But recently, a young man I know submitted everything to God

  He fought himself recursively before choosing to follow God’s will

  And after he did, a result came forth

  To be true, the result does not favour his dreams or intent

  But, to match up God’s plan, he’s got to follow God’s way

  He’s got to trust Him and follow the path that looks so unappealing

  So, he submits to His will and unsearchable way.

  In the face of automatic shame or what the carnal mind will call it

  Or, what his many doubting friends scornfully called it,

  They said, it is folly to think who you cannot see can save you

  Yet, he chose to foolishly invest one year out of his numbered life into God’s hands

  He said, if like Abraham, I find God’s miraculous provision, Glory!

  And if like the Messiah, I suffer for His will, Amen!

  For whether good or bad, and whether sweet or bitter, I am absolutely His possession

  He alone gave me this breathe right from my mother’s womb

  And He alone can take or permit its taking away

  My desires will only bring many temptations into my mind

  He once tried to change God’s way or “correct a divine mistake”

  He thought he knew better than the One who created him

  He imagined wrong and said wrong and did wrong

  But mercy prevailed and divinity intervened in His life

  God came around and took control of the wheel of his life

  He kept him when he ought to die and healed him of his sickness,

  1 pint of hope arose within him and nourished a seed of faith

  He struggled, he failed and he repented again

  God came to rescue him over and over again

  He knows now that God’s ways are higher than His

  That His thoughts are the highest and finest and truest thoughts

  So, he leaves the wheel to Him today and follows His will forever


  Sunk in an old rusty chair

  Awaiting the next pedagogue

  I began to ponder and wonder

  If everyone here had a reason

  Apart from getting good grades

  Apart from enjoying social life

  Apart from getting older and bolder

  Is there anything I’ll be remembered for?

  Of course, not everyone has an identified purpose

  For being in this citadel of knowledge

  Is there happiness in living life as it comes?

  Or is there fulfilment in getting one’s priorities right?

  One thing is for sure and I know it

  I age and add new experiences everyday

  Fingers are not equal, purposes are not the same

  I’ll keep my focus till I achieve my aim


  Yes, I know we’re not the same

  Sure I know we’re all insane

  Insane enough to run the race

  Now, I won’t remain the same

  We all want to show our might

  We all want to win the prize

  Many I know will pay the price

  But few of them will make the rise

  Though, the wind may stop the best

  All I hope is firm I am

  Making sure I keep my pace

  Surely one should win the race

  What I want is what I aim

  What I have is what I’ll use

  Not afraid to be well-famed

  All I’ll give is all it takes


  Every so often

  I make untaught choices

  I learn to ignore tempting voices

  Yet, many hardships fail to soften

  Every now and then

  I take lengthy pauses,

  I ruminate over my losses

  Like a helpless hen whose eggs have been stolen

  Many a boy I know

  Have gotten costly possessions

  Without making unending confessions,

  They show power and prowess on the flow

  Times that I cannot count

  I have pushed out my thoughts loudly

  Is my aim worthy of all these harsh hurdles?

  A life of vanity or a life of purpose, which is better?

  Peer pressure, youthful exuberance and other distractions keep coming around me

  High measures, painful rejections and stressful extensions are wrapped up in them

  Today’s training for tomorrow’s glory seems filled with an assortment of tough and hostile tests

  But if I keep the fire burning within, I’ll make it through every difficult night and reach my future


  Thank you for reading these poems

  Truly, it was my desire to have you read them

  But more important was the hope that upon consuming

  these solemnly written words, the reader will apply

  them to life and obtain fruitful results.

  May this be your portion.


  Thanks to Kehinde & Victor Morakinyo.

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