Page 25 of Reluctant Gods

  “He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”



  We were on the couch in the same position as when we left. Leyna held my arm. “I can see where she got the desire to get even with men. But, how did you ever manage to fall in love with her, and why did you cast a spell to reunite us? Can we go to that point?”

  The scenery swirled into a blur until we were at another location.

  Ancient Sevilen was seated next to ancient Leyna, his arm in a sling. His father and another man were seated on either side of the fireplace.

  “Marloque, it seems Sevilen’s arm is healing, between your herbs, salves and Leyna’s ministrations. His hand now looks normal.”

  Ancient Leyna held ancient Sevilen’s hand and rubbed her thumb on it. He smiled at her. “It feels much better. I’m sure I could ride now.”

  His father shook his head. “I am sure you could, my son. However, you need to stay here and help Leyna. You still need to work on the healing spell to remove her desire to avenge her father with any male she meets beside us. She has become much too powerful too quickly.”

  Marloque nodded and stroked his chest length, gray beard with one hand. In the other, he held his staff next to his seat with the top glowing faintly. “Yes, Lady Leyna was badly damaged by her father. There is only one way she can survive, and that is to release the harm done to her. We have discussed the spells, Sevilen, and you have a good start. You are Leyna’s protector and need to be the one to heal her. The three of us are the only men she will tolerate and your father and I need to go back to Tiryaki’s estate and finish setting up the ruling group. It has been a year and we still have not settled that.”

  Ancient Leyna released his hand and her eyes were filled with fire. Blue sparks flitted off her fingertips. “You treat me like a child! I tolerate you three because I could see into your souls from the start. You are all respectable, loving people. So what if I should harm those who deserve it! I need no healing!”

  The father looked upon her in silence. He magically calmed her and the blue sparks ceased.

  “Lady Leyna, we have taken you in and treated you like family. Please, allow us to help you complete your transformation into your new life. Few could ever achieve the capabilities you and Sevilen have achieved. The fact that you could read our minds the first time we met, shows you’ve been selected by the gods for greatness.”

  Marloque tapped his staff on the floor three times. “Three times in my life have I seen this talent—the man who just spoke, Sevilen, and you, Leyna. This is nothing to be taken lightly. Do you not love Sevilen?”

  Ancient Leyna looked at ancient Sevilen longingly. She rubbed his hand again and looked into his eyes. “Of course I do. He brought me back from the darkness. He showed me what love is. He nurtured and protected me. How could I not love him?

  “My love for him has healed his injuries many times. But, I am old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I’m the most powerful woman in this part of the world. I will not be denied and treated as if I need healing.”

  The father continued calmly. “We brought Sevilen back from visiting Albert the Second in Prague, because of your lack of control. How can you say you need no healing?”

  “Those men were filth. They were no better than my father was. They deserved the punishment I bestowed.”

  “Leyna, they were delivering goods, which we purchased. They were simple common men with simple desires. You, walking around looking like a goddess, will draw any man into your trap. They did not deserve to be turned into Eunuchs at the flip of your wrist. You wield far too much magic for one so uncontrolled. It will fuel your demise. What will my son do without his love? What will become of our territories?”

  Ancient Leyna looked at ancient Sevilen sheepishly. She stood and kissed his cheek, her sheer dress flowed with her movement. “My Sevilen will always be my Sevilen and I will always be me. I do not need protection, or healing. He can go back to Prague.”

  “Leyna, I apologize, but I am not going back to Prague. Your healing is most important so I will continue working on the spell. You will thank me once this demon inside of you is gone. If this isn’t done, you’ll be killed, or kill yourself with your own magic.

  “Marloque, please meet me after dealing with the estate to discuss my new ideas. Maybe we can utilize Archangel Raphael to help.”

  Marloque nodded in agreement.

  “An archangel to heal me? Unbelievable.”

  The father nodded. “Excellent idea, my son. Raphael is an expert at healing.”

  The father glanced at Leyna with disappointment. “Now, I must go. Remember this is the night of the celebration with Lord Vlad the second, Prince of Walachia. The entire town’s people have been eagerly anticipating this for weeks. The pigs have been fattened and the wine is ready. I wish I could be there myself, but my schedule does not permit it if I am to sail on time to beat the winter.

  “Alexander has impeccably overseen it all, as usual. He also completed the temple, which is now at your disposal, Sevilen. I believe it will prove to be quite powerful due to its location on an energy center.”

  He looked to Leyna pleadingly. “Please calm yourself and enjoy tonight’s festivities. Do not hurt anyone.”

  Leyna was pacing. Little blue sparks flicked off her body randomly. “Lord Vlad the second, Prince of Walachia, I cannot wait to meet him. Another powerful lord.”

  The father stood. “Yes, a dedicated man of peace and highly regarded. Treat him with the courtesy and respect he deserves. He has good relations with us, and I do not want them ruined.”

  Leyna tugged my arm. “That’s the guy I messed with, isn’t it?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Let’s go home.”

  The weight of my body returned to me. My arm was stiff and I removed it from Leyna’s shoulder.

  She stretched her legs and reached her arms toward the ceiling. “I guess that explains a lot. Now I’m even more afraid of learning these powers, knowing what kinds of things I did before.”

  “But you aren’t like that anymore. You’ve been healed. I finally did what I didn’t do five hundred years ago. I feel pretty proud of myself now, knowing this.”

  “Have I really been healed? I mean, do you think it’ll stick?”

  “I hope so.”

A.J. Aaron's Novels