(Author’s note: A ZoonKeras is a huge horned animal with the front lobe of its skull fanned out in the shape of a large shield. Peaceful by nature, the animal is easily trained to do common tasks such as pulling or carrying heavy loads. In time of war, it was used to carry ordnance teams with rapid-fire large caliber guns or rockets. Weighing twice that of an adult bull elephant and having a bony head one-third the length of its body, it could be quite a formidable foe.

  By the time of the King’s War, few ZoonKeras were used for combat. Because they were native to MueoPoros, thus easily available to Legion, and his people already comfortable with their use, Legion maintained a large force of these animals.

  Common battle attire for these beasts was plaited chain-mail draped over them to just below their knees, heavy frontal breastplates of steel and massive eye shields. Towers were fastened to the animals’ backs, creating mobile fighting platforms. In a charging attack, where as many as a hundred of these fast moving animals would come thundering down on the enemy, the resistance often melted away before them.)

  Chasileah’s two battle lines faced north, stretching east and west along the hills and into the broad valley for over five miles. Hearing that this was to be a glory charge, the vast majority of soldiers in this impromptu brigade were dressed in the polished armor of bygone wars, now used primarily as pageantry attire.

  All carried swords, mostly some form of derker blade. There were also lances, axes, hammers, and maces aplenty as well as side arms. More than a few had some sort of solid-projectile weapon slung over their shoulders, while others brandished lightweight hand-fired antitank missiles. Still, to Jonathan’s eyes this was to be an old-fashioned mounted charge, engaging the enemy at arm’s length. He rested his hand on his new saber, double-checking its safe keeping.

  No one spoke a word. During the morning, the officers had received their orders. Now everyone waited. Earlier Jonathan asked Chasileah how she would know the proper time was arrived. Her answer was simple yet perplexing. “You will know it for a certainty. We do not ride alone this day. Our mentors keep watch. They have brought this storm. When it is right with your heart, you will mount up for war.”

  He wondered, “How are you so sure these are not just squalls from the nearby sea?”

  Chasileah calmly replied, “The wind is wrong for that. And look, the air is not bitter, but the snow is so dry it cannot stick to us or the horses. Plus, can’t you feel it? The peace, I mean. Whenever Seraphim stand at the edge of death, peace surrounds their hearts. Our fathers are telling us not to fear. Whatever our destiny, whatever the outcome, we are living up to our oath, which pleases our fathers.”

  Now Jonathan quietly waited, Chasileah standing less than three paces away, staring into the storm. Off to the north, the distinct rumble of big guns could be heard. The enemy was driving down the valley at an ever increasing pace. It would not be long before they would push onto the broad plain below.