Page 26 of Fearless Magic

Page 28


  The India team had been watching the palace since they heard about Amorys death, waiting for word from anyone who still might be in the Rebellion. They met Avalons team during the surveillance opts for my Eternal Walk and were very thankful to see Xander and Xavier when they arrived.

  The Morocco Team was the same way, diligent about their tasks, even though essentially, the Rebellion seemed dead. They held out hope, waiting for someone to arrive and tell them what to do next. Although, the Morroco Team was very spirited, from what I observed last night, and I was sure that if Xander and Xavier had not shown up, they would have taken matters quickly into their own hands.

  They were a small team made up of mostly Americans, who were in Morocco teaching English as a second language. Nobody on the team was married yet, but by the way they interacted with each other, I got the impression they were already paired off.

  Caden Halstead, the team leader, was a tall, skinny guy, with shaggy, dirty blonde hair and freckles from head to toe. He was very close with the second in command Kya Hasting. Kya, skinny and tall too, had long, wavy, auburn hair and pale skin. The team was rounded out with another American, Lucy Barello, a curvy, dark haired knockout with a prominent beauty mark on her neck that made her seem more voluptuous, pin up girl than rebellion spy; and Bex Costello, the only non-American on the team. He was from Spain and Lucys parents were from Spain, so as a couple they made a lot of sense. Bex was dark haired as well, and had a gritty, down-to-earth vibe about him that balanced Lucy.

  The jungle grew quiet through the night, and into the early morning hours; even the wildlife found sleep. We stayed up late into the night, discussing our options and figuring out a plan of attack. Over the lengthy planning, I got the chance to meet everyone and through the course of discussion, I was able to get a feel for the personalities.

  The Resistance differed from the students at Kingsley, with no concern for the monarchy and without prejudice or reserve. I was more comfortable here, in the wilderness, surrounded by people that wanted what I did, but still something kept me from them. Something I couldnt define, separated me from them. It felt like I should know what it was, but I didnt. I couldnt define the feeling and so I stayed close to Jericho and let his easy-going ability cover my awkwardness.

  Grace lay sleeping next to me and so I decided to slip out of the tent and spend some time alone in the fresh air. I walked as quietly as I could to the campfire, but didnt stand there for more than a minute before I heard a zipper open and another person exit their tent.

  The sun was still rising and underneath the thick canopy of trees, the jungle was still very dark. I strengthened the fire with my magic, taking a step closer to its warmth before inclining my head to greet Sebastian.

  Sebastian watched us for a while last night. Sitting silently apart from us, but never really separate. He watched me mainly, his dull, lifeless eyes focused on my every move and I grew increasingly uncomfortable until finally he fell asleep. I didnt know what I was going to do with him. I promised to take his life, and end his misery, but I wondered if I really had it in me.

  “Trying to sneak out?” I asked, half joking.

  “And go where?” He grunted, joining me at the fire.

  “The palace, to warn your uncle,” I accused seriously, wondering if it were even possible for him to find his way out of the jungle and to a real road in his state.

  “If I were going to escape, it would not be to my uncle. . . . ” He mumbled in response, and I half turned to him, my heart breaking for him the millionth time without my permission.

  “Hey, are you up to trying something?” I asked, and then realized I should never have given him the chance to say no.

  “What?” He asked, turning to me.

  “I want to try to give you your magic back, are you up for that?” I smiled sweetly at him, trying to charm him into agreeing with me. I doubted he had any idea how unsafe this was for him, and I decided that since he had a death wish anyway, I would leave the potentially dangerous details out.

  “Why would you give me my magic back?” He questioned, honestly, but there was the tiniest spark of life behind his golden brown eyes. It thrilled me to see his interest.

  “Ok, moment of truth?” I asked, and he nodded, “I dont know how to give magic back. I mean, I can take it no problem. . . . trust me. But I have yet to give it back to anyone. And I have got to be able to give it back to Avalon, I mean, like its the first thing I need to be able to do. So, Im thinking, if I can figure it out with you, than its like a win-win!” I did my best to sell the idea, but his expression went from hopeful to skeptical in a second.

  “So, you dont know what youre doing?”

  “No, I have absolutely no idea. But come on, it will be fun!” I turned completely to him and reached out my hands, shaking them impatiently when he didnt immediately grab on to them.

  He looked at me, tilting his head sideways and I briefly recalled that I needed to find him new clothes. He reached out his hands to mine and grasped them with weak resolve. His magical current was there, suffocating, but there. It perked up at our connection, calling out to itself, hidden deep in the mixture of magics melded together in my blood.

  I had absorbed a lot more magics since the last time I tried to give Oscar his back and so when Sebastians magic didnt come immediately forward, I wasnt worried. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the little imprint he had left in his blood and the knowledge I remembered about him from times we made contact prior to him losing his magic.

  Slowly I pulled it forward, through the myriad of others, and to the surface, where it now popped and sizzled with anxious anticipation. I didnt want to send him flying through the jungle as I had with Oscar and so I stayed relaxed, refusing to get frustrated. The more relaxed I was able to stay, the less my magic jumped all over his in order to hold it prisoner.

  Taking an Immortals magic felt like physically pulling it from them, using my magic against theirs in a tug of war like scenario, only a scenario where I always won. My natural reaction then, was to push the magic back into the other person, physically make them take it back. However, from my experience with Oscar I knew it wasnt going to work and so I stayed still, waiting patiently for an idea to come, to form inside my mind, or intuition to manifest suddenly and whisper what to do.

  Sebastian, feeling awkward by my statue-like approach, squirmed a little, but I felt him stand up straighter and I hoped that was a sign that he could feel his magic. I rolled my head around, keeping my eyes tightly shut and wiggling my fingers. This would work, I would wait until it worked. I would figure this out.

  His magic grew more frantic, the longer I waited, sizzling just under my skin and begging to be returned home. I willed the magic out of me, using the psychic part of my brain I was learning how to use, but nothing happened. I used the witch part of my blood to will it into Sebastians body, but still nothing happened. I reminded myself to remain relaxed, but the tension between us increased and I knew I wouldnt be able to stand there much longer, while I held his magic captive just out of reach.

  The sun began to poke through holes in the dense canopy above and tents started to open all around us. Zippers pulled and canvas ruffled, but once outside the tents nobody said anything. Other than the soft sounds of waking for the day, the jungle remained quiet and I held my concentration.

  I gripped Sebastians hands tighter, demanding my blood to obey, but nothing happened. His magic was wild inside of me, rushing through my body, pounding on my veins to be released, to be returned home, while my own magic raced alongside, demanding to bury it once again.

  The pressure built inside of my head as well, while I heaped on the scathing disappointment and discouragement that nobody offered but my minds eye. But nothing was as bad as the fear, the fear that I would hold onto Avalons magic forever, that our true, complete connection was cut off entirely, and that he would not know his Immortal life again, and I would know nothin
g but.

  I decided to push the magic out, that had to be my only option. I hoped it just went too fast with Oscar. Maybe I could try slowly this time. How else could magic move between two souls; there was no other way. I tentatively pushed magic from my palms to his, waiting carefully for a reaction, or sign that he received at least some of it.

  He shook my hands, as if asking for more and I believed that maybe it had worked. I pushed some more magic out, his escaping with my own and it found Sebastians palms fiercely.

  The magic came out so forcefully, despite my fragile intentions, that I threw Sebastian straight up into the air twenty feet. I gasped in horror and stared after him in terrified paralysis. He waved his arms wildly on his way down. My heart sunk and my stomach lurched; I feared that I killed him. I sent him to his death and not only was responsible for my first kill, but also gave Sebastian exactly what he wanted.

  Strong hands on my back, pushed me away, and Jericho and Gabriel stepped in my place literally catching Sebastian right before he landed head first on the ground. The members of the Resistance broke out in clapping, relieved that Sebastian had not died and I felt, for not the first time, that I was a side-show at a circus, only around to provide tonights entertainment.

  Jericho and Gabriel stood Sebastian upright and helped him find his balance. He stared at me with a mixture of contempt and fear. I knew that I needed to apologize to him, especially if I ever expected him to let me try that again, but I couldnt make myself say the words. I argued with myself that we needed his memories of the palace to make our mission successful and there was no way I would get them without saying Im sorry, but I needed a few minutes.

  I had never been more frustrated in my life. I was usually able to conquer whatever I set out for my mind to do and the returned magic dilemma was currently the bane of my existence. In less than four hours, I was going to need desperately to hand Avalons magic over to him without hesitation and in only moments.

  We would never have another opportunity like this. With Avalon out of the Romanian prisons and Lucan without his Royal family, this was my one shot to be able to swoop in, storm the castle, grab the prisoner and get the hell out of Dodge.

  So, I hoped Sebastian was ready for round two, because I stood up, brushed off his shoulder and held my hands out to him again.

  “Youve got to be joking me,” he grunted, keeping his distance.

  “No, come on, lets go!” I demanded, stomping my foot impatiently.

  “Eden, maybe you could wait, and try again later?” Jericho offered carefully.

  “Later? When later? On the way to the Caves? Or inside the palace? Or maybe right before I rescue Avalon, because my brother has been through a whole hell of a lot more than this guy and I cant risk blowing him up. . . . ” I trailed off, an idea coming to mind.

  “Youre right, but we will still be able to get Avalon out of there, even if you cant give him his magic back right away,” Jericho reasoned calmly.

  “Yes we can! Xander, get your explosives!” I turned on my heel, shouting orders. I needed to even the playing field like Sebastian suggested, I needed to raise the stakes to their level. They destroyed my Farm.

  I would blow their Summer Palace to tiny, little pieces that even magic wouldnt be able to put back together.