think whoever killed Joy might use Elizabeth as leverage.”

  “Or they might just kill her outright. Until we know who this Sergei is and what he wants, I can’t be too close to her. I wanted to fire her and get her as far away from me as possible, but Connor pointed out a few problems with that plan.”

  “If they don’t believe you, she has no protection. You need to keep her close so the Secret Service can watch her. Shit. So Plastic Woman is for show?”

  Zack nodded. “I’m taking a page out of Mad’s playbook. I met her at the White House Correspondents’ dinner a while back. I’m going to escort her to a couple of functions. Lara has promised to put it front and center on Capitol Scandals for the next few months. I’m afraid Elizabeth misunderstood my affection for her.”

  Bullshit. Dax ached for his friend, but he understood. “And when this is over?”

  Zack sighed. “I’m afraid I just burned that bridge. But she’ll be alive at the end of it. That’s all I can give her.”

  The door opened and Roman walked in with a handful of papers. “Dax, thanks for coming on such short notice. How was the wedding? Connor’s a bastard. He finally gets married and all we get is a text from Vegas?”

  Dax smiled, remembering his best friend’s very hasty wedding. Only Dax, and Senator and Mrs. Armstrong had been invited to the quickie wedding in Vegas, but it had still been lovely.

  It had reminded him of everything he lost when he’d lost Holland.

  “It was a great wedding and the senator plays a mean Texas Hold’em. Connor didn’t want a lot of press. Now that he’s quit, the Agency won’t hide his identity anymore. But he promises to have a small family reception the next time we’re all in town.”

  Roman sank down beside Zack. “I heard you’re going back to your ship.”

  “It’s time.”

  Roman slapped a piece of paper on the table between them. “I don’t think so. Not yet, brother.”

  “What is that?”

  Zack leaned forward. “The translation of the note Lara retrieved from the nursing home. Natalia’s ‘insurance policy.’ We’ve also managed to get some reports on the woman now that she’s dead. It appears she was working with high-level Russian intelligence at one point.”

  “I thought this was about the Russian mob.”

  “After the fall of the Soviet Union, a lot of Russian intelligence shifted to the Bratva. They took over much of the country. We believe at one point Natalia’s husband was KGB. She was found in one of the girls’ schools and turned into a prostitute at a young age. I don’t know how it happened but she married, probably because she was pregnant. Then we believe her husband used her to spy on my father and everyone who came through our home in Moscow.”

  “Did you get translations of Lara’s recording?”

  “Yes. They confirm a few thi
ngs we know. She talks about being moved from place to place and always having a new identity. She was tired and she says something about the regime. Apparently she didn’t like the new guys. I have to assume that’s the Bratva she’s talking about,” Roman said.

  “She thought she knew Connor.” It had been there in her eyes. The minute she’d seen Connor, they’d lit up.

  Zack shrugged. “No idea. Her memory wasn’t what it used to be. We’ll never know. For now, we’re operating on the idea that someone in the Russian mob knows something about my father that could potentially hurt me or the country. Given what a bastard my father is, it could be anything. I’m waiting for a blackmail demand.”