"Well, I happen to have a hard time with the task."

  She cocked her head a little. "As in… what."

  "As in I can't complete the job."

  She sighed and let her head fall back in a groan. "And here would help that?"

  I stared at the white column of her neck. "I need to see you."

  "What?" she nearly squeaked. "What about one of the-the magazines I saw in there?"

  "I don't want to look at porn, thank you."

  "Well it's not about what you want. It's about submitting to what I say."

  I bit my tongue in frustration. "Okay but I still may not be able to."


  "Because porn just doesn't do it for me, Tara."

  "Once you start—"

  "I think I know my own fucking body to know what I can and can't do. I'm burnt out on porn, okay, I've had my fill. I don't want to see it, I don't want to jack off to it."

  She almost appeared momentarily impressed before she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not getting undressed."

  This was getting annoying. "You don't need to. But I'll be getting comfortable."

  "Okay then. Fine. As long as I don't have to look."

  I stood there feeling like I'd just won the right to dip my cock in hot glue. I removed my clothes and sat on the couch then stared up at her.

  She turned toward me a bit. "Are you…"

  "Haven't started, love."

  "How long does it—"

  "Holy, fuck. An hour at this rate."

  "Okay, okay." Her words were softer. "What… can I do?"

  My heart throbbed as hard as my cock. "Sit next to me."

  She reached behind her, feeling for the couch then sat erectly on the edge. "This good enough?"

  God, no. "Yes." I stared at her mouth, remembering what it felt like under my dominance, remembering everything about that kiss and what it had done to me.

  "God, people are watching this."

  The shame in her voice was foreign to me. I'd grown used to group orgies. Having another pair of eyes or a million didn't matter. I stroked my hand up and down my cock, wishing she didn't have on that bulky t-shirt. "I need to see you."

  She turned a little toward me.

  "I mean you. Your body." My voice strained a little as I stroked my cock, my hard-on beyond raging now with her sitting there.

  "Geeze," she said, distressed. "How much?"

  "Take your shirt off. That's all."

  She made frustrated sounds of hesitation.

  "You have a bra on." It was a wager, but I'd have bet a million dollars on it. And that she wore boy cut underwear.

  "I know but…" She quickly removed her shirt and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's not like there's a lot to see."

  "Fuck," I gasped, heat filling my balls. Not much to see. She had a B cup. Black lace bra. Small breasts were my fucking weakness. There was something about them, maybe the inadequacy they always seemed to come with. It did something for my dominant nature. "Hold my hand. I have to touch you."

  She didn't move and I stroked long and slow along my cock, slick with my pre-cum. I imagined it was her mouth moving up and down it. She finally reached slowly toward me and I laced my fingers in hers.

  "Your breasts are perfect, love." Another wager I was ready to bet a million on. I gasped and moaned with my approaching orgasm. I'd never have dreamed just holding a person's hand could be such a turn on. "Fuck." The whisper came with a groan.

  "Is it… is it working?"

  The breathless desire in her voice did it. I gripped her hand tight and thrust my hips, watching her still face. Even with the blindfold on, I could see it, her desire. No, it wasn't just desire with her, it was something much more potent than I'd ever seen. That I wanted to see more of. A lot more of. And hear. God, I needed to hear it. Feel it against my mouth. "Tara." Her name came on my final groan as the white hot took me. I wanted to fucking pull her to me, hold her, feel her. What a torture.

  "Is it…over?"

  I let out a choked gasp and sat there looking at her. "Yes."

  She quickly untangled her hand from mine and worked her t-shirt back on. "Keep track of our points. Write it." She pointed toward the table, adjusting her blindfold.

  "Can I clean myself off first?"

  "Ew. Yes. Please do."

  Okay, that wasn't nice. "Stop acting like a virgin."

  She gave that snort. "This is not a virgin act. This is an ew, a stranger jacked off next to me while I was blindfolded act."

  "Hey, you picked it."

  "I wanted you to do it in the bathroom."

  "And I couldn't." I picked up my t-shirt and wiped off.

  "Yes, fault yours, not mine."

  I shook my head and stood. "Can I lead you like a dog now? That would be great."

  "Ha, ha. Yes, to the kitchen." She held out a hand like she were a queen. "Where you cook for me."

  "I guess you want me to stay nude?"

  "As long as I'm blindfolded, yes."

  I got the collar ready. "Clever. I have to give you that."


  "Lift your hair. Putting on your collar."

  She lifted the shoulder length hair that reminded me of burnt toffee. I put the collar on her and tightened it to a caress then grabbed the leash and yanked a little in a downward direction. She got on her hands and knees and I led her to the high-end gourmet kitchen. "Aren't you just an adorable puppy?"

  "Shut up."

  I smiled. "You're at the table. What would you like to eat?"

  "What can you cook?" She felt her way into a spindle backed maple chair.


  "Oh, impressive. The quickest thing. Scrambled eggs."

  "Coming right up. Tara."

  I brought the plate of eggs over and sat across from her. "Open."

  She kept her hands flat on the table. "You sound angry."


  She sat there for a few seconds. "Why?"

  "Why does it matter?"

  "It doesn't. Well… I don't want you to be mad at me."

  I stared at her, all my need from earlier rushing back in. "I'm not mad," I said softer. Just horny out of my fucking mind. "Now, open."

  She complied and I carefully put the food in her mouth, watching her eat. "Wow, not bad." She angled her head up at the camera. "Extra points for amazing cook." I fed her another bite and the mmmm sounds she made as she chewed had me hard again in no time.

  I placed the last of the food on her tongue, torturing myself. "You were hungry."

  "Mmm, I guess I was."

  "Would you like a drink?"

  She continued making cock tickling noises. "Milk if they have it."

  Milk. I liked the child-like choice. Did I like her soft side or what? More like loved it. I wanted to lick her all over. Slowly.

  "I guess I'll clean and then you can take your blindfold off and come up with more of these amazing point combos."

  "Hey! I'm doing the best with what I have." She angled her head like a blind person seeing with their ears. "Can you make coffee?"

  Coffee. Milk. No alcohol yet. "You're tired already?"

  "The blindfold is making me keep my eyes closed and yes, I'm tired. I too stayed awake all night."

  "Not for the same reasons I did, I'll bet. Oh I almost forgot. I still need to cut you. We'll consider it dessert." I walked up to her and slid the blindfold off.

  "Wh—" She stared at my naked body her protest frozen on her tongue. I realized she'd not seen it yet. And fuck her reaction wasn't helping my growing need to dominate her.

  "Do you find me acceptable?"

  She jerked her gaze up. "What?"

  "My body."

  She pffed and did that snort thing with a little wave of her hand. "It's just a… body. Everybody has one."

  The obvious lie made me that much harder. Why did she affect me that way?

  She gave a sudden painful sounding hiss. "Shoot. Let's get this cutting thing over with."

  I finished the cleanup in the kitchen and lifted her leash. The urge to pet and stroke her was difficult to deny. "Let me lead you to the couch while I get what I'll need."

  "Can I play a vicious dog and bite your ankle?"

  I smiled. "I like biting."

  "Oh yeah." She plodded along the wood floors. "I forgot you're weird."

  "Don't knock it if you haven't tried it."

  After getting her settled safely on the couch, I retrieved a sterile razor blade from the kit in the closet, along with alcohol swabs, gloves, and gauze. A fluffy white towel came from the bathroom.

  I returned to find her perched nervously on the edge of the white leather loveseat. She looked up as I approached and her lips parted at being met once again with my nudity like a shock she'd never get used to. Her gaze clung to my hard-on like a physical caress.

  I didn't hide from her even though she was clearly not comfortable being with a naked man in any way. I made a point to sit close to her, placing the supplies on the coffee table, then laid the towel across my thigh. I left my hard-on exposed to give her something besides the razor blade to focus on. "Stretch your arm out, rest your hand here." I patted the towel. I prepared the supplies and even used the rubber glove for safety's sake.

  She slowly complied, keeping her hand as far from my groin as possible. "Is this going to hurt?" Her tongue swept nervously over her lip.

  "I'm cutting you with a blade, love." For the first time, I almost understood how the act of Blood Letting could be erotic for some.

  Her cheeks were flushed, lips parted and her breathing accelerated. "But I mean… never mind just do it. Shallow." She bit her lip.

  Need to soothe away her fears hit me like a runaway train. And still, I couldn't resist teasing. "I'll try."

  Her eyes widened. "Try?"

  "I'm kidding sweetheart." I couldn't hold back a chuckle.

  "You're not supposed to call me that," she squeaked, bracing herself as I held her arm in a firm grip.

  The smell of the alcohol swab permeated the air as I disinfected the silken skin of her inner forearm. I bent to blow gently, drying the dampness. I inspected her flawless skin, selecting the best places to make my cuts.

  Her taut muscles vibrated with nervous anticipation and I couldn't keep from stroking her outer arm to alleviate some of her worry. "Ready?" My whisper made her jump a little. "I got you."

  She squeezed her eyes tightly shut. "Just do it!" She held her breath.

  I quickly drew the blade across her skin, careful to keep the cut shallow. A thin line of crimson welled in the little half inch long cut. I repeated the move four more times in quick succession. It was over before she knew it. "Open your eyes."

  Her mouth flew open when she saw the little parallel lines of blood on her forearm. She squealed and danced her feet with a grimace while my stomach turned over. "Why didn't it hurt until now?" She squealed again. "Oh God, how bad is it?"

  I gently pressed a square of gauze to the cuts. "They're hardly bleeding, sweetheart. Like a cat scratch." I kept hold of her arm, loving the size difference and the silky feel of her forearm skin. The towel over my thigh had slipped with all her dancing about, leaving her arm to rest on my bare skin.

  Causing her real pain, even the slight burn of a razor blade cut, wasn't something I cared to repeat. Even my cock knew the difference between that sort of pain and the kind that enhanced sexual stimulation. It wasn't interested in cutting her either, and had gone soft with the first bite of the blade into her flesh.

  "Okay, so we're done?"

  I wiped more blood from her arm. "Aftercare."

  "What?" She blinked as if she'd never encountered the term before.

  "Rules for after play. Look it up."

  I… I remember. Reading that. I mean I believe you." She looked at her arm again, seeming almost shocked when fresh blood flowed to the surface. "So how do we do this after care crap and is it worth points?"

  I took the collar off her and pulled her by the hand to the bathroom. "No. I just tend to you however you need."

  "I don't need, so can we skip?"

  "No, you can't. Getting an infection in your cuts would be a stupid move, don't you think?"

  She nodded a little while dabbing at the gauze. "True."

  I found antibiotic ointment and bandages in the first aid kit and put them on the wide double vanity, then patted the counter. Her ass didn't quite reach so I lifted her up to sit between the twin basins.

  Before she could feel awkward about a naked man standing between her knees, I held her outstretched arm and applied the ointment. "So what do you have in mind next?"

  "Um. It's… on my list."

  "Ah." I opened the first bandage and covered the scratch. "Are you having fun yet?"

  She gave me a smile that made me want to walk her out of this fucking world. And into my apartment. "Eh. It's not so bad. Could be worse."

  I snuck another glance at her and caught her staring at my chest. Then she raised her gaze and sledge hammered me with desire. Obeying the hunger in her eyes, I leaned in to kiss her only to have her lean away and out of reach.

  Right. I was the only one willing to indulge her appetites. Not her. Yet. She'd get there.

  I finished bandaging her cuts then helped her down.

  As soon as her feet hit the floor, she promptly hurried back to the living room and I followed, need making every muscle in my body ache. She passed me, heading back toward the bedroom. No, the play room. I followed, curious. She had her little strategy paper out, and for some reason, I found that fucking adorable. Ought to be interesting.

  She glared warily at the neatly organized toys like one might a nest of spiders, clutching the worn paper to her chest. "Which one is a flogger?"

  I went to the right wall. "This." One by one, I touched the other types of floggers. "And this. And that."

  "Oh, variety. With different points." She walked a little closer and reached only a finger toward the one worth fifty. The thin leather cords of the lashes were tipped with small metal beads "Wonder why that one is so much? Because it hurts worse?"

  "Uh. Yeah."

  She backed up and scanned the walls of horror. She pointed to a series of metal rings joined by a leather strap. "What's that?"

  "Gates of Hell."

  She made a hissing sound. "I remember reading about it." She gave me a speculative look, scanning my body. Every time she did that, desire colored her cheeks. Only she wasn't aware of it. "Have you done that?"

  "God, no." I shuddered at the thought.

  "Which ones have you done? I need something easy." Her gaze lowered to my torso again, like she couldn't help herself. How long would I be able to stand this? She wasn't teasing. Not intentionally anyway, but the monster inside didn't bother to make the distinction of innocence.

  "All the toys I like are for women. But spankings are worth twenty-five points each. And I'd even close my eyes." Anything to touch her flesh, her ass especially. "Though as the Dom, you really should be the one spanking me." I inserted a wistful note in my voice.

  She worried at her full bottom lip then snapped her fingers. "No. You spank me. I'll blindfold you for extra points." She hurried back to the living room and I followed, triumph roaring through my blood.

  She got the blindfold from the kitchen table and returned, indicating for me to let her put it on. I turned and she gasped. "I can collar you too! What am I thinking? You need to help come up with things."

  "Sweetheart, if you let me, we'd accumulate more points than you could imagine."

  "I'm sure you could, but I prefer the clean strategy." She buckled the leather collar loosely around my neck.

  "And as your sub, I am obliged to let you." I left the unspoken warning of what was coming when I was Dom. "Make it a little tighter?"

  "Really?" She adjusted the buckle until I nodded. "I think we're doing fine." The cute pout in her voice turned my Dom into a mewling pussy cat wanting to lick boo boos.

l, we'll know this evening."

  She let out a sigh that sounded as if she were half-resigned to some unpleasant fate. "Okay now what?"

  "Lead me to the couch."

  "Might as well crawl while we're at it, might give us more points."

  I dropped to all fours, following obediently when she gave the leash an experimental tug. "Aww aren't you such a cute puppy?"

  "You might not say that in a minute." My hands tingled with anticipation and my cock throbbed as visions of rubbing my cum into the red marks I'd put on her ass added to my torment.

  "Oh please." The tone of her voice gave away her broad grin and eye roll. "I think I can handle a spanking. You're at the couch."

  I fumbled around for her foot and she took my hand and helped me up. I allowed the head of my hard-on to brush against her. She jumped as if she'd been burned, but stayed silent while guiding me to sit.

  "How do you want to do this?" Her voice quivered a little, but she gave no other indications of worry.

  Temptation surged through me, urging outrageous demands. Barely managing, I held out my hand for her. "Over my lap."

  She didn't take my hand but she did lay on my lap. The denim of her jeans felt rough against my thighs. Not the silky skin I'd anticipated. "Sweetheart. This is B.D. S. M. You remember what that stands for? You remember where you are, what you're doing? Take the clothes off."

  "What? Seriously?" She let out a series of disgusted noises but climbed off me. The sound of her zipper stroked along my dick as if it had been her finger. "Panties too?"

  I bit my lower lip to keep the truth from escaping. She didn't have to remove them, but I desperately wanted her to. "Yes."

  She mumbled about the stupid rules then lowered her body across my lap again. I closed my eyes in an exquisite agony of need, sliding my hand along her upper thigh. When my fingers encountered the curve of her ass, I had to carefully breathe past my need to orgasm. Her breasts were likely just as… small, firm, and…sweet. There was no other word for it.

  "That is not spanking."

  Her voice was muffled, like she had her face buried in the couch. "I have to find your ass, love. I'm blindfolded."

  "Well find it already, Mr. Slow Hand."

  Oh I had found it. And my cock was about to burst.

  She squirmed. "You're still rubbing Lucian." Another squirm and I hissed.