Page 43 of Fearless Magic

Page 45


  “What if the diversion doesnt work? What if they are expecting that?” Te Che asked, his hand around his wifes waist and his eyes more worried than the rest of the groups.

  “Delia, Justice and I will still be able to move around the castle without magic. Our tunnel into the Citadel will take us directly into the castle completely undetected. Worst-case scenario, my mother has decided to go directly to Lucan and beg for her sons life. Now, we all know that will not get us anywhere, but while that is happening it will act as a backup decoy. The only thing that would change at that point is that our rescue mission would include two of my family members instead of just one,” I answered, authoritatively. I wondered if I was getting the hang of this whole leadership thing.

  “What happens if Avalon dies? Will they get any of his magic?” Caden Halstead asked, looking completely disgusted.

  “I cannot be sure, but I want to say no. I possess all of Avalons magic; he doesnt have anything except maybe the most miniscule amount. ” I insisted, putting more than just Cadens fears to rest. “But they wont kill Avalon, I will never let that happen,” I spat defensively, “Next question?”

  “When do we leave?” Titus shouted, full of energy and excitement.

  “The day after tomorrow. Everyone will stagger commercial flights and then meet at a safe-house in Timisoara before moving towards the Citadel. Gabriel and I, will take a smaller plane directly to Sibiu. ” I explained, absolutely dreading the idea of riding in another airplane with Gabriel, but he insisted on taking me; Jericho would be busy organizing everyone else.

  “So what are the plans for the diversion?” Naima asked, her pink eyes flashing fuchsia with excitement.

  “Ill let Jericho explain those details,” I handed over the floor to Jericho who took command with practiced charm.

  I sat back down next to Aunt Syl who had not moved from the pile of debris. She looked at me for a moment, her face completely unreadable. She was afraid, almost terrified, but calm at the same time as if she was expecting this moment. As I snuggled closely to her, and I looked back out into the crowd I realized I felt the same way. Fear nearly paralyzed me; something was not right, something was out of place in our plan and that terrified me. But, at the same time it was like I was expecting these feelings, I knew they were long in the making.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I felt pretty. Aunt Syl pampered me the whole day. She took me to get my hair and nails done, a much needed, deep tissue massage, and then shopping for dresses that I had absolutely no need for. The day was completely extravagant and most certainly unnecessary, but it was what Aunt Syl had always loved to do with me and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I preferred split ends and chipped fingernails when storming a castle.

  I did have use for at least one of the dresses though. I changed into a lavender halter-top summery dress that had a full skirt ending a couple inches above my knees. I let my hair down, pulling it over my shoulder and tying it loosely with a hair-tie. I did my best to hide the glowing tattoo that I noticed distracted most people during conversations. My black tangles were freshly cut and styled so the curls had more construction than normal, and the frizz was well under control.

  I worked at my make-up for the first time in months. More than just eyeliner I used powder and shadows, mascara and even blush, reminding myself that I was a girl and capable of being pretty.

  Jericho was already downstairs, making dinner. We would not even leave the house for our date, but for me, tonight, it was the perfect way to celebrate the evening.

  I took off the necklace that hadnt left my chest in months and laid it on my dresser. The emerald engagement ring sparkled next to the dull, obsidian stone and I looked away quickly, not able to listen to its silent accusations.

  I slipped on some silver, six-inch pumps for good measure and mostly because I knew that it would be a very long time before I would get another chance to wear heels again and walked downstairs.

  The house was empty except for Jericho. Aunt Syl had taken Lilly out for the night and I assumed she was reenacting her day with me on poor, unsuspecting Lilly.

  I could smell Jericho’s cooking from upstairs, and whatever it was smelled amazing. When I walked into the kitchen, he was busy stirring something on the stove and adding spices from different glass containers. I leaned against the doorframe watching his expert precision as he tasted and re-tasted everything to make sure it was to his liking.

  He had gotten a haircut today too, and the stray curls at the bottom of his collar had disappeared. He was wearing a white collared shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbow and a brown vest that screamed his style. I expected an apron tied around his waist, but decided he was probably too advanced and skilled to need any kind of protective garment.

  “Don’t be shy, come on in,” he announced coyly, with his back still to me.

  “Oh, I’m not shy, I was just watching the master in his domain,” I replied.

  “It’s almost done; we’re just waiting on the rice. . . . ” He turned his burners down and then checked the oven before turning around to greet me properly.

  Jericho stood across the kitchen gazing at me and the faintest hint of a smile turned the corners of his lips. He let his eyes sweep over me appreciatively in the gentlest of ways and then slowly walked over to me, pulling me into his arms.

  He kissed me with his soft, warm lips, carefully moving them against mine. “Is this Ok?” he pulled away for a moment, until I could answer him with an “Uh, huh,” and a kiss of my own.

  Our magics, now accustomed to finding each other, moved around us in connected bliss. I pressed my body against his, fully valuing who he was and how he made me feel. He was a great leader and could command armies, but when he was with me, he didn’t always have the perfect words. He was passionate and courageous in battle, but with me, he was gentle and careful. He was honest with me always, not even allowing a hint of manipulation between us and he was like that from the beginning, from the first time I asked about Lilly in prison. He let me fight, without the desperation to protect me. There were times when he wanted to defend me, wanted to go with me and fight at my side, but he gave me the room I needed to become the warrior that the Rebellion needed. He respected me, he pushed me to be a better leader and what I loved most about him was that he put my brother, this mission, and our cause all before our relationship.

  I knew that he loved me. I had known for a long time. But, Jericho did not pursue the relationship in these last several months; he dedicated himself to our mission and to rescuing Avalon. That is what I needed in a man.

  I didn’t want him swept away with me and forget everything else, or fight only to save me. Life held consequences and real responsibility, and Jericho understood that. Our personal relationship played second to a cause that would come first in my life until I could destroy every opposition. Jericho not only respected that but fought side by side with me believing in the same purpose.

  Even with all of that, all of the reasons to love him and to wait for him until after everything was decided, still his kiss sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach and my magic tingling from excitement. This wasn’t the all-consuming love that I had for Kiran, but it was the healthy, rational love that I needed, the only kind of love that I wanted.

  “I think something’s boiling over,” I mumbled, breaking our kiss and moving my eyes to the stove where a pot of something yellow was spilling onto the stove.

  Jericho jumped back, stopping the spill with his magic and sprinting back to the boiling pot. I watched him clean up the mess with practiced skill and turn off the stove completely. When he finished he spun around to me.

  “Dinner is ready. ” He smiled sheepishly, gesturing at the dining room table that was set for two.

  A beautiful bouquet of spring tulips and lit candles decorated the center of the table; my aunt let him borrow her fine china. The chairs sat closer together, one at the
head of the table and one on the side.

  “Can I help you set the table?” I offered, feeling useless.

  “No, Ive got it, just sit down. ” He waved me away, walking to the table with a big pot of yellowish stew and another pot of rice. He returned to the oven and pulled out delicious smelling bread that reminded me of India.

  “Did you make Indian?” I gasped, my mouth suddenly drooling.

  “Well, Avalon mentioned how much you loved the food over there, I mean before. . . . so anyway, I thought that I would make you something I knew that you liked. ” He sat down next to me, dishing up for the two of us.

  “This is absolutely amazing,” I gushed, floored by his kitchen accomplishments and willingness to serve.

  We ate in silence for a few minutes; I was too busy devouring his food to bother with conversation. I couldnt believe how authentic his curry was and how delicious everything tasted.

  “Wow, Jericho, this is really. . . . its so good! Im just so impressed!” I set my fork down for a minute, afraid I would eat my weight in Indian food.

  “Well, good. ” He blushed at my compliments.

  “So, are you ready for tomorrow?” I asked, pushing my plate forward and turning the conversation more serious.

  “Sure, Im ready,” he said passively, but I could hear the confidence resound in his voice. “What about you? Are you ready?”

  “Im most scared about the trip over there! Do you think Gabriel will mind if we take the Cessna?” I asked, hoping Jericho would take me seriously.

  “You know, I could fly over with you, you dont have to go with Gabriel,” Jericho offered, his serious eyes reflecting his concern about our separation.

  “I know you could, and Ive thought about it. . . . but I think everyone needs you to greet them at the safe-house. I mean, youre really the one running this show. . . . ” I trailed off, not knowing how to explain to Jericho that I needed space from him before the mission. I needed to focus and forget about love and relationships and get ready to lay it all down for Avalon.

  “Youre probably right, I just. . . . I cant help but feel like. . . . Im just worried about you, thats all,” he found his words, reaching forward and pulling me towards him. I kissed him sweetly, pressing my mouth against his in wordless promises that there was nothing to worry about. “Come on, lets leave this for later and go someplace more comfortable. ”

  He held my hand, leading me into the living room and onto the couch. He lit the fire with his magic and I cuddled close to him, sinking down into the soft cushions. He radiated warm and happy magic. I couldnt imagine leaving his arms for the coldness of a mission tomorrow, or wanting to belong anywhere else than next to him for the rest of my life.

  “This is nice,” I sighed, breathing deeply and setting my magic free. I didnt realize I was holding it back, a natural reaction from old habits. When my magic met Jerichos it was like taking a full breath, breathing in deeply just to let it out slowly again. He supplied safety and happiness, everything I wanted.

  “Weve been through a lot together, huh?” he commented quietly, resting his lips against my hair.

  “Yes we have,” I agreed and then sat up to stare him in the eyes, “like the first time we met and you threw me off the rooftop!” I gasped, surprised that I still remembered how to flirt.