Page 19 of Dark Bites

  Without thought, he flashed himself from the lobby to the sixteenth floor.

  The scent was even stronger here.

  More desirable.

  More intense.

  Dante stalked his way down the hall until he found her door. He couldn't breathe as her scent filled his entire being. Leaning his head against the wood, he closed his eyes and fought the sudden urge to kick the door in.

  That would probably scare her, and besides, he didn't want to have an audience for what he intended to do with her.

  He knocked on the door with a clenched fist and waited until a small, petite brunette opened it. She had large, lavender eyes and long hair that curled around an oval face.

  His breathing ragged, he stared at her, wanting her with every piece of him.

  But for all his sexual hunger, he knew that it was now her move...


  Pandora couldn't breathe as she stared at the tall, sexy panther in her doorway. He embodied everything that was primal and male. His hands were braced on each side of the frame as he looked at her with an intensity so raw, it shook her. Masculine power and lethal grace bled from every pore of his magnificent body.

  He had long black hair pulled back into a queue. His eyes were a clear blue that appeared almost colorless against his tanned skin and long midnight lashes. His face was elegantly carved and yet had a rugged quality that kept him from being pretty.

  He was dressed in black jeans and a black poet's shirt. There was something timeless and old about him. Something that reached out to her and set her entire body on fire.

  Without her invitation, he stepped into the room and bent his head so that he could rub his face against her hair.

  Pandora gasped as that simple action sent chills all through her. His breath scorched her extra-sensitive skin, which wanted only to be touched by him. Her nipples hardened in expectation of what was to come.

  "Gataki." He murmured the Greek word for "kitten" as he took a deep breath in her hair.

  The human half of her wanted to shove him away from her. The animal part refused. It wanted only to cuddle with him. To rip his clothes off and know once and for all what it would be like to have sex with a male.

  The door to her room slammed shut of its own volition.

  Pandora circled around him, rubbing her body against his as she fought the urge to cry out in pleasure.

  "Do you accept me?" he asked rhetorically. It was technically the woman who chose her lover, but when a female was this sexually aware of the male, there was really no way out.

  All Pandora could do was nod. Her body would never allow her to deny him. He was too virile. Too consuming.

  Too much of what she needed.

  He turned on her with a fierce growl as he seized her for a scintillating kiss. Pandora moaned at the taste of him. No one had ever kissed her before. It was forbidden until her first cycle for any male to touch a female not related to him.

  Ever since she'd been a teenager, she and her girlfriends had whispered about what they wanted for their first matings and who they would choose.

  Pandora had expected Lucas to be her first. Almost four hundred years old, he was legendary among her people for his prowess and ability to teach a young pantheress her passion.

  But his handsomeness paled in comparison to the dark stranger before her. This male tasted of wine and decadence. Of mystical, exotic power and knowledge.

  His tongue swept against hers as her body heated to a fever pitch.

  "Are you Dante?" she asked him as she nibbled his firm lips.


  Good. At least he wouldn't share her. It was a small relief to know that.

  "What is your name, gataki?"

  "Pandora Kouti."

  He pulled back to smile at her.

  "Pandora," he purred as he buried his hands in her hair before inhaling the sensitive flesh of her neck, then licking it slowly. Teasingly. "And what surprises are you hiding from the world in your box, Pandora?"

  She couldn't answer as he continued to lick her skin. Her knees buckled. Only the strength of his arms around her kept her from falling.

  Dante knew he should leave. He should flash himself into a cold shower somewhere.

  But he couldn't.

  She was too hypnotic. Too tempting. The animal in him refused to leave until he'd tasted her.

  And he would be her first. He could smell her innocent state.

  That knowledge alone was enough to make him roar. He'd never taken a virgin before. For that matter, he'd rarely taken any woman of his own species. A pantheress was violent by nature. She had to be held down, and if a male wasn't fast enough, he could be maimed or killed during mating.

  Once an orgasm seized a pantheress, the ferocity of it would make her feral. She would turn on her lover with claws and teeth bared. In the case of a Katagari female, she'd turn immediately to her animal form and attack her lover.

  The male had to be ready to pull back and flash to his animal form or he wouldn't be able to defend himself from her surging hormonal and psychic overload.

  It was a sobering thought.

  Dante had never cared much for violent mating. He preferred to take his time pleasing his lover. To sample every single inch of her body at his leisure.

  He'd always loved the taste of a woman. The scent of her. The feel of her soft limbs rubbing against his rougher ones. Always liked to hear the sounds of her ecstasy echoing in his ears as he brought her to climax over and over again.

  And Pandora...

  She would be unlike any lover he'd ever known. His first Arcadian.

  His first virgin.

  Kissing her deeply, he dissolved the clothes from their bodies so that there was nothing between his hands and her sweet, succulent flesh.

  She shivered in his arms.

  "It's okay, gataki," he said as he skimmed his hand down her supple back. "I won't hurt you."

  His words seemed to make her panic. "You're a Katagari male."

  He nibbled her shoulder, reveling in the taste of her soft, salty-sweet skin. She was truly decadent. A mouthwatering treat to sate the beast inside him.

  "And I won't hurt you," he reiterated as he nibbled his way around her shoulder blade, down her back, and then around front so that he could taste her breast.

  Pandora cried out the instant his mouth closed around her hard, sensitive nipple. Her body jerked and sizzled.

  What was this? All she could think of was having him inside her. Of having all that hard, tawny skin lying over her as he showed her exactly what it meant to be loved by a man.

  He was all sinewy muscle.

  All strength. Power.


  And for the moment, he was all hers...

  He pulled back from her with a growl before he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. She felt so dainty in his arms, so coveted.

  The covers pulled themselves back so that he could set her in the center of it. Pandora's nervousness returned as the chill of the covers brushed her fevered skin.

  She'd waited a lifetime for this moment. What would happen to her? Would she be changed?

  Would he?

  Dante gave her a fierce, ragged kiss as he spread her arms out above her head. Two seconds later, something wrapped itself around her wrists and held them there.

  "What are you doing?" she asked, even more nervous than before.

  His gentle touch soothed her as he massaged her tense shoulders. "I want to make sure neither of us is hurt, gataki. You've never had an orgasm before and you have no idea what it's going to do to you."

  "Will it hurt?"

  He laughed at that as his large, masculine hand cupped her breast. "No, it won't hurt at all."

  She wanted to believe him. The animal in her didn't detect a lie so she relaxed. Dante might not be the man she would have chosen first, but he was proving to be gentle enough to soothe the human part of her.

  He laid himself beside her so that he co
uld study her body. He skimmed a callused hand over her breasts, then moved it lower so that he could toy with the short, crisp hairs at the juncture of her thighs.

  She clenched her teeth as fire consumed her body. She ached for that hand to move lower. For it to caress the burning ache between her legs until she could think straight again.

  "Tell me what you dream of, Pandora," he said quietly as his thumb teased her sensitive nub.

  She licked her lips as pleasure tore through her. But it did nothing to ebb the vicious bittersweet pain inside her.

  Dante blew a fiery breath across her erect nipple. "How does an Arcadian take a male inside her body?"

  "Don't you know?"

  He moved so that he was draped on top of her. She moaned at the delicious feel of his naked body pressing down on hers. In that moment, she wanted to see his hair unbound.

  "Untie your hair," she said.

  The tie came loose immediately.

  It was rare among the Arcadians to find a male so at ease with his psychic abilities. They were taught to hide them unless they were fighting their animal cousins.

  Dante didn't appear to have such hang-ups and she wondered if all Katagaria were like him.

  "You are powerful, aren't you?" she asked.

  He nodded as he stared at her in a way that reminded her so much of a panther that it was almost scary.

  Pandora watched his light eyes carefully, seeking any sign that he would turn feral on her and hurt her. "Are you going to devour me?"

  His smile was wicked. "Until you beg me to stop."

  Dante leaned forward so that he could press his cheek to hers and savor the feel of her delicate skin. She was totally enjoyable.

  With humans, he had to hide what he was from them. But Pandora knew exactly what he was and, unlike a Katagari female, she wasn't fighting him. She responded to his caresses just as a human would. With delight and innocent trust.

  It was refreshing and touched a foreign part of him deeply.

  He wanted to please her in a way he'd never wanted to please anyone else.

  Reaching down between them, he gently separated the tender folds of her body so that he could touch her intimately.

  She cried out in ecstasy.

  Her response delighted him. Dante used his powers to shield the sounds from escaping the room as he kissed his way down her body to where his hand played.

  Pandora could barely think as she felt Dante spread her legs wide. It was as if every part of her was burning. Her head spun with pleasure.

  And then she felt the most incredible thing of all. Dante's mouth teasing her. Hissing, she threw her head back and arched her spine as his tongue worked incredible magic on her. He sank one long, lean finger deep inside her as his tongue continued to explore every tender fold with a thoroughness that was blinding in its intensity.

  Dante couldn't take his eyes off her as he watched her head rolling back and forth on the pillow. There was nothing a male of his species valued more than the taste of a virgin's climax.

  His kind was known to kill for the privilege of taking a virgin, and for the first time in his life, he understood that primal desire.

  The revelation shocked him. He'd always told himself that a female wasn't worth another panther's life. But as he watched her innocent, unabashed reaction to his touch, he was no longer so sure.

  There was no artifice in her response. She was reacting honestly to him. Openly. And he loved it.

  When she came, crying out his name, he felt something deep inside him shatter with pride and satisfaction.

  Dante held her hips still, expecting to have to pull away from her.

  He didn't. She lacked the violent tendencies of his kind. Instead of attacking him, she stayed on the bed, panting and purring as she continued to let her climax flow.

  Pandora wasn't sure what had just happened to her. But it had been incredible. Wonderful. And it left her wanting even more from him. She still felt her body spasming as Dante continued to stroke and tease until she was weak from it.

  Her hands suddenly free, she reached down and sank her hand into his long, silken hair as he gently rolled her onto her stomach.

  He lightly nipped her buttocks.

  "What are you doing?" she asked as he placed a pillow underneath her stomach.

  "I'm going to show you what it feels like to have a male inside you, Pandora."

  She shivered at the erotic image that played through her mind of Dante thrusting against her. "Please don't break my neck."

  He brushed her hair aside and placed a gentle kiss on her nape. "I would never hurt you, gataki."

  She shivered at his whispered words.

  He lifted one of her legs up, then drove himself deep inside her. Pandora cried out as he filled her to capacity. He was long and hard, and so deep that she couldn't draw a breath.

  Never had she felt anything like his fullness inside her. Or the intimacy of him touching her in a place no one ever had before.

  More than that, she felt something breaking as electrical energy surged through her. Every inch of her body sizzled and hummed.

  Dante ground his teeth as pleasure tore through him. He'd never felt anything better than her tight, wet heat around him. It was all he could do not to thrust himself into her hard and furiously until he was fully sated.

  But he didn't want to scare or hurt her in any way.

  Holding himself up on one arm, he ran his tongue over the sensitive skin of her ear and breathed lightly into it. She shivered under him.

  He smiled at that as he trailed his hand over her skin so that he could again sink his fingers down her swollen clit.

  Pandora groaned at the sensation of his hand moving in time to his long, gentle strokes. No man, Arcadian or otherwise, could be more tender. She would never have believed this was possible from an animal.

  Only this wasn't an animal who was holding her. He was more human than anyone she'd ever known.

  And kind. There was no pain and she wondered if he were using his powers to heighten the pleasure his touch delivered. She only wished she knew enough about her new powers to return the favor to him.

  He began moving slowly against her, then faster. Faster. And faster still.

  Pandora gasped at the speed of his thrusts as they continued to crescendo. Growling from the pleasure of it, she rocked her hips against his, driving him in even deeper until it was all she could do not to scream.

  Dante ground his teeth as she moved in sync with him. She was exquisitely demanding. And when she came again, he laughed until the sensation of her body gripping his sent him over the edge and he too climaxed.

  He roared out loud as ecstasy tore through him with waves and waves of pleasure.

  She collapsed under him an instant before she rolled over onto her back.

  Expecting her to attack, Dante almost leaped from the bed. But she reached one tender arm up and wrapped it around his shoulders to hold him close to her.

  The smile on her face warmed his heart. "Thank you," she breathed. "It's the first time in days that my body feels like it belongs to me again."

  He inclined his head to her, then reached down to take her small hand into his so that he could plant a kiss on her knuckles. No wonder Katagaria males took Arcadian females. It was so nice to lie like this with her.

  If she were Katagaria, he'd most likely be bleeding in the aftermath of their encounter. Instead, she toyed with his hair and stroked him.

  At least until she groaned.

  Dante smiled in anticipation. It was her cycle heating up again.

  She purred as her hand tightened in his hair and she eagerly rubbed herself against him.

  His body hardened again instantly.

  He was as ready for her as she was for him. The animal in him could smell her need and it answered accordingly.

  This was going to be a long afternoon and he was going to relish every part of it.

  And every part of her...

  Pandora lay quietly in
bed while Dante showered in her bathroom. She should be horrified by how many hours they had spent in her bed. He had bent her in more positions than she would have thought possible.

  And she had loved every one of them.

  He was incredible... and extremely limber.

  She was sated to a level that defied her imagination. Normally, a pantheress would need days for a male to satiate her.

  But Dante had been so thorough, so exhausting, that she felt an incredible sense of peace.

  Who would have thought it possible?

  She heard the water turn off. A few seconds later, Dante returned to the bed with his hair damp and curling around his shoulders.

  He was completely naked and unabashed about it. She stared in awe at that tawny body liberally dusted with short, black hairs.

  "Feeling better?" she asked.

  He gifted her with a smile that made her stomach flutter. "I would have felt better had you joined me for a bath."

  She blushed at that. He'd made the offer and she had declined, though why she couldn't imagine. It wasn't like he hadn't caressed and studied every inch of her in the last few hours. But somehow the thought of showering with him had seemed too personal.

  Too strange.

  He lay down beside her and pulled her into his arms.

  Pandora sighed contentedly. It was so nice to be held by him.

  One minute he had a long, masculine arm draped over her waist, and in the next, it was the limb of a panther.

  She bolted out of the bed with a shriek.

  Dante flashed instantly back into human form. "What's wrong?" he asked.

  "Don't do the panther thing around me, okay? It really creeps me."

  He frowned at her. "Why?"

  "I... I just can't stand the sight of them."

  He gave her a harsh, condemning stare that set her ire off. "You're one of us, baby. Get used to it."

  She cringed at the thought. She was not in the same category as a Katagari female. They were crude and mean, and had no care whatsoever for anyone other than themselves.

  "Oh, no I'm not," she said, growling the words at him. "I'm a human being, not an animal like you."

  Dante narrowed his eyes at words that shouldn't hurt him and yet for some unfathomable reason did. He'd gone out of his way to be tender with her.

  And what had it accomplished?

  Not a damn thing except to have her disdain him over something he couldn't help any more than she could help being human.