Page 41 of Dark Bites

  It was Fury. His eyes brittle with anger, he stalked toward her. A true predator bent on the gods only knew what.

  "Don't touch me!" She struck out at him.

  He caught her hand in his and held it. "You know what? I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson."

  Before she could ask him what it was, he teleported them out of the nursery and into a dining room.

  Angelia panicked as she realized the room was filled with eight male wolves in human form. By their scents, she knew they were as unmated as Fury was.

  Her heart hammering, she tried to run, but Fury wouldn't let her. Blocking her escape, he quickly pulled his clothes on.

  "You will sit and you will eat," he growled low in his throat. "Like a civil human," he spat the word as if it were the lowest thing imaginable.

  How she wished she had her powers to blast him and make him pay for this. No doubt she'd be the first course and he'd probably hold her down while the others raped her.

  Fury walked her toward the table, to the right hand of Bride where a young, handsome wolfswain sat. His eyes darkened as he caught a whiff of her scent.

  Angelia braced herself for his attack.

  His eyes black and dilated, he stood up slowly. This was it...

  He was going to throw her down for all of them.

  Just as she was sure he would, he inclined his head respectfully to Fury, picked up his plate and glass and moved away to sit at the other end of the table.

  Fury sat her in the vacated chair.

  Bride, who'd been watching curiously, let out a sigh. "I take it the two of you will be joining us."

  Fury nodded. "We will."

  A younger wolfswain who was sitting across the table from her stood up immediately, making Angelia flinch. "I'll get plates for them."

  Bride smiled kindly. "Thank you, Keegan."

  Thin and blond, he practically ran into the other room only to return with china and silverware. He handed one setting to Fury, then turned to Angelia. "Would you like me to serve you?"

  "Sit, Keegan," Fury barked.

  He immediately put the place setting in front of her and returned to his seat.

  There was so much tension in the room that Angelia could almost taste it. Ignoring it, Fury put food on their plates and then set one in front of her.

  "Uncle Furry!"

  She looked up to see Trace entering the room with Fang. He ran from Fang to Fury, who scooped him up into a tight hug.

  "Hey, whelp." He squeezed him even harder while the boy laughed in happiness.

  "Trace hit his target!"

  Fury laughed, his face softening to the expression she'd known so well in their younger years... before they were enemies. "Glad I wasn't here for the potty training. Good job, Fang."

  Trace squirmed out of Fury's arms to run to his mom. "Trace hit three ducks, Mommy."

  "That's wonderful, baby. Good job." She pulled him up to sit in her lap.

  Fang's eyes widened as he neared them and he, too, caught her scent. He sucked his breath in sharply, before he sat down on the other side of Fury. "Sorry you missed Thanksgiving this afternoon."

  Fury put more mashed potatoes on his plate. "Yeah, me, too."

  Angelia didn't understand why that would make him sad. "Thanksgiving?"

  Fury looked at her as he cut a piece of turkey on his plate. "It's an American holiday. Every year they come together with their families to give thanks for their lives and company."

  "It's why all the wolves are here," Bride said. "The mated ones went home with their wives earlier. Traditionally, the unmated males stay here for dinner and marathon gaming tournaments."

  Again, she had no idea what they were talking about. "Gaming tournaments?"

  "Video games," Keegan said.

  Fury scoffed at the young wolf's eagerness. "She's from medieval England, whelp. She has no idea what you're talking about."

  "I can show you."

  Fang rolled his eyes. "Down, boy. Arcadian females equate being with us to bestiality."

  His face stricken, Keegan returned to his food and didn't bother to look at her anymore.

  One of the older males at the table pushed his plate back. "I've lost my appetite. Thank you, Bride, for the food." He looked at Vane. "You need me to stay and help protect your house?"

  "I'd appreciate it if you would. We still don't know how many are able to wield whatever took down the lion."

  He inclined his head before he headed toward the living room.

  Two of the others joined him.

  Fang handed a bowl of bread to Fury. "So, Keeg, you been practicing Soul Calibur?"

  Keegan grinned. "I'm going to pwn you so bad, buddy. No ring-outs this time."

  Vane laughed. "Careful, Keegan, he's setting you up. Fang knows all the special moves for half the characters."

  That set up a whole conversation about a subject Angelia had no understanding of. But as they chatted and joked with each other, she relaxed.

  Strange how they didn't seem so animalistic like this...

  They seemed almost human.

  Trace slowly moved from his mother's lap around the table to all the men who took turns holding him for a bit. When he got to Fury, he stood on his legs and reached over to her.

  "You got drawing face like my daddy sometimes."

  Her cheeks heated up as that brought her back to the full scrutiny of the wolves.

  The wolf on the other side of Keegan sighed heavily. "Damn, woman, stop panicking every time we look at you. We're not going to throw you down and..." He stopped as he looked at Trace. "Do what you think we're going to do. Yes, we know what's going on with you. And no, we don't do that to women."

  Bride took Trace back from Fury. She handed him a roll to eat while she directed her attention to Angelia. "I know you don't know Katagaria customs. When a woman is..." She paused and looked at the baby before she continued, "in your condition, she selects the male she wants. If she can't decide, they fight and she usually picks the winner, and if he doesn't satisfy her, she picks another. But it's always the woman's choice. The males give their lives and their loyalty to their women. Since their survival hinges on their ability to procreate, that is hardwired into their beings."

  As Bride started to rise, Keegan took Trace from her arms to hold. "Do you need something?" he asked her.

  "Just going to the restroom, sweetie." She patted him on his arm as she walked past him.

  Angelia looked at Fury as he ignored her presence.

  Was that why he'd never touched her? Thinking back, she remembered how he'd always been more respectful to his mother, sister, and her than Dare had been. Always worried about them and their well-being. If they'd ever needed anything, he'd been there for them.

  "Why did you bring me here?" she asked him.

  He swallowed his food before he answered. "I want to know what that weapon is."

  Everyone's attention focused on her and every hair on her body stood on full alert. They were poised to attack and she had a hard time controlling her panic.

  "We've already had this discussion," she said between clenched teeth. "You can torture me all you want, but I will tell you nothing."

  Vane laughed. "Katagaria don't torture... they kill."

  Two of the older wolves stood up. "So we kill her?" they asked in unison without even a hint of emotion in their voices.

  "No," Fury said. "I've given her my protection."

  "Oh." The younger one who'd spoken picked up his plate and carried it into the kitchen.

  Bride returned to the table and retook her chair.

  One by one, all the men left except for Vane, Fury, Fang, and Trace.

  "What happened to Zarek?" Fury asked.

  Fang swirled his wine in his glass, something that struck her as very human. "He and Sasha are hunting down Dare."

  "I hope they don't kill him before I do."

  "He's your brother," Angelia reminded him.

  Fury cut a harsh glare at her. "Let me exp
lain something to you, babe. When Fang and Anya found out Vane was human, they protected him from our father. If he was wounded or sleeping, they'd take turns guarding his human form to make sure no one learned his secret. The instant Dare found out I was a wolf, he called out the patria to kill me. I think I should return that favor to him tenfold. At least he's a grown man, not an adolescent who had no real way to protect himself from the stronger, older warriors."

  "He also has an unfair weapon. I think we should take it and..." Fang paused as he looked at Trace. "Put it someplace really uncomfortable."

  Fury's gaze didn't leave hers. "I'd like to put it in the same place he wanted to drive that hot poker."

  Angelia shook her head at his brutality. "All of you do realize that holding me here is an act of war."

  Fury arched one brow. "How so?"

  "You are wolves holding a patria member."

  Vane snorted. "And I'm the Regis of your patria. Absent, true, but I am the head of the Kattalakis Arcadian Lykos. As such, you fall under my governance. To declare war on Fury and his Katagaria pack would require my edict, which I'd never give."

  "So you condone his behavior?"

  "For the first time in our relationship, and as scary as that thought is... yes. And as the Regis, I want to know what that weapon is that you used on the lion. Failure to give it to me will result in a trial and I think you know what the Katagaria council members will demand as punishment."

  Her life. But not before she was brutalized. Whenever a Regis, especially one who ruled your particular patria requested something of you, you were compelled to give it.

  Never had she hated that law more than at this moment. "We call it the Pulse."

  Fury scowled. "What the hell is that?"

  "It sends out small electrical charges. Not so much that it causes us to change back and forth, but rather it keeps us locked in our base form."

  Bride sighed. "Like that collar you wear."

  She nodded. "Only the pulse is permanent."

  Fang shook his head. "It can't be. If it works on electrical impulses, it has to have a battery."

  "It uses body chemicals to keep it charged."

  Vane looked ill at the thought of it. "Can it be pulled out?"

  "It's too small to be seen. There's no entry wound and no way to find it once it's inside a body."

  Fang nodded. "That's what Carson said, too."

  Bride grimaced in distaste. "Who would invent such a thing?"

  "A Panther in the year 3062," Angelia said with a sigh. "He's now selling them to the highest bidders."

  "Why?" Vane asked. "We don't need money like that."

  Fury pinned him with an angry glare. "You're thinking like one of us, Vane. The Panther's Arcadian. Think human for a minute. Greed is their god."

  Angelia was beginning to understand the differences herself.

  Vane looked at Fury. "You should take her to the Lion at Sanctuary. Let her meet his mate who can no longer communicate with him. Or better yet, let her meet his children who will never know how much their father loves them. Never hear the sound of his voice as he tells them how proud he is. Or warns them of danger. Good job, really. I couldn't be prouder of your brutality."

  Angelia refused to be intimidated by him. She knew better. "Animals don't do that."

  Fury choked on his food before he pinned her with a vicious glare. "Yeah. I never said anything like that to you, did I?" He stood up and wiped his mouth. "You know what? I'm sick of looking at you. I remember a girl who used to be capable of caring about others. One who gave people the benefit of the doubt before she attacked them. But obviously she died. I want you out of here before you finish destroying what few good memories I have of that girl." He jerked the collar off her neck, then left the room.

  Stunned, Angelia sat there, unable to believe what had just happened.

  She was free...

  "Uncle Furry?" Trace looked up at his mother. "Why is Furry mad, Mommy?"

  "His feelings were hurt, baby. He'll be all right."

  Vane met Angelia's baffled gaze. "You're free to leave. And I should warn you, the lions are out for blood. The guy you nailed... his brother is Paris Sabastienne, and you killed their youngest brother. While as a rule animals aren't big on vengeance, they are big on protecting their family. You've attacked them without provocation and they intend to slaughter all of you when they find you to keep you from doing this to any more members of their pride. You are their prey. Good luck."

  Angelia swallowed in panic. "But I didn't shoot him."

  Fang shrugged nonchalantly. "They're animals. They don't care who pulled the trigger. They're hunting by scent, and yours was all over Jake. Have a good life, cupcake, at least for the next few hours."

  Angelia drew a shaky breath at his morbid forecast. As much as she hated it, she knew he was right. She wouldn't get far and there really was nothing she could do. She'd been a part of this. Willingly.

  There was no way to change the past. Any more than she could keep the lions from killing her. They wouldn't listen to reason and honestly, if that had been done to someone she loved, she wouldn't be forgiving, either.

  This was what she deserved for her part in Dare's brilliant plan. She would fight, but she wouldn't run. It wasn't in her. If this was her fate, then she would meet it with dignity.

  Yet she didn't want to die without at least saying she was sorry to one person.

  Excusing herself, she flashed from the table, up to Fury's room.

  What she found there stunned her most of all.

  Fury stood in front of the dresser holding the small medallion she'd given him when he'd reached puberty at twenty-seven.

  "What's this for?" he'd asked her when she'd handed it over to him.

  "You're a man now, Fury. You should have something to mark the occasion."

  It hadn't been expensive or even particularly nice. Just a small circle with an X on it. Yet he'd kept it all these centuries.

  Even after she'd betrayed him.

  Balling it in his fist, he looked at her. "Why are you here?"

  She wasn't sure really. No, that wasn't true, she knew exactly why she'd come. "I couldn't leave without telling you something."

  He rolled off his retort in a dry, brittle tone. "You hate me. I suck. I'm an animal unfit to breathe the same air." He dropped the necklace back into the top drawer and closed it. "I know the tirade. I've heard it my entire life. So go away."

  "No," she said, her voice cracking from the weight of her fear and guilt. "That's not what I wanted to tell you." Uncertain of her reception, she approached him slowly, like she would any wounded animal. She placed her hand over the one he had balled into a fist. "I'm sorry, Fury. You gave me your friendship and loyalty, and when I should have treasured it, I turned on you. I have no excuse for it. I could say I was afraid, but I shouldn't have been afraid of you."

  Fury stared at her hand on his. All his life he'd been rejected. After he'd left his mother's patria, he hadn't reached out to anyone for fear of being hurt again. Because of his untrained powers, he'd always felt awkward around everyone.

  The only person who'd ever made him feel like the man he wanted to be was...


  "You stabbed me."

  "No," she said, tightening her grip on his hand. "I stabbed at a painful memory. You know me, Fury, but what you don't know is that I have never in my life turned into a wolf. Even though it's part of me, it's a part that I have never been able to accept. I've lived my entire life trying to silence a nightmare that has never relented. We were friends, you and I. And not once since you left have I ever found anyone who made me feel like you did. In your eyes, I was always beautiful."

  He met her gaze and the pain inside him scorched her. "And in your eyes, I'm a monster."

  "A monster named Furry?"

  He snatched his hand away from hers. "He can't pronounce my name yet."

  "No, but you answer to it and you protected a woman who twice wounded you."
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  "So what? I'm a stupid asshole."

  She reached up and touched his face. "You were never stupid."

  He turned his face away. "Don't touch me. It's hard enough to fight your scent. After all, I'm just an animal and you're in heat."

  Yes, she was, and the closer she was to him, the more that basic part of herself wanted to be with him. Every hormone in her body was on fire and it was weakening her will.

  Or was she just using that as an excuse? The truth was, even without this she'd spent hours at night remembering him. Remembering his scent and his kindness. Wondering what it would have been like had he been Arcadian and still with her.

  In all these centuries, he'd been her only real friend and she'd missed him terribly.

  Swallowing her fear, she forced herself to say what she really wanted to. "Sate me, Fury."

  He blinked at her words. "What?"

  "I want you."

  He shook his head and cast her a scathing glare. "That's your hormones talking. You don't want me. You just need to get laid."

  "There's a house full of men downstairs I could pick from. Or I could go home and find one. But I don't want them."

  He moved away from her.

  She followed him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Your brother told me that the lions are hunting us. I have no doubt they'll find me and kill me. But before I die, I want to do the one thing that I used to dream about."

  "And that is?"

  "Be with you. Why do you think while you were in the patria that I never chose a male to sleep with after I reached my prime?"

  "I figured you thought they were limp."

  She smiled at his insult. It was so classic Fury. "No. I was waiting for you. I wanted you to be my first." She trailed her hand down to cup him in her hand.

  Fury sucked his breath in sharply. It was so hard to think while she fondled him. Hard to remember why he wanted her to leave.

  "Be with me this one time." She nipped at his earlobe.

  Chills ran the length of his body as the wolf in him howled in pleasure. In all honesty, he'd never taken many lovers. Mostly because of the woman whose hand was squeezing his cock through his jeans. How could he trust another one after the way she'd betrayed him?

  He'd always held himself back from the other wolfswans. When they'd been in heat, he'd withdrawn until the woman had claimed another wolf.

  It was easier that way. He didn't like human emotions, and he didn't like any kind of intimacy. It left him too vulnerable. Left him open to hurt, and he didn't like being hurt.

  He should shove her away and forget how good it felt to be held. He was just about to do that very thing when she wrapped her arms around him and gave him the one thing he hadn't had from anyone other than his nephew.