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  Admiral NikaoEimi was becoming thoroughly distracted. He had been busy on the bridge of the capital ship, EndowCoreny, his flagship at Hindly Page. For some time, a disquieting, musical buzzing had been ringing in his right ear. He put his hand to his head and violently rubbed it. The disturbance only grew.

  He must do something for distraction. “Bring up the maps!” he called to his officers. A three-dimensional view of the entire region flashed up before him. The admiral wandered around it, stopping from time to time to examine some specific spot. When his eyes focused on MueoPoros, the buzz suddenly stopped.

  Puzzled, Nikao took a closer look. His eyes grew wide with excitement as if someone - or something - was conveying information to him. Standing up straight, the admiral began issuing orders. “Call up the fleet! On the double, I say! Tell my ships to get up steam in fifteen minutes. We’re pulling out for MueoPoros!”

  The bridge crew stared in disbelief. What was left of the Second Fleet was supposed to be protecting the Hindly Page jump portal. Was the admiral preparing to abandon it to possible attack?

  “Get to it!” The admiral shouted. “Tell the carrier, Oshra, and her task force to guard the portal. Everyone else will accompany us.”

  In less than twenty minutes, the remainder of the Second Fleet was making smoke for MueoPoros, right on the heels of Asotos’ Stargaton attack force.