Page 13 of Heir of Skies

  “Goodnight, Stella,” his voice dropped to that husky timber again and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face.

  “Goodnight, Tristan,” I replied softly, hanging up the phone and laying my head back against the pillow. Oh that boy….


  Sunlight streamed in through my windows and rested over me in a blanket of comfort and warmth. The daylight energized me, gave me strength again and reminded me that this planet was still surrounded by the Army of Heaven not willing to let the Darkness succeed. I stretched my arms above my head and felt the pull of too-tight muscles and the still sore scars that painted my back. But I was better, the cold, numbing feeling was gone and the light inside of me pumped with my blood giving me natural warmth and comfort.

  A knock at my door had me reaching for the covers and pulling them up to my neck. I shifted to a sitting position in bed, and smiled as Seth flung the door open not even waiting for my response.

  “Hey,” he wore that wide grin I was growing used to. He leaned against the door frame, holding a tray of food in his hands. “So…. I thought you could use some comfort food to finish the healing process.”

  He walked toward me and a jilt of excitement jumpstarted my heart into an excited frenzy. “Are those chocolate chip pancakes?” I squealed.

  “Yes, but don’t get too excited,” his smile wavered and I paused at his rare display of insecurity. “They’re not Annabelle’s or anything, but I tried. Although I may have gone overboard with the chocolate chips….”

  Seth set the tray on my lap and I took in the almost black, thin, circles…. circle-ish breakfast items and had to bite back a smile. He had attempted to gussy up the dish by adding fresh strawberries and a glop of whipped cream, but underneath the garnishes were dense, black oblong shapes that kind of gave me the shivers when I thought about actually digesting one of them.

  “Seth, this looks…. uh, this looks great,” I smiled up at him, still bleary eyed from sleep, my voice raspy and hoarse.

  He tipped the bottle of syrup my way and his smile grew. I couldn’t disappoint him so I obliged by pouring a copious amount of syrup over Seth’s “creation” and dove in. Seth stood next to my bed, rocking back and forth on his toes, bouncing up and down with barely contained energy.

  “Well, what do you think?” he asked, while I still chewed through my first bite.

  “Um….” I stalled, swallowing the excessively rich, disturbingly thick bite. “It’s really…. really…. chocolaty!” I finished enthusiastically, trying to make it sound like a compliment.

  “I know it’s not like Annabelle’s, but I-“ he started fidgeting, and his nervous mannerisms were in such contrast to his perfect face and usual confidence that I couldn’t let him worry about them any longer.

  “I love them!” I declared, cutting another huge bite off with my fork. “Seriously, Seth, this is exactly what I need to finish recovery. Thank you.”

  His charming smile became self-assured again and his skin let off that soft glow that told me he believed me. I shoved the overly large, overly sweet bite of pancakes into my mouth and made a moaning sound to solidify my point.

  I decided on the second bite that I could eat at least half the pile, and make it worth his effort. They weren’t…. bad…. they were just really, really sugary, and dense…. and not very pancake like at all. They were more like edible bites of a cement pastry; but it was possibly the most adorable gesture ever.

  “So you’re feeling better?” Seth asked, his eyes narrowing into speculative slits.

  “For the most part, yeah. I mean, I’m a little sore and tight, but I don’t feel like death anymore,” I smiled up at him, cutting another bite and popping it energetically into my mouth.

  “Good….” Seth mumbled, although it didn’t sound like he was all that thrilled. “Because Jupiter wants to train again. I told him you probably weren’t up for it, but he is being pretty stubborn. But if you’re still sore, then it probably isn’t a good idea and I can tell him he will have to wait another day.”

  I could feel how concerned Seth was for me in more than his expressive eyes and glowing skin; there was this connection between us, like an invisible cord that tied us together. I could feel his concern, deep in my bones. I could sense his anxiety over my injuries, his fear over pushing me too hard. It was all there, all between us. We were bonded and because of that I knew I had to get out of bed and train. As comfortable as I was with Seth and as flattered by his concern as I was, I knew I had to become a better fighter so that I could erase these emotions for him. He couldn’t be a better fighter unless I was a better fighter.

  Plus training meant I had a legitimate excuse not to finish the entire plate of pancakes.

  “No, it’s Ok,” I replied confidently. “I need to train, Jupiter’s right. The Darkness isn’t going to stop and so I can’t either. I was sloppy and slow last night, and I can’t ever be that unprepared again. They know by now who I am and what I’m capable of…. or really, what I’m not capable of. Next time they send their spies, I want to send them away terrified.” I smiled up at Seth and pushed forward all of my courage. What I was saying was true, but I wasn’t sure if I believed it was possible yet.

  “We will,” Seth assured me. “Serena and Nate are going to train too, while they’re still here. It will be a good opportunity for us, since neither of us have really had hand to hand combat with another Angel.”

  “What? Are you saying you don’t count fighting me as real hand to hand combat?” I gasped, pretending to be offended.

  “Not when I go so easy on you,” he gave me an impish grin and moved to the door.

  “That stops today!” I yelled at his retreating figure.

  “I know,” he called back, but I could still feel his anxiety over me as he made his way down the stairs.

  I shook my head, and pushed the tray of food off me before climbing slowly out of bed and ambling over to my closet. I was wide awake now, but my body still felt the aftereffects of battle. I stretched nice and long and then picked out some workout clothes that would let me move freely. By the time I had thrown my hair up in a ponytail and made my way downstairs, Serena, Nathaniel, Seth and Jupiter were all waiting for me.

  “Finally,” Jupiter grumbled, turning his back on me and walking straight out the back door. He carried two oversized canvas, black bags with him that folded in half, coming together at the handles: the sword bags.

  “Good morning,” Serena smiled slowly at me. I had met her briefly last night and was surprised at her other-worldliness then; in the light of morning her sharp, angled features and ethereal complexion were even more staggering. Serena was from a post outside of this galaxy, but had been chosen to be the temporary Protector until I turned eighteen. She had long, flowing orange hair and startling blue eyes, the color of the ocean around a coral reef. Her skin, which was clear and porcelain, radiated light without much effort at all and her willowy frame towered over me gracefully. To me, she was clearly an Angel and humanity would hardly know what to make of her should she meet them. As far as blending in went, she was an odd choice, but her skill and experience on the battlefield preceded her loudly. I wondered for a moment why they were handing over Earth to me so soon, when she was clearly capable for the job.

  “Good morning, Serena,” I smiled, disturbingly intimidated. “Good morning, Nathaniel.”

  “Nate, remember?” the Warrior corrected, offering me his hand. Nate was a lot like Seth in looks, with dark, unruly hair and a severely muscular face. But where Seth had shades of mystery and mischief, Nate was all goodness and light. His gray eyes sparkled like granite and his matured frame boasted years on the battle field.

  “Right, good morning, Nate,” I corrected, smiling a little more easily. He wasn’t quite so intimidating, but it wasn’t his shoes I was going to have to fill.

  We all turned and followed Jupiter out the door, even though he was halfway to our training field by now. Seth and I followed behind the ot
her Star and Warrior and I had to wonder if Seth was as daunted as I was. I glanced over at him, but all I got in return was a cocky smile and a playful wink.

  We trudged across the snow covered fields, nobody wearing coats or even seeming to be effected by the near zero degree temps. By the time we reached Jupiter, he had already spread out the weapons across the field. I almost laughed, realizing he had clearly just picked up the different swords and tossed them randomly as far as he could. He was tossing swords! I shivered to think of any poor woodland creatures that got in his way.

  “We will continue to train with swords and introduce other weapons later, as I see fit. But right now, since Stella is struggling with the basic skill of protecting herself, I think this is our top priority,” Jupiter announced gruffly.

  I cringed at his frustration with me and then centered myself, remembering why I needed to push myself. Jupiter was right, I had to get better.

  “Let’s start Star against Star, and add more opponents as time progresses,” Jupiter instructed and I realized at some point this morning he expected me to be able to fight all three of them.


  “Stella, Serena choose your weapon,” Jupiter waved his arm across the expanse of the field, while Nate and Seth stepped out of the way.

  Serena flipped through the air and landed twenty feet away, gracefully picking up a long, thin sword before her feet touched the ground. She turned back to me with a glint in her bright blue eyes that I was honestly scared of. And then she raised her sword defensively, and poised her body for the fight, her long sinewy body stretched and ready.

  Double gulp.

  Schooling my trembling appendages, I backed away from her, finding a katana sword to match her nodachi and raised it in a similar pose, more mimicking her than moving comfortably into position. Serena looked like the goddess of battle, her orange hair whipped behind her as if on fire and her eyes shone with the brightness of heaven, even in the daylight. Her body tensed and she waited for me, her muscles flexing in anticipation and her eyes narrowing against me.

  She was a Warrior.

  I was a seventeen year old girl that felt awkward holding my heavy weapon.

  I tried to mimic the grace of her stance, but my foot sank lower in the snow than I intended it to and I stumbled a little before recovering. We faced each other from across the field, neither one willing to go on the offensive and give up our position.

  “Serena, you attack her,” Jupiter commanded when he realized we could wait each other out all day. I saw only a moment’s hesitation before she obeyed.

  Going against every instinct, she crossed the field at a flat out run and leapt through the air, with sword strong above her head. She was not holding back. Not at all….

  And for a second I really thought she would kill me.

  But then my blade was moving before my brain told it to and I responded out of pure instinct to protect myself. I met her sword with a crash that resounded through the farmland, and then moved swiftly…. gracefully even…. to the side so that I could swing at her again.

  The clang of swords was loud and piercing against the quiet of the winter morning, but blow after blow I met hers with a force that surprised even me. I shut off the thinking part of my brain, the part of my brain that was raised in a human world with human reactions and let the supernatural nature I had repressed for far too long take over.

  I started to feel like I had the upper hand, if only for a second, but for that second I was swinging first, doing more than just reacting; I was attacking her.

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see my inner light encompassing my body, even in bright daylight. Serena and I lit up the field with the blinding brightness of our inner essence. Her features blurred the more ingrained in battle we became, but her sword stayed silver and strong, slicing the air and aiming for me. The snow melted at our feet, exposing the dirt and remnants of last year’s crops.

  She let out a battle cry that sent chills of fear racing over my spine, before flipping into the air to deliver the final blow. At the last second, I leapt backward into a flip of my own and midair…. mid-flip….. I connected with her shoulder pushing her to the ground and landing next to her on one knee with my sword at the base of her throat.

  I stared at her for a long moment, wondering where I learned to do that and thankful for the way my hand paused. In that moment, I wasn’t training, or fighting a fellow Star, I was defending myself and the force of which I planned to press my sword into my opponent surprised me…. scared me a little.

  “Good,” Serena whispered in between heavy breaths and then smiled up at me from under my weapon. “That was very good.”

  Still stunned from my win, I backed away slowly, giving her breathing room and removing the threat of my katana from her neck. I stood up, shoulders heaving from exertion and pulled in my light so that I wasn’t a baby version of the sun. Seth stood next to Nate smiling as widely as he could and I got the distinct impression he was trying very hard not to cheer for me. Nate too was smiling, but more like he was relieved for my sake than anything else.

  Jupiter was not smiling. Jupiter eyed me from across the field skeptically, like I had just cheated somehow or Serena had gone easy on me. If she had, I couldn’t tell….

  “Again,” Jupiter announced, grinding out his consonants as if it pained him to watch this. “Nate, Seth you attack too. We can never have a repeat of last night again.”

  I swallowed the anxiety that came with three skilled attackers when I felt like I had just given everything I had to win against one. But I picked up my katana and then found its sister half buried in the snow a few feet away, deciding I could at least try to match the number of weapons coming against me.

  “This will feel more like how the Shadows attack,” Jupiter announced as if for my benefit. But I knew whatever his methods were Jupiter would push me and push me and push me until I was perfection…. until I was the Warrior that could protect the Earth effectively. Or until I broke and it was clear the high council had either made a mistake or been tricked into picking me.

  I wiped at my brow with the back of my hand and readied myself to meet my attackers. A chill swept over me as they crossed the field. A strong enough foreboding feeling that I lost focus for a moment and looked around. There was something out there, something hidden in the dense tree line. The distinct feel of evil seeped into my blood and warned me that we were being watched.

  But as soon as it came, it was gone and I was left in confusion. The other three Angels still advanced against me, not giving anything away. I must have imagined it…. I must have confused my anticipation for this battle with the dread of more Fallen spying on me.

  As the four of us connected in fight, I let instinct take over again and lead the way; still I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.

  Or that an evil presence lurked somewhere so unseen they could be invisible to even us.

  Chapter Ten

  “Good morning, Piper!” I sang as I sidled up to my locker and noticed she had her cute little brunette head shoved further inside the cold metal shelves than normal.

  She mumbled something incoherent that sounded like a string of curse words and tried to actually crawl inside her locker. I deposited my backpack and winter coat on a hook inside my own locker and then grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked playfully back.

  “Ow!” she shouted, pulling her head out of hiding and glaring at me.

  “Piper, what happened Friday night?” I leaned my shoulder against my locker and crossed my arms to let her know I meant business.

  “Oh, Stella,” she cooed, reaching out for my hair. “You look so pretty today! I love it when you wear your hair down….”

  “Stop it!” I slapped her hand away and gave her a more poignant glare. “What happened? And why were you trying to crawl inside your locker?”

  “I was planning on just staying in there all day actually…. but fine, if you want to stick your nose where it doesn’t

  “Stop stalling! What happened?” I demanded, lowering my voice so that the surrounding hall full of students wouldn’t tune into our conversation.

  Although I was assuming most of them had witnessed whatever she was about to spill….

  “Well, first of all, this is all your fault, Stella Day!” her hazel eyes narrowed on me. “Where did you go? Why weren’t you there? How could you have let this happen to me?”

  “Calm down Pi, and just tell me what happened,” I whispered fiercely.

  Piper looked at me for one more second and then gave me a decided nod. She gripped my wrist in her hand, her painted black fingernails digging into my skin and her silver stack of bangles clanking loudly as she pulled me dramatically into the girls’ bathroom. She let go of me abruptly and then walked over to the mirror to primp her straight bangs and make sure we were completely alone.

  “Ugh…. he…. we…. I kind of made out with Lincoln on Friday night,” she confessed in a dejected voice that let me know exactly how ashamed she was.

  “But you like him right?” I prompted, hoping to take away some of her post-make-out guilt. I silently cursed the Shadows again and vowed to become the best fighter ever just to protect my friends from slightly-tipsy-post-win-make-out-sessions.

  “I don’t know….” she grumbled, turning around and leaning against the line of sinks. “I mean, I wasn’t really sure before Friday night exactly how I felt about him or us. And even when he kissed me, I kind of decided that I did like him…. but not enough to grope him in public! I don’t know what is wrong with me! I’m such a mess!” She let her head fall dramatically into her hands and shook out her hair.

  “Wait,” I demanded, taking a step forward and gripping her shoulders. “You groped him? In front of the entire high school?”

  “It’s awful!” she cried out. “I don’t know what came over me! And now he won’t even look at me!”

  “Well, you probably stole his innocence….” I mumbled and then sucked in my lip, realizing I wasn’t helping the situation.