Come on, I am beautiful. Long silky white hair, hazel eyes - they turn from green to amber. What human wouldn’t want me in their home?

  And, I’ve got a great personality. I don’t talk too much. Well, let me take that back, after I get to know a person I get a little – no, a lot more verbal.

  Time was going by, and I was beginning to think no one would ever come for me. But then I had a dream. All I could remember is that a blonde woman that was very kind and seemed to want to take me home came to the Humane Society and took me home with her. I woke up with anticipation.

  I groomed myself and felt that I looked really good. That morning nothing happened. The same people came in as always, but then it happened - I saw her.

  She was admiring my friend Lilly, a sassy little Siamese with blue eyes that crossed a little, but she’s so, so sweet. Then she came by me. Man, I did everything to get this woman’s attention. I came to the end of the cage. I laid down and turned upside down I did everything I could think of and she just stood there and then walked past me and continued looking at all the other cats.

  What is wrong with you? I kept yelling at her inside of myself. I’m the one, I’m the one. I had a dream and I know you’re the one!

  Then she was going to check out Stinky. That is what we call him, because he doesn’t really like being around other cats and will let everyone around him know by perfuming the joint. Well, this woman told them, “No, can’t have that!”

  Come back, I called, but she by passed me again and came back to Lily.

  Come on now, she is a cute little Chickadee, but I am a handsome boy cat. I tried again with the rolling on my back and looking up at her with my eyes as wide open as I could get them, but to no avail.

  I know she saw me, but she kept saying something about that she wanted a Himalayan cat. What in the world is a Himalayan cat? I don’t even know what I am, but if that is what she wants, I will be a Himalayan cat, just take me home with you.

  I belong to you, I thought. I had the dream and I know you were the woman in it. But she left and again I was disappointed. Many days went by and I just tried to get back into the daily routine. Then she came in again.

  This time I was not even going to acknowledge her. I was going to play a little hard to get. Well, I did my best to impress her last time and that didn’t work, so maybe if I pretend I don’t remember her I will get more attention this time. I didn’t realize that she couldn’t stop thinking about me.

  She asked to visit more with me, so the nice young man put me in a pet crate and took both of us in the visiting area. I was still going to act like I really didn’t care, but I couldn’t help myself, so I started strutting my stuff. Man, I like this woman! And finally, we connected.

  She liked me and I liked her. My dream was going to come true, I just knew it. I was now believing that I was going to really go home with her.

  She left again, but told me she would come back to get me. She sounded sincere, so I believed her. She went to Wal-Mart and bought me the things I needed, so she could take me home. She came back like she said she would. Now I knew I could trust her.

  They put me in a box, and we went for a ride in a car. I thought I better just lay down, but when I knew I could get out of that box, I was going to help her get me out of there.

  We got to her apartment, and she carried me up what I think were called stairs. She finally set me down and started opening up the box. Come on, come on you are taking too long, I said.

  So, she got one side opened and I pushed myself out. Wow, freedom.

  She showed me where I could go potty, and then let me check out the apartment.

  I like it! I like it! I had to let her know. She sat down on the sofa, and I went and lay down beside her. She was mine and I was hers.

  Okay time for a nap, so I will tell you more later.


  Yawn… As you already know I was given up by my previous family and had to stay at the Suncoast Humane Society in Englewood, Florida until my mommy came and took me home. So, far so good, and it is just getting better. As you know cats sometimes take a little while to get used to their human friends, but for me and my mommy it was a connection right from the start. Okay, I have to be honest here. I love to be petted and cuddled to a point, but I am not really a lap cat. But, my mommy understands and gives me space, and lets me come to her. She scratches my neck and head really good, and if she doesn’t seem to know that is what I want I push against her hand until she responds.

  I am a strong little boy as she calls me. Oh yeah, before I forget, she named me Kobie, but now sometimes adds “Prince” to my name. Oh man - I am from royalty! I wonder when she is going to buy me a little crown? Hint! Hint!

  Anyway, on with my story! The thing is we are getting to know what each other likes and dislikes. Like any relationship between human and human or human and pet it is important to communicate your needs, and wants. I may not be able to talk the same language as my mommy, but intuitively on both parts we understand each other. And a loving touch goes a long way in communicating my love and affection I have for her.

  Man, if animals could talk we could teach the humans a lot. But maybe by them just watching and observing they will learn something from us. So, humans please not only give your animal friends a hug, give those around you a hug, and a gesture of love and affection. Just think of what a better place this world would be!!!

  ♥♥♥ Love, Prince Kobie ♥♥♥

  Kobie’s mommy says: I think Kobie is one of the smartest cats in the world! He talks to me intensely until I give him his treats in the morning. He graduated up to three Pounce…thankfully they are really little. I put them in a row on my little table by my computer… and one by one... he take his paw and knocks them to the floor and eats them…and then he goes on his merry little way. Yep, he is pretty smart, and a happy little camper now that he has a home and a mommy (that’s me!) Now, if I could just teach him how to clean out the kitty litter box and clean up his cat food around his bowl. Come on now, that should be easy, shouldn't it, for the smartest cat in the world?

  It’s Kobie again. I forgot to tell you about Gizmo. I love my little friend Gizmo. I wonder if his mommy and daddy love him as much as my mommy loves me? Oh, he is my kitty buddy who lives downstairs. Maybe someday I will get to meet him, but right now I talk to him through the floor/ceiling. It’s pretty cool. Well, chat with you next time. Signing out for now! Prince Kobie!

  P.S. I am still waiting for my crown. Oh well, I do have some bling around my neck. It shows up pretty good next to my white hair. Mommy says I am as soft as a bunny. I hope to be compared to a Rabbit is a complement. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  Kobie’s mommy says: I sometimes wish he could clean…well at least clean up the messes he makes…he is like having a child. Sometimes I call him “Messy Marvin.” My house was spotless until I got him, now I have a cat’s worth of hair in the vacuum, food tossed out of his bowl and he doesn't eat it, kitty litter out of his box. Well, I love my little Prince Kobie anyway…and he really thinks he is a Prince. I call him Price because he likes to be waited on hand and foot! He tells me when he wants fresh water, and if his food bowl is getting low… then he meows, “How about those Pounce treats?”

  Kobie here! I know my mom is going to write for me, but I do help her out sometimes and I can hit 858585 several times on her computer. Oh okay, mommy said let’s get on with my story, so here goes.

  Mommy loves taking pictures. She has a new favorite thing to point her camera at and that is Me! Yup! I am her target, so she chases me around the house with that thing attached to her face. I guess she is looking at me through that glass thing. Well anyway, I got tired of her chasing me and I was feeling kind of lazy, so I just hopped up on the bed, and low and behold here she comes with that camera thing again.

  Okay, I started rolling over, and yawning and she made such a happy sound, I thought I would act really cool for her. So, I roll
ed on my back and just looked up at her. She seemed pleased and I was hoping for a Pounce treat, so I did a few more things that she took delight in, and I knew she would give me a treat then.

  So, anyway my mommy loved the day taking photos of me, and I know she will be taking more of me, and I am her willing model. She calls me her big bundle of love, but as long as she doesn’t squeeze me for too long I may treat her to a little bit of a snuggle time. I know she will like that.

  So, I am a happy cat that once lived at Suncoast Humane Society. I never thought I would find anyone to love me, but now I know different. Dreams do come true even for little fur babies like me. Well until next time, this is Prince Kobie signing off.

  P.S. P.S. Oh, I did tell you I am royalty? And yes, I am still waiting for my crown! Maybe, it will be made of Pounce treats. Hey, a cat can dream can’t I?

  Love, Kobie ♥♥♥

  It’s Kobie again! As always, my mommy is going to type for me. I am good at typing numbers, but not very good with the words. They come out like Gobbledigook. Anyway, it has been a while, since I have written to you, but I have been living a cat's life you know. I eat, sleep, play, and you know all the other stuff cats do.

  I don't know if you know this, but I am a praying cat, and have been praying for a special friends. Mommy thinks I am sleeping, but I just have my eyes closed so I can pray.

  I love to hear mommy sing and will run to her when she sings certain songs. My favorite thing lately though is if mommy is at the computer too long, and I want her attention is to jump right on the table by her computer and stand in front of the screen or lay on her mouse.

  It’s so funny, then I watch the screen moving. As soon as mommy moves to get her camera to prove that I do this, I jump off. Ha, Ha! You didn't catch me.

  Oh no, I just saw the picture she is printing with this story. I am caught red-handed or should I say pink -pawed.... I make my own self laugh I am such a comedian! Well, Later! Nap time again.

  Love, Prince Kobie ♥

  The End

  © 2015 Margene Wiese-Baier


  By Peter W. Collier


  Lou Foss had a nice and friendly store - a small ‘General Store’;

  There were only two stores in the whole town of Gilmore;

  Lou Foss had one store and Stu Foss had the other;

  Stu is actually Lou’s twin brother;

  They both looked the same, there was no doubt;

  Nothing else really did stand out, except for one thing the whole town knew about;

  Even though they had the same mother, both Lou and Stu weren’t like each other;

  It was about their style, sports, and even about colours;

  Neither Lou nor Stu was like his own brother;

  Both their stores where on the main street;

  One faced west and the other faced east;

  They watched each other, from over across;

  Inside their own store, each Foss was the boss;

  Sure, they were twin brothers who looked the same, but never to be alike was really their fame;

  If Stu sold pencils, then Lou sold pens;

  If Lou sold dozens, then Stu sold tens;

  If Lou said, “Hi”, then Stu said, “Hello”;

  There are lots of other things you should know;

  If Stu sold cats then Lou sold dogs, or anything else, even bull frogs;

  He just wouldn’t sell cats, if Stu sold cats;

  If Lou sold rugs, then Stu sold mats;

  If Stu sold tall, pointed hats, then all Lou’s hats would be more flat;

  The oddest thing about it, were the shoppers that came;

  What they said was always the same;

  “I’ll only buy from one!” they’d always exclaim;

  The west side of town always shopped at Lou’s;

  The east side of town always shopped at Stu’s;

  Almost nothing was the same in each store, but across the street was always ignored;

  Men wore bow ties on the east side of town;

  On the west side, men all wore ties that hung down;

  It didn’t make much sense at all;

  The clothes in Lou’s store were for everyone tall;

  The clothes in Stu’s store were only size small;

  The town’s people still did what they will;

  When people on Stu’s side of town were too tall;

  They’d still wear clothes that were much too small;

  The small people, on Lou’s side of town, wore baggy clothes, just like a clown’s;

  Things like that you’d expect in our town;

  Shoes in the west were all blue, and in the east were all white;

  In the east and the west, shoes never fit right;

  No matter how big, they always seemed tight;

  Lou wouldn’t sell anything green or red;

  He sold other coloured things instead;

  Lou would always say, “Green and red aren’t in fashion yet.”

  Across the street, green and red things were easy to get;

  Stu’s store wouldn’t have anything blue;

  Lou loved blue and some other colours too;

  Just none of the colours that where ever sold by Stu;

  Stu’s store sold honey and marmalade jams;

  Lou sold pickled black tomatoes and yams;

  Some of Lou’s foods weren’t very tasty to eat, but that’s all there was in the store across the street;

  Some of the food tasted funny and some was too runny;

  Lou didn’t eat candy and he wouldn’t chew gum;

  Stu sold them all, every single one;

  Stu liked candy, both sour and sweet;

  Except there were no blues in Stu’s candy treats;

  Barber Poles, Bottlecaps, Buttons, Duds, Dots, Snaps, Pop Rocks, Junior mints, Jujy Fruits, and jawbreakers, just to name a few;

  Nerds, Dweebs, Runts, Punky’s, and Hot Tamales too;

  Still he sold them all, but never were there blues;

  Gushers, Gummies, Muddy Bears, Lik-M-Aid and sticks;

  Peach Blossoms, Chiclets, Tootsie Rolls, Toffees and Twix;

  Cry Babies, Sweetarts, Ring Pops, Pixy Stix, Pox, and Pez, but that’s not all;

  Razzles and Dazzles, Peppermint Patties and Sugar Daddies, Whoppers, Gobstoppers and the Sourest of all Gum Balls;

  Peanut Butter Cups, Licorice Twizzlers, Crows and Whips;

  Lemon Drops, Smarties, Skittles, Snickers, and Big Red Fruity Wax Lips;

  Lifesavers too, but only the Orange, Lemon and Lime flavours will do.

  Fudgie Wudgies, Chupa Chups, Abba-Zabas and even Marshmallow Peeps all are sold at Stu’s;

  That’s just a few;

  All candy was sold at Stu’s store, but none were found at Lou’s;

  On some things, Lou and Stu were the same;

  There were a few exceptions to name;

  They both coached little league baseball teams;

  They both sold baseball bats, caps, balls, and gloves;

  Baseball is something the entire town loves;

  For the most part, you can imagine how odd this all was;

  For most all the town’s troubles, both Lou and Stu were the cause;

  When something wasn’t quite right, Lou or Stu were often to blame;

  It’s not their fault, if the train was late again, and they couldn’t be blamed if it rained;

  Even if the whole town would complain, there was still stuff that was always the same;

  The sun would still rise in the east and set in the west;

  Every house still had an address, so the mailman didn’t need to just guess;

  The grass everywhere was still green;

  All the windows still glistened and gleaned;

  Some fences still leaned;

  Everyone had a washing machine;

  Wheels were all round;

  The ground was still ground;

  Birds still flew i
n the sky;

  All the babies still managed to cry;

  Water was still wet and snow was still cold;

  People were born and slowly grew old;

  Clouds were still puffy and white;

  All the street lamps still glowed, like you’d expect they might;

  Stars still shined wonderfully bright;

  Everyone still flew their homemade kites;

  The town’s mayor was still Dwight D. Moonlight;

  Many things had nothing to do with east or west, Lou or Stu;

  Still, there were lots of other things we could blame on those two.


  It all began, way back when;

  Lou and Stu were just children then;

  The clothes they wore looked exactly alike;

  Both of them road twin red bikes;

  They both wore the same kind of shoes;

  Back then, even Stu wore clothes that were blue;

  No colours were ever confused, for just being Stu’s or just being Lou’s;

  It was always tough to tell them apart;

  Everything was fine, at least at the start;

  It was hard to tell they weren’t both the same; except, when they played at the school baseball games;

  Lou’s a great catcher and fast ball snatcher;

  Stu’s a hard hitter and a great baseball pitcher;

  It wasn’t tough for Stu, not at all;

  He had a special way of throwing a ball;