Page 10 of Reluctant Gods

  “By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.”

  Robert Frost


  “Leyna, you’re overworked, overtired and way stressed out. I made a reservation for you this weekend in a little town called Deer Lake. My wife and I go there every summer. It’s a cottage on thirteen acres. It’s quiet, secluded, and just what you need to reenergize yourself.”

  My boss thought he’d send me on a weekend retreat in some hick town. Great. I hated sitting in front of his huge mahogany desk while he held the power seat behind it.

  “But, Gene, I can relax Sunday morning when—”

  “No, this is mandatory. Your work is suffering, you’re falling behind on communications, and you need to refocus. No buts. Just go. I left the reservation and directions with Jordan. It’s only two hours away so you’ll be there in no time. Take some books and movies because there’s absolutely nothing to do there. Oh, I arranged for some groceries to be delivered, but you’ll have to cook. Cooking is always good therapy for me. You can leave now, and I don’t want to see your face in here until Monday morning.”

  “You’re kidding. Mandatory? Cooking? Can’t I just—”

  “No! Now get going, Leyna. And take a fishing pole. There’s a beautiful pond and you can catch your own dinner.” Gene laughed a hearty laugh.

  I stood up from my chair and rolled my eyes. I guess he was the closest thing I had to a father, and he was my boss, so I had to take his advice.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Thank you is quite enough. You need to relax…slow down and relax. Now, get out of here and I’ll see you Monday morning, ready to go.”

  “I’ll thank you when I come back, depending on the kind of weekend I have.” I managed a smile and shook Gene’s hand.

  It was very generous of him and he was right. I needed a break to clear my head.

  There was more for me than what I had, but what? What was missing? Maybe I’d find it in…what’s the place called? Deer something? I had to remember to get the information from Jordan before I left.

  What would I do through Sunday? I hated to cook, read or watch movies, and hated being outdoors. No men to mess with even. No weekend for a black widow, that’s for sure.

A.J. Aaron's Novels