Chapter Twenty-two

  “God, am I glad she’s gone.” The voice was solid, strong, and so damned alarming. I turned my head to see James pushing himself up onto all fours. “Both of them, actually.” He shook his head as he got to his feet. “Now...” His face was bloody, his nose a shattered mess with a hole in it, crimson running down his cheeks and lips. “Where were we?”

  Something clicked in the cylinder in front of me, and a hissing sound came as it seemed to depressurize, fissures appearing in the surface of it. I watched James, whose eyes widened when he saw it, and his face snapped back to me. “Dammit, I guess I’ll have to make this quick—”

  The cylinder opened, a door sliding back, light shining out of it in a pale yellow across the platform. A face appeared first, followed by the rest of a body. James didn’t watch, he didn’t delay: he came right at me and I reached out to grab hold of him, struggling as he pushed me to the ground, his hands trying to grip my neck. “Stop fighting me!” he raged, forcing my arms down. “This will all be over in a few seconds.”

  “That’s what you tell all the girls.” I rocked my hips to dislodge him, but to no avail. I was too weary, too beaten. Everything hurt, every part of me now, and what didn’t hurt just felt weary. All I wanted was to sleep, to not be a big girl, to just be back home with Mom and not have to worry about any of this—

  A screech came from behind James and he paused, a look of panic crossing his wrecked face. “Uh oh,” was all he had time to say before a woman came out of the cylinder, her eyes tightly shut, a scream on her lips. She was staggering, naked, trying to catch her breath, her dirty brown hair tangled in wet ringlets around her shoulders. Her eyes opened and caught sight of him and me, on the ground, and she screamed again, this time not from fear but rage, and she attacked him, her hand coming down in a hard swipe that caught him by surprise and sent him flying over the edge of the railing, down into the darkness below.

  I turned my gaze from where he had fallen to her, glowing brown eyes giving me a sense of deep unease. I had no defense against what she’d done to him; I only hoped that if she sent me over the edge I’d be able to land 1) softly and 2) on him, because I didn’t know if I could take any more pummeling.

  “Are you okay?” she asked in a throaty voice, a little hoarse, like she hadn’t used it in a long time.

  I flinched at the sound of her voice, mostly because I was expecting an attack instead. “ I look okay?”

  The naked girl studied me, her eyes assessing. “Not really.”

  I worked my way to sitting again. “Who are you?”

  She looked lost in thought, far away, drifting, and I almost thought maybe she’d passed out on her feet, as though the trauma of being released from a big black cylinder was too much for her. She paused, looked across the room, then turned back to me, still almost uncertain. “Andromeda,” she said finally. “My name is Andromeda.”

  I heard voices, raised, from behind me, and crooked my head to look. Andromeda tensed, as though she were ready for battle. The doors on the far end of the room burst open and Reed and Scott came through them, followed by two guys in tactical vests carrying submachine guns. Neither wore masks, and I knew them instantly. One was Kurt, the other was Zack.

  “Sienna!” It was Scott who shouted, his hands pointed at Andromeda, who pointed her hands back at him. “We thought you were dead.”

  Reed matched Scott’s position, though his expression was a bit more wary. Both Kurt and Zack had their weapons pointed, and I held up my hand to stop them, and felt myself sag against the railing as they came onto the platform. “Me? Not so much. Everybody calm down,” I said. “This is Andromeda.” She looked at me, then at them, and began to relax. “Andromeda, this is...everybody.”

  Scott inched his way around the platform, still keeping his hands up, eyes fixed on her, though they looked down more than once to take in her nakedness. “So Andromeda is not a’s a person?”

  She cocked her head at him, her pale skin giving off a briny smell, now that she was closer to me. “Perhaps it’s both.”

  “We don’t exactly have the perimeter secure here,” Kurt said, scanning the room. “We need to find what we’re here for and leave.”

  “She’s it, I think.” I said this as Zack made his way forward, easing past Andromeda, and grasped me under the arms to help me stand. “She’s the reason we’re here; though I’m not sure how much she can tell us about Omega.”

  Her eyes followed mine, and I caught a hint of deep intelligence in them. “Everything,” she said. “I can tell you everything about Omega. Who they are, where they started, why they’re here and what they’re after.”

  “Then we need to get her out of here,” Scott said. “Back the way we came?”

  “No,” Andromeda said. “This way.” She looked at me. “Let me help.” She put her hand on me and I started to protest, but something in her eyes silenced me. Her hand was on mine, and a second passed, then five, and nothing happened.

  “What...are you?” I asked, staring back at her.

  Her eyes glowed and I felt strength course through me as she pulled me along, almost effortless. “Something new. I am a sacrifice made by Omega to bring about change.”

  “Oh, good, cryptic,” Scott murmured from behind me. “You’ll get along well with Old Man Winter.”

  “Are you all right?” Zack whispered next to me, trying to keep up as Andromeda pulled me along. I noticed that all my pain had receded; the wounds were still there, but they seemed not to hurt.

  “I think I’ll be fine, once I get a day to heal,” I said. “Did you drive here from Detroit?”

  “All the way through the Upper Peninsula at about a hundred miles an hour.” He gave me a tight smile. “Ariadne said you were headed into trouble.”

  “I was.” I tried to smile at him. “I found my way out again, with a little help. What about you?”

  His smile disappeared. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  “No, wait,” I said. “They sent you after a meta, didn’t they?”

  “They did.”

  “So what happened?” I asked.

  “Omega jumped ahead of us, bagged ‘em.” Kurt was the one who answered, and I got a glimpse of him behind me. He had a bandage across the back of his head, and it was bloody. “Happened all across the country last night. The Directorate got a big fat sucker punch to the side of the head.”

  “Sucker punch?” I shook my head, trying to clear it. “I mean, we heard about Kansas, but you’re saying they tried to what? Catch your target before you could?”

  “They tried to kill us, Sienna.” Zack’s eyes were serious. “They damned near did. They’ve killed a lot of our agents in the last twenty-four hours. Kansas was a war zone; the west half of the state is on fire from the battle.”

  We made our way down a hallway and through a set of doors to find ourselves in a loading dock. “Your vehicle is just outside,” Andromeda said. “It may be a tight fit to get all of us in it.”

  Kurt looked at her in suspicion. “How did she know that?”

  Andromeda’s voice dropped to a hushed whisper, and her eyes seemed to focus on something in the distance. “Because I see.” They dropped back to looking at Kurt. “It is one of my talents.”

  Scott rushed forward and hit the loading door, causing it to slowly clank open. Sure enough, when it was up a small SUV was sitting in front of us, the road to the gate visible behind it, complete with the wreckage of the car we drove, gate still mounted on top of it. A few black-clad figures were visible around the yard and I watched Zack and Kurt unload on them at distance, dropping a couple while Reed stirred the winds and sent another tornado toward the largest concentration of Omega agents.

  “I think we’ve worn out our welcome,” I said as Andromeda guided me to the car and pushed me into the back seat, squeezing in next to me. Zack and Kurt got in next, firing rounds all the way up until they shut the door. Kurt rolled down his window a
nd pulled a pistol, discharging a half-dozen shots.

  Reed slipped in next to Andromeda and Scott piled in after him, slamming the door as Kurt hit the gas. “Might want to call Kat and the others,” Zack said as we sped toward the gatehouse. “Warn them off. We can meet them in town and convoy back to the Directorate together.”

  “Okay,” Scott said, already dialing his phone.

  “I hope nobody minds if I sit in the hatchback,” Reed said. “It’s nothing personal; I just feel weird squeezing in this close to a naked girl I don’t know.” He blushed as he looked at Andromeda, and I realized that I hadn’t even noticed that she was still wearing nothing. Of course I also felt very close to passing out now that she had taken her hands off me.

  Reed went over the seat into the hatchback, giving Scott and Andromeda a little more room. Scott pulled his phone away from his ear and looked down, messing with the touchscreen. “I can’t seem to reach her.”

  “Think she’s out of cell phone service?” Zack said, looking back at him.

  “It is a little spotty through here.” Scott stared down at his phone. “I’ll try again, but take the quickest route back to town. They should be nearly here by now.”

  Zack turned to talk to me. “What happened in that room?”

  I searched my memory and tried to come up with a coherent explanation. “Um, of Omega’s lackeys got the better of me after I got blasted through a wall by an RPG. Then I got saved by my aunt—”

  “Your aunt?” Zack squinted at me in the backseat.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Then she turned on me when I figured out that she had been killing people just for the rush of absorbing them.” I took a breath. “Then my mom saved me from her and unleashed Andromeda.”

  Zack’s jaw dropped. “Your mom?” He looked at me with great uncertainty. “Are you sure you’re all right? I mean, no offense, but it kinda sounds like you’re hallucinating. Maybe we should call Perugini or Zollers.”

  I shook my head. “She was real, and she was there.”

  He got that look on his face that he puts up when he doesn’t want to argue. “If you say so.”

  “What the...?” Kurt slowed the car as we approached the end of the dirt road, ready to turn onto the highway. Off to the side, a car was wrecked against a tree, the hood crumpled, smoke pouring from underneath. “Hope they’ve got AAA.”

  “Look further,” Andromeda said, “and you will see.”

  “What’s she talking about?” Kurt asked.

  “Over there.” Zack nodded his head in the opposite direction, where there were two bodies laying on the ground, wearing black suits. “Are those ours?”

  He was out of the car, Kurt and Scott a few steps behind him. Scott ran the fastest, pounding across the pavement and off the road. I followed, aided by Andromeda and Reed. When I came up over the edge of the road, I could tell it was definitely Directorate agents, prostrate in the grass, tire marks in the dirt around them. One of them was stirring as Zack slapped him gently across the face.

  “Jackson!” Zack shook him, and the agent blinked his eyes a few times. I recognized his face, but didn’t know his name. “What happened?”

  The agent named Jackson blinked again, staring up at him. “Zack? Where am I? What are you doing here?”

  “You were supposed to be backing us up at the Omega site,” Scott said. “What happened?”

  The agent looked surprised, then pondered that. “I...don’t know. I don’t remember.” He looked around, startled. “I have no idea how I got here.”

  “Where’s Kat?” Scott was looking around, frantic. “Where is she?” He went back to Agent Jackson. “Where’d Kat go?”

  Jackson stared at Scott blankly. “I don’t know. Was she with me?”

  “Wake the other one,” Kurt said.

  “It won’t do any good,” Reed said. “He’ll have had his memory drained too.”

  Something vague and totally improbable caused the wires in my brain to cross. “Just like those convenience store clerks.”

  Reed raised an eyebrow at me. “Finally getting it now?”

  Scott stared back and forth between the two of us, impatience on his face. “So who did it? What kind of meta can steal memories out of someone’s head?”

  “A succubus or incubus.” Reed stared back at me, not breaking eye contact. “But only one that’s disciplined enough that they don’t want to kill.”

  I thought about it again, about the whole trail. A willingness not to kill innocent people even when it was inconvenient. Discipline. That ruled out Charlie, and James as well, actually. Only one left. The rest of them were staring at me, but Reed was the only one who did it knowingly.
