138Poor little fella; when he gets exhausted, he just conks out.

  139I bet one day Black Widow was all, You know what, I love black! And then she just threw out all her non-black clothes ’cause once you know, why settle, right?

  140She knew my name! She knew my name!

  141Though, TBH, Thor’s arm’s length is a good size longer than your average arm’s length.

  142I think they were more “maroon.”

  143At this point, I was surprised Ana Sofía didn’t just keel over dead.

  144Not up there with a full-body squirrel clan hug, but still very nice.

  Squirrel Girl first leaped onto the pages of a Marvel comic book in 1991, created by Will Murray and Steve Ditko. Since then many incredible creators have carried on her story. If you haven’t read any Squirrel Girl comics, Ryan North and Erica Henderson’s The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Power is a great place to start. You won’t regret it!

  Oodles of gratitude to Cece Bell and Andrea Shettle for being beta readers and helping us make sure that Ana Sofía is awesome. If any errors remain, they are entirely on the heads of Dean and Shannon. Margaret Stohl, you make great things happen. Max, Maggie, Dinah, and Wren—you are everything!

  Much love for the fantastic crew at Disney, including Tomas Palacios, Emily Meehan, and Mary Ann Zissimos, and the super team at Marvel, including Sana Amanat, Sarah Brunstad, Emily Shaw, Adri Cowan, and Charles Beacham.

  And thanks to all you Squirrel Scouts out there. Your enthusiasm for this character is contagious. Let’s go nuts!



  Shannon Hale, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World

  (Series: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl novels # 1)




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