The giant doors of the Sophia’s main bay slowly closed behind the RananAhot. In moments, the atmosphere had been reintroduced into the bay and work crews busied themselves securing the king’s ship in its hangar. No larger than a cutter, the RananAhot could easily shelter within the newer carriers of the fleet, a feature intentionally incorporated in its design. The ship’s size was deceiving and, although never seeing combat, it could have successfully taken on warships of frigate class.

  A rather large contingent of officers and crew soon gathered to welcome their king aboard. Standing at the end of the long receiving line were Admiral Gabrielle and General PalaHar. This was an awkward moment for the admiral. She was disgusted with Mihai for her foolishness, but the crew and officers were bursting with joy at having their commander-in-chief pay them a visit. Gabrielle struggled to cover her true feelings.

  Sensing Gabrielle’s frustration, PalaHar leaned toward her and whispered, “If there was ever a person who could muster people for a fight, it’s that girl! Her coming here at this time, although for possible dubious reasons, may serve the cause better than a dozen new battle cruisers. She just may have done us a great favor.”

  Gabrielle stared ahead, saying nothing.

  The forward ramp in the RananAhot’s belly opened. Two armed honor guards hurried down and stopped at the bottom, taking up their stations, one at each side of the lowered ramp. Mihai quickly followed, Paul walking close by her side, holding her hand. As the two exited the ship, Mihai would occasionally glance over at Paul, a telling smile breaking on her face.

  Noticing, PalaHar again whispered to Gabrielle. “All is not lost, my dear. I see our friend has learned to use of some of his powers. If that is really so, our little girl may have lost her desire for her sister’s company.”

  Following close behind Mihai and Paul was Anna. She appeared more like a dark shadow drifting along than a person. Gabrielle raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t the mouse only brave the open when it’s in search of food? What cheese brings this little mouse out of her hiding hole?”

  PalaHar frowned. “The north wind brings winter’s frost, but the hot southern breeze often precedes a coming tempest. I now begin to understand the reason for our king’s visit, and I don’t like the way the breeze blows.”

  “We must keep a close eye.” Gabrielle warned. “I’m afraid there is mischief afoot. There is way too much cheese here to protect it all.” She scratched her chin in wonder. “Which flavor does our little mouse desire?”

  Mihai and Paul were now at the bottom of the ramp. Cheers erupted as soon as Mihai’s feet touched the hangar deck. She was uncomfortable with all the fanfare - never did get used to it. Somehow it made her uneasy, being given such plaudits. She scanned the faces of well-wishers, so many she personally knew, many ages older than she. Some had shared with her their last crust of bread or the same bomb crater. The people’s king bashfully waved, smiling her salutations. It was this real humbleness of self that drew the crowds to the woman.

  (Author’s note: History tends to corrupt the truth concerning people and events. Sometimes it deifies a person, making him or her so pure of character as to be untouchable. At other times, it does the opposite. One of Mihai’s greatest strengths was the deep and honest love she displayed. It has become the symbol you have used to define her…and deify her. But you do not have full understanding of the matter.

  Mihai’s greatest attribute became her greatest weakness during the troubled times ahead. She saw herself as nothing, not understanding the other qualities of leadership she possessed. Too often she submitted her decision-making to the will of older ones, because she viewed them as wise beyond time. Mihai had many lessons yet to learn. One was: rare is the councilor who is not seeking some inner selfish desire when offering advice.)

  Eventually, Mihai made her way along the well-wishers to the end of the line. Gabrielle and PalaHar politely bowed, offering their loyal salutations. PalaHar motioned Gabrielle to go first. She stepped forward and embraced Mihai, tenderly kissing her on the lips.

  Gabrielle addressed her king with gracious words and deep respect. “My Lord, we find your visit most surprising. Please accept our hospitality, such as it is in these critical times.” She waved her arm around in a wide arch. “Consider this your palace during your stay.”

  She politely chatted a moment and then turned her attention to Paul. After giving him an affectionate kiss, she took his hand. “It appears my lord has grown fond of her liege. Value the advice of PalaHar as you faithfully carry out your service for the Empire. Remember well the words of your father: ‘As one altered letter may change the meaning of an entire passage, so may one little act change all history’.” She gave him another gentle kiss.

  Paul was shocked and surprised. He quietly asked, “You knew my father?!”

  Gabrielle smiled. “Many are the things a Daughter of the Scrolls knows. Do not think your writings have carried down to this day by accident. Names and faces and words, I do not forget,” She pointed a finger in warning, “nor should you!”

  Gabrielle eventually turned her attention to Anna, taking her hand and giving the councilor a kiss on each cheek, politely welcoming the woman aboard. “Your visit will prove a great refreshment to our many wounded. They know of your healing powers and will much appreciate your attention.”

  Anna was caught by surprise, having failed to consider the reputation that preceded her, but she quickly masked her shock. Anna smiled and took Gabrielle’s hand. “Of course, Admiral, of course. It has been one of my most pressing concerns.” She then cocked her head to the side, looking at the floor. “I have been somewhat distracted by other matters…” squeezing Gabrielle’s hand, she voiced urgent concern, “matters that are most serious, I assure you.”

  Gabrielle agreed. “Yes, I have heard whispers of some of these things. Let me assure you, I am looking into them.” She placed her hand over Anna’s. “Out here, all things are serious. The slightest misstep can be deadly serious…the slightest misstep!”

  Those words stung Anna like a slap across her face. There was no mistaking Gabrielle’s statement and for whom it was intended.

  PalaHar approached the women. Gabrielle changed the subject, mentioning the coming council meeting. She then concluded, “There is treason afoot. One can smell it. It makes the people nervous…jumpy, you might say. I will provide you an escort during your visit. I suggest you stick close to her. I wouldn’t desire you to be taken for some enemy spy slinking around one our darkened corridors.”

  The icy flash in Gabrielle’s eyes told Anna not to refuse the admiral’s offer. She fumed inside, knowing well what was being intimated. Her hesitant reply was little more than a veiled threat. “Thank… thank you for your concern and consideration. I shall remember your kindness and seek a way to reward it.”

  Gabrielle leaned close, the icy chill having spread to her speech. “I’m sure you will, my dear. I’m sure you will.”

  After talking with some of the other visitors in Mihai’s party, Gabrielle and PalaHar exited the hangar bay. When far enough away from the crowd, PalaHar wryly commented, “You sure were diplomatic with our girl. If I were you, I’d sleep with a knife beside me.”

  Gabrielle was in a sour mood, but tried to act nonchalant. “I don’t need a knife to protect me. I have you.”

  “Not for long.” PalaHar replied. “I’ve got marching orders. Have to take Ishtar down tomorrow.”

  Gabrielle froze in her tracks and whipped around. “What do you mean, marching orders?! Who gave you those orders?!”

  “Just got ‘em now, while you were bantering with Anna.” PalaHar pulled a folded paper from his inner shirt. “See?” He opened the paper. The word ‘URGENT!’ was hand-written across the top. “Mihai handed it to me. Said it was important and asked I move with haste.”

her lip in anger, Gabrielle seethed. “You must know that Anna’s behind this! What does that conniving weasel have in mind? I want to clear this up with Mihai…and now!” She started back toward the RananAhot.

  PalaHar stopped her, putting a hand on her arm. “No! Wait until tomorrow. I’ll stay until the meeting is finished…maybe a little longer. Let’s get this thing in the open for the whole council to hear. Maybe Anna will show her hand, or at least give us a clue as to what she’s up to.”

  He drew her up close and cooed, “You are my patient, and I have needed medicine that both soothes and refreshes. Tonight we shall work on your cure. Tomorrow we shall face the dragon.”

  Gabrielle stopped but did not relax. PalaHar argued, “My dear, the night swiftly runs to its end and tomorrow will gather itself to us despite our desires. For the moment, we are granted sweet interlude, with no promise of a future one. Let us use what we’ve been given, not wasting another second.”

  Gabrielle let go a long, deep sigh, forcing down her frustration. After all, Mihai was king. A public confrontation with her chief officer would do no one any good. Her head slowly sank, while her eyes searched the floor as she pondered the reasons for her anger. PalaHar was right. This moment should not be wasted. Tonight all attention would be on the visiting king, leaving the admiral with time for herself.

  The incensed warrior within began retreating as Gabrielle pondered the selfish indulgence those fleeting hours offered. Soon she could sense the wistful maiden from forgotten days returning. In a blush, she softly replied to PalaHar, “You are my wise and noble lord. To you, this night, do my heart and soul belong.”

  Arm in arm, the two departed for her cabin.

  Midmorning, the following day, saw Mihai’s council convened. The group was relatively small. Besides Mihai and her party of four, including Anna and Paul, there were the leading commanders: Admiral of the Fleet Gabrielle, General PalaHar, Commodore General Planetee, Centurion General Sarah, and Field Marshal Trisha. Other notable persons present were: General HoiOnarasis, Trisha’s immediate lieutenant; General BarkaiNofech, Trisha’s chief staff officer since Tizrela’s death; General NoazOhfehr, commanding general over all forces in the PrasiaOdous Campaign; and Admiral SujinKotoku, the Navy’s campaign commander at MueoPoros and Gabrielle’s second in command.

  Among other officers and adjuncts present were Zadar, assistant to the staff; and Chasileah, direct assistant to Trisha. Terey had been invited to attend, she being a long time councilor of Mihai’s, but she declined. Jonathan had also been requested to come, but continuous air attacks at HerpetonMnema had prevented his making the trip.

  It was a strained meeting, to say the least. With the stinging losses from the battle on MueoPoros, much of it caused – at least in the minds of the leading officers – by treasonous acts, Gabrielle and her fellow confederates confided few details of the ongoing activities. One concerned officer made the indirect request for only members from the Council of Eighty to remain. Mihai either ignored or refused to acknowledge it.

  Things stayed relatively calm until the subject of Terey was introduced. Not all at the council were as supportive of her as Gabrielle and PalaHar. In fact, some who had at one time been on the receiving end of her temper felt such conduct alone brought the woman into question.

  PalaHar was quick to come to Terey’s defense. “There have been few people who have sacrificed more for the Empire.” He scanned the room. “Tell me please, can any one of you confess to not being affected by this Rebellion? Our souls have been tested to the limit, and none of us have come away from this fight with a perfect record.”

  He looked into Mihai’s face. “Our decisions - made in anger, fear, or just at the spur of the moment - have cost thousands of wasted lives. Should we judge our sister who has not harmed her fellow man in such a way? Her temper has only brought injury to herself…no others. Besides, there are far more serious matters we need to discuss than Terey’s t…”

  Anna cut PalaHar off. “No! You’re wrong with this one, General! That woman’s temper and her flagrant disregard for our king have brought us to the edge of destruction. She is a threat to our whole cause…especially with such loose lips!”

  Gabrielle stood, face red with anger. “No! You wait! The person who has brought us to the edge of destruction sat among us in our last great council meeting…may sit among us now. Terey could not have known our plans or movements, nor would she have spread lies about herself. Only a person close to the king would have such needed knowledge. The loose lips that kill do not belong to Terey!”

  Mihai, still stinging from PalaHar’s allusion to her failures in past battles could not tolerate Gabrielle’s veiled accusations. She slammed her fist on the table. “Do you have proof to speak with such boldness, Admiral?! If you do, present it now! Who is the Judas among us?! Who has sold us to our enemy for a beggars' field?! Speak now!”

  Gabrielle’s frustration was growing, but she fought to maintain control. “My Lord, the smell of lead excites the nostrils and its taste is sweet to the palate. Death from its poison strikes slowly, first taking the mind and then the soul.”

  “Do you have any proof?!” Mihai nearly shouted.

  Gabrielle bowed her head. “Your own speech is the proof…” She sat and spoke no more.

  Before Mihai could respond, Paul leaned over and whispered something in her ear. She paused a moment to calm down. “Very well. There will be no more talk of treason unless there is proof. I assure you, Terey is not on my list of candidates who might betray me or the Empire. Still, I think it wise to keep an eye on her until the matter is settled. There is still much business to attend to this morning and I don’t want any delay in carrying out my commands.”

  She addressed PalaHar. “You are to take your leave immediately after this meeting. You know your orders. I want our girl on the ground and seeing action as soon as possible.”

  PalaHar was puzzled. “But why, my Lord? Ishtar is but a child, her training still incomplete. What is the hurry to push her into battle? A few months, even a month, will be so beneficial for her.”

  Mihai was curt. “General, we have wasted your expertise behind a desk for too long. Events are rapidly moving forward, drawing us all into a vortex from which there is no escape. I need you on the ground to bolster the troops and lend your wisdom.” She leaned forward. “And I feel it good to have our sword put to the test. It is time she came into her own.” She allowed for no more discussion and hurried on to other matters.

  Mihai went around the room, taking time to give admonition and direction to each officer. She warmed up with Trisha, praising her for the many successes the Army had achieved on MueoPoros. Her changed tone continued to the point of becoming jovial with the remaining council members. She even took the time to direct attention to Zadar and Chasileah, asking them a few unimportant questions.

  As soon as the meeting was finished, PalaHar and Gabrielle politely took their leave. PalaHar stretched his ‘immediately’ into a three hour ‘private conference’ with Gabrielle, in some secluded part of the ship. Meanwhile, Mihai and Anna arrived early at the shuttle, wanting to see PalaHar and Ishtar off. Their impatience grew as time dragged on.

  The work crews had finished loading the passengers’ personal gear and were concluding with other business when Treston, Alynnou and Ishtar arrived. PalaHar had made an appearance only moments before and was off in a corner with Mihai, apparently getting a dressing-down for his tardiness. Treston just shook his head. “Some things never change...”

  Anna came up to offer her best wishes to the three, giving each a gentle kiss on the cheek. Treston blushed, making Alynnou smile. Sirion hurried up at that moment, first hugging Anna and then Treston. She grinned, “Thought I was gonna miss you! You can’t leave without saying goodbye to your favorite girl!” She winked at Alynnou.

  Alynnou nodded and told the others she had business to attend t
o. She gave Treston a gentle push. “You only have a minute. Don’t waste it.” She said goodbye to Sirion who took Treston’s hand and pulled him away to a quieter place, leaving Ishtar and Anna alone.

  Anna beamed, putting her hands on the girl’s upper arms. “I have so much wanted to see our Victory Sword, and now we come face to face. It is such an honor to be here, so close to you.”

  A toothy smile shown out of a face filled with awe. Here was one of the Empire’s greatest councilors! Never in her wildest dreams had Ishtar imagined receiving plaudits from a person of such renown! How quickly she forgot Lowenah, but not intentionally. Anna had a way with words that could cast a spell over a person’s mind and heart. Few could resist her, especially a young child like Ishtar.

  Anna chatted on about things she had heard regarding the child, all the while gently massaging the girl’s arms. She prodded her with questions about her childhood, military training, the trip, and every other thing a young girl might have interest in. Anna hung on every word Ishtar spoke, contorting her face with smiles or frowns, cooing sweetly or echoing sympathetic, depending on what was said.

  Glancing around to see the others still busy in conversation, Anna changed the subject. “Oh, my dear child, I almost forgot. Before I left EdenEsonbar, Lowenah gave me a little token for her princess…” She pointed. “That’s you.”

  Ishtar giggled with pleasure and excitement. “For me?! Lowenah has something for me?”

  “Shush! Lowenah doesn’t like to trumpet her gifts. You do know what I mean, don’t you?” Anna asked.

  Ishtar nodded, grinning.

  “Good!” She reached into her pocket and took out a tiny silver brooch much like the one Ishtar wore around her neck. “Let me help you.” With that, Anna reached up and removed an earring from the girl’s ear, took the new one, slipped its hook through her earlobe and, with a snap, locked it in place.

  Anna stood back and smiled. “There, there, a gift from the ‘Maker of Worlds to match what you are wearing under your blouse.” She leaned close, pulling the girl’s hair over the brooch, and whispered, “Remember what I told you about how Lowenah feels when she gives gifts.”

  Ishtar smiled, putting her finger to her lips.

  With endearing words, Anna embraced the child, holding her tight for the longest time. Her action caught PalaHar’s attention, but Mihai was not finished with her lecture. By the time the general got free, Anna was busy with others and he didn’t want to make a public scene.

  A small crowd gathered to see the party off. Slowly, one at a time, PalaHar, Treston, and Ishtar boarded, PalaHar being last. The shuttle taxied away from the hangar to the flight deck, people waving until it disappeared from sight. When, at last, the shuttle departed, Mihai excused herself. She thought it a good time to tackle her other concern. Best now to have that talk with Gabrielle.