Page 2 of Forever His

  “Hey Cook, can I ask you a personal question?”


  “Why aren’t you married?”

  He chuckled and said, “I’ve been there, when I was young. I married a beautiful girl who was also smart and talented… she was a painter. I was in awe of her. It lasted two years and we both had to admit that we were more in love with the idea of each other than the reality. I haven’t felt much like going down that path again… yet. I never say never though.”

  “So you date?”

  “What’s this all about? You’re not trying to set me up with Cassandra to get rid of her are you? Because there aren’t many women I’ve ever felt like throttling… but that one…”

  I laughed. “You’ll have to beat me to it,” I said. “No… it’s just that I have this friend….”

  He pulled his brows together and I could really tell that he was trying not to make a face as he said, “Is it your mother? She’s a very attractive lady but…”

  “Oh no, definitely not. I like you. I’d never do that to you!”

  He laughed at that. “Okay… so now I’m listening. Who is this friend?”

  “Her name is Liz and she’s just an amazing person. She’s pretty and she’s funny and smart and she works hard… she attracts idiots like flies though.”

  “What makes you think I’m any better than those idiots she attracts?”

  “I’ve known you for a while now. I think if you were an idiot, I would have sensed it by now.”

  Smiling he said, “Well, thank you for that. I might be willing to meet this friend of yours. Maybe we could start small and we could all have coffee one day.”

  “That would be great! Thanks!”

  “Sure. How does your friend feel about the homeless?”

  “I’m not sure if she has an opinion about them or not. She hasn’t really shared that part of herself with me.”

  “Okay… I’ll ask her when I meet her. You know, my homeless shelter is important to me. I’ve dated a few women who had a problem with it. It seems women don’t approve of me putting my own money into the place.”

  “Oh well, Liz isn’t like that. She doesn’t care about money. She’s very self-sufficient and she’s definitely no gold digger.”

  “Good then, we’ll set up a coffee date.”



  The next few days passed uneventfully. I began looking online at classes and thinking about returning to school in the fall. I hope things work out for Alex; I pray for it as a matter of fact. I love him with my whole heart. But I had to look at the future differently now that I was a mother. First, if things didn’t work out, I didn’t intend to live off of my son’s child support because his father happens to be rich, and second, if we did work out, I didn’t intend to be another Cassie who completely depended on my husband for support. I had dreams before I met Alex and before I had Michael… I still have dreams and I still intended to pursue them.

  I found a program for Physician’s Assistants in Santa Barbara. That wasn’t too far away; it was a drivable distance for two days a week, which would be the only times I’d have to go. I printed out the application for it and I was filling it out when Alex surprised me and walked into the room. I had no idea he was coming back today.

  “Alex!” I jumped up from the desk and threw my arms around him. He caught me around the waist and hugged me into him. “I didn’t know you’d be home today.”

  He pulled back and grinned at me. “I wanted to surprise you. I’m so happy to be home. I missed you.”

  I hugged him again. “I missed you like crazy!”

  He brought his lips to mine and kissed me. I felt that tickle deep in my core that was reserved just for him. When he pulled back he said, “I missed the little man like crazy too.”

  “He missed you too,” I said.

  He laughed. “How do you know? Did he tell you?”

  “Of course he did. He talks to me with his eyes.”

  He laughed again. “Where is he, in his crib?”

  “No, you will actually be proud of me, I hope. I asked Karen to take him out for a walk. She’s taking him for a walk in his stroller through the gardens while I do some research on the Physician’s Assistant programs around here.”

  “Good for you, you’re taking time for yourself. You’re thinking of going back to school?” Alex and I sat down on the couch and I poured him a cup of tea from the pot the housekeeper had just brought in.

  “I am,” I said. “It was always my plan. I just had to take care of the more important things first.” Meaning Michael of course.

  “So did you find a program that you’d like to apply to?”

  “I did, UC Santa Barbara has a great one.”

  He made a face. “Santa Barbara is quite a drive if you’re planning on doing it every day. I think that would be too much, don’t you?”

  “I do, if it was every day. This program is designed for people with busy lives. It’s only two days a week… it just takes a bit longer to complete than the other one.”

  “Oh… okay…” He didn’t look happy.

  “Is this a problem, Alex?”

  “No, of course not. I think I told you that first day we were together that I didn’t expect you to be a maid your whole life, I also don’t expect you to be my paid mistress. You are too smart for either of those roles, Vicki. I want you to have a life that’s fulfilling and I intend to do whatever I can to make sure of that. It will just be tough on you with the baby. We definitely need to get busy hiring that nanny. Did Karen mention if she had any interviews set up yet?”

  I nodded, I’d given in to the idea but I still only wanted one part time. “She has three coming in this afternoon. It’s another reason I’m so glad you’re home. I think this is something we should both definitely be a part of.”

  “Good, okay… one more thing?”


  “Would you think me too controlling if I hired a second driver to take you to and from Santa Barbara when school begins?”

  I laughed and said, “I would think you terribly controlling.” He made a face and I leaned up and kissed him and said, “But I always have and I’ve come to accept it as one of your charms.”

  He laughed too. “Thanks. I just can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you. Since you seem to be a little more comfortable leaving Michael for a few hours at a time, maybe you and I could go out to dinner tonight and have a real date?”

  “I’d like that. I don’t know about Karen staying so late to watch him though… maybe I should ask Liz?”

  “If you’re comfortable with that?”

  “I am. Liz loves him like an aunt. I’ll call her now and see if she’s available.”

  Alex went upstairs to change while I called Liz. When she answered I said, “I have news…”

  She laughed. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing, I just told Cook that I have this really pretty, really smart, really nice friend that I think he would like a lot…”

  “Oh my goodness, I feel like I’m in high school, being set up by the bestie.”

  “He was really receptive to it. It seems that he has trouble finding women who don’t just want to use him for his money.”

  “He has money?”

  “Shut up!”

  She laughed. “You know that I don’t care about that. I can take care of myself. Thank you… I think… maybe I should meet him before I thank you.”

  “He told me to talk to you and set up a coffee date. In the meantime is there any possibility you’re free tonight for a few hours?”

  “For the coffee?”

  “No… to babysit Michael so Alex and I can have a real date.”

  “Oh absolutely. For Sir Michael I am always available!”

  “Aw, thanks Liz. You’re a great friend.”

  “Hey, you hook me up with your cook, I babysit your kid, it all works out in the end.”

  I giggled. “We have
interviews for a nanny this afternoon… just a part-time one. I’m looking to go back to school soon.”

  “Good for you! I’m so proud of you, Vicki. Have I told you that lately?”

  “You have, but I like hearing it. Thanks, Liz.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tonight.”


  The first woman showed up at three for the nanny interview. I’d just fed Michael and he didn’t want to sleep yet so he got to sit in. It was nice for him to be there and see how the woman was with him. She was about forty and she looked like a Mom was supposed to look to me… far different from my own mother. She said that she raised four children of her own and then went back to school to get an early childhood development. She’d never had a nanny job before, so she didn’t have any job references, but her character references were stellar. She held Michael for a while and said all of the things a new parent wants to hear.

  “He’s beautiful, what pretty hazel eyes,” and, “Look at those eyelashes,” and, “He’s really strong for a newborn, especially a preemie.”

  I liked her, but I could tell that Alex wasn’t happy that she had no real job experience taking care of children though. After she left he said, “I’d prefer someone with job references.”

  “I agree,” Karen said.

  Alex looked at me and said, “What did you think?”

  “I liked her, but as far as hiring employees goes, you and Karen have me there, so I will defer to you both there.”

  He smiled and squeezed my hand before Karen led the next woman in. This one looked like a college student. She was cute, but a little over-bubbly, I thought. She did have references from two families she’d worked for. With one of them she had just gone on vacation with them and their newborn, but it was an extended holiday in Europe for three months. They recommended her highly. The second family was one that Alex knew well. He’d gone to college with the man and he’d even attended their wedding. They gave her a high recommendation as well; they had only terminated her services because at three years old their child got into a very progressive preschool. It was one that Alex had already mentioned to me that he really wanted Michael to get into. It was another area where we slightly disagreed. I hated the thought of treating pre-school and